MTL - The Empress’ Livestream-Chapter 1867 Fanwai: Gu Min (3)

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Chapter 1867 Fanfan: Gu Min (3)

Everyone looked at each other.

They didn't see the girl, let alone the cry of the girl.

Gu Min was so angry that he sternly said, "Not too soon to catch up!"

The practice of physical training will greatly enhance the five senses, but her hearing in the previous life is not so abnormal, which is also regarded as a golden finger of rebirth.


Jiading did not dare to disobey, took a few people and chased the farmer couple on horseback, but they were arrested in a while.

"Big lady, someone has brought it back."

The family cut the couple's hands behind their backs, forcing them to kneel on the stone-covered mud.

The couple was ordinary, with dark brown skin after years of sun exposure. They were afraid of the family and the team, and they trembled and dared not to make noise. Gu Min jumped out of the carriage and walked straight to the aging cattle. The couple looked scared.

"You, what do you want to do!" The peasant woman's eyes flashed with fear, her mouth full of big yellow teeth still stained with vegetable leaves, a mean and sharp-looking expression, she saw Gu Min didn't stop, and she yelled when she was overwhelmed "Where's the little hoof to grab something--"

Desperate for abuse, Jiading kicked the peasant woman's waistcoat and dumped her forward, groaning with pain.

"Unpack this basket."

The farmer who looked at him honestly said, "Oh noble, what's in the basket is worthless and smelly, don't-"

The words did not fall, Gu Min picked up a stone and hit the farmer's left face accurately. The strength was so strong that it made him smell iron.

"Stop them both!"

Jia Ding quickly found a rag to block the two's mouths, and at the same time the basket on the cow's back was untied.

Gu Min removed all the items from the basket and found that a pink-shirted girl curled up underneath.

The other basket contained a teenager of thirteen or four, who seemed to faint, and his chapped lips were somewhat cracked.

Gu Min asked the boy to be dug out, and she bent over and hugged the girl.

"Look at this young man. If he died, he would bury it. If he was alive, he would save his life."

Jia Dingzun Ling did, and found that the young man was full of traces of beatings, crimson traces, and his legs were broken.

The couple was emotional, as if Gu Min had robbed their son-in-law.

In fact, it is exactly the same.

Juveniles are the "sons" they just bought back for succession, and girls are their daughters-in-law who have abducted them to be children.

When Gu Min heard that the couple Zhenzhen said that she could not give birth to the incense, I was sorry to the ancestors, she must have a son to extend the incense, she sneered and taunted, "Are you more noble than the royal? Why, there are several dragon chairs in the family waiting for the son with a handle? Come on, you trash is sour, and the children born are also trash residue! "

Continue the incense?

Is it worth the ancestors?

What a joke!

The maid was used to filtering out some of Gu Min's strange words.

The senior man who visited Gu Min said that she had to be lucky to return to her soul. If she couldn't make it, her soul would be taken away.

Therefore, everyone in the ancient government did not dare to restrain Gu Min, for fear that some taboos might be committed, which caused Gu Min to be unhappy.

"Big lady, what does this couple do?"

Gu Min said, "Where the **** should go, they go wherever they go. The traffickers also speak loudly, who gives their faces!"

The maid was embarrassed, and her eldest lady spoke too broadly. She couldn't understand it.

"Leave it to the government?"

Gu Min thought for a while and nodded, "It may be handed over to the government, after all, it is not good to use lynching."

She carried the pink-shirted girl into a carriage and asked the maid to get clean water and snacks.

"Relax, it's already safe here, and the couple won't end well." Gu Min said to the girl with a smile. "Do you have a cousin? That person is young, has a bad temper, and still throws people away." Whip. I just saw him in the middle. "

The girl cried so much that her throat was dumb and her eyes were red and swollen, squeezing her big eyes into a seam.

After seeing that she was silent, Gu Min took the initiative and said, "I don't know which house you are from, just send you to your cousin first?"

The girl nodded slightly holding the snack, and couldn't help looking at Gu Min with her light.

Gu Min is one or two years older than the girl, but she feels that Gu Min is more reliable than her cousin and has a sense of security.

It can be seen that girls are all well-educated, even if they are young, they are sitting and sitting, eating and eating. They are not noisy and noisy, they are very cute.

Gu Min sent people to chase Liu Xiaolangjun and his party along the way.

