MTL - The Favored Little Peasant Has Stolen the Heroine’s Life!-Chapter 433 Have a sweetheart?

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   Chapter 433 Have a sweetheart?

   Half an hour later, a rather large team filed out from the Wei family mansion.

  Yuanbao once went outside Yunyang City to catch fish. At that time, they also tried how much hot water they could use to cut through the ice.

   That incident, although it has been many years, is still impressive.

   This time, when I heard that Yuanbao was going again, the many female relatives of the Wei family were very excited.

  Originally, Yuanbao just wanted to take his two younger brothers and a few people he knew well, go to the river to get some fish, eat grilled fish, and have a whole fish feast in the evening.

  It's alright now, the female family members of the entire Wei family, as well as little dolls, have basically appeared.

   Such a big family, plus the servants who serve and the accompanying guards, this is really a mighty team. People who don't know it think that something shocking has happened.

It was impossible for the Wei family to explain to the people they saw along the way. As a result, more and more people followed, leaving the city and heading straight for the river.

   This time, it's really cool!

   The people who traveled with them saw that the Wei family had come to the river to fish for fish, and they were very thoughtful, and they immediately remembered the feat of Yuanbao at the beginning.

   It is said that when the ice layer is broken, the fish in the river jump out by themselves.

   "Go, go, go, hurry up, let's go back and get the tools too!"

   "Fishing, catching fish!"

   "The good luck of Jiafu County Lord, let's also touch it!"

  The people dispersed one after another, but now they dispersed, just to gather more fiercely later.

   Fortunately, the ice layer on the river surface is thick enough, otherwise, Yuanbao is really afraid of too many people, and the ice layer will collapse.

   "Come on, let's start the fire first!"

   The eldest princess gave orders directly.

   The accompanying guards and servants quickly prepared the firewood and lit it.

   After a while, many bonfires were lit by the river, which added a lot of heat to this cold winter day.

   On the river surface, Yuan Bao and Mei Jiu personally took action and led people to start digging holes.

   The two did not have any profound skills in actual combat, they were just playing.

   After all, this trip is for fun.

   If it’s just to catch fish and eat, then there’s no point in making such a move.

  Yuanbao was busy here, and the little dolls of the Wei family were not idle, they stepped forward to join in the fun, chose a place, and were also digging holes.

   Of course, compared to the speed of Yuanbao and Mei Jiu, the speed of this group of little dolls is too slow.

   "Auntie, let's go play too!"

   Watching the little dolls play there, Wei Chenshi and Wei Yunshi were also interested.

   Do-it-yourself fun, they haven't mentioned it for a long time.

"go Go!"

  The eldest princess will not refuse Wei Shenshi and the others. Although there are fewer people to talk to, she doesn't necessarily need people to talk now. Just looking at the scene in front of her makes her feel really good.

   "Petite auntie, I'm here to help too!"

   Wei Qiqi, after seeing his mother all go to the ice to dig holes in the ice, no longer worries about whether or not he wants to maintain the style of a famous lady, and quickly slipped to Yuanbao's side.

   "Sister Qiqi, can you do it?"

   Yuanbao was also happy to see Wei Qiqi coming over.

   At the beginning, she also asked Wei Qiqi to practice martial arts, but, well, she failed to persevere.

   Wei Qiqi snorted when he heard Yuanbao's words, and said, "Little Jiaojiao, look down on my sister? Humph, I'll let you know later, my sister is also very good!"

   So Wei Qiqi went into battle himself, wielding his pick.

   After a dozen times, Wei Qiqi was counseled.

   Her delicate little hands were already blistered.

   "Woooo, Jiaojiao, my hand hurts!"

   "Hot and hot!"

  Although the blisters were not broken, Wei Qiqi was really in pain and looked at Yuanbao with tears in her eyes.

   "Help me heal!"

   Wei Qiqi knows the magical means of Yuanbao, but she doesn't know the magical means of Yuanbao, relying on the power of incense.

   However, even so, in Wei Qiqi's heart, she is still full of trust in her former little sister and now auntie.

   And this is a belief.

  Wei Qiqi also contributed incense to Yuanbao.

   In line with the mentality of taking it from the people and using it for the people, Yuanbao found a little plaster.

   "Well, put it on, it'll be fine soon!"

   For this kind of small injury and pain, Yuanbao could not use too much incense and wish, but only moved a little. In this way, it can not only relieve Wei Qiqi's pain, but also will not let her recover quickly, and let her have a long memory.

