MTL - The Empress’ Livestream-Chapter 1853 Fanwai: Han Yan (This Life)

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Chapter 1853 Fanfan: Han Yan (This Life)

"Han Chi! Han Chi! My second lady, why are you stubborn again?"

The elder son of the eunuch's family searched for a long time before finding Han Chi hiding in the rockery.

Half-year-old boy hid in the rock, wiping tears, Jun Xiu's cute little baby face with tear marks, eyes red and rabbit-like.

"Who are you talking about, Mrs. Han Er? Let me sue me again with my uncle Eunuch!"

Hearing this rude title, Han Chi shouted angrily.

There was a cry in the next second, destroying this momentum.

"Xing Xing Xing, I'm wrong, I will never call you Han Erniang again."

Han Chi's eyes narrowed, but his friend interrupted him so much that he forgot why he was crying just now.

Speaking of Han Chi, that was also a bully in the class. It wasn't that he was arrogant. On the contrary, his character was very soft and his appearance was soft and deceptive. This caused his brother Han Run and his brother and sister to be uneasy Han Chi threatened the class when he came to school.

The three Jinlin College graduates all supported Han Chi, who would dare mess with them?

It doesn't mean that bullying on the face, even if it is a secret run, has to weigh one or two.

Han Run was still not worried enough. He found a relationship and asked the second generation to take care of Han Chi. At the same time, he said to Han Chi, "Whoever says that if you scold you for bullying you, you will go home and sue, and the security guard will hit you. Even my mother and mother do n’t recognize it, let our father bully each other ’s father and mother! "

There is a dad who can't mess with him, three siblings who can't mess with him, and a second-generation friend who protects him, almost no one dares to deal with Han Chi. Occasionally, there are some conflicts, and Han Chi can't afford a big loss. It is easy to squat at Jinlin Academy.

But this ease was quickly broken.

Han Chi met with his mother, Dow, who hadn't seen him once in a few years.

Dow remarried within a few years after leaving with Han Yanhe. Now he is the successor to others, taking care of housework, taking care of her husband ’s former son-in-law's sister-in-law, and her husband ’s sister-in-law. A lot. In order to consolidate her position in the backyard, she gave birth to another child in her early forties, but her current husband is obviously more inclined to the sister-in-law who gave birth to his predecessor.

No way, Dow could only look at his ex-husband's two sons.

Han Run practiced outside, the older she got, the more she had her own idea, and she was not close to her biological mother at all.

Han Chi is not the same, his temper is soft, and it is time to long for the care of his elders.

Which other elder in this world can make him rely on likes more than his biological mother?

Han Chi, after all, was the flesh she gave birth to for ten months.

Dow showed her favor to Han Chi, who was not used to it at first, but did not refuse her kindness.

It wasn't long before Dow revealed his nature.

She hoped that Han Chi would take a look at the **** under the knees of the current husband.

This sister-in-law was not born by Dow, but was born by her husband's ex-baby.

In terms of age, he is half a year older than Han Chi and he is in the class next door to Han Chi.

An obese little fat man.

Han Chi didn't like him and didn't want to agree, but Dow's words were all inferior to Han Chi. He should take care of the little fat man so that Dow's position at home can be stable. Han Chi's character was soft and arrogant, and he was bullied and wept.

He will be wronged and tell Dow that Dow will let him endure, which makes Han Chi extremely sad.

Because of crying, close friends of the same age called him "Second Lady Han". Han Chi didn't like it, but he didn't object. The little fat man didn't know where he heard this, but he laughed and wanted to take off Hanchi pants to see if he had any roots.

If it has roots, how could it be called "Han Er Niang"?

Han Chi grieved and broke free, ran to the rockery in the garden and cried, and then the worried **** Dalang came.

The **** heard the anger rising.

"Does that animal say so?"

Han Chi cried again, eyes red as a rabbit.

"You wait, you have to beat the nagging to your parents!"

The eunuch's temperament is not the same as his father's.

Blow up and blow up, but this kid is also overcast, and there is no one-shot settlement in the past.

He ran several different classes in different grades, hula la shouted more than twenty people, and beat people together.

This is a big thing, not only the school teacher was alarmed, but also the parents of several children.

"So many people hit one ... wouldn't it be great?"

Like a rabbit, Han Chi hid behind the eunuch, and whispered timidly to ask this man who is not brother-like.

"What are you afraid of? The law doesn't blame the public for knowing?"

So, the **** who said the words "the law does not blame the public" was charged by his lazier with a rattan and smoking fart.

"The law doesn't blame the public? You are out of luck!" The **** let the rattan say, "Today I will let you know whether the law blame the public!"

The more than 20 children involved in the fight were basically the children of middle and high-level officials in North Korea, with children and children.

I do n’t know how the **** can do it, but I know them all.

As soon as his brother was bullied, these children all came to help.

The **** heard that the source was his son, and he was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

The son is indeed a trouble, and he was born to cause trouble!