Hurrying to chase, chased people back for more than an hour.

"Little butterfly, how are you? Is there anything that scares you as a brother?"

Liu's Xiaolangjun's frame came almost at the speed of drag racing. Before the horse and the horse stopped, he jumped out of the carriage and ran over.

The girl met the Xiaolangjun, pouted with grievance, turned her head into Gu Min's arms, and turned her back to Liu's Xiaolangjun.

"Why are you again?" Xiao Langjun ate and turned to Gu Min's face. "You saved my cousin?"

Gu Min sneered, "Isn't it because you can't?"

Xiaolang Jun said, "How can you speak with thorns? I have never seen a gentleman like you without a tutor."

Gu Min said, "Tutoring things are facing people, and you are not."

Xiaolang Jun almost fell down, "How do you scold people?"

Gu Min laughed, "When did I say you were? Do you want to be seated right?"

Xiao Langjun was furious and angry, but He Gumin was the benefactor who saved his cousin, no matter how great the anger was, it would be suppressed.

Gu Min asked, "You cousin is too careless. Why not send someone to stare at her and let her be abducted?"

The girl's cousin is so embarrassed, it is clear that she is the future sister-in-law, and must go out with guards to prevent quilt sacks.

At this moment, the girl finally responded.

Her throat was crying and she had a hard time talking.

"Sister, it's not cousin's business."

The girl is White Butterfly, and she currently lives in the home of her cousin.

Because of her naughty personality, she often hangs on her grandmother to play.

The mother-in-law was not attentive to the girl, and she was often perfunctory. She had never been in trouble before, and she was even more unconcerned.

This time only looking at the rouge gouache sold by the street vendors, even the girl was abducted by the couple in secret.

When she found out, the girl had been held away.

The grandmother was afraid of the host's blame. Instead of reporting it for the first time, she chose to pack up the gold and silver buckles that she had deducted on weekdays and was ready to run. Xiaolang's clan went to school, only to find that his cousin was playing something wrong, and led someone to chase after the grandmother, blocking her on the mountainside.

When Gu Min met Xiao Langjun, he was furiously beating his grandmother with a whip and screaming at her.

Gu Min knew this, and her impression of Xiao Langjun improved.

Although her temper is a bit worse, anyway, she is also a good brother who cares for her sister. The place where the girl's control is left is flattering.

This idea was quickly suppressed by her, because the little Langjun introduced himself.

"In Shimoyanagi ..."

What Liu Min said later, Gu Min didn't hear it at all, but just kept turning the name in his head.

This Liu Yan is not another Liu Yan, he is not a university professor of Gu Min, that is the real scum male Liu Yan in history! !! !!

Xiao Langjun was stared at Gu Min with uneasiness, could not help but blushed and said harshly, "Why do you look at me like this?"

Although it is a cousin's life-saving benefactor, the other person's temperament is really annoying. How can there be such a vulgar gentleman?

Gu Min sneered, "Nothing, look at you handsome."

When Liu Ye heard this, he couldn't help but straighten his chest. "It's fair to know that you are ugly."

Gu Min depressed the corner of her mouth, and returned the white butterfly to Liu Yan in annoyance. The scum was contagious. She didn't want to contact Liu Yan more. Even if Liu Ye is the biological father of Emperor Emperor, he is also a well-known pervert scum man, a fighter in scum!

As the emperor only fan, the most hated historical figure is Liu Ye, and the rest of the people still lean back.

Liu Ye was stubborn, but he didn't understand the look of others, and Gu Min didn't hide his disgust, so he was annoyed.


Liu Ye was leaving with his cousin, and his immature face was a little bit inexplicable.

As the second son of Liu's family, when was he so stared at?

There was no angry attack on Gu Min, but it was because Gu Min saved his cousin and the family emblem on Gu Min's frame.

Liu Ye is not a half-trailer, Gu Min. He knew the family crests of various Zhumen families since he was a child. He knew that the children of different families were different. Through these, you can judge the origin of the other party and the status of the clan, Liu Yan can not provoke Gu Min.

"Cousin is angry?" Bai Die followed Liu Yan into the carriage and realized that Liu Ye was in a bad mood. "I didn't mean it ..."

Liu Ye's sitting posture was not standard, and he looked wild and rude.