   Of course, the reason for the pain to recover slowly is because Yuanbao is worried that the magic of his incense will be detected abnormally.

  Although the fact that she owns the space, a fairy treasure, has been known by many people, but she doesn't want to expose it by other means.

  Until there is no power to suppress the current world, the main idea of ​​Yuanbao is still to live.

   After all, Sheng Xueyi's lesson from the past, she witnessed it with her own eyes.

  A traveler with space, a proper heroine script, but because Sheng Xueyi doesn't know how to keep a low profile and grow up, she lost her life.

  This world is not a peaceful age for later generations.

  In this era, powerful people can really do whatever they want.

   Kill if you want to kill!


   is dead, you can accept it or not, no one cares.

   "Huh, it's comfortable now!"

   With the use of Yuanbao's ointment and incense, Wei Qiqi finally felt relieved.

   "Jiaojiao, come here, I have something to tell you!"

   After the ointment was applied to his hands and felt comfortable, Wei Qiqi waved at Yuanbao and led her to a place with few people.

   "Sister Qiqi, what's the matter?"

   Yuanbao looked at Wei Qiqi in surprise.

  In the past, Wei Qiqi's temperament was that of a careless one. If there was anything, he would tell her directly, how could it be like today, he was preparing to whisper to her!

  Wei Qiqi pursed his lips, and stirred his hands together, feeling a little embarrassed.

   Seeing Wei Qiqi like this, Yuanbao became more and more curious.

   "Sister Qiqi, are you in any trouble?"

   "Or, do you have a sweetheart?"

   Yuanbao carefully looked at Wei Qiqi's expression and felt that he must have guessed correctly.

   It can make Wei Qiqi, who has always been carefree and hearty, become like this, 99% of the time is because of men and women.

   Women in this era are very concerned about this matter.

  Although we pay attention to the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers at this time, this is only aimed at small families. Those big families, before getting married, usually investigate each other clearly.

   Even on weekdays, both men and women will have contact.

   Of course, you still have to follow the rules before deciding on a marriage.

  Only a few people who get carried away will do things that they don’t know. And such people, 99% will be abandoned by their own family.

   It's not that free love is not allowed at this time, but you have to understand the rules.

   is in estrus, and only in ritual.

"How did you know?"

   Hearing Yuanbao's words, Wei Qiqi was not embarrassed, but looked at Yuanbao in shock.

   Yuanbao shrugged and said, "Sister Qiqi, this means that there is no mirror here. If there is a mirror, you can see your own expression and you will know it yourself!"

   "Is it so obvious?"

   Wei Qiqi was a little flustered.

  Yuanbao nodded fiercely and said, "It's more than obvious? With your expression, you almost wrote this on your face!"


   "Then what should we do?"

   "If my mother finds out, I'll be finished!"

   Hearing Yuan Bao's words, Wei Qiqi's expression could no longer be calm.

   And seeing Wei Qiqi's posture, Yuanbao was also a little flustered, and hurriedly said: "Sister Qiqi, what have you done? You, you are not going to be with someone privately for life, right?"

  Although Yuanbao and Wei Qiqi are sisters, but there are some things, Yuanbao will not cover up Wei Qiqi unprincipled.

   At this time, there are really many demands on women.

  Ben is a concubine, and ben is a wife!

  If Wei Qiqi really did something to humiliate the lintel, it would be absolutely impossible for Yuanbao to stand on Wei Qiqi's side.

   She married into the Wei family, and she was the daughter-in-law of the Wei family, the Wei family. The first thing to consider is the overall interests of the Wei family.

  In this era, if there is a disorderly woman in a certain family, it will inevitably affect the girls of the same family.

  Don't say love freedom?

  If you are in the hereafter, even if you become pregnant out of wedlock, no one can control you.

   But at this time, if a woman did this, it would really embarrass the family.

   Of course, if there is an accident, it is another matter.

   "Jiaojiao, what did you say?"

   "How could I be so confused?"

   Hearing Yuanbao's words, Wei Qiqi also came back to his senses and hurriedly denied it.

   Hearing Wei Qiqi's denial, Yuan Bao breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Sister Qiqi, can you speak more directly? I'm almost terrified by you!"

   Yuanbao was really frightened.

   With her current psychological quality, she could be frightened by Wei Qiqi's words, then, if Wei Chenshi and the others heard about this unfinished situation, they might be suffocated.

   "Smelly Jiaojiao, can't you wait for me to finish?"

   "Yes, yes, my fault!"

