MTL - The Fierce Illegitimate Miss-Chapter 100 is that you?

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As soon as he entered the city, Yu Ling took the Linger out of the carriage and turned to walk to the other side of the street. Dawn

Linger was very surprised. He hurriedly ran a few steps and chased it up: "Miss, where are we going?"

Yu Ling said faintly: "Look for an inn."

Linger looked confused: "Inn? Miss, are we not going home?"

Yu Ling stayed in the footsteps, home? Is that Yufu, is it her home?

Cold, hostile, suspicion, indifference, intrigue, everything in Yufu, but there is no family.

Yu Linglong slowly shook her head: "Don't go back."

At this time, Yu Weiwu must have already known the news that the officers and men have lost their hands. Yu Yuling’s guess, Yu Weiwu’s missed shot, has now set up another heavy trap in the house, waiting for her to return to the net.

She is now a big worry for Yu Weiwu and Jade General. Yu Weiwu’s behavior has already caused them and her to completely tear the face. In order to resist her revenge, the father and son have to jump over the wall.

Although Yu Lingling is not afraid, she is not willing to get into trouble again. Now, she decided not to return to Yufu, but to find a hotel to live in, to avoid her edge, and second, her plan will be easier to implement.

The master and the servant found a small inn, and asked for a room, and Yu Linglong asked the store to prepare a pen and paper on the table.

While Linger grinds ink, he looks up at Yu Lingling several times and tries to stop.

Miss, what is this to do? Write a letter for help? Who is this letter to write to?

Linger’s question of a stomach, after seeing the appearance of Yu Ling’s indifference, did not dare to ask.

For a long while, Yu Linglong looked up at Linger and said, "Let's go find a little donkey."

Linger stunned and barely believed his ears: "Miss, what are you talking about?"

Yu Ling’s voice was not loud but it was repeated very clearly: “Go and find a little donkey, I have something to tell.”

Linger is completely confused about the idea of ​​her own lady, and she will not only return home, but also find a small sister? Miss, what are you doing?

Although full of doubts, Linger also knows the temper of Yu Lingling, did not dare to ask, only had to close the door to go out.

In the quiet room, there was no sound. Yu Lingling walked to the table and held a tube of sheep's brush in her hand. After a moment of indulgence, she wrote it.


Since the news that Yu Lingling has not died, Yu Weiwu has been nervous, always beware of Yu Ling’s rushing in to beat him up, but after waiting for a whole day, Yufu is not moving at all, he sent The woman who stared at Pin Lan Yuan also said that Yu Linglong did not return home. As a result, Yu Weiwu was somewhat overwhelmed.

Yu Ling is just a young woman. She is helpless in the capital. She will not go back to Yufu. Where will she go?

Yu Weiwu couldn't understand it. He could only guess that Yu Lingling might have been accidentally killed by officers and soldiers. He even feared that he would not return to Yufu.

If this is the case, then it would be great. This nasty prostitute, it is best not to come back forever!

Yu Weiwu waited until late at night, and did not hear the news of Yu Lingling. It was so uncomfortable that he fell asleep without knowing it.

The next morning, he slept soundly, but he heard a violent slamming sound from the yard, awakening him from his dreams.

"Who is outside!?" Yu Weiwu sat upright from the bed. The first reaction was that Yu Lingling came to the door to find him. He jumped from the bed in a panic, and even the shoes were worn and caught. The outer shirt went to the yard.

Outside the gate, the sound of the cymbal is still going on, mixed with a few strong male voices: "Quickly open the door!"

Once heard, it was not Yu Ling’s voice. Yu Weiwu only let go of his heart, but another question followed. Who was this morning, who ran to the Yufu inner court and slammed his door?

In the courtyard, the woman and the women were scared to face each other. I don’t know if the door should be opened or not. Yu Weiwu put on the outer shirt and said to the little man standing at the door: "Go and see who it is."

Xiao Yan slammed the door open, and when the door opened, more than a dozen officers and men wearing the official government rushed in.