Facing his cousin who was in trouble and suffering, he converged a bit and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you. If Xiaode wants to go out and play, remember to send someone to tell her brother. Send someone to follow her. You, lest there be another unsatisfactory incident of servant service. "

White Butterfly tilted her head and asked, "Where's the grandmother?"

Liu Yan sneered, "Several whips have been drawn to death, and this kind of scumbag without humility should end here."

He was not very old, but many servants were killed by him alive. Who in Liu's family did not know how much Liu Erlang was, and ignored his life.

Of course, it is normal for clans to stay.

The clans have the right to be killed and killed, especially for the betrayal servants who are unsatisfactory, sneaky, and frame the host.

The difference is that the servants of other families are directly thrown to the next party and killed, but Liu Ye did it himself.

The same result has gained a different reputation, and Liu Yan is also famous in Hejian.

White Butterfly was silent after hearing it, but her mouth was pouting, apparently disapproving of Liu Ye's handling method.

When Liu Ye took White Butterfly back to his house, he heard his mother's slightly harsh voice as soon as he stepped into the lobby, and it seemed he was betting on someone.

She saw Liu Yan coming, and her face and meanness did not converge.

"Why did you leave school so late today?"

Liu Yan's eyelids were slightly drooping. He had been used to his mother's arrogance, and the other party could not wait to control his whereabouts at twelve hours a day. Once he deviated from the other's control, his mother became hysterical. Alas-such a face is really ugly.

Facing his mother, Liu Ye often felt that he was fine.

While feeling the care and coddling of her mother, she scorned the other person from the bottom of her heart.

The former comes from the heart, and the latter cannot be suppressed.

This caused Liu Yan to not like to contact each other, for fear that he would be unable to control his disgust and rejection, hurting his mother.

"I went out and played with Kocho."

He knew the spleen nature of his mother when Bai Ye was trafficked.

His cousin, White Butterfly, lost her mother and was not loved by her father. At a very young age, she was kicked into Liufu under the pretext that "there is a female elder upbringing that is good for marriage". His mother is also a character with a high and low, and naturally does not like cousins. If you let your mother know that White Butterfly has been trafficked, it will probably be more disgusting. White Butterfly's grandmother took her as such a scorn, and her mother's indulgence was more or less the reason.

Mrs. Liu said harshly, "Different seats at the age of seven, she doesn't understand this principle, don't you?"

Liu Ye said, "Little Butterfly is still small, and she is in a guest house, and her son is just doing his best to help the landlord."

Mrs. Liu said, "She knew Humei at a young age, not because she wanted to climb up on the old doll and kiss you."

Liu Yan was exhausted of his patience, and said indifferently, "My son is tired, he will retreat first."

Mrs. Liu had a stomachache. She didn't expect to kick the iron plate on her beloved second son.

"Erlang Jun, Madam is also popular today. Don't go into your heart."

The old lady who served Mrs. Liu sent Liu Ye out and couldn't help saying more.

"Popular? Who can anger her?"

Liu's status in Hejian is not high, but his mother is considered to be the most troubled gentleman of Hejian who can give her food.

The old man said, "Who else can it be? Madam's cousin, the one who married Gu."

Liu Yan knew it.

Before his mother got married, there was a cousin, and the two were equal in their clan.

Aristocratic lady, in addition to opening a child to keep your eyes open and optimistic about people, marrying is also equivalent to a second pregnancy, the future half-life status will be linked to the husband's and husband's family. Because of the openness of the sexes, it is normal for an unmarried girl to have a sweetheart before marriage.

When his mother was still in the boudoir, she liked a young and talented young man, and even met with each other.

However, in the end she is from a large clan, and there must be a couple of lovers before marriage to avoid affecting her reputation.

If the reputation is very bad, even if they are from a large family, it is not easy to find a good family, so the mother has always been careful.

His mother's cousin was capable and highly skilled, and when they were discussing each other at the same time, she overshadowed her and let someone else bump into her token exchanged with a gifted person. Of course, this incident is not fatal. At best, it has a reputation of "merry", which affects the weight of the relatives.

The cousin relied on her good background and reputation to successfully marry Gu as a patriarch, and her mother married Hejian Liu.

Although she is also a patriarch at the Liu Family in Hejian, how can it be compared to the Langya Ancient Family?