   Yuanbao smiled.

   As long as Wei Qiqi is not stupid, then she will be fine.

   "Sister Qiqi, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

   "Do you really have someone you like?"

   "Which family does he belong to? Who is his last name?"

   "I'll help you find out!"

   Yuanbao came to be interested.

   Wei Qiqi did not hide the ingot, and told the whole story again.

   This thing, it's quite **** to say, it's a simple hero to save the beauty. Er, or it can't be regarded as a pure hero saving beauty, because the hero who saved beauty was finally saved by beauty.

   Wei Qiqi was wandering the street that day, and encountered a drunken **** blocking the way. A passing scholar spoke with justice, and was beaten up by the drunken bastard.

   If it wasn't for the female guard beside Wei Qiqi, the scholar who spoke up in righteousness might have been beaten so badly.

   "Sister Qiqi, do you still have contact with this person in the future?"

   "No, no!"

   Wei Qiqi shook his head, "I just want to ask Jiaojiao for your help because I have no contact!"

   "Sister Qiqi, so you don't even know the other party's name?"

   "No, I don't know!"

   Wei Qiqi felt quite ashamed when he heard Yuanbao's question.

   Yuanbao is in a better mood.

   "Sister Qiqi, then let me ask you two questions!"

"You ask!"

   Wei Qiqi glanced at Yuanbao and waited for Yuanbao to ask questions.

   Yuanbao smiled and said: "The first question, is that scholar good-looking?"

   "This, okay, okay!"

   "Jiaojiao, you're wrong, I'm not really because he looks good..."

   "Stop, stop, don't explain, explaining is tantamount to covering up!"

   Yuanbao directly interrupted Wei Qiqi's words to explain, looked at the other party seriously, and said, "Sister Qiqi, you may not know that the so-called love at first sight is actually a matter of lust!"

"Tell me a joke, once upon a time, there was a woman who was rescued. Seeing that the other party was handsome and handsome, she had to promise her. If she saw that the other party was average, this woman would say, "Thank you. Dade, repay in the next life!"

   "If the other party doesn't look good, where did you fall in love at first sight?"


   Wei Qiqi was silent for a moment when he heard the words.

  Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that the scholar was indeed pretty good-looking.

   "Second question, Sister Qiqi, do you think you are more grateful for this person, or something else? For example, admiration or something!"

  Emotions, Yuanbao doesn't have much personal experience, but she has rich theoretical knowledge.

"I have no idea!"

   Wei Qiqi thought for a while and gave an answer that was not an answer.

   As for ingots, I understood when I heard this.

   Wei Qiqi didn't really fall in love with that scholar at first sight, he had any special affection.

   To put it bluntly, this situation is a matter of one sentence, and there is always a commotion.

   "That's it, Sister Qiqi, when I turn around, I'll ask someone to check this scholar. After the check is over, I'll talk to you again, okay?"

"to make!"

   Wei Qiqi nodded happily.

   She came to Yuanbao just to get Yuanbao to help.

  The reason why he looked for ingots and not others was naturally because Wei Qiqi felt that it was not suitable for other people in the family to know about it.

   Now, she has reached the age to get married. If it wasn't for her parents reluctant to part with her, her marriage should have been decided long ago, how could it be delayed until now?

   After the two of them finished talking about their business, they went back to Mei Jiu.

   At this time, the ice hole that Mei Jiu had dug was about to be pierced.

   At this time, there were more than twenty ice holes being dug on the ice. The ice caves they dug with ingots spread for several miles upstream and downstream, and some people were digging ice caves.

   However, it was Yuanbao who broke through the ice first.

  As the drinking water overflowed from the ice hole, Wei Qiqi first sprinkled some debris on the ice hole.

   The next moment, the fish will fly!

  A large fish with short arms jumped out of the water from the ice hole, and then jumped on the ice a few times before being frozen on the ice.

   "Catch the fish, catch the fish!"

   Seeing the fish jumping out of the ice hole, the little dolls of the Wei family who were digging holes lost their tools and ran towards this side.


   Drop one!

   Another thud, and another fall!

   However, no matter how many times the little guys fell, they still didn't cry or make trouble, but rushed forward with all their minds.

   "The fish is ready to be grilled!"

   Seeing the fish come out of the water, Yuanbao waved his little hand, and the accompanying cooks immediately stepped forward and started to work.

   The update has been restored, please collect, subscribe, ask for monthly tickets, ask for all kinds of support, alright, love you!



   (end of this chapter)

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