MTL - The Favored Little Peasant Has Stolen the Heroine’s Life!-Chapter 473 lonely

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   Chapter 473

   Obviously the victim, just because he has a relationship with the perpetrator, he has become the target of complaining.

   This matter, isn't it wrong?

   The answer is naturally yes.

  Wei Dingjiang could feel the strangeness of the eyes of the people around him.

   As the contemporary head of the Wei family, he is now disapproved by most of the clan, and Wei Dingjiang's mentality is a little out of balance at this moment.

   As for the eldest princess, she was once in awe of the concubines, but now, when these people saw the eldest princess, they all had strange eyes.

  Although no one said anything, at this time, silence is better than sound.

   Yuanbao can feel that something is wrong with these people, so naturally she can't do anything to repay grievances with virtue.


  When the Wei family was hiding in the Beishan, the Xia Huang had also summoned the members of the Daxia royal family to explain the situation they were facing now.

   After hearing that Daxia might be finished playing, the members of the royal family instantly panicked.

   Is there a vast world outside?

  What does this have to do with them?

   They have no ambitions!

The    royal family also has members with outstanding talents, but even these people did not have the idea of ​​​​going to the road and opening up a new life.

   First of all, it is unknown whether the boundless Vast Sea Desert can go out alive.

  If the Hanhai Desert is so easy to traverse, it will not be abandoned by the outside world.

   If the Daxia royal family chooses to cross the Vast Sea Desert, maybe their family will die on the road.

   "Your Majesty, why do you have to go?"

   "Even if there is no shelter, with our current military strength in Daxia, can't we still stop Beili and Dayin's attack?"

   "That's right, we're not going!"

   "Emperor Taizu conquered the country, how can it be said that if it is lost, it will be lost?"

   A group of royal families who were reluctant to live a good life now shouted.

   Emperor Xia looked at this group of people and shouted, hehe smiled, and said: "Yes, our Daxia's military strength can block Beili and Dayin, but if Beili and Dayin's protectors make a move, who can resist?"

   "You, you, or you?"

   Emperor Xia called one by one.

   And the royal family he pointed to, all shrank back and forth.

   The power of the patrons, they have already heard from Emperor Xia.

  The city gate of the capital was smashed with a single sword.

   Such strength, not to mention them, even if they gather thousands of troops, how many swords can they stop?

   In the past, the royal family also knew that Yingli was the protector of the Daxia royal family, but they did not think that the protector was strong.

   It is not until today that they know how ignorant they are who are the frogs in the well.

   "Your Majesty, we are indeed not the opponents of the protector, but the protector is also a human, I don't believe it, they have no weaknesses, they are invincible!"

  Prince Yi, as the Zongling of the Daxia Royal Family's clan's mansion, is also the uncle of the Xia Huang. At this moment, seeing that everyone was forced by the Xia Huang's momentum, he also stood up.

   "Perhaps, fighting head-on, we can't help this so-called protector, but we can design and use traps!"

   "If you don't give it a try, how will it work?"

   "Are we really just handing over our ancestral inheritance like this?"

   "If this is the case, the old minister will die!"

  Prince Yi's remarks expressed the feelings of some people.

   Although some royal families are reluctant to hold the wealth and glory in their hands, some people are reluctant to part with the glory of the Daxia royal family and the inheritance of their ancestors.

   "Uncle Emperor!"

  Emperor Xia looked at Prince Yi with a heavy expression. He probably understood what Prince Yi was thinking, but he really didn't think that Da Xia had a chance to come back.

   "Your Majesty, the old minister is willing to stay in Qianyang City!"

  Prince Yi bowed and said in a sincere manner, "If Daxia is doomed to subjugate the country, the old minister is willing to live and die together with Daxia."

   "Uncle Emperor!"

   Emperor Xia spoke again.

   However, Prince Yi has already made up his mind.

   "Your Majesty, I would like to follow Prince Yi and stay behind!"

   "I swear to live and die with Daxia!"

   One after another royal family stood up to live and die with Daxia, and most of these royal families who stood up to follow Prince Yi were elderly people.

   There are only a few people who are as old as Emperor Xia, and there is not a single young royal family.

   "If that's the case, I'll accept the request of the uncle!"

   "I will take the children of the royal family who are willing to go west, to the real world, and establish a big summer!"

   "Wait, would you like to come with me?"

   Huang Xia's gaze swept to the royal family who did not choose to go with Prince Yi.

   However, no one responded.

   Even Emperor Xia's own son remained silent at the moment.

