MTL - The Fierce Illegitimate Miss-Chapter 163 Rubbing your nose on your face

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In the stillness of the hall, suddenly there was such an abrupt voice. Even the people present were all practicing the true man of the mage, but they were still somewhat surprised.

Prince Edward lived in the footsteps and slowly turned around and looked at the man who dared to leave him.

I saw the man in front of me, nearly forty years old, wearing a blue-gray robe, full of heaven, nose and daring, dressed like other Taoist priests, looks not outstanding, but if carefully Observing, you will find that his body exudes a faint momentum. Although the eyelids seem to be respectful and half-hanging, they can't hide the sharp light.

For a time, all the eyes in the Western Hall were on his body.

The prince looked at the priest in front of him, but he was not angry, but said faintly: "I don't know what advice is there?"

The Taoist priest gave a ceremonial ritual to the prince, and said in a deep voice: "The face of the imperial sect of the temple, the darkness of the sacred hall, I am afraid that your future will be unpredictable in the coming year-"

His words have not been finished yet, the prince's followers can't help but scream: "Let's go! Your Highness is a prince, the king of the country, how can the future be dark? You can't talk nonsense, don't you want your head?" ”

If the Taoist priests did not hear it, they looked directly at the Prince and continued to say: "The poor road is willing to help the temple to help the immediate crisis."

He paused and whispered: "If it is not, I am afraid that this day will change."

Looking at his calm and calm eyes, the heart of the Prince could not help but tremble.

The words of this priest undoubtedly poked the greatest pain in his heart. In front of everyone, he was the singer of the Prince, and he would be crowned with great treasures in the future, but only he himself would know the taste of this high place. This seat is not so good to sit.

In other words, the other princes are excellent. Even the smallest one, the King of the Asahi, is also very important. He has tried several times to remove it, but he always moves a trick. Instead, he pushes the other side to the peak, and even the emperor begins. There are suspicions about the Prince, and more and more rely on the King of Xu.

Not long ago, the change of the law made him offend most of the officials in the court. Even the harem of the harem is complaining. He has many eyes and ears. He has long known that those who are not in the presence of the emperor say his bad things, even though the emperor He has not been punished for him, but his heart has become more and more stunned.

And the words of this priest undoubtedly said his mind.

I thought this way, but the Prince did not change his face. He seemed to smile casually: "Oh? Do you want to help me? I wonder if you will call for the rain, or will you spread the beans into a soldier? If there is nothing, I should believe you." ?"

There are too many people who want to tie him up. He can't come to pick one. It's not sure. This priest is just a swindler who wants to eat and drink by the power of the prince.

The Taoist priest smiled: "The technique of evil spirits will eventually become a climate, and the poor roads have never learned such magic."

Hearing such a straightforward answer, the people around the Prince couldn't help but laugh: "What kind of sorcerer is said, is it that you can't do anything? If you want to hit the autumn wind, you will hit the title of your temple. Is it awkward!"

In the face of the sarcasm of others, the Taoist priests just turned a deaf ear. He went to the Prince and said a word with a voice that only two people could hear.

It is this sentence that makes the face of the Prince change.

"If the Highness would believe in the poor road, the poor road would help His Royal Highness and sit on the seat of the 10,000 people within a year!"

The Prince is now one person, above the 10,000 people, if it is removed under that person, what is it?

This temptation is really too big, and the prince at the moment, the most needed is such a person.

Even the prince who has been calm, can not help but clench his fist.

After a while, the Prince said in a deep voice: "Bold, still not back!"

After all, the Prince did not even say a word, and turned his face and turned away.

The prince left, and the atmosphere in the temple was relaxed. The people looked at the priest who was scorned by the prince. His eyes were complex, contemptuous, ridiculous, and disdainful. Everyone’s thoughts were the same: such daring people should be deserved Prince scream!

The priest did not care about the eyes of others, and returned to his position to meditate.

The Prince did not punish him in public, which shows that there is a drama in this matter.

Sure enough, after a while, a seemingly ordinary guard came to his side and whispered: "The road is long, and your Highness has a request."

The Taoist priest slowly stood up, and the guard was very respectful and said: "I don't know how to call the long track number?"

Instead, he smiled slightly and replied softly: "The poor road, the road number Jingming."


The calm days are not destined to last long. It took only a few days for the King of the Kings to make a story.

