MTL - The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast-Chapter 69 chapter069

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Chapter 69 can eat water monsters

He Yunqi looked at his expression a little differently, and thought that he was scared by the monster, so he simply broke his foot, so that he could not attack the person again, and then threw it back.

I licked my mouth and closed it silently.

- This crab leg is delicious, don't waste it!

However, although this monster has a similar appearance to the king crab, it is still different. For example, the king crab is not a real crab, only six feet, but there are eight water monsters. When I arrived at StarCraft, I didn't know if it was a variant of King Crab.

The two of them returned to the third floor, and everyone was relieved to see him returning safely.

"Excuse me, what's the situation below?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"The water level rises very fast. These monsters are lurking in the water and have a strong aggression. They are not only high in defense, but also low in attack power. Plus a large number, without weapons, it is difficult to solve." A group of people gathered in the corridor, so many injured and ordinary people who have not experienced combat training, it is impossible to deal with these monsters. "The garrison has begun to search and rescue. Now it is safe, as long as it does not enter the water, There is no danger."

After listening to He Yunqi’s words, everyone slightly lowered their hearts. The second floor is too close to the first floor. If the water level rises, there is a certain danger. Therefore, everyone has the will to stay on the third floor together.

However, the third floor is a critically ill. The patients in the ward need to be rested. It is impossible to share the ward with them. Therefore, under the arrangement of the medical staff, they sat down against the wall in the corridor. There are cleaning robots in the hospital, which are cleaned every three hours, so the ground is very clean. Besides, they are rained and injured, and they are not worried about these small things.

Although the situation has changed, the treatment of patients can not be left. Dr. Tang looked at the time on the brain and said to the nurse around him: "The rain should be treated for the second time, and the medical cabin and the therapeutic fluid should be taken."


The two male nurses immediately ran towards the warehouse, and in a short time they pushed the medical cabin into the rainy ward. The rain was smashed into the treatment cabin for the second treatment today, and Dr. Tang went forward to set up the operation procedure of the medical cabin.

"Inject the third dose, and then take a bag of nutrient solution."

A nurse added a therapeutic agent to the medical class in accordance with Dr. Tang’s order, and another nurse who was supposed to take the nutrient solution showed a distressed expression. “Dr. Tang, the storehouse that stores nutrient solution is on the first floor... ..."

The first floor has been flooded and became the territory of the monster.

Dr. Tang’s brow suddenly screwed up, so many people were trapped in the hospital. Without nutrient solution, it means there is no food, which means that everyone has to go hungry. These healthy people are hungry for a couple of meals. It doesn't matter, but what about those who are suffering from serious illness? Many of them, like the previous rain, rely on nutrient solution to maintain their lives. Once the lack of nutrient solution is added, it is likely to endanger their lives!

The rescuers don’t know when it will come. If they are hungry for a day or two, they are afraid of being killed.

He Yunqi and He also just followed in, and the conversations of several of them were naturally heard by them.

“Where is the warehouse on the first floor?” He Yunyan asked, he thought that the water level had not risen too high now. Going to the warehouse on the first floor to take nutrient solution. With his skill, the problem is not too big. Skin trauma.

"Too dangerous!" The two voices sounded at the same time.

One of them was issued by Dr. Tang. He did not dare to let He Yunyi casually take risks. The attacking power of those monsters is very powerful. If something goes wrong, he can't afford it.

The other voice is from the hustle and bustle. These alien creatures suspected of being king crabs are highly aggressive and large in number. Even if He Yunxiao’s physical fitness is very strong, he may be in a crisis of incompetence.

"The rain doesn't know when it will stop, the water level has been rising. After the first floor is completely flooded, we can't go down even if we want to go down." He Yunqi has always been decisive, he opened his brain and called himself up. The personal information was displayed in front of Dr. Tang and others. "I am the empire general He Yunyun. My physical fitness level is s. No one can successfully obtain these nutrient solutions except me."

"Please wait a moment, I need to ask the dean for advice." Dr. Tang knows that this identity is so unusual, but the big decision is not something that an ordinary doctor can make.


Dr. Tang immediately contacted the dean with a communicator, informed him of the situation here, and asked him how to deal with this matter.

"Yes, I understand."

Hanging up the communication, Dr. Tang looked at He Yunwei: "He Shaojian, this matter will come to you."

The dean went to the central city today to attend a conference, which is not in the hospital. The central city is an important area for local troops to search and rescue, so the dean is now safe. However, the scope of the rescue is too large. The location of the hospital where they are located is relatively biased. In addition, the number of garrison troops is insufficient. It may take some time to rescue them. Therefore, when the dean learned that He was in the hospital, he immediately agreed. He went to take nutrient solution. After all, the ranks of Major General He’s can be obtained from the real military skills. There is no way for these water monsters to cause harm to him.

"I will show you the way!" said one of the male nurses.

He Yunxiao nodded and followed him to walk downstairs.

"Hey brother..."

He Yunqi turned back.

"Be careful."


At this time, the accumulated water in the downstairs has risen to the position of the third stairway. There are countless black shadows in the water, which makes people feel the infinite pressure when they look at it.

"He Shaojian... It's the right turn here, the second door, there is a blue sealed box on the shelf, which contains the nutrient solution." The male nurse restrained the fear in his heart, standing on the first On the five-story stairs, he pointed to the road.

He Yunxiao nodded again, and his feet were forced to disappear. The figure disappeared directly in front of the man. The male nurse can only hear the faint splash of water, and the speed of He Yunhao is fast.