   "You guys don't want to go west with me?"

   Emperor Xia's complexion changed.

  He has always felt that he is a successful king. Under his leadership, Daxia has prospered and he is about to rule the world.

   But now, he suddenly realized that he didn't even see his sons clearly.

   "Father, I want to stay!"

  The fourth prince, Tang Yun, came out of the crowd, "Just like what Prince Yi and his uncle said, how can we, the descendants of our descendants, simply hand over the land that Emperor Taizu has conquered?"

   "Daxia, you can die!"

   "But as long as the Daxia royal family is still there, Daxia is not considered dead!"

   After the fourth prince Tang Yun said these words, Emperor Xia's face finally looked better.

   He thought he was so unpopular.

   "Brother Huang, since the Great Xia is doomed to subjugate the country and you plan to travel west again, then I will retire!"

   "Since then, the mountains and rivers are long, and everyone is safe!"

   Just when Emperor Xia thought he was very popular, someone spoke again.

   And this time it was his half-brother who spoke.

  Ping Wang Tang Song!

  In the beginning, in order to compete for the throne, Emperor Xia killed many of his brothers.

   There were seven of his brothers who died directly or indirectly at his hands, and one of them was the elder brother of Tang Qu, the king of Ping.

   When Emperor Xia ascended the throne, King Ping Tang Qu was still very young.

   Waiting for Emperor Xia to sit firmly on the throne, in order to show his kindness, he has always been lenient to his brothers. Not only was he a king, but he also gave a very high princely salary, and at the same time entrusted him with important responsibilities.

   On weekdays, these brothers were very close to Emperor Xia.

   But at this moment, those usual disguises have been torn apart.

   "Brother Huang, take care!"

   Led by King Ping Tang Qu, all the brothers of Emperor Xia have left.

   They didn't want to bury Da Xia, and they didn't want to follow Emperor Xia to see the so-called real world. They have only one idea, to find a small place where no one knows them, to be rich and to spend the rest of their lives at ease.

   Huang Xia watched the brothers who were favored by him leave, and said in his heart that he was not resentful.

   But he also understands that he can't keep anyone now.

   It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married, all of which can't be stopped.

   Emperor Xia watched Tang Qu and the others leave without saying a word.

   With the departure of Tang Qu and others, more and more royal families chose to leave.

   Daxia is destroyed, they may have lost their current status, but they still hold a lot of wealth.

   Even if the current fields and mansions are gone, as long as they have enough gold and silver jewelry in their hands, no matter where they go, they can live a good life.

   Just, is it really that easy?

  Beili and Dayin have always wanted to target Daxia, and usually arrange various detailed works to inquire about Daxia's news. And the members of the royal family in Daxia are undoubtedly the end point of the meticulous works.

   "If you commit suicide, then die!"

   Huang Xia watched the members of the royal family leave, and did not intend to erase the hidden danger of their incognito for these people.

   Originally, if Emperor Xia wanted to do something for them, with Wen Shengsi's ability, he could do it.

   But Emperor Xia felt that he had been betrayed. Naturally, it was impossible to arrange for people to help these people clear the hidden dangers. Instead, he planned to watch these people kill themselves.

   "Your Majesty!"

   Emperor Xia's careful thoughts could be concealed from King Ping Tang Qu and others, but they could not be concealed from Prince Yi, the sectarian's decree.

   "What does the uncle have to say?"

   Emperor Xia turned to look at Prince Yi.

   "Your Majesty, the actions of King Ping and others are indeed heart-wrenching, but they are the blood of the Daxia royal family. If we can't defend the country, we will all die!"

   "If King Ping and the others are gone, the blood of the Daxia royal family will be cut off!"

   "Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

   "Uncle Huang is right!"

   Huang Xia immediately laughed when he heard the words, "If it wasn't for the reminder from Uncle Huang, I almost forgot, I should have placed some young children in the clan early!"

   Save King Ping and others?

   Emperor Xia would never do this unless his head was kicked by a donkey.

   However, King Ping should be damned, but their children and grandchildren are innocent.

   Hearing what Emperor Xia said, Prince Yi and other old royal family members understood that Emperor Xia did not intend to rescue King Ping and others. But when they heard that Emperor Xia was going to resettle the young children in the clan, they no longer persuaded them to say anything.

   What they wanted was to continue the bloodline of the Daxia royal family.

  The arrangement of Emperor Xia may be biased, but, if the purpose is achieved, then that's fine.

  In the end, this royal family meeting ended somewhat inexplicably.