It was actually Princess Pingyang. This time it was even more arrogant. He directly lifted a small sedan to the gate of Xuwangfu, saying that it was a gift from Princess Pingyang to Xu Wang.

Yu Ling looked at the arrogant female officer at the Princess of Pingyang. She was so angry and funny.

The female officer’s eyes were higher than the top, and the words of Princess Pingyang were said one by one. The meaning is nothing more than the fact that the last two singers were sick and sent back and sent back. Going back to this, but looking for a doctor to personally test it, absolutely healthy and not sick, please Xu Wang smile.

If it is not determined that the individual is sent, only to listen to the bragging of the female official, Yu Linglong thought that it was a thousand-year-old ginseng, which nourished the body for Xu Wang.

Unfortunately, this gift not only does not nourish the body, but it also hurts people.

The female officer was still talking like a machine gun, saying that this woman is a wonderful man who picks up one of the princesses of Pingyang. It is how the talents are both gentle and considerate, and the chess and paintings are all-in-one, while saying that they are still looking at them from time to time. Eyes are exquisite, that spirit, clearly is to imply that Yu Ling is not gentle, I do not know how to be considerate, this makes the Princess Pingyang this sister had to personally bother to send such a best woman to the Xu Wang brother.

When Yu Ling was listening, she felt that her patience was getting better and better. The female official said that for a long time, she could still sit and listen to it. If she had stopped, she would have been out.

Seeing that Yu Ling couldn’t say anything, the female official was more proud. She continued to talk about how honorable the woman was in the Princess House. How many Wang Sun nobles died and asked for the princess, the princess refused to give it, if it was not Xu Wang The princess's most beloved younger brother, the princess is reluctant to marry this woman anyway.

In her opinion, Xu Wangyu, who is only fifteen years old at this time, is nothing at all. The rumors that were outside are definitely exaggerated. The last time Xu Xuan sent the smoke and the night to go back, it is a refutation of the princess’s face, the princess is very Unhappy, she is a princess, naturally want to give Xu Wang a little color to see.

Besides, even if Xu Wang is not happy, what can he do? She is a princess of Pingyang. Does this Xu Wang dare to beat her?

Looking at the old woman who was screaming in front of her eyes, Yu Linglong was finally impatient.

She gave the scribble a wink, scribbled and nodded, and immediately prepared.

The poor woman did not know that the big disaster was about to come, and she couldn’t stop talking about it. This time, she talked about how the princess loves this woman. She doesn’t have to say that she wears gold and silver, even attending important occasions. With her, so this woman is well-informed, not inferior to the bureaucratic family of big money, even with a family to do the main room is more than enough.

Yu Lingling listened to a pretty face, what is the meaning of this, is it difficult to become the woman sent by Princess Pingyang, is it to seal the side?

It’s ridiculous. Last time she packed up two singers and sent it back to Princess Pingyang. This time I sent it again, and it’s gone, isn’t it?

Originally, I still wanted to leave a few faces for her. Now it seems that this face does not have to be left. Some people dare to lick their noses and she will tear her face directly!

It was at this time that the grass came in.

Holding the cup of tea specially prepared for the female official in the hand, I smiled very enthusiastically: "Mom, please have a cup of tea."

The female official glanced at the grass and said: "What mother? I have a grade, I want to call my female official, do you understand?"

The scribbles didn’t mean it, just bowed his head and covered the smile on his face. “Yes, female officer.”

The female official snorted, and it was promised. She reached out and took the scribbled tea and drank it.

After talking for such a long time, she was really thirsty. She looked at the diligence and care of this girl, she would not pursue the matter of calling her mother.

After running the scorpion, the female officer coughed a few times, and was about to continue to say that there was a sudden squeaking noise in the stomach. In the quiet room, the voice was particularly harsh.

The woman officer suddenly showed up: "The slave is rude."

Who knows the more an apology, the louder the sound, in the end, her buttocks can not help but scream, the air suddenly filled with a rich unclear taste.

Yu Ling looked at the female officer's fidgety appearance, resisted the urge to laugh, and covered her mouth and nose. Pretending to be concerned: "What is this? Is it because I am a prince and your princess? When both of them come, they are sick."

The female official was flushed and her mouth was stuttered: "This... this... Wang Hao forgives sin, and the slaves shun for a moment."

