MTL - The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart-Chapter 59 Fish eat cat

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If Xiaohuai sees this sentence, it means that your purchase ratio is too low. The wood holds the book in her arms and asks subconsciously: "Why did you burn it? It's all squeezed out of your teeth." I bought it with Yue Qian, and I felt so distressed. "

Lu Feng's face was slightly black, and he said angrily: "Maoshan's most authentic thing is ghost catching, and Shushan's is catching monsters. Those who write books clearly use Hu Yan to write money!"

Maoshan Demonstration, Maoshan Demonstration, Maoshan Demonstration ... She also bought a series!

Xu Mu told her this, so that she would not look at such things in the future. King Lu Xiaoba was pointed out in person, and his face was imaginable how dark.

Why do you always do shame in front of him ...

Lu Feng lay down on the soft couch, and his rounded fingertips tapped on the soft couch without touching it. Xu Mu knew so much at the age of nine that there must be some problems. As for why he knows himself, since he is unwilling to say, he will provoke him less.

Out of the mess, Lu Feng touched a copy of the textbook from the side, and looked up with interest.

From that day on, Ji Ruan refused when she called Lu Feng to go to "Sweet Baiwei". Without Lu Feng as a cover, Ji Ruan often went out and was suspected by Ji.

When Chang Ji Ruan returned to Kyoto, he was reading in his study. Unless he was dragged out by Lu Feng to stroll around, now the two are turned upside down. Instead, Lu Feng, who has always been idle, reads in the room. Ji Ruan ran out on both sides in three days. .

Ji's suspicion went straight to listen to Feng Yuan to ask Lu Feng.

When he came, Lu Feng was lying on the soft couch with his legs on his back, looking at the textbook while eating candied fruit. Life was soothing.

When the wood rushed in, she was rewarded with a compote.

"Oh, feed the lord," the wood scrambled to catch the candied fruit, and said as soon as he stuffed his mouth, "the lord is coming to our yard."

Lu Feng suddenly climbed up, put the book in his back pillow, put the candied bowl in the dark cabinet, reached for the book that was almost grayed out, and flipped open to one of the pages. Sitting cross-legged at the little table, biting his pen and thinking.

This set of actions made by Lu Feng, flowing clouds and flowing water, when Ji entered the door, he saw his daughter who was studying hard, and felt relieved at the bottom of her heart.

"Xiao Feng," Ji said softly, sitting on the soft couch, "take a rest and talk to Dad."

Lu Feng pretended to turn the book to another page, with a pen in his mouth and said vaguely: "What does Dad want to say as soon as possible? I have to review my homework."

Ji Shi saw that Lu Feng was willing to put her mind on her studies. The smile on her face became softer and softer. As soon as she was ready to praise her, Yu Guang glanced at the book in front of her.

In the book Lu Feng was reading, it stands to reason that the words were reversed when he read them, but now he can read them clearly. Ji's frowned, and after a closer look, he found that Lu Feng had taken all the books down!

"You tell me, the books are overthrown. How did you review your homework!" Ji immediately drew the book over to Lu Feng and greeted her with her arms crossing the young man between them.

Lu Feng, a horse with a stupid horse, jumped off the bed holding his head, knowing that he had no reason to blame, and straightened out, "Dad, I was wrong, I was wrong, you put the book down first, that is the homework taught by the master. You have to hand it in! "

Ji's chasing after a while didn't catch up with her, she had to give up, throwing the book to the wood, and threatened the smiling hippie smiley fiercely. "When your mother comes back, let her check your homework. If you don't finish it, Don't expect a comfortable life this year! "

After speaking, Ji's left, apparently angered and forgot to ask Lu Fengji Ruan.

"Is it easy for my aunt? If she can still go out of Lu's house, she will have to buy me two packets of sweet preserves." He muttered a few words against the mouth of Ji's Lu Feng, took the book in his arms and returned After the house, throwing the book at random on the table, the person climbed up a few more, and found the candied fruit from the dark cabinet and gagged.

Ji's wanted to ask her what Lu Feng could guess naturally, but since her aunt hadn't told her father, she couldn't talk about it in advance.

Picking up his fingers and figuring out when his mother would return, Lu Feng's candied fruit could not eat immediately. Mother still has to return to Beijing for almost three days, so for some homework, she ca n’t finish writing at night!

Lu Feng glanced at the homework on the table, and when she turned her eyes, she settled on the soft couch, held the homework in her arms, and left the wood in the yard to let the wind out, and she slipped out of the house.

Lu Feng walked to the open space at the corner of the street. It didn't take long to see Xu Yu, who was making a snowman with the "radish heads," and went to the corner of his mouth.

Lu Feng put her hand on her shoulder while Xu Yu lowered her head to hold the snow, squatting down, the brothers seemed to be holding her neck, and they pulled people in front of her indiscriminately, "Xu Yu."

The radish heads were frightened and stunned, Xu Yuguang listened to the sound, and his hair stood up, his round body shivered, "Lu, Lu Feng."

Before Xu Feng spoke, Xu Yu took the initiative to explain: "I didn't sue your father."

"... I didn't ask you about this," Lu Feng looked up and looked around. When there was no one, he mysteriously took out the homework in his arms, and asked, "The rivers and lakes are in a hurry, I've finished writing, I borrowed my sister to copy copy."

Xu Yu first breathed a sigh of relief, and then said bitterly, "I didn't write it. This time my mother pressed me down at home and said that she was just released."

She picked up a handful of snow to add to the snowman in front of her. Lu Feng was looking at the snowman right now. Although the snowmen in the world are all the same, Xu Yu made this very delicate feeling, and she saw it all by herself.

Lu Feng knocked on her palms with her homework to see her perfect yet yet impatient, but couldn't help but poke her with a book, and suggested, "It's boring to be a snowman, so get a palace out of it."

Xu Yu's eyes brightened and then darkened again. "The palace is too complicated, I can't make it."

When she saw her like this, Lu Feng itched her hands. "If you don't know how to get it right," Lu Feng throws her homework aside and rolls up her sleeves to show her wrists. "Let's try it."

Xu Yu immediately said happily and went to the place with the most snow.

No one has ever taught Xu Yu to do this. It is because she usually plays around with it. Now she hears Lu Feng talking about the palace, but she thinks about the appearance of the palace herself, and finally finds it a bit difficult. Asked Lu Feng, "Can I get a house first?"

Lu Feng was making a snowman, and he didn't even answer: "Let's do it."

No one walked through the fresh snow last night. The cedar on the ground was soft and clean, and Lu Feng squatted aside and rolled snowballs.

When Xu Mu came over, he saw this scene. Seeing the familiar back, the thoughts that had not been seen for a few days gradually dissipated, and his heart was soft.

Ji Ruan runs every day to "Sweet Taste". His eyes are always sticking to his father. If Xu Mu can no longer see her thoughts on her father, she will be alive in the first fourteen years, not to mention he was Lu Feng. For those who catch up.

Xu Mu was not assured of Li's, and she quietly observed Ji Ruan in the shop for two days. She was relieved to see that she hadn't surpassed Li's and at the same time had a better impression on her. 2k novel reading network