Yu Weiwu stunned, his face immediately showed a pleasant expression, and he said, "Let's you come to catch Yuling's sorrow? It's the official I told, Yu Lingling and Qinglian teach collusion, and the plot is not good--"

He was still arguing that the chief officer who was headed did not listen to him at all. The man glanced at the courtyard in a majestic manner, and his eyes fell on Yu Weiwu, the only man, who looked at him up and down. Open coldly.

"You are Yu Weiwu?"

Yu Weiwu nodded and looked at the expression of the righteousness: "Yes, I am. I will take you to the place where she lives!"

The official will shake the paper in his hand and read aloud: "The commander of the Ministry of Military Affairs, the martial arts school, Yu Yuwei, did not have to order the troops to arbitrarily, and immediately took the case!"

With a big hand, he pointed the official at Yu Weiwu and said with a loud voice: "Get it!"

Yu Weiwu was stunned by the shock of his eyes, completely forgotten the resistance, until he was tied up, he shouted as he woke up: "No! You caught the wrong person, not me!"

The official will collect the arrest warrant in his hand and say coldly: "If you say this, you should go to the church and say it! Take it away!"

A dozen people escorted Yu Weiwu, who was **** with Wuhua, and Yu Weiwu all yelled and shouted, yelling that they must have caught the wrong person, until he reached the gate, he suddenly stopped shouting. .

Because he saw a person.

Yu Ling's autumn scented embroidered peony woven Jin Jin on the palace dress, with a clear smile on his face, standing at the gate of Yufu, so he looked at him quietly.

The gaze is like a cat watching a dying mouse.

It was not until she passed by her, that Yu Weiwu suddenly turned back, and her forehead was violent, and her eyes seemed to hate to shred the girl who was standing in front of the wind.

"Is it you??" Yuwei Wushu wants to split, looking straight at Yu Lingling, "Is it you are trapping me!?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Yu Ling smiled coldly.

"Folding you?" Mingli's face was full of smiles, as if a lotus flower bloomed in the sun. "You, I don't deserve to use so much mind."

Yu Weiwu is really stupid. At this time, she actually thought that she was in the design depression. Yu Weiwu arbitrarily mobilized the officers and men stationed outside the city. Although it was only a few hundred people, it was already a felony. Not only did he have to be punished, but he Even his general, Saitama, was also charged with a crime of neglect of duty. The father and son must have suffered this time.

And she just pushed them a little.

Feng Shangshu was dissatisfied with the generals of Yu, but it was because of the face of Gan’s family that he was slow to start. Now, Yu Weiwu himself has smashed a big disaster, just to send a ready-made handle to Feng Shangshu’s hands.

She just wrote an anonymous letter and asked Xiao Xiao to secretly send it to Feng Shangshu's hand. I don't even want to know that Feng Shangshu, who is unable to confiscate the charges and clean up the jade general, must be the best if he sees this letter.

As long as he checks the recent officers and men's defenses a little, he immediately knows what is said in the anonymous letter.

In this way, she did not have to do it herself, she put Yu Weiwu in the prison.

Yu Ling looked at Yu Weiwu and was taken away and smiled faintly.

Hopefully, this is the last time she saw this man who is not self-reliant.

Yu Weiwu has been taken out of the distance, but still desperately wants to turn his head, his angry eyes are gradually full of bloodshot, looking straight into the direction of Yu Lingling.

"Yu Ling, you are a little monk, I will not let you go! Someone will save me, sure!"

Yu Ling's smile gradually condensed in the corner of his mouth, and thoughtfully looked at the direction in which Yu Weiwu disappeared.

Is he hoping for General Yu?

No, with her understanding of Yu Peng’s father and son, the generals of Yu’s nature are cold and thin, and the death of his wife can’t make him move. How can he take the risk to save Yu Weiwu? The Yu Weiwu and the Jade General have always been in harmony with each other. How can they believe that the Jade General will save him and the words are full of ambiguity?

Yu Linglong faintly felt that the man Yu Weiwu said was not a general of jade.

However, who is not the general of jade?

However, it is the struggle of the house in Yufuli. Is it related to other things? Who can help Yu Weiwu to be an enemy of himself?

Yu Ling was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a rush of footsteps behind her.

General Yu Yu ran past Yu Lingling’s side and chased him out in the direction of Yu Weiwu’s departure.