The black shadows under the water seemed to be attracted by He Yunzhen, and a brain rushed in the direction of his advancement, and the male nurse was shocked.

Time passed by, the ears were filled with fierce fighting, and the male nurse looked at the direction of the corridor full of water, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

He also stood on the stairs, and his heart was up and down.

Finally, another sound of water rang, and He Yunqi rushed out of the passage at a very fast speed, rushing in the direction of the stairs, carrying a big blue box on his shoulder, followed by a huge body. Black shadow.

“Run!” He Yunyun said to him loudly before he ran to the male nurse.

The male nurse gave a slight glimpse, and then saw the huge black shadow that was closely followed by He Yunqi. He suddenly became scared and turned away. He quickly turned and went upstairs.

Those monsters have been chasing the stairs, but they dare not leave the water too far, so they are unwilling to climb back into the water.

"Fortunately, not to be insulted." He Yunqi rubbed a face, took the energy blade almost exhausted, and then handed the box in front of Dr. Tang.

Open, full of a box of six hundred nutrient solution, enough.

“Thank you!” Dr. Tang took one into the medical cabin, and the rest let the nurse take it out and give it to everyone.

"Hey, are you okay?" 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠 阮棠

"I am fine."

He Yunqi went to take a shower again, put on the dried clothes, and drunk a nutrient solution. Although I have been appetizing by various foods, it is really a good feeling for this kind of nourishing nutrient solution, but in this case, they have no right to pick and choose.

Wait until the night fell, the rain gradually reduced, and the search and rescue team sent by the garrison finally arrived, driving the speeding car and transferring the trapped people in the hospital overnight. However, the situation in the rain is special. If he leaves this gravity-free ward, his body will be oppressed by gravity. Maybe the old wounds will not be healed and new injuries will be added. How can he be willing to give up?

Fortunately, the garrisons who came to search and rescue had already prepared for the transfer of patients. A large medical vehicle was opened. The medical vehicle was loaded with ten medical cabins. Although the effect of reducing gravity is not as good as that of a gravity-free ward, It is absolutely possible to make the rain in the process of transfer a lot. In addition, they also contacted a hospital with a relatively high-lying situation and relatively mild disasters to receive the patients. After waiting for the hospital there, the rain can return to the gravity-free ward.

The transfer process was very smooth, and all the procedures were completed in advance. When they arrived at the hospital there, the rain was directly sent to the gravity-free ward, and they could sleep well.

Coincidentally, Wang Kun and Zhang Peng were also in this hospital. After meeting with He Yunxiao, they began to discuss how to solve the problem of the water monster on the planet. This time, the heavy rain caused a large-scale flood, and there were countless people injured by the attack of the water monster. These monsters are huge and aggressive, and if they continue to breed, the next time this happens, the casualties will become more serious.

He listened to them silently, and waited until He Yunqi said that he was going to mobilize his troops. When he came over and completely eradicate these monsters, he hesitated to speak.

"That... Have you ever thought that these ‘water monsters’ might be edible?”

"Ah?" Several people are a glimpse, Zhang Peng said: "You are really a chef thinking, not everything can eat?"

Although Wang Kun has some heartbeats, but he wants to use these ugly water monsters as ingredients, even if he has already taught the cooking skills, he still has some resistance. "Can't..."

He tried to give example to let the abandon the idea. "You haven't seen this thing up close, it's especially ugly, with a big shell on the back, all the thorns on the body, hooks on the feet, and the faces are crowded together. The mouth is scary!"

I didn’t expect these future people to love “to take the ingredients”, Wang Kun said that the more he replied.

The thick shell is opened, and the bottom is full of plump and fat crab yellow. The crab legs are opened, and the meat inside is tender and tender. It is best to catch the live, fresh, as long as it is **** and steamed, it is delicious. You can also use different materials to make different flavors. The fat and tender crab meat is exposed, smeared with chili and sesame oil, add some balsamic vinegar, and the crab meat is soft and sparkling, along the way, in the whole mouth. It's all this soft and fresh and full of flavor.

He took a deep breath.

After he caught a water monster from He Yunzhen, he couldn’t help but think of one hundred ways to eat crabs. God knows how long he has not eaten seafood, although the Academy has been working hard to restore the earth’s ingredients, but to restore it. To crabs and lobsters, I don't know when to wait.

However, the shell of this monster crab is much harder than the common king crab on the earth. If you want to cook it, you have to customize the special kitchen utensils. In addition, they are alien creatures after all. It is difficult to protect the body from any variation or toxins. It is necessary to first check whether it is a safe edible ingredient.

Ruan said: "I don't lie to you. The taste they make will be top-notch. It is much more delicious than fish. It is fat and tender. You can see that they are rampant here. If you love exercise, the meat quality must be very tight..." He swallowed his throat and turned his gaze to He Yunzhen. He looked forward to: "Can you eat it in the end, can you detect it?"

"Take it back and check it out." He Yunyu came to the interest when he heard that he could eat. If these monsters can be eaten, they will turn from dangerous predators into edible ingredients. It's much simpler.

“Yeah!” He stunned and immediately sent a message to He Yunyi, who was far away from the capital, saying that he had discovered a new ingredient that might be super delicious.

He Yunyi immediately came to the interest, and immediately made a decision: "Yes! I will bring people and things in the past!"

The author has something to say: The way to prevent alien invasions is to eat them!

Continue to cry and ask for nutrient solution... The next chapter will give you a big meal~

Thank you for your mines and nutrients! ! ! Love you =3=

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