MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1849 Feng comes from the west, dragon comes from the east

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Good meat and good wine!

This is the standard match for Ye Fei's banquet.

飞 In many of the banquets in front, Ye Fei will finally bring out a top-class wine, and then eat food and drink wine at the same time, the atmosphere in the entire live room is higher than the waves.

做 This time to make Wanshou feast, in fact, it is not yet time to drink. After all, according to the previous procedure, we have to wait until all the dishes are ready before serving. At that time, there are wine and vegetables, which is perfect.

But he found it impossible. Today's live broadcast is a little different from the past, that is, the guys of Jialan will not let the dishes stay for a minute at all. Just finished here, they will be eaten there.

And now this wordless salted beef is made again, this dish is prepared for good wine.

I do n’t drink meat, I do n’t think so.

That's why Ye Fei scooped out a few jars of wine from the storage compartment at this time.

Yejia blue and cold ice, and Queen Kesha have drank Ye Fei's fine wine, and even tasted after the arrival in September, it is definitely a top-notch good thing.

So when I saw Ye Fei bring out good wine, a few of them were all drooling.

And a few people with bald heads needless to say, if you see good wine, if you haven't enjoyed it, you will be sorry.

"Yes, what kind of wine is this?" September hurriedly ran to help hold the jar of wine, and asked by the way.

Ye Fei is not thin to him. If it was not Ye Fei, he would still be alive if he was still alive. In order to repay Ye Fei, everything was very positive in September.

At the same time, several people from Bald Head and Stallone also came over, and they also wanted to help.

Ye Yefei handed it to September 1 and laughed, "Be careful, I haven't drunk this kind of wine before, but it is one of the top wines in China."

"Fei brother, what wine?" Bald strong curious.

Ye Yefei didn't answer September's question, which made this guy feel very itchy.

"Phoenixes come from the west, dragons come out of the east, what wine do you say?" Ye Fei also held a jar and walked forward while smiling.

The bald head thought for a while, and suddenly this guy's eyes were deleted.

"No, Fei, is this Xifeng wine?"

Ye Yefei smiled and nodded, "Yes."

"I rely, this is amazing, one of the four famous Chinese wines. I didn't expect to be able to taste such a classic wine at Feige today. It's really cool." Bald licked his lower lips and said.

Ye Fei pinched her mouth and said, "What are you excited about? Are you just hurting? Try not to drink."


I heard Ye Fei say that he should n’t drink now. He almost sat on the ground with a bald head. I ’m relying on you to let me face such a fine wine. What is the truth?

"Fei brother, I'm fine, you see."

I said, bald head holding the jar of wine with one hand, and patted the chest with the other hand, which means that I have completely recovered now.

The result was so good that he didn't scare Ye Fei down and hurriedly said, "Okay, I know. Hold both hands, don't fall."

Ye Yefei knows how much this level of fine wine will cost if he hits a jar, because he has bought a system of wine before, although it is not Xifeng, but it is also the finest wine, the price is too expensive to make people speechless.

Qian bald head quickly hugged the wine jar with both hands, and then several people came to the table and carefully placed the wine jar on the table.

All of Jia Lan's eyes were staring at the jars of wine on the table, especially the guy of Jia Lan. He didn't have a little resistance to Ye Fei's fine wine. As soon as the wine jar was lowered, he reached out to get it. The result made Ye Fei slap away.

"Are you special?"

Jia Lan smiled, he knew that if he said identity, he was really special, but he also knew that there was no identity at all in Ye Fei, no matter who you were, no matter how awesome you were outside , Here is just an ordinary guest, his identity is the same as those with bald heads.

Do something special?

Ye Yefei disagree!

I saw Ye Fei slap Jia Lan's hand directly. Seventy to eighty percent of the people in the live broadcast were a little sweaty. They felt that Ye Fei was the first in so many universes to dare to play Jia Lan so much.

Ye Fei patted Jialan's hand, and then patted the big wine jar with his hand, and laughed, "There are fine wines in the world, and good wines in China. Some alien friends may not know about wine. It is definitely a very different drink on earth. If you drink too much, you will be drunk, spit, uncomfortable, and sad, but people just ca n’t quit it, and you still want to get drunk when you see it. Friends of the Earth should know this very clearly. "

"In Huaxia's long history, wine can be said to run from ancient times to the present, and in every period it has its splendid light and beauty. We have said this before, and we did indeed I ’ve had a lot of good wine, and today we ’re going to taste another kind of Chinese wine, which is a very special kind of existence, that is Xifeng wine. ”