   Emperor Xia's idea of ​​taking people westward failed.

   However, this did not make Emperor Xia change his mind.

   He forcibly brought along a group of princes and concubines, as well as the elite guards who guarded the palace. After entrusting state affairs to the fourth prince and Prince Yi, he resolutely embarked on the road westward.


"Can you say that again!"

  When the news that Emperor Xia was leading people westward was spread by the Wei family's dark son to Beishan Wei Dingjiang, Wei Dingjiang jumped up.

   Emperor Xia is the fourth prince, and Prince Yi is the auxiliary minister. Emperor Xia leads people westward and crosses the desert of the vast sea. What kind of trouble is this going to make?

   "This is weird!"

  Yuanbao heard a series of actions of Emperor Xia from Wei Wushang's mouth, and his first reaction was to see a ghost.

   A good emperor didn't do it, but he actually took people to the Vast Sea Desert!

   If this is not weird, Yuanbao dares to take off his head and play it as a ball.

   "Jiaojiao, do you think that Uncle's actions have anything to do with his grandfather's disappearance?"

  Wei Wushang also thought it was strange, but he couldn't think of what was so strange.

   About the truth about this world, Anzi of the Wei family did not inquire about it.

  I missed the most important information. It is a joke to want to understand what Emperor Xia did.


   Thinking of Old Man Wei sweeping across the desert countries of the Vast Sea and disappearing without a trace, and thinking of Emperor Xia's sudden move, Yuanbao also felt that there must be some kind of connection between the two.

   "You said, should we go to the eldest princess to find out the situation?"

   "Nowadays, Beili and Dayin may launch a fierce attack on Daxia at any time. At this juncture, the uncle actually gave up the throne and took people westward. This is very wrong!"

   "It's not right!"

   Yuanbao also felt that they had to find out about this.

   Otherwise, their current situation will only be more passive.

  Let's go!

   The two found Wei Dingjiang, briefly explained the situation, and hurriedly left the hiding place of the Wei family, used the method of lightness, and rushed to the capital as quickly as possible.

   However, when the two of them arrived in the capital and entered the Palace of the First Princess, they found that everything seemed to be normal in the Palace of the First Princess, but in fact, the First Princess had disappeared from the Palace with the most loyal people.

Yuan Bao and Wei Wushang walked around the capital and found that not only the eldest princess was missing, but most of the Daxia royal family in the capital had disappeared, and what remained, except for the fourth prince in the palace, and the others Prince Yi and other seniors.

   "This is the rhythm of escape!"

   Yuanbao narrowed his eyes, feeling more and more that something was wrong.

   "Jiaojiao, do you think so too?"

   In fact, Wei Wushang also had this feeling, as if the royal family in Daxia were all running for their lives.

   Enter the palace!

   After a little thought, the two chose the simplest and most direct method, and went to the palace to find the fourth prince who was currently on the temporary throne.

  The fourth prince had always been entrusted with important tasks by Emperor Xia before, and was trained as a prince.

   And Wei Wushang, as the grandson of the head of the family, still has a lot of contact with the fourth prince, and the two of them have a good relationship in private.

  When the fourth prince saw Wei Wushang appear, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I know that, you will definitely find it!"

   "Fourth cousin!"

  Wei Wushang saluted the Fourth Prince as usual.

   "Don't be too polite!"

   "It's time for the summer to come, so save these useless etiquettes!"

   "What does the fourth cousin mean?"

  Wei Wushang frowned, "Is something wrong with Daxia?"

   "Cousin, I don't hide it from you. Anyway, you will know about these things sooner or later!"

  The Fourth Prince was a sincere person, and he directly told Wei Wushang and Yuanbao everything he knew.

   Wei Wushang and Yuanbao, who heard the truth told by the fourth prince, were dumbfounded on the spot.

  They, all of them are frogs in the well?

   Of course, in comparison, Yuanbao recovered a little faster.

   She never dreamed that her master master was actually a martial arts sect from the outside world.

  The outside world!

   It's a pity that she thought that beyond the Vast Sea Desert was the West she knew. After a long time of trouble, she was just taking it for granted.

that's true!

   She never confirmed that this is the Earth!

   "Fourth cousin, so uncle, is he going to take people to see the real world?"


  The Fourth Prince smiled, "If I guessed correctly, Mr. Wei should have taken someone westward too!"


   Yuanbao and Wei Wushang were silent.

  If the old man is really looking for the real world, then he is really free and easy, and he doesn't even want to tell his family.

   (end of this chapter)

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