Liu Ye sneered, "Where is the mother staying in the Langya Gu family, where does she offend her mother again?"

The old man said, "The one who came to visit her relatives missed the old lady, and apparently could not see our shabby relatives."

It is just said that people despise this poor relative, and the next day they sent it to the house.

Liu Yan sat beside his mother, and suddenly found that the girl next to Aunt Tang was the rude and vulgar girl.

He stared at each other, but Gu Min ignored him as if he were all right.

"You just recognized me, why didn't you?"

Liu Min was ordered to entertain Gu Min, and took her to the garden of Fushang's backyard, but he did not expect that the other party's eyes were still high.

"Are we familiar?"

"You're more familiar with talking. I didn't expect you to be ..." Liu Yan said. "They said you're a fool. I look smart."

Where is he stupid?

He was sharp-edged and rude.

Gu Min gave him a white look and didn't bother to bother.

Even if Liu Yan is just a bad-tempered lady who can't get on the scumbag, but history tells Gu Min that the other party will definitely become slag.

In addition, Gu Min thought of the history professor Liu Yan for some reason, and the other said that the emperor's biological mother was Gu Yan's sister instead of Gu Yan.

This speculation has been wildly criticized by the mainstream media and has not been acknowledged by the royal family.

She thought the professor's speculation was funny.

If what he said is true, does it not mean that he will marry a future scumbag?


She had passed through, and the original owner had already died. How could the emperor's mother be Gu Min?

By the way, it ’s been a long time since I ’ve seen it.

Maybe she can see the childhood appearance of the future emperor through the ancient version of Loli.

"This is your education? Is it a fool to say in person?"

Gu Min gave a cold snoring, but Liu Ye said that she couldn't find another way to find it.

"I saw you take the whip with your bare hands before. Have you practiced martial arts?"

Gu Min humbled, "I practiced a little."

"I also learned a little bit of kung fu with the martial artist. Would you like to learn from me?"

Gu Min turned to glance at him, "Are you sure?"

Liu Yan said, "Don't be afraid, I will let you do without whip or other weapons."

Gu Min hummed, "Pride, I can let you hit with one hand."

Liu Yan: "..."

No, who is the arrogance of hearing this?

Facts have proved that Liu Yan really couldn't beat anyone, and he was trapped on the ground and begged for mercy.

"What kind of power are you ... like a bull."

Liu Yan rubbed his bruised wrist, grinning his teeth and tears.

Gu Min said, "Where is my strength? It's clearly that you haven't hit yourself, what matters to me."

Liu Yan secretly pouted, dared to anger but not to speak.

"What is the name of the martial artist who taught you martial arts?"

Gu Min glared at him, "Why, you want to dig a foot, dig someone over to teach you martial arts, and then hit me again?"

Liu Min's mind was pierced, and he was not angry, and admitted generously.

"What about it?"

"A man who beats a woman is so prosperous." Gu Min sneered.

All that Liu Ye could say was blocked by Gu Min, and she almost fell asleep.

Gu Min stayed in the river for two months, but she had become more familiar with Liu Yan, but it was White Butterfly that played better.

She loves this cute little girl who blushes at every turn, sweet and fragrant.

"I heard that there is a super famous Langlang Lane in Hejian County. Have you been there?"

Langlang Lane, with a strange name, is actually a red light district, an unspeakable place.

Gu Min remembered the famous sentence on the Internet, which crossing woman did not go to the green house to see and experience, this crossing is soulless.

Langlang Lane is located on a street near Hejian Junfang City, very far away from the Liuyao Ancient House.

Liu Yan blushed and yelled, "You don't know how to be ashamed. How could any daughter's family want to go to that kind of place?"

"Seriously, I still saw the fire avoidance chart in your study. I didn't learn well at a young age. Do you have the face to say me?"

"You, you-you even look at that, don't be shy!"

No matter how bad Liu Yan's personality is, he is still a little boy.

He couldn't bear curiosity, couldn't stand the others, and learned that the older Lang Jun of the clan studied peeping away from the fire, and his face was red and red.

The act itself was ashamed, and Gu Min wasn't expecting it to be so straightforward.

"are you going?"

"Don't go!"

"Okay, you don't go to me."

Gu Min is not afraid of heaven and earth. She recently walked closer to Liu Ye. If her mother blame, she will throw a black pot on Liu Ye.