Yu Ling stood in the same place, watching the generals of the jade run a few steps, seeing that they can't catch up with Yu Weiwu and others, and then they came back.

When General Yu went to the door, he saw the cold eyes looking at his jade.

The news of being taken away by the eldest son shocked the mind. General Jade almost forgot the fear of Yu Linglong on weekdays. He looked at Yu Ling’s indifferent face, and his voice was full of sorrow and anger: “Learning, how do you make trouble at home? You, but how can you let your eldest brother get a big prison this time? Then you kiss my brother!"

Hearing that General Jade said this, Yu Ling’s mouth showed a sneer sneer: “Brother? Have you ever regarded me as his sister? Why have you treated me as your daughter?”

It’s really shameless. When General Yu’s whip to Yu Ling, where is his so-called family? When Muss wants to feed her living group to the scorpion group, where is his so-called family relationship? When Yu Weiwu mobilized hundreds of officers and men to cut her into meat, where is his family? ?

Now that Yu Weiwu has been arrested, the generals of Yu said that she is coming to her family? It’s a big joke!

What kind of person is a knife, I am a fish? I just have to cut the knife to others!

Looking at the back of Yu Ling’s fascination, the generals of the jade slammed their feet and said: “Prepare the horse, go to the Gan family!”


The autumn is getting deeper, as if it was only overnight, all the leaves are gone, and there is a depression between heaven and earth.

In such a day, probably only Shi Huiru will come to ask Yu Ling to go out.

As Shi Huiru became more and more familiar, Yu Linglong began accepting this cheerful girl, so when she received the invitation from Shi Huiru, Yu Lingyi agreed very happily.

And Shi Huiru is more comfortable than going out to stay in Yufu, where there is no such thing as human feelings.

On the early morning of this morning, a thin layer of frost was condensed on the ground, and in the cold sunshine of the morning, the ray of light was shining, and the air was inexplicably chilly.

Shi Huiru’s carriage was waiting at the gate of Yufu early. When Yu Ling’s cockroach came out, Shi Huiru quickly picked up the curtain and reached out to her. He smiled and said: “Let’s get on the train.”

Yu Ling took her little hand and took the carriage. Shi Huiru put his heater in the hands of Yu Lingling and said, "On such a cold day, why don’t you wear a little more when you go out, not even a stove, freezing? How can it be good?"

Yu Lingling holds a warm and fragrant stove, and suddenly there is a strange illusion that she never takes care of so many small details, and she will not bring such cumbersome things because of the frozen hands. At this moment, she was sitting on the carriage in front of her, with a small stove filled with charcoal fire. She was surrounded by a smile, and she felt that she had become more and more comfortable with this ancient life.

Did not notice her embarrassment, Shi Huiru some unnaturally licked his hair, said: "Today, let's go around the beam to listen to the song, I heard that Yang Shizi recently gave them a playful word, very good."

Yu Linglong returned to the gods, smiled faintly, and allowed Shi Hui to run like a big cold day to listen to the drama, naturally Yang Huanian.

Seeing the smile on the face of Yu Ling’s face, Shi Hui’s face was red, and he wanted to cover it with emphasis: “It’s really good to listen.”

Yu Lingling held back her smile: "Nature is nice."

Shi Huiru lowered his head slightly, shy his ears were red, and his fingers played with the silk on the belt, a typical little daughter modality.

Yu Lingling discovered that Shi Huiru’s body was wearing a silver-red silk and lining pattern, and he wore a red-golden phoenix agate tassel. The more she looked like her round face, she looked cute and looked at her. .

I can see that she was deliberately dressed up, probably because she hopes to meet Yang Huanian today.

Yu Linglong converges with a deep smile on her face and turns away the topic. She points to a scroll on the side of Shi Huiru and says, "What did you bring?"

Shi Hui was busy picking up the scrolls, but he didn't open it, but his face was redder.

She has always been so hearty, this time it is surprisingly tweaked: "... I don't dare to go alone, but I have to pull you to help me courage. For a while, you can't laugh at me."

Yu Lingling was curious and funny, but she also faintly guessed a few points. Shi Hui dressed up like this, and brought something, probably finally got the courage and wanted to confess to Yang.

