MTL - The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart-Chapter 25 She is willing to be stuck

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Holding red silk in their hands, Lu Feng raised his eyelids and looked at each other's hands while worshiping the church head-to-head, slender and fair like a spring onion.

With a "sent to the cave", Lu Feng got an opportunity to get married with the husband who didn't know his name, and the two got along alone.

She knew it was a dream. Even if she did something and said something, it would be gone when she woke up.

Lu Feng closed the door with his backhand and walked slowly to the bed, looking down at the man with his hands folded on his legs, obediently sitting on the edge of the bed.

She hesitated, but still clenched her teeth and asked, "Who are you?"

The other person froze for a moment, then looked at her with her back straight up.

But his eyes were covered by a red hijab, and Lu Feng's face was not visible at all.

"Lu Feng, who am I?" His voice choked, his hands, which had been placed on his knees, had become tightly clinging to the clothes underneath him. He was smooth and pleased, and he caught the fold "How can you forget me? I'm just you, I'm only you."

Teardrops fell from the hijab, dripping on the back of his blue-stretched hands, and silently opened a water spray.

Lu Feng looked down, looking at those thin and slender hands because of her words, her fingers clenched her knuckles and her joints were tense and white, and her heart suddenly hurt, like she was pinched by her hands, and she pinched her fiercely. The same thing.

"Lu Feng, who are you marrying, and who do you love?" The man at the edge of the bed asked her, asking in a choked voice, not allowing her not to answer.

--I do not know.

It was a dream, and Lu Feng reached out and covered her suffocated chest. I don't like anyone, nor do I have to marry.

But it was like he was stuck in his throat and couldn't say it.

"So what about me, Lu Feng," Seeing her not responding for a long time, the people sitting on the bed seemed a little tired, and their voices were a lot lower. He slightly bowed his head and asked her softly, "Who am I?"

His fragile posture made Lu Feng's heart hurt more, and his fingers couldn't help clinging to the clothes on his chest. Heart hurts so much, why isn't the dream still awake?

"You are ..." There was a faint answer in Lu Feng's heart, and before she could say it, the sight in front of her was distorted. The red silk room was hanging, the table with the candles of the dragon and phoenix Chengxiang was sitting, waiting by the bed The person holding her answer disappeared.

"Lu Feng, where are you going to take the preserve?" Ji's, like Mu, didn't know where to come from, and walked two steps to the door of the house and asked her.

Lu Feng naturally heard his voice, but she couldn't turn back. Once she turned around, Xu Mu couldn't go with her for the Lantern Festival. It's a pity not to take him to see so many interesting things on Royal Street.

She pulled Xu Mu and ran until she couldn't hear Ji's voice and she slowed down.

Xu Mu, who she was pulling, smiled and asked her, "Lu Feng, are you taking me to elope?"

Lu Feng looked down at Xu Mu's pair of curved peach eyes, pursed his lips, and did not speak for a moment. Seeing her acquiescence, Xu Mu was even more happy. She let go of her hand to loosen it, and changed it into **** intertwined, and took the initiative to drag her to the street.

This seems to be happening in the afternoon, but it's a little different.

Lu Feng held Xu Mu's hand tightly along the way, fearing that he would be lost like the evening.

The crowd didn't know where to come from. Lu Feng clenched Xu Mu's hand and kept telling him, "Don't let go, don't be scattered."

Xu Mu obediently said, and then asked her unintentionally, "Lu Feng, who are you holding? Who are you marrying? Who is the person you forgot?"

Three questions in a row, Lu Feng asked in situ.

In such a narrow gap, she loosened her hands. After she felt that her palms were empty, she found that Xu Mu was really crowded again.

With the experience of the afternoon, she easily ran to the other end of the crowd.

But the place where the fight was supposed to be happening was empty.

Things became different, and then Lu Feng was a little panicked and shouted, "Xu Mu!"

People came and went to the streets, but no one responded to her.

Lu Feng ran desperately, looking around. She clearly remembered that she had recovered the lost person. Why, suddenly she disappeared again?

Is this a dream?

Lu Feng was a little skeptical. If it was a dream, why is it all so real, but if it was not a dream, did she lose Xu Mu?

Xu Mu.

These two words are like a stick that knocks on a wooden fish, and a bang hits her head, giving her a momentary bang.

Xu Mu, who is it?

The Royal Street in front of it gradually blurred, and the fiery red lanterns hanging on both sides of the street gradually joined together, turning into a red sky, like a burning fire. In the fire, he stood in the center with his arrows in his heart and read in his mouth. The last two words are "candied fruit".

After speaking these two words, the scene changed again.

"Candied fruit, my father agreed that I should marry you. I want to marry you into the door with the beautiful scenery of the big sedan to be my husband of Lu Feng."

The cheerful tone sounds like a child who gets sugar. The voice was hers, she said to a man named Candied.