The sky was dark, with red lights hanging on both sides of the street, which lit the night as bright as the day, the scent of wind blowing, and the scenery was full of flowers.

"Haha, this is Langlang Lane? It's so lively."

Gu Min looked at the scene outside the carriage and was amazed.

"Look at me, don't you look like a romantic boy?"

Gu Min was wearing a men's shirt at this time, because she was still young, and no one would suspect that she was a baby girl.

Liu Ye hit her relentlessly, "Mao hasn't grown up. Sorry to say that you're a" brilliant brother "?"

Gu Min pouted his lips, and the two went to the famous mansion on Langlang Lane in the support of the guards.

The matchmakers could not help seeing them.

I've seen all kinds of gracious guests, but I've never seen a young boy of six or seven years old. Boys of ordinary people still wear open crotch pants.

Liu Ye blushed and said, "Every face in this life has been lost."

Gu Min said, "Come on, where do you still have face? It depends on me."

Liu Ye had been enlightened for several years, but he was a complete academic scum. So far he couldn't write even a large character, and he was not punished by his father or brother.

Although Langlang Lane is a dusty place, it is also elegant.

Gu Min laughed, "I don't know how to verse poems this year. I am proficient in poetry, poetry, and poetry.

After hearing that, Liu Yan's face turned dark, and his anger suddenly came from his heart.

There is no child in Langlang Lane. Gu Min's remark is ironic that he has no knowledge and skill, and even a child is not as good as a family.

"There is no cover, you will die on this mouth sooner or later." He said angrily, "Look who will blindly marry you in the future."

Gu Min laughed, "I don't need you to worry, because of Gu's status, those who marry me are like Jiang Zhi'an."

Seeing that Gu Min was not stage frightening at Langlang Lane, Liu Yan laughed and juggled with those flower maids. You and me, your whole face is blue.


The two children went to Langlang Lane, which naturally passed to the parents' ears. Mrs. Gu thought it was Liu Yan's, and she was furious.

"If the embryo is really bad, I would know to go to Huajie Liuxiang at a young age. If my child is still young, this reputation would be gone."

Gu Min shrugged secretly and betrayed Liu Yan without burden.

Anyway, this shrew's reputation is already messy, and it's normal to take another sip.

It was probably that Liu Yan was of poor character. He followed Fox friends and dog friends to race horses in the countryside, but the horse was taken aback by the snake bite.

Gu Min happened to pass by, and caught up with him in a ridiculous posture, and then rescued the panicked little sister-in-law.

"Don't ride out so badly to ride."

Gu Min got up, accidentally hit the wound, and took a breath of air in secret.

Liu Ye's eyes flushed, and he was short of breath because of fear, and looked pitiful.

"I don't need you to fake it!"

Liu Ye looked up at Gu Min, who was backlit, and felt his eyes tingle. Thinking of the other's ridicule, he immediately became angry.

"Well, kindly treat donkey liver and lungs."

Gu Min struck the whip, jumped onto the horse's back, and actually left Liu Ye in place, intending to let the puppet walk home.

"Gu Min--"

Liu Yan clenched his teeth secretly, and his tears burst into tears.

It didn't take long to hear the sound of horseshoes, but it was Gu Min who returned and returned.

"Think of you as pitiful, come on up, ride steady."

Not long after, Gu Min returned home with his mother.

In the blink of an eye, it is the winter moon, and Langya County is not very cold in winter due to the terrain.

However, the surrounding mountains will be covered with snow, and many celebrities like to go to the mountains to hold a poetry gathering in this season.

Gu Min's father is one of the Langya celebrities, not only celebrities, but also famous figures among celebrities.

He served as a senior official in the Central Korean government, and he also presided over the evaluation of Dongqing's selection of talents, which belonged to all parties.

His father is burdock, his family is burdock, Gu Min occasionally flutters-he is probably the heroine in the legend wearing a heroine? At birth, I stand at the end of the struggle of others. Of course, this idea just lasted for a while.

She is Gu Min more than 300 years from the future world, not Gu Min, a dementia of this era.

I really want to say that I will have a rebirth, and I also owe the credit to the original owner.

As an outsider, she is fortunate in everything she has today, and should cherish everything she owns rather than being complacent.

Fearing that her daughter was so suffocated at home, her father took her out to participate in a chat and talk set organized by a famous scholar.

