MTL - The Fierce Illegitimate Miss-Chapter 160 Linger accident

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There were two people in the flower hall standing in gray robes. They were about 30 years old and up and saw Yu Linglong. They both kneel down and sighed in the same breath: "See Wang Hao under the genus!"

Yu Ling nodded and said politely: "Get up."

These two people were the martial artists who had taught her to teach slave martial arts, a name called Gong Cheng, and a name called Lei Shi. Xu Wang told her that the two men were the top figures in the dark guards. Because they had lost their lives, they were killed by the Xuwang force. They could not stay in the dark, they would arrange I gave it to Yu Ling.

Knowing that these two people are very talented, Yu Linglong has always been very polite to them. The news from the mountain has also shown that the two men picked by Xu Wang are indeed very good. They not only manage the people on the mountain, but also teach them The martial arts are also very hard-working. There are a few talented and intelligent children. Now they are quite outstanding.

Yu Linglong sat on the top and opened the door and asked: "The two are looking for me, but what is it?"

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi looked at each other and suddenly went down again: "Wang Hao, his subordinates are incompetent, please Wang Hao to punish!"

Hearing the sound of the two men smashing the iron, Yu Ling’s heart couldn’t help but jump a little, and Shen Sheng said: “What happened in the end?”

Gong Cheng bowed his head and looked a little remorseful on his face. He said, "It’s a Linger girl..."

Yu Ling stood up and said nervously: "What happened to Linger?"

The two were shocked by her reaction and quickly said the story of the matter.

Linger is a close-knit prostitute of Yu Linglong, so since she went up the mountain, Gong Cheng and Lei Shi are not like other people, but they are very respectful. It is almost a matter of listening and listening. Linger has not been on the mountain for a long time. After the two of them were extremely envious, they took her younger brother Fu Yong from Shang Wutang and followed them to practice martial arts.

The two brothers and sisters worked very hard. Every day, they didn’t light up and practiced martial arts. They didn’t go back to sleep in the middle of the night. This has a good foundation. This has been the teacher's advice for the past six months. Linger and Fuyong's skills are the most outstanding among their peers, but Linger is still not satisfied, always wrapped around Gong Cheng and Lei Shi. The work on martial arts strives to be refined.

On one occasion, when Gong Cheng and Lei Shi chatted, when someone got through the second line of the governor, Xi Wu would go into a thousand miles a day. If Linger got the best, he must have Gong Cheng and Lei Shi teach her how to get through the way. The two know that this matter is not a trivial matter, why they are not willing to teach, and strictly swearing Linger, they are still young, can not force open the second line of the governor, otherwise it is harmful to the body.

Who knows that Linger is very persistent, even stealing the books of martial arts from Lei Shi’s room, and finds the way to open the second line of his own duties, and secretly practice with Fu Yong. Until today, the two brothers and sisters were found fainted in the room, they know that Linger has been trying to get through the second line.

Nowadays, the two brothers and sisters have been unconscious because they have reversed their breath. Even though Gong Cheng and Lei Shi have deep internal strength, they are afraid to rescue them at will, for fear of being careless, but making their situation even more dangerous. In a situation like Linger, the breath is reversed, and the silver needle medicine can't be saved. It can only be resigned.

Because Linger’s identity was special, Gong Cheng and Lei Shi did not dare to neglect, immediately rushed down the mountain, reported the news to Yu Linglong, and asked Yu Ling to rule them not to investigate the crime.

Yu Ling’s more and more shocked, she couldn’t help but take the case and angered: “Mood!”

How can Linger be so stupid, actually doing such a thing?

Yu Lingling was heartbroken and angry. She walked out quickly and said, "Give me a horse!"

She wants to go to the mountain in person to see the silly girl!

Although I knew that I couldn’t do anything when I went there, Yu Lingling couldn’t sit in the palace with peace of mind. When she thought that Linger’s life was dying, she was extremely worried.

While walking around, Yu Ling took a look at the worried grass and said: "What are you doing, what are the panacea in the house, and quickly find out for me!"

This sentence suddenly reminded the scribbled, she could not even take care of the ceremony, immediately lifted the skirt and flew away.

Yu Ling changed her men's clothing, took Gong Cheng and Lei Shi's trail straight out of the gate, and had been away from the moon for a long time. At this moment, the hoof is screaming outside the gate, which is very exciting.