Seeing her hate to solve the situation on the spot, Yu Lingling said with a sigh of relief: "Hey, why should this go, I have not heard enough! Right, you just said what the name of the woman is?" ”

The female officer was speechless, and she said that she had been talking for a long time. Xu Wang did not even know the name of the woman.

She had a thin layer of cold sweat on her forehead and said intermittently: "Call, call Liu Mei."

Yu Ling’s look was awkward, and he said, “Oh, yes, you just said that...what would she do besides the chess and calligraphy? Will embroidery be a cooking? Will we? The prince is very picky. If it is not delicious, it does not fit the heart of the prince, then it can be-"

She said slowly, the female officer on the ground could not help anyway. Just now she said that for a long time, Yu Lingling was a cold and faint look, but now she has to solve the three urgent problems, but Yu Lingwei As if I suddenly came to the interest, I asked in detail.

This posture is obviously going to talk to her about darkness!

The female officer couldn't stand it anymore. She almost smashed up from the chair and said very quickly: "Wang Hao forgives sin and the slaves retire!"

After that, she almost rushed out of the room at an arrow speed and went straight to the reincarnation of the grain.

Yu Linglong deliberately yelled at her back: "Hey, hello, I haven't finished yet, what are you running? Isn't your princess house such a rule?"

Hey, he laughed and said, "Wang, don't call, she will probably run outside the door."

Yu Lingling laughed, and took a leisurely drink of tea, saying: "How much material did you add to her?"

Scribbled and laughed: "The slave is afraid that she will drink less, and she added ten copies of Croton. Who knows that she even drank in one breath. The original slave also felt a little uneasy. Later, she listened to her lessons and slaves, and the slaves felt relieved. ”

Yu Lingling listened with great feelings and couldn't help but smile: "I can't see your gimmick so carefully, I should be careful later, don't offend you."

Scribbled and laughed: "Wang Hao's words can be too slavish, and the slaves have a thousand courage, and they dare not give Wang Hao a bad."

The master servant said a few laughs and said, "Wang Hao, the female official of the princess's house is sent away, but what about the sedan chair outside the door? Can't you always stop at the door?"

When Yu Lingzhen remembered that thing, she couldn’t help but add her heart. She simply stood up and said, “Call the person, let’s go to the ‘Miaoren’ in the mouth of the Princess of Pingyang!”

She has found out that if this kind of thing is not solved once, it is estimated that they have to worry about their brains in this life. It is better to take the woman at the door to open the knife, let other people know and know, dare to give the woman to Xu Wangfu, what will it be? End!

Yu Linglong took a group of big cockroaches, such as sedge, red apricot, and green plum, and dozens of women with brooms and rolling pines behind them. The group of people went out of the door.

At the door of Xuwangfu, there was a small green sedan parked, and the bearer rested under the wall. Two puppets stood next to the sedan, talking to the people in the sedan chair.

Seeing that Yu Linglong suddenly came, several people were shocked. The bearers shrank their necks and dared not look up. The two embarrassed people even forgot to walk and stood in the same place.

Yu Ling glanced at the sedan chair and asked loudly: "Which is the sedan chair of this family, how dare to stop at the gate of the palace?"

This battle, coupled with this voice, immediately attracted a lot of people to watch. This is clearly a good play for the main mother and the youngest, and I don’t look at it.

The porter hurried forward and said: "When you return to Wang Hao, this is the woman sent by Princess Pingyang."

Yu Ling said coldly: "Why do you not know what the people sent by Princess Pingyang?"

The porter was dumb. He looked at the female officer in person, but this time passed, but the female officer did not move, but the Wang Hao was provoked.

Who doesn't know Wang Hao's temper, he is still a little talker about this little concierge, don't worry about it.

The squatting next to the sedan chair, said: "Wang Hao asked for the anger, is the Song girl of the Princess House brought the slaves, the Song female officer said that the slaves are waiting here, she advanced to return to the king, and then called the slaves Go in."

Yu Lingling looked around at the slut, and sighed: "What Songs, who have you seen this person?"

------Off topic ------

Thanks [haishangyu] once again sent a monthly ticket, until the end of the month, there are extra votes to give it a wish, although the wish is shameless, but this can not block the determination to ridicule everyone ~ haha ​​~

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