MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 590 590 burned a hundred

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   Chapter 590 590 Burned for a hundred

  I saw him turn around in the alley a few times, and when he arrived at a large mansion with blue bricks and green tiles, he said to the doorman, "Is the county magistrate at home?"

   Menzi nodded and said, "Yes, Master hasn't gone to the yamen yet."

  Cangguan ran straight in and saw Wang Ping sitting at the dining table to eat.

  Wang Ping also looked at him, frowned and said to him, "What happened? You look like you are lost."

The warehouse manager took a breath, patted his chest and said in shock: "Master, Wang Chun and I got up this morning and found a black-clothed masked body at the gate with a sharp knife on the ground. What do you think? Do you want to go to the yamen? report?"

   Masked men in black, they want to attack Wang Chun and the others? Or burn the warehouse? It seems that they never thought of returning the food to me, what should I do? The newly appointed magistrate is not as easy to handle as magistrate Liu.

  The food can't be brought back, even if it's burned, it's gone.

   Cangguan saw that Wang Ping was lost in thought, and felt a little anxious, and urged: "Master, what do you think? There are a lot of dead people there."

  Wang Ping looked up at him, "Don't report the crime. You sit down, I have something to ask you."

  The warehouse manager glanced at him and sat down on the chair. Wang Ping pulled up a chair and sat opposite him, looked at him and said, "Wang He, how much of the grain in the warehouse did you and Wang Chun sell?"

   Wang He's eyes flickered, "Master, how dare we do it every time according to your orders."

Wang Ping looked at him and shook his head, "Wang He, you're not being honest. I know all the things you and Wang Chun did. In the past, because we were uncles and brothers of the same clan, I didn't pursue it. I know exactly what you did. Chu, do you want me to take you to the West Street Grain Shop for a confrontation?"

  Wang He fell to his knees on the ground with a bang, "Master, we have done it a few times and got some small money and flowers, and every time we bring it home!"

Wang Ping stood up and looked at Wang He condescendingly, "I tell you, the new county magistrate is not like Liu county magistrate. He has already started to check the accounts, and I think he will find out what's going on in Canghui soon. , you know better than me. I tell you, you will be beheaded if you steal and sell the stored grain in the warehouse!"

  Wang He's heart seemed to fall into a frying pan, and he cursed in his heart: His grandmother's, brother of the same family, we still call you master. Ninety-nine percent of the food is sold by you! If you want to beheaded, you come first.

  Wang He looked up at Wang Ping, and said, "Master, what do you say? Give us a trick! We will do it."

Wang Ping said softly: "It seems that the man in black came to burn Canghu, you go back and set a torch to set the warehouse on fire, disguised the man in black as stealing food, and were accidentally beaten to death after you discovered it. Be careful with the water."

  Wang He's eyes lit up, "This method is good, the food has been burned, let me see how he checks it!"

  Wang Ping nodded, "Go back quickly, remember, do it neatly."

   "Hey! I'll go back and do it when I'm young." Wang He got up and ran outside.

  Hu Zhong saw Wang He come out of the house and followed him back to Canghu. After seeing him running in, he closed the door.

  Wang He told Wang Chun what Wang Ping said, and both of them thought it was a good idea. Dare to drag the man in black to the side of the warehouse, he went back and took the oil lamp and started setting fire.

  Hu Zhong saw the two of them dragging the man in black to the outside of a warehouse, still at the door, turned around and went back into the warehouse with an oil lamp, "No, it looks like this dog is still going to be set on fire."

Hu Zhong got down from the tree and turned into the warehouse. The two of them had already set the fire on fire. Hu Zhong was so angry that he pushed the two of them onto the sorghum rice that had just been lit, and shouted, "Put the fire out, or the Lord will make you change. Roast pig."

  Wang He and the two fell on top of the sorghum that had just been lit. They hurriedly smashed the fire under them, and after they hurriedly put out the fire, they looked at Hu Zhong tremblingly: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

   "Who I am, you will know later." Hu Zhong twisted the two and tied them with hemp rope.


  Mr. Cheng waited until dawn, but he didn't see the expected sky-high fire, and even the people who were sent to burn the warehouse didn't come back.

  Master Liu also went to the county office to look for Li Qing, and said with red eyes: "Master Li, I'm busy sending my master back to his hometown for medical treatment. Please, for the sake of your colleagues, sign the handover documents with your hands."

  Li Qing glanced at Master Liu, and took out something similar to a contract and a stack of accounts that he, Master Lin, and Ah Lei stayed up all night silently.

Putting it in front of him, he said lightly: "Master Liu, take a look, this is the account that this officer checked yesterday, it's not that I'm not friendly, but it's really too much to do with this matter, you take it back and let Master Liu Take a look, if you agree, you can sign and seal it, and we will have a certificate in the future!"

  Master Liu looked at the accounts and contracts that Li Qing handed him, opened the silently written accounts, and saw several accounts he had handled on it, and the records were not bad at all.

   He glanced at Li Qing in surprise and thought to himself: No wonder Mr. Li was chosen to be Tanhua Lang, and his memory is so good.

Looking at the contract again, the general idea is: After checking, the accounts of the Lexian County Government have been checked and found that there are major discrepancies. According to the usual practice, Mr. Li should not have handed over to the magistrate of Liu County. First, the account books were accidentally destroyed. Second, Because the county magistrate was seriously ill, Mr. Li made an exception to hand over to Mr. Liu in line with the people-oriented concept.

  Before the handover, both parties settled the existing affairs and property of the county government office, and Mr. Li was only responsible for the county government affairs and property after he took over.

   After reading it, Master Liu thought to himself: I have never heard of the need to sign a contract and then go through the handover procedures! This Mr. Li is too tricky and slippery! In this way, what is the difference between my master walking or not.

   "Master Li, aren't you embarrassing my master?"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Master Liu, you all know what the accounts of Lexian County are like. I don't think this is embarrassing the magistrate Liu. If you don't agree with this point, I will only Can report to the court."

  Master Liu looked at Li Qing with a stern face, "Master Li, reporting to the court won't do you much good, you have to be spared and spared. You are with my master, why are you so aggressive."

"I'm aggressive," Li sneered and put the water bladder that Liang Cheng brought back on the table, "You shouldn't know it yet! Someone went to Canghue last night and was going to set fire to Canghuo, but there are still some in the warehouse. With a lot of food, you won't be clear!"

"This official is very curious, who gave you such courage? Reselling the grain in the warehouse. What secrets does Lexian hide? Let Mr. Liu not hesitate to hurt his own body to seek a way out. But you guys Can you really get away with it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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