"Xifeng wine is also white wine. Some friends may wonder. The same is white wine. Why is it special? Because its flavor is different, it is unique among all Chinese wines. We have also introduced Chinese wines before. The types are mainly strong aroma, sauce aroma, fragrance aroma, etc. In addition to these, there are several special ones, Dong Xiang, Feng Xiang, Dou Xiang, etc., and among these special liquors, Feng Xiang The most famous. "

"Because of this, Xifeng Wine and Maotai, Laojiao, and Fenjiu are also known as the four famous Chinese wines. Yes, Liuliangye is not ranked. This is a supreme glory, so today we will Come and taste the Fengxiang wine, one of the four famous Chinese wines. "

"These altar wines I took today are the same as in the past, they are all centuries old and full years, so you don't need to doubt, now let us witness what a century of Xifeng looks like."

Many people know that Ye Fei always invites guests to drink a century-old wine when they are broadcasting, because they know that Ye Fei really does n’t say anything to the guests, and always give the best hospitality to them, always The best ingredients come to cook them.

"Xifeng wine, my hometown wine."

我 "Fuck, I seem to have smelled the wine through the jars."

"After the ball is over, the wine bugs in the stomach are starting to revolt again."

"Fortunately, I have a bottle of Sanguotou on hand."

"A pot of rice wine can top it."

"I can't drink the fine wine of the **** of the gods, and the bake wine is also true love."

"Sorghum pass by."

"Corn wine no longer speaks."


Xi Huaxia's audience was completely jubilant.

Almost every household has an inventory of this kind of wine. After all, it is indispensable, but other people did not expect that there are so many types of wine in China. I trust, I just want to ask you what else you can't make.

After Ye Fei finished speaking, gently pat the sealing mud on the altar, and carefully lifted the sealing paper off.

随着 And after this layer of dust-proof paper was unveiled, everyone smelled a scent of wine that made people dance.

味道 This taste is very special. Many people are sucking their noses fiercely, and they are inhaling as much of this strange wine flavor as possible.

on site.

Luo Jialan's group of people can't help it, even including Liangbing and Queen Keisha.

Ye Fei didn't tease them either, took out the bowl and placed it in a row on the table, then held the wine jar with both hands, carefully starting to pour from the first bowl.

为什么 Why is a hundred-year-old wine expensive to die?

Because it is really very unique.

I saw Ye Fei's poured wine color was amber, slightly sticky like pulp, and even after dripping, it left a short silk thread.

He is such a superb.

After filling a few bowls of wine, Ye Fei raised a bowl and said, "Everyone, enjoy your life!"

A few people in Jiajia Lan raised the bowl long ago, then a group of people bumped it, raised the bowl towards the audience in the live broadcast room, and directly drank a big mouthful.

At the entrance of the wine, Jialan was a little dumbfounded, because Xifeng had just tasted sweet in his mouth for a hundred years. After this sweet taste passed, there was the inherent spicy flavor of white wine, but this spicy The taste is not the same as the burning sensation, but there is a strong aroma of wine in it.

The silky silky texture, sweet and spicy taste, makes people feel unable to extricate themselves.

Taking a big mouthful of top-quality wine into the throat, the sweat pores all widened.

Ye Fei then pointed to the large plate of salted beef, and said, "Take advantage of the aroma of wine to come to a large piece of salted beef, and you will feel another unique enjoyment."

A few people of Lu Jia Lan were rude and grabbed a few pieces of salted beef in their mouths.

There is a taste of wine in the mouth, and then it is blocked with beef. When chewing, the aroma of wine is mixed with the aroma of wine, and the two collide with a special and almost addictive taste.

"Fuck, please forgive me for being a little lost in my nature," cried wistfully.

As a result, he bald and said, "Your girl has no nature."

Desolately holding a wine bowl in his left hand and holding a few pieces of beef in his right hand, he was very unimpressed and said, "This is what makes life special!"

Queen Keisha laughed: "Earth is really a very amazing planet. There are too many fascinating things."

"Be assured, since you have become his guardian angel, you won't be able to eat good things in the future."

"you, too."

"Cut, I'm different. I have eaten the earth's food long ago."

"Have you ever tasted such a fine wine?"

"Aha, the weather is nice."

A few people are eating meat and drinking while tempting the audience in the live room.

Ye Yefei drank a small bowl of wine, ate two pieces of beef, and then returned directly to the front of the console to start the final course of the four dishes—Jiangzi Red Oil Baiye.

做法 In fact, the recipe is not difficult, the main ingredient is beef louver.