What's even more amazing is that more than twenty children were taught hard. They not only did not resent **** charges, but showed a posture of "brother, I will carry it with you, and enjoy it with you", one by one They all mourned without being punished, and limped by their parents to go home and continue to be punished. Han Chi is no exception, after all, he is the source of this vicious brawl.

However Han Han is a Sven, and he has a little more pain for his younger son.

Sven punished his son for not going rough when he came up.

He must first understand before deciding how to punish.

After hearing the poor son's recount, Han Yan was silent.

He has been with Dow and Li for many years, but Dow still affects the family like a ghost.


Han Yan asked him, "Do you want a mother?"

Han Chi: "???"

After a while, Han Chi whispered, "I want, but ..."

With the queen mother, there is the daddy.

Han Yan said, "Find out for my father, if you can ... pick the right one ..."

He has no hope in this matter.

Han Ye in this life is still a mascot up and down the Diss Manchu dynasty, but his backers include not only Jiang Yanji, but also eunuchs such as **** Jean and Wei Ci. Most of the officials in the Jinlin Academy have a lot to do with him Relationship — not to mention that Mr. Yuan Jing has been teaching at Jinlin College for so many years, and the new generation of teachers has also gradually entered the profession. As a three disciple of Mr. Yuan Jing, Han Yan is also a new generation in a sense. Brother Brother Han Han has offended many people, but the background is hard enough.

Nevertheless, he is still uncompetitive in the dating market.

There are more than forty men, two sisters-in-law, one sister-in-law and one daughter-in-law, except Han Chi, the other three are adults, and they are still practicing outside the government-Jishui married, basically is a housekeeper and gave birth Can't compete with the first few.

The door-to-door person doesn't look up to Han Yan, and he is full of older children. Han Yang, a young man, is not assured.

Han Yu, a housewife who has made a desperate attempt to fight for her family property, has seen too much these years.

Therefore, his promise to Han Chi was basically an oral promise.

Han Chi didn't care, Han Min didn't care, he greeted the official media and left behind.

When Han Zheng crawled out of the piles of files, he took a moment to let his subordinates clean their hair, but the official media came.

At the door, the servant was shaving Han Yan.

"Why did the official media come to the door? There are a few Runer out there, and the marriage is not urgent. Chier is still young."

The next man looked weird, "Master, the official media is here to find the master."

Han Yan: "?????"

The brain that has been overloaded for more than half a year finally digs out relevant memories from the depths of memory.

"Remember this?"

The subordinate could not help but smile bitterly.

How big Han Han's money is, he is probably the most difficult media that the official media has done, and the unsuitable candidates dare not push forward.

In the humane, "Master is rare to take a rest today, why not pass it?"

Han Yan also wanted to say that he had passed, but the official media had only been here for half a year, and it was not good to pass it like this.

"See you."

Official media gave a big gift to Han Kun, and after getting permission, he got up and sent the post and picture of the candidate.

"Which house?"

Han Yan was curious.

He also had a little demand for the goal, not to be a young girl who was not married.

He's more than forty. Why is half a bad old man hurting people?

It is best to be knowledgeable and widows, and it is best to have a few children with your husband's family.

There is a stumbling block when she has a child. She treats Han Chi as if she were out of her own hands.

The exchange of interests gave him peace of mind.

Han Yun also knows what kind of dog he is. He is young and has an illusion about his feelings. If he really marries someone, he will make evil.

It's better to choose to live with each other.

The official media smiled and said the woman's information with a smile. Han Xun happened to open the scroll, and was scared to tear the painting apart.

"It's a joke!"

Like a flood beast, Han Xun threw the scrolls on the table, not even reading the woman's basic news posts.

He is too familiar with the women on the picture.

A woman who went to Beijing to report her job six months ago, with a strong and powerful wrist.

Governor of Ningzhou.

This time when I report on my job, there is a lot of meaning to go up one liter.

The portrait of such a woman was delivered to me by the official media.

I greeted yesterday.

The official media said, "The portrait of the adult has also been passed on, and they are very happy."

This is not a unilateral election. They first selected Han Yan, and then the official media asked Han Yan what he meant.

Han Yan: "..."

He remembers having a family.

The official media said, "It has been more than a year since."

With that said, Han Xun faintly remembered that the incident between He and his family had indeed spread to Beijing, and it was a while ago.

It seems that the woman's husband is still crying in front of their house to remarry.

However, "Lang's heart is like iron".

The official media insisted, "The two adults are a match made in heaven."

Han Zheng waved his hand and signaled the official media to continue.

God made a fart!

Listening to the official media, I know that this is not a day or two.

Then what did it mean when Xiaochao disappeared yesterday?

After thinking about it, Han Yan planned to ask it in person.

I seem to have expected it.

"I can wait for you."

Han Yan almost missed it.