Gu Min heard the clouds and fog, and if he really wanted to say feelings, he could sum up the four words—unclear.

When his father saw Gu Min's face a little tired, he smiled and ordered the maid to take her around.

Gu Min raised a smile and said, "Thank you father."

Gu Min, a previous life, was born in a southern seaside city. The first time I saw snow was the winter of the first semester of Tianhua University.

The snow was so big that it went down for two days, reaching the thickness of her calf.

The snow on the mountain was not heavy, and the thickness was half a knuckle, a thin layer, and the sun began to melt as soon as it came out.

The so-called snow is not cold, it is the coldest when it snows, and Gu Min clung to the cloak that was wrapped tightly on his body.

"So pretty."

Passing by a snow-covered red plum plum forest, the eye-catching red firmly grasped people's eyes almost at first glance.

She stepped on her feet and tried to fold down a plum blossom, but no one was short enough to reach half a pinch.

"There is a ruined temple here."

The waitress discouraged, "big lady, you can't go to such a dark place."

Gu Min said, "All the gods are worshipped in the temple. Even if it is ruined, ordinary demons dare not approach? Is it obscure?"

As soon as the words fell, she heard a depressing laugh at the tip of her ear.

"Someone in the broken temple? Who peeped over there!"

Gu Min put her skirt into the ruined temple, and found a pile of burnt bonfire inside. There was still a young man with a pale complexion and white-washed clothes patched near the fire. This young man was born very well, and even sitting in a ruined temple gave the illusion of being in a high place.

This young man's eyebrows were filled with Ling Ran's righteousness, his eyes were clear and clear, and at a glance he knew that he was a frank and straightforward person.

At this moment, Gu Min sounded a word in his head.

Standing like a chrysanthemum and a jade tree, smiling like a long moon into her arms.

This kind of face value, put it to her era, I am afraid that the younger film emperor is slightly worse.

When he looked at the youth, Gu Min knew that his life was down, and he was mostly a poor scholar in a poor family.

"Did you just laugh?"

Gu Min asked the young man, but his eyes were pointed at his finger.

The man's fingers were red and frosty, and there were frostbite in some places. His clothes were worn and thin, and he was snoring coldly, still calm. Gu Min secretly pouted his lips, so embarrassed that he was still holding the shelf of the scholars, really could not be sure of these ancients.

The youth seemed ill and his voice was hoarse and weak.

"Listening to the little lady's words, I deeply agree ..."

He seemed to say something, a urge to cough in his throat, the whole face turned red, and his forehead was bruised.

"You are very ill, why don't you go and see Langzhong?"

The youth said, "Without a penny and no place to stay, how can you go to see Langzhong with money? It's just a minor illness.

"This can't be done. A long illness can easily become a serious illness for a long time. You adults don't understand this?" Said Gu Min. "Look at your costume and the book box beside you. You can also find money for any job of copying letters and books. "

The young man laughed, "This little lady reminded me of a sentence."

Gu Min tilted his head and asked, "Why don't you eat me?"

The youth martyrled, "Offended."

Gu Min said, "Well, you really want to say that to me."

The young man smiled bitterly. "Although the way the little lady said is a livelihood, the assumption is often different from reality and it is not so easy to make ends meet."

Gu Min didn't know the doorway inside, but looking at the young man's frank attitude, Gu Min knew that he had misunderstood the other party.

"Then ... you can't keep dragging on this disease."

Even if Gu Min could not get medical treatment, she knew that the youth was very ill, and if the fever was too severe, she would turn into pneumonia.

The pneumonia thing was dead in her time, let alone the era of low medical level.

The young man put his fist on his lips and coughed, smiling, "Let the fate go."

Gu Min didn't understand any more. He was obviously so sick. How could he still laugh?

"Do you have parents?"

The youth said, "The test has been lost, and there is still a mother in the family."

Gu Min was old-fashioned and said, "Since there is an old mother in your family who needs your support, you will cherish your health even more, and find a way to cure your illness. The young and strong guy is still able to read and write. There is always another way to think about it. "

The young man was amused by Gu Min.

Gu Min said again, "If you change to me, as long as I can live, I will definitely find a way to live hard."

The youth was very ill, but those eyes were as bright as stars and moon.