I really didn't expect that her jade Linglong would one day accompany a little girl to do this kind of thing.

Soon, the carriage went to the Liangju, and the street was a bit deserted. It was very lively. The upstairs and downstairs were filled with guests. On the stage, a girl dressed in a peach red shirt was charming and charming. I am singing a word.

"The flowers are flying, so the branches are still the first. The end of the month must be round again. The round, the people of the moon are not round. Zhu Yanchang, when the time is heavy."

Shi Huiru, a hand of Yu Yuling, walked up to the upstairs, and whispered as he walked: "This is the word of Yang Shizi."

Yu Ling does not know much about the meaning of ancient words. She only thinks that this first song has been sung and sorrowful. It is not like a man doing it, but it is a bit of a sigh.

When they were seated in the elegant room, the second child offered hot tea, and the woman on the stage sang another "Folding Order".

"Lazy on the Yuanshi on the Go. Ask the fairy what to fight, forget to return. The hole locks Qingxia, the axe Ke has been rotten, the situation is still fascinating. Just rolling the mulberry waves, and fluttering the sea and dust. Just waiting for the cup, wine I don’t touch my lips, and I’m flat again!”

This speech was sung by a woman, and she felt that she was in the ear, and she was pleasing to the ear. The rest of the sound has not fallen, and the stage is already a good voice.

Shi Huiru, with his right hand, looked downstairs and whispered, "Let's see, what do you think of this word?"

Yu Ling paused and said: "Listen to the feeling of being a little lost, Yang Shizi is in a bad mood?"

Shi Huiru sighed: "I don't know, I haven't seen him for a while."

Yu Ling said nothing. On the stage, she had changed another older woman, holding a jade plate and singing a cheerful little tune, but she had no intention to appreciate it.

Yang Huanian is a long-time pavilion Hou Shizi, the future is boundless, why has he always been at home, sentimental poetry songs? In his poetry, he reveals a feeling of depression and unwillingness, as if the life of this kind of dog and horse is not what he wants, but he is not allowed to show it.

Yu Ling’s thoughtful look at Shi Huiru, a man like Yang Huanian, will be willing to marry an ordinary wife, to live a plain and calm life?

Shi Huiru has always been jokes and laughs. Today, he is uncharacteristically worried. Sometimes he is worried and sometimes nervous. When he puts his hands together, he sorts out the ring on his head from time to time, or wipes the folds on his hem, and he feels restless.

After a while, the store Xiaoji walked in and said with a smile: "Miss, the son of the world is leaving."

Shi Huiru Huo Di stood up and stuffed the shop with two or two ingots of silver. He hurriedly thanked him in the mouth, then picked up the scroll on hand and took Yu Ling to go out.

Yu Linglong followed her down the stairs and happened to meet Yang Huanian who just came out at the gate.

Yang Huanian wore a royal blue brocade robes, with a four-finger Xu Guang's ink-blue belt around his waist. There was a luscious white jade bat jade on the top, which looked like a crown jade, handsome and elegant.

At this moment, he saw Shi Huiru and Yu Linglong, and could not help but look at it. The eyes stayed on Yu Lingling’s body for a moment, and they showed a polite smile: "Miss Shi Da, Miss Yu Si, are you also listening to the drama?" ”

Shi Huiru's round blush and bright eyes, a pair of eyes looking at Yang Huanian, almost out of the water, even Yu Lingling secretly shocked, this girl's sudden burst of light, so that she seems to have an unreal beauty.

Shi Hui said in the first few steps, whispered: "Yang Gongzi, your words are really good."

Yang Huanian moved the footsteps in a subtle way, and they opened the distance and said: "Miss Shi Da won the prize."

Shi Huiru did not realize the deliberate alienation of Yang Huanian. She held the scroll in her hand, like the courage of drumming for a long time, before she reached Yang Huanian: "Yang Gongzi, I painted a picture, can you please help me to teach one or two?"

Yang Huanian looked at Shi Huiru with a glance, and his eyes fell on Yu Lingling, who was silent behind her. The eyes seemed to have crossed a complex look, but in a blink of an eye he returned to indifference.