叶 When Ye Fei took out a few cow louvers from the storage compartment, many foreign audiences frowned, because the cow louvers belong to the internal organs, and many countries in foreign countries do not eat this thing.

But a lot of eating habits are never seen before.

Xi Yefei washed the beef louvered and cut it into shreds. After boiling it in boiling water for a minute or two, it was removed and then passed through the cold water and stored next to it.

Mince garlic, add sugar, heat oil and blanch, then add red oil, sesame sesame oil, refined salt and other auxiliary materials, mix well, put in the jalousie and stir well to load.

道 This red oil louver is actually a very popular dish, but its presence at the emperor's banquet shows that it is not simple.

I brought the cooked red oil louver to the table, and I was fascinated by a taste in September.

"This thing feels weird. It tastes crunchy, fragrant, and has a spicy taste."

Jun Dingchun laughed: "Because there are peppers in it."

Luo Jialan took a bite of red oil and louver. The goods stood there for a long time and suddenly said, "Did you not wash them?"

Ye Fei stunned for a while, then became depressed, and said, "Impossible, I'll clean it little by little."

"How can it be weird?"


At this point, Liangbing, Queen Kesha, and the bald head were several people who were about to lower the chopsticks. When Ga Lan said, several people stopped the chopsticks, and then watched the plate with red oil louvers .

怎么 "How could it be weird? I'll try it."

Ye Fei still doesn't believe in evil, can you still not know the ingredients you handle?

He was about to take a chopstick and Jialan said, "It's disgusting."

Ye Yefei: ""

This product has picked up the chopsticks again. He wanted to taste it, but he was afraid that Jia Lan was telling the truth.

The audience in the live room was all happy.

"噗 ~~ 叶 神, is this food so good?"

"Your sister, Jia Lan, what have you eaten? It's so disgusting."

"Yeshen, hasn't this cow and louver been washed? How can this be eaten?"

"I often walk by the river, how can I not wet the shoes, I did not expect Ye Shen also missed."

"No one is perfect, it is because they will miss, so they seem more grounded."

"No matter what you say, I support Ye Shen anyway."

Looking at the news from the live broadcast, Ye Fei laughed: "One hundred secrets and one sparse, maybe I did not wash it. In this case, this dish can not be eaten, we can only redo it."

He said, Ye Fei is about to hold up the red oil louvers and pour out.

But Jia Lan hurriedly stopped, and said, "Wait a while, I may have tasted the mistake just now, I will try it again."

Speaking, this product directly clamped a lot of red oil louvers with chopsticks, stuffed it in the mouth, chewed for a long time with eyes closed, shook his head, and said, "I still have a little taste, I can't tell the specific taste for the time being. Let me taste it again for you. "

Everyone: ""

At this time, if they still can't tell that Jialan is pitting them, it is really a fool, but they didn't expect that such a high-profile Jialan would use this method to grab food with them. Do you still want to point your face?

Ye Yefei stared at Jia Lan for a while, and said, "You are too much."

Luo Jialan did not speak, chopsticks went down again, and said, "Because this food really fits my taste."

"Then you can't pit others, even I let you cheat you."

"Cough, eat."

"You eat a hair! They haven't eaten a bit yet, you look at this plate, you are almost finished eating three, five and two. Are you still eager to eat?"

He said, Ye Fei handed half a plate of red oil and louver to Liangbing for a bunch of people. He didn't give Jialan any food. This guy was too rude.

You are a **** ~ ~ You can do such a faceless and skinless thing in front of so many people?

Jia Lan stood aside and he laughed. Anyway, he was eating a lot of red oil louvers, and then this guy picked up a bowl of wine and murmured and drank it, saying, "Red oil, lobster, phoenix wine, everything in the belly . "

Ye Yefei pointed at Jialan fiercely, and said, "You have it. Show me the next meal. Watch them eat. As punishment, you cannot eat the next meal."

我 "I! Ye Fei, you ca n’t do that. I did that just to highlight the delicious food you made. I was thinking for you. Are you right?"

不 "No! I still do n’t know what kind of food I am cooking? Do you still have to prove it? If you want to eat it, you can only get the understanding of the guests and the audience."

Luo Jialan looked at Liang Bing, but before he spoke, Liang Bing strangled him directly.

"Don't look at me, I won't forgive you even if you give me the best thing, and I will despise you from now on, and I will tell others that you do this kind of work, so that everyone despise you, Abandon you. "

Luo Jialan stared and said, "You need to know that I am no longer the former Jialan."

"I know that Jialan used to have at least some exercises and face, and now Jialan needs nothing."


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