"The young lady is young and has a lot of ideas. I'm dull, but I can't think of other ways to survive. What should I do?"

Gu Min blinked and said, "Who is your last name?"

The young man asked her, "Ask this what?"

"I have pity for an old mother in your family to support, and I'm sick, and I can't do it even if I'm willing to make money." Gu Min turned his eyes and smiled at the youth, "Well, you tell me who your last name is, Write me an IOU, and I will lend you the silver two to make you turn around for a while. When your bones are good and you have the ability to make money, you will return the silver two to me. In this way, the best of both worlds. How? "

The young man coughed with a smile, Gu Min was annoyed, "How come, don't you believe?"

"Why don't you believe it? The young lady's horned bead Cui is worthy of chewing for the next few years, naturally she believes." The young man laughed. What are you thinking, how can this be good? "

Gu Min said with a lip, "You can't help but look at yourself too much. What kind of care do you want when you get sick like this? It's powerless!"

The young man smiled and shook his head.

Gu Min said, "Why don't you accept it? Can you be the stubborn stubborn sage who would rather die than accept the food?"

The young man asked, "What is not to be eaten by you is commended for being arrogant. How did you get the stubborn stubbornness in the mouth of the little lady?"

Gu Min said with both hands, "I'm a vulgar, my life is the most important."

The young man laughed, "Fun! It's so fun!"

Gu Min was staring a little at the youth and muttered, "What's interesting?"

The young man refused to say, but just said, "Zhu, Ning, Chun'an are the last names."

Gu Min read, "Zhu Ning, Zhu Chunan ... the name seems familiar ..."

She has no memory of the original owner of the body, and the name that she knows must be the character of her last life.

Could it be that Zhu Ning is a character in history books?

When the book is in use, there is less hate. If time goes backwards, Gu Min would never dare to run away when he is in class.

She raised her hand and patted her head, distressed, "Forget it, you don't want to remember it."

Gu Min asked the maid to take twelve pieces of silver for herself and lend it to the youth. The youth took blank bamboo slips and knife and pen engraved IOUs.

"Yuan Jing?"

Gu Min opened his eyes warily.

She looked and looked, in addition to Zhu Ning, the word Chunan, there are three small characters-Hao Yuan Jing.

The youth said, "It's just a boring nickname."

Gu Min estimated the age of the youth and almost knelt on him.

Ma yeah, what luck is this that you can actually meet the rumored actor-Tom Su Yuan Jing?

Why do you say that?

Look at Yuan Jing's life resume, you know, proper Tom Su, the BUG of the male halo above his head!

Mr. Yuan Jing was born in the middle and late years of Dongqing and was one of the most famous Confucianists in the world.

Born with an auspicious vision, his childhood experience was even more extraordinary. When he was seven years old, he was immortalized by the immortal to cleanse and marrow his bones.

Before reaching the weak crown, the astronomy has already been completed, the geography is clear, the five elements, the gossip, and the Qimen's armor are all perfect. Qin Qi, calligraphy, paintings, poetry, song and poetry are all handy, and even master farmland water conservancy. Wraith, the halo is infinite!

In the last year of Dongqing, one person fought against the messenger of northern Xinjiang, robbed the three cities and killed the messenger.

After becoming famous, Mr. Yuan Jing did not accept the influence of all parties, but returned to his ancestral home Lang Lang County and opened a private school.

At that time, the private school in Langya County was prevalent, and Mr. Yuan Jing slowly attracted students by his own fame and established his own reputation.

After ten years of teaching, the three disciples under the door became famous conspirators in the Five Kingdoms.

In addition to these, the students who stayed in his private school also made good progress, and have worked in 56 careers and 23 famous ones.

The troubled times of the Five Kingdoms is not so much a battle between the princes of various families, but rather a field of Shura under the students of Mr. Yuan Jing.

Almost every vassal has their own figure, each occupying a different weight.

In the troubled times of the Five Kingdoms, Mr. Yuan Jing did not show up, but his teaching methods were quite advanced. After the founding of the Jiang Dynasty, Jiang Chao was also awarded the supreme glory of "Master of the World". Of course, for this glory, the history book records that Mr. Yuan Jing declined.

In all fairness, if Gu Min was Yuan Jing, she would also refuse.


Mr. Yuan Jing taught countless students throughout his life.

Although the troubled times are cruel, from the perspective of a teacher, it is really heartfelt.