"Miss Shi Da is too polite, Yang has learned a lot, how can he be advised?"

Having said that, Yang Huanian did not take the reel's meaning at all. Shi Huiru waited for a while, but did not see Yang Huanian reaching for it. He couldn't help but look redder. It seemed to be bleeding.

She took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, and slammed the scrolls open!

In the late autumn, the wind blew coldly and blew the picture slightly, and I saw the long scroll. I painted a young man with a long body, a brow and a rude, and a smile between the lips. Yang Huanian!

Yu Linglong also had to admire the daring of Shi Huiru. In ancient times, a woman like her who took the initiative to cut her mind to a man should be very rare. Yu Ling could not imagine what kind of power is supporting this petite girl. The portrait of the sweetheart is drawn in one stroke and then presented to the other party.

Yang Huanian only glanced at him, and his smile disappeared. His long eyebrows were slightly locked, and there was no more politeness in his voice. Only the alienation was left: "This painting is still good, but I am afraid to take the liberty. As a young lady, she is not supposed to paint such a portrait!"

The red face was suddenly red, and suddenly it became pale without blood. Shi Huiru almost did not believe his ears. The small body was crumbling in the cold wind, as if it were a leaf that was about to be blown away.

"Yang Gongzi, you... what do you say?"

Yang Huanian glanced at Yu Ling’s eyes deeply, and his eyes shifted to Shi Huiru’s body, but it gradually became cold: “I mean, Miss Shi Da, your mind is in vain.”

The slender arm trembled fiercely, and Shi Hui said with a trembling voice: "You...won't you want it?"

Yang Hua’s older eyebrows picked up: “Is this painting to be given to me?”

Shi Huiru could not speak, but nodded heavily.

Yang Huanian paused and reached for the scroll from her hand.

Shi Huiru’s face was a joy, just what to say, but seeing Yang Huanian’s hand hard, he even tore the picture into two halves!

Throwing the broken paper in his hand on the floor, Yang Huanian said in a deep voice: "This painting is also a scourge, so I will destroy it for Miss Shi Da!"

Shi Huiru’s face suddenly became ruined. She slowly squatted down and smashed the picture that she had carefully painted at the moment but was torn into pieces. The tears finally stopped falling.

She has spent countless efforts, countless hours, and painted this heart of thought, but in a moment, the phantom burst, all efforts have become empty.

Looking at Shi Huiru’s crying face, Yu Ling’s eyebrows were slightly stunned, raising her hand to stop Yang Huanian’s way.

"What? Is it so gone?" The exquisite smoke eyebrows picked and looked at Yang Huanian.

She didn't have any impression on this Changting Hou Shizi. She just looked at Shi Hui's so heart-breaking appearance. She didn't want to let this gentle-faced but cruel man leave.

Presumably, she didn't expect her to stop her own way. Yang Huanian took a slight glimpse and stopped.

The eyelids stared at the delicate face of Yu Ling, and the emotions that were unclear and unclear slowly floated in the dark. Yang Huanian said with a deep voice: "Dare to ask Miss Yu Si, what advice?"

Yu Linglong put down her arm and said coldly: "I want you, lose her painting."

Even if Yang Huanian refused to accept Shi Huiru's intentions, he should not tear up the paintings she worked so hard.

Is it great to be liked? What power does he have to tear her picture and break her heart! ?

Yang Huanian lowered her eyes and looked at Shi Huiru, who was kneeling on the floor and holding her shoulders. Although she was only a back view, anyone could see at a glance that she was crying, crying silently and crying.

The coldness of the sky and the wild, melted a corner without knowing it.

Yang Huanian looked at Yu Lingling, a girl with a cool face, standing proudly in the cold wind, such as a burning flame, full of mysterious power, people unknowingly sink into it, can not extricate themselves.

As long as she has an expression, in a word, he has to be controlled by this kind of power. This is not a forced submission, but a willingness to fall, so that he has no reason to refuse her order.

Deeply sighed, Yang Huanian walked to Shi Huiru's body and leaned over. She took the two pieces of broken canvas from her hand and said softly: "Well, I promised to draw another picture for her."

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