The sedge clasped a parcel tightly next to the saddle, fearing that it was not strong and tied a few buckles. He looked up and looked at the jade, and stuttered: "Wang Hao, slaves... slaves also want to see the spirit. child……"

Her relationship with Linger is extraordinary. It is difficult to hear Linger at this moment. The anxiety in her heart is not less than that of Yuling.

Yu Ling looked at the grass and said, "Shen you are at home, there is news, I will inform you."

The grass did not dare to violate the rules, but had to take the sentence, and then retired.

Shaking and shaking the horse, Yu Ling squats and sways, and flies away.

Looking at the grass, Yu Linglong and Chasing the Moon have already rushed to the corner of the street. She looked at Wang Hao’s back with her eyes, and her heart was full of worries.

I don't know Linger, how is it now...

Feeling worried, she suddenly felt a flash of a cyan figure in front of her eyes, but she passed by, but she couldn't see anything.

The front of the Xuwang Palace was empty, only the autumn wind was rolling with leaves, swirling in the air, slowly falling on the blue brick floor.

The sorghum shook his head, maybe she was too worried, and it was a sight.

Finally, I took a look at the direction in which Yu Linglong disappeared, and the grass turned and returned to the government.


The mountain that Yu Linglong bought did not have a name, because most of them were not grass, so Gong Cheng and Lei Shi both called it Stone Mountain. The three men ran for a little half a day and went to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain pass, Gong Cheng stopped the horse and pointed to a spring in the crack of the cliff. "Wang Hao, there is no water when you go up the mountain. This is the nearest source of water. Do you want to rest here? Going up the mountain?"

Looking at the chasing of the moon, Yu Ling said that the sound was good, then he went down and took the chasing moon to the spring.

There are not many springs in the cracks. The spring water that flows down is only three fingers wide. Over time, a puddle is rushing under the cliff. The bottom of the water is clear, and several finger-sized fish are swimming in the water, which is very smart.

Yu Linglong will chase the moon to the side of the puddle, and rushed to the moon for a small half-day to see the spring water, suddenly burst into joy, bowed and sipped.

Yu Ling squatted silently on the sand and looked at the sand under her feet.

At this moment, she remembered a lot of things. When she first saw Linger, she was stubborn. So many times Linger was born and died with her, even in the most critical moment, Linger would use her petite body to block the jade. In front of the exquisite.

I don't know when it started, Linger is not so simple for her.

Perhaps because of the influence of modernity, in the mind of Yu Linglong, the concept of feudal esteem is not so serious. Perhaps in Linger and Valerian, it is reasonable to serve the master and protect the master, but in the heart of Yu Ling Who is good to her, she will be in the heart.

Her temper is indifferent, and there are few friends. Apart from Shi Huiru, perhaps only Linger and Herbs are considered to be her friends.

But now, because Linger is dying because of her life, her heart is really worried. Only when she goes up the mountain and sees Linger with her own eyes, she can be comforted by the Linger.

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi stood far away from the foothills. Yu Ling was sitting on the edge of the puddle, meditating, surrounded by the sly autumn wind and the rustling of the wind blowing the grass.

Yu Lingyan raised her eyes and looked at the moon with a satisfying drink. Her eyes swept to the water, but her heart was suddenly shocked.

I don't know when, a blue figure appeared silently on the water. As the spring water dribbed, the water wave trembled slightly, and the figure could not be seen clearly.

Yu Ling looked up and her eyes immediately fell on the long figure opposite the puddle. Although she was mentally prepared, she could not help but tighten her lips.

The feet in the green shoes slowly stepped on the gravel floor, and even a sound did not come out. The familiar phoenixes had complicated eyes and fixedly stared at her. I have not known how long I have been gazing.


Yu Ling quietly clenched the purse around her waist and slowly stood up.

"The martial arts of the Feng Da Master is really more and more fascinating."

She has always been proud of her keen observation and high vigilance, but this time, she did not realize the arrival of Feng Xuanzhen.

It is far from Kyoto, and there is no one to smoke. How can Feng Xuanzhen appear here for no reason, obviously, he is coming all the way from the capital.

And she, this road actually did not find him at all.