Ten miles of red makeup, the lively marrying people home, the moment she lifted her hijab, she arched her eyes and called "Candied."

Lu Feng, like a wooden post, stood motionless in the middle of the Royal Street, and said silently in his mouth, the sweet.

A sense of sourness flowed from the chest inexplicably to the mouth, the entire mouth was bitter, the hands and feet were cold, but the eyes were hot.

"Lu Feng, Lu Feng."

The familiar voice didn't know where it came from, and his heart was full of grief and despair in his tone.

Lu Feng looked up, wondering when tears overflowed in his eyes, blurred the sight in front of him, and buried all the red sceneries on Yujie, slowly turning into a plain white.

She saw a thin man, squatting barefoot in her white silk-covered listening maple courtyard, calling her name in despair.

"Lu Feng, don't you remember me? I'm Xu Mu, candied fruit, your husband."

Tears slid down the corner of his eyes, Lu Feng closed her eyes, and then opened her eyes again, she was still standing on the Royal Street, surrounded by crowds.

"Lu Feng, who are you holding? Who is the person you marry? Who is the person you forgot?"

Three questions in a row, asking her again and again, waiting for her final answer.

Candied fruit. Lu Feng closed her eyes slowly, the corners of her mouth moved slightly, her hands hanging on her sides slowly clenched, her voice hoarse, "I am holding Xu Mu, I am married to Xu Mu, the person I forgot is Xu Mu .Who is Mu Mu, my sweet preserve. "

All the people around disappeared, Lu Feng opened his eyes with joy, but there was nothing in front of him.


Lu Feng's head awoke violently. Looking around in a daze, the memories of the night slowly returned, only to find that he was now in the Lufu Temple.

Lu Feng reached out and touched his heart, where he jumped a little faster.

Dreaming again.

Lu Feng spit out a stale gas slowly, this is not the first time. After waking up, she remembers that there are not many things, but her heart is a little painful, stuffy and painful, with a feeling of emptyness, as if the heart in the dream It feels like you have lost a piece, and it takes a while to calm down.

Lu Feng rubbed her chest with her eyes closed, and felt that her arms were empty. What about the preserves she was holding?

Lu Feng quickly opened her eyes and lowered her head to see that the person who had been in her arms had already slipped to the ground, her head resting on her leg, curled up to sleep sweetly beside her.

She said how she was awakened. She originally rested her head on Xu Mu's head, and now he slipped to the ground. She was awakened without support.

Lu Feng's legs were a bit numb, he stretched out his legs, slipped Xu Mu up and hugged him in his arms, and folded his arms to cover him.

Holding someone in her arms, Lu Feng suddenly felt that the empty heart didn't seem to hurt so much. She was a little surprised, tentatively tightening her arms slowly, and encircling Xu Mu completely in his arms. The sweet smell of his body permeated the tip of his nose, which gave Lu Feng a familiar feeling in his heart, as if the missing thing was found again come back.

Suddenly, she felt the heat in her eyes that made her uncontrollably hot.

Lu Fengying was a little tight, Xu Mu moved a little uncomfortably, and her forehead pinched her chest, humming and muttering, "Lu Feng, don't make trouble."

He murmured unconsciously, causing Lu Feng's contemplation. She has a series of dreams, and she can't remember the scenes inside, but Mu Ting tells her that every time she wakes up dreaming, she shouts candied fruit.

And Xu Mumeng's name was also murmured.

This does not seem to be a coincidence.

In her last life, will she marry Xu Mu?

This little fairy, did she like the tightness she liked in her last life, and then secretly dumped the soup on the Naihe Bridge, and just came to her to find her?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is, Lu Feng concluded, it must be the case.

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Feng actually felt a little bit wanting to laugh.

This candied fruit is so sticky.

Probably only she would allow him to stick unscrupulously.

After all, although he doubted him at first, he did not develop any fear or dislike of his strange behavior and words, and even willing to get along with him.

Dare to ask who else is bigger than her heart.

Lu Feng's head was tilted, his face was stuck to Xu Mu's face, and he looked at the rows of tablets in front of him in a daze, trying hard to recall his dream.

She always felt that her dream was telling her something, but when she woke up, she couldn't remember much.

Lu Feng held Xu Mu's swollen left hand in his hands and rubbed his swollen knuckles unconsciously with his fingers.

The painful finger that had been applied with medicinal wine was rubbed again, and Xu Mu hissed in pain, flared his head, and opened his mouth to the landing maple. After biting, he retracted his hands and shrank, dissatisfiedly humming: "pain."

This bite was bitten on Lu Feng's chest, where he was developing, and he took a bite through thick clothing. It was not painful, but itching.

The strange and strange numbness was never experienced by Lu Feng. From the place where he had been bitten, he ran straight up the spine all the way to the scalp, numb his head, and his spine was unconsciously stretched. People launched.