Mr. Yuan Jing ’s three most beloved students, Cheng Jing, Lv Zheng, and Han Zheng, died of Emperor Xu.

Cheng Jing escaped from prison, Lu Zheng jumped to the death, Han Han swallowed gold and committed suicide.

It wasn't her own hand, but she pushed it.

Even if Mr. Yuan Jing didn't regret it, it would still be difficult.

This can be seen from the epitaph that Yuan Jing wrote to himself.

It's hard to be fair, but there are still many contributions to make.

The original education foundation of Jiang Chao was tossed out by this old gentleman. Later generations of students love and hate it!

In the year of the college entrance examination, there was a "grave digging fever" among the students.

Of course, this is just a verbal talk. No one dares to do this. Candidates do n’t have time to pay their respects.

At this moment, when seeing the living Mr. Yuan Jing, Gu Min couldn't help but want to worship the great **** softly.

The young man found Gu Min's expression inexplicable and asked, "What's wrong with this nickname?"

Gu Min shivered and said, "Nothing is wrong, Yuan Jing is fine, I believe you will stay in history."

The young man's expression of smiling and non-smiling expression made Gu Min feel uncomfortable as if sitting on a needle.

"Ender today, the next day will be reported."

Gu Min scratched his head and said, "I think about it, I think you will be very capable in the future and you will be famous. If you start private school in the future, I will definitely give my child to you for teaching. Do n’t teach your child How good it is, it's a bit decent. "

At that time, maybe the children of Gu Di and the future Emperor will also be sent to Mr. Yuan Jing's private school.

In this case, Emperor Emperor and the future Jie Renjie have a fellowship with each other, and it should not be so hard to stab each other ... right?

The young man chuckled, almost unhappy.

"The little lady is only six years old now, so why do you think your child is gone?"

Gu Min blushed. "This is a rainy day! I'm sure you have a lot of potential in the world, so why not gamble?"

"Gambling is bad karma, and the skills are not six skills, and the country is not used by the nation. Sages also say, 'Gentleman is not a blogger'. Young people should not be contaminated with this vice."

The youthful version of Mr. Yuan Jing's coach looks like a three-pointer in the future, and Gu Min murmured.

Lively free teaching director!

Gu Min said, "You look like an old master who teaches and educates."

The youth smiled and said nothing.

Gu Min got up and bounced off the dust contaminated by the skirt, and said, "I'll go back first, so that my father won't worry, and see you in the future."

She ran far and wide, leaving only Zhu Ning to sit in place and smile at the "borrowed" money.

"It seems ... not an evil spirit ..."

Don't look at the young man's time to learn metaphysics, but his talent is extremely high, and he is a natural talent.

Just looking at Gu Min's face, he found that something was wrong, but after testing it, he found that it was pure-minded and not at all like an evil spirit.

In the other compartment, Gu Min returned to Yaji, and the maid secretly informed Gu Min's father.

"Zhu Ning? Isn't that an extremely brazen scholar, why would he accept Min'er's funding?"

Gu Min said, "Look at him with good hands but hiding in the ruined temple to avoid snow. It seems that he is still ill. He kindly borrowed his silver."

My father squeezed her face with a funny smile and said, "My son is kind."

Gu Min asked Yuan Jing to write an IOU but didn't say which one he was. He clearly planned to send money to the other side, and took care of his face by the way.

He smiled, exposed a few white teeth, and slapped the old man.

"This is all taught by my father."

The old father spoke sharply and said, "Although so, my child should not be in close contact with that cold door, especially the kind of bad-tempered."

Yuan Jing's ancestors are not bad, but the people in the family are naturally despised according to the spleen nature of the ancient father.

I'm going to read the manuscript of Jun Junniang. The content of the female emperor [Gu Min Pian] was from the previous personal history activities. Those who have books can not subscribe.

The name of the new book is tentatively named "Man's Handbook for Raising Cubs". The introduction is definite. I hope it will not be harmonious.

Others retired and raised their grandchildren to dance with the baby.

Pei Ye retired.

Before the gold: Junk games, cheating the scum.

After the gold: Really sweet! Not only can I sting me, but also my liver!

This kind of thing about raising paper people, it can cultivate sentiment, enrich the boring life after retirement, and raise not only affection, but also ...

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 98

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