芈 婳 Bring a piece of paper to Han ,, "Before speaking, adults may wish to look at this.

Han Yan looked down, his expression was almost cracked.

"Adults may wish to consider that this requirement is not difficult."

Han Yan looked weird.

I shouted, "They have been serving me for many years. After so many years, I have no feelings and have sister feelings. I stayed there too, and I bought them all their deeds. One day in the future, I will Let them worry free for a day. "

Han Yan: "..."

People get married and dowry gold and silver jewellery.

Yes, that's right.

To marry the younger sister of the ex-husband's courtyard.

After my divorce from my ex-husband, I had to leave with all my ex-husbands who were willing to leave, take them away, and marry my new husband's house.


I shouted, "I naturally won't make adults embarrassed. They should be provided for their lives, and their food and clothing will go to my account. They will not appear in front of adults after marriage, and they only say that they are my dowry. Will not stain the reputation of Fu Shangqing— "

If the marriage is successful, they will live together if they don't like it, and live separately if they don't like it.

Hey, Han Ye is also busy, don't blame anyone.

Han Yan just thought it was ridiculous.


He chuckled his lips and looked at Han Yan's eyes with undisguised ambitions. "Adults don't really understand their situation? They are extremely darling, but they are also extremely dangerous. I can help you to protect you, and at the same time lend you It ’s a matter of mutual help and benefit. Why did n’t the adults agree? I heard that the former wife of the government was not at ease. If there is a serious mother, she can weigh it, right? ”

Han Yan: "..."

after awhile.

Han Yan said, "It's not a secret, listen to the official's intention ... Your promotion is a matter of course."

Yelled, "but not enough."

"Not enough?" Han Kun said, "I can't help you."

He also didn't think he was a person who needed to go through the back door.

How long has it taken since she was in the government to sit firmly on the governor of Ningzhou?

In just a few years, people may not be able to finish their entire life.

"Naturally, you don't need how to help each other. Your Majesty trusts and values ​​your Han Wenbin. This is what I value." He said, "It only needs to be a couple in name, but whether it is nameless or not? It's famous, it depends on fate. "

Han Yan left with an ugly face.

At this time, a graceful woman came out after the screen.

The woman sat on her side and pinched her shoulders.

"That lord ... seemingly doesn't seem to promise."

He smiled, "Why didn't he agree?"

The woman was one of the ex-husband's sisters-in-law and willingly redeemed and followed him.

"Look ..."

Yelled, "Wait, your Majesty will come forward to make peace in a few days."

The woman was surprised, "Why is this?"

Yelled, "He has too many enemies and seems to have a thick background, but the direction of the court is changing at any time. He is not allowed to be a foe to him in a few days after he laughed at him. He changed the law How many people have been harmed by the law? There are more people who remember it. "

The woman said, "Your Majesty said yes ..."

Shouted, "Of course, to **** this baby egg."

As expected in that year, 芈 婳 is bound to go high.

But she still feels inadequate. She is the most powerful person, and the peak of one million people is what she really wants.

A little Ningzhou cannot satisfy her ambitions.

The woman looked at Sigh and sighed.

"But-you can't commit to marrying--"

Yelled, "Even if you get married, you can have your own. He is an excellent shield, so am I."

Neither she nor Han Yan are in their teens or twenties, and they know exactly what they want.

"Do you think I'm aggrieved? In the eyes of ordinary people, marriage is a matter of life, but I get married again, and it's all three marriages. Marriage is a matter of being married two times in a lifetime, and getting familiar in three times. Cheng It's not important not to get married, what's important is how you are doing. "

芈 婳 Equality is equal to pay, and she is not wronged.

If the gain is greater than the pay, it is called earning.

The woman is not optimistic about this.

After a month, a decree came down.

She was aggressive.

Han's ex-wife Dow and his ex-husband were also stunned.

Manchu culture and military also fell into aggression.

Mr. Yuan Jing made a special trip to see the students.

Han Yu was not as worried as expected, nor was he happy as a groom, but rather calm.

"It's not like the teacher was worried. The disciple fits well with that one."

This is not to say that they really get along well. After a conversation, they found that many interests of each other coincide.

It's not like the love between men and women, but it's no problem to live together.

Rather than a husband and wife, it is better to be like-minded friends.

They were indeed friends for nearly thirty years.

When it comes to mustards, the only mustards of Han Yan is the group of "little sisters" kept in the backyard.

"Do you raise a daughter or a daughter?"

After her 50th birthday, Han Xun gave her "Xiao Xun" a total of 16 gifts.

At the birthday party, he found that Yingying Yanyan in that room had changed his face.

Each is gentle towards her.

This day is more nourishing than the emperor. Does Your Majesty know?

Yelled, "I'm old enough to raise my daughter, and I haven't paid you Han Wenbin for a penny."

Han Yan: "..."

Did he feed the dogs with those sixteen politely?

(| 3 [▓▓] good night

(End of this chapter)

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