Fortunately, I didn't push the sweet candies to the ground and fell into a candied cake in time.

Lu Feng felt a bit awkward about the place where he had been bitten. Thanks to Li ’s marriage to her aunt a few days ago, she felt that Xu Mu did not have a cousin, otherwise she would bite a bit like this, and Lu Feng could not want to see him for half a month.

Lu Feng rubbed the tip of his nose, reached out to touch Xu Mu's left hand, and gently coaxed the sleeping person to stretch out his left hand again, holding it carefully in his palm.

Putting her head on Xu Mu's forehead, Lu Feng plans to sleep for a while.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he heard the door behind him being pushed slightly open.

The person in Lu Fengying's arms held his head, turned back fiercely, and his brown eyes were usually dark at night, showing a chill in the night.

Xiao Yan, who thought the people inside had fallen asleep, suddenly stunned Lu Feng's eyes, almost threw the brazier in his hand, and threw himself on the ground with a thunder.

"My lord, my lord asked me to add you a few braziers." The little sister lowered her voice and whispered. The prince had originally told him to be quiet, but he had to find Lu Feng, who was so vigilant that she wanted to sleep.

Lu Feng nodded and motioned for them to come in. Her dad really wanted to punish her and was afraid she was frozen, so that someone would sneak in to the brazier after she fell asleep. He is awkward.

When the little sisters lowered the brazier, Lu Feng pulled the big sister and exposed the head of the person in her arms.

The candied fruit fell asleep. It would be too frustrating for Xiaoxiong to see her father and then take her back to sleep.

The brazier was set and the room gradually warmed. Lu Feng had some numb legs and hugged Xu Mu horizontally. He shivered and stood up with two numb legs. He put three futons under his toes into a line with his toes and hugged Xu Mu again.

Lu Feng vaguely remembered that her mother seemed to tell her father that men couldn't get cold.

After thinking about it, Lu Feng turned Xu Mu over to himself, and let him lie down in her arms to sleep, shaking his big cock, and covering them as a quilt.

The feeling of being pressed was not comfortable at all, and even a little stuffy on her chest, but in the middle of the night, Lu Feng didn't have any dreams that would wake her up.

Ji's got up early, let people withdraw the brazier secretly placed in the shrine, and went to the shrine himself.

Slap and give a sweet date to make the child obedient.

The little sisters did not dare to tell the lord that they were found by the lord when they set the brazier yesterday. They had to bow their heads obediently and remove the brazier.

Pushing open the door, the temperature of the brazier still remained in the room. Ji Shi saw Lu Feng lying on the futon. He had been accustomed to this scene for a long time, but when he got closer, he found that something was wrong.

When was Lu Feng so fat?

Ji's hurry up, opened the corner of Daxi, exposed Xu Mu's sleepy red fluttering face, and suddenly he was on the spot.

The door was still open, and the cold morning wind poured in, blowing on Mu's face. Feeling a little cold, he turned his head and slept inward.

Ji Shi wanted to touch Lu Feng's ears and ask her how to get the candied fruit, but when she saw the two children slept quite well, she resisted the urge and hugged Xu Mu lightly.

Suddenly, Lu Feng thought that Xu Mu had rolled down from her, frowning and struggling to open his eyes and look down into his arms.

Seeing her daughter awake, Ji Shi kicked her arm gently with her toes, and said silently with a lip-shape: "Go back and settle the bill with you."

Ji Shi not only didn't give the red dates this time, he also dug out the stick again.

Lu Fengying's eyes opened blankly, what happened to her?

Ji Shi covered Xu Mu with a big **** and sent it back to Ting Feng's bed. Lu Feng was so awake that he was awake, got up and followed him back to the yard.

Seeing Xu Mu lying on the bed, he comfortably slammed the pillow, rolled over and fell asleep, Lu Feng stared at him, cursing a little unconscience.

"What do you want to see! Do you want to sleep with me for a while?" Ji said, lowering his voice and glaring at Lu Feng, "Come out with me."

"I asked you to kneel in the temple, how did you turn the preserves over?" Ji said Lu Feng as soon as he went out. "The boy's family is weak. If he sleeps on the ground and is frozen, what will happen if he grows up in the future? do?"

Lu Fengying narrowed his eyes, letting him talk like an old monk entered.

Ji Shi saw that she hadn't woken up and didn't hear what he was saying. She sighed weakly and waved her hand. "You go to sleep, too."

Then Lu Feng sighed and walked up into the room.

Ji's waited for her to take two steps before she reacted. Lu Feng's house was clearly Xu Mu's house, and she screamed, "Where are you going? Go to your own house and go to sleep!"

Lu Feng paused for a moment, and then he came to the wrong room, turned his head out of the main hall, and ran to his room.

Ji Shi looked at her back and turned to look at the back room with the door closed, frowning slightly. Isn't it okay to put the preserves in Tingfengyuan? 2k novel reading network

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