The feet are lighter, the ghostly blue figure has fallen in front of her eyes. Feng Xuan glanced at the purse in her hand. The narrow eyes brought a bit of funny meaning and said: "You can hurt. Got me?"

Yu Ling sly smiles coldly, and the delicate chin rises proudly, welcoming Feng Xuan's sharp eyes: "Feng Xuanyuan, if you are a man, you are really arrogant and arrogant! Me, what?"

Almost just a blink of an eye, his figure suddenly appeared in front of her, close to her face, she could almost feel his heavy breathing, with the burning anger, swept away.

"You thought, I followed you for him!?"

A hand pushing his hand over, Yu Ling said coldly: "Isn't it? Feng teacher, you are too small to see me."

He thought she didn't know? Every time he appears, he is using her, from Ganlin to Xu Wang, who uses her identity every time to achieve his own goals.

She is fed up with this kind of use, and she is not willing to guess his true intentions. She only wants to be far away from him, and it is best not to see it forever.

The narrow scorpion seemed to be brewing the storm, watching her motionlessly. Feng Xuan snorted and said: "I really want to see you high, but -"

When the words were not finished, the footsteps that had been rushing in the distance, accompanied by the man’s shouting: "Wang Hao, Wang Hao!"

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi, who had been at the foothills until this time, discovered the appearance of Feng Xuan, and immediately rushed over at the fastest speed.

At this moment, Yu Linglong thought that Feng Xuanyuan would treat himself as a hostage and force her to rescue her. Like this, is it not his usual means?

But no, Feng Xuan's body condensed, and turned a deaf ear to the ear, just extended her hand to her.

"I once said that it will give you something unexpected," he paused, and Feng Xiao gradually became deep. "Be my holy woman, this world, let you do it."

Yu Linglong believes what he said, from the mouth of Xu Wang, she knows that Qinglian is a unique existence, with financial resources and forces that no one can imagine. If she really becomes a Qinglian saint, then not only in the east Chu State, even in the North Yuan, in Xixia, her identity is unexpected and honorable.

As long as she nodded, all this was hers.

However, Yu Lingling is just a faint smile, as if it is simply a rejection of a candy he handed over, saying: "If I can't be with him, what is the use of this world?"

Her words, like a sharp awl, instantly stung his eyes.

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi have already rushed to them, and they immediately have to go to Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuanyuan seems to raise his hand at random, two golden lights flashed, accurately stabbed on the acupuncture points of the two people, Gong Cheng and Lei Shi immediately as if they had been spelled, instantly set in place, linked I can't move, let alone come up to attack Feng Xuan.

Yu Ling sighed down and said coldly: "What are you doing?"

Is he going to stun the people around her like the last time and hijack her to Cuihua Mountain?

Feng Xuanyuan looked at Yu Linglong and said with a blank expression: "I am looking at your face and I am merciful to them."

Yu Ling said nothing, she is very clear, with Feng Xuan's skill, it is easy to make Gong Cheng and Lei Shi die.

However, he did not kill them, it does not mean that Yu Linglong will bear his feelings, Yu Ling is getting cold and cold, and said: "What are you doing?"

Feng Xuanyuan did not answer her, but looked around the bare hills and asked an irrelevant question: "Where are you going?"

Yu Ling paused and said: "Linger is hurt, I am going to see her."

She knew that if she did not answer his question, they would stand on the edge of the puddle and continue to entangle.

As soon as I heard the name of Linger, Feng Xuan’s sword was slightly stunned: “How is she here?”

Here in the wilderness of the mountains, even the shadows can not see half, what does Linger live here?

Yu Linglong said the passage of the matter with the fastest speed. When Linger forced to open the second line of the governor, Feng Xuan’s face was not noticeable.

After listening to Yu Linglong’s remarks, Feng Xuan’s sword and eyebrows picked up and said, “Why are you so hard? I have entered my Qinglian teaching, and I am eager to drive you.”

Yu Linglong completely ignored his words, just looked at him coldly: "Can I go now?"

Regardless of the purpose of Feng Xuanqi, she has no interest in the identity of Qinglian.

Feng Xuanyuan looked at her deeply and turned and took the golden needle from Gong Cheng and Lei Shi’s body before she turned to her calmly.

"Take me in the past."

------Off topic ------

In fact, I love Xiaofeng very much, really ~!

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