MTL - The Empress’ Livestream-Chapter 1847 Fanwai: Feng Yan (Previous Life)

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Chapter 1847: Fanfan: Feng Yan (Previous Life)

Wind 珏, Shangyang Feng's Saburo.

From a young age, he has lived a carefree and precious life, and is the son of a man born with a golden spoon.

According to the theory of a famous psychologist, there are five human needs from low to high-

Physiological, safety, social, respect, and self-actualization needs.

Feng Qing, as the first high-ranking nobleman in Dongqing, spoiled his young children, and was loved by his elders since he was a child. The psychologist said that meeting the needs of one level naturally began to aspire to the next level.

Feng Feng is naturally the same. He was born with something that no one else can. The rest of life is to pursue himself.

To put it more succinctly, this is a middle-aged two sick man who thinks of challenging the impossible all day, and then makes his life one step further.

Of course, his heart is lonely.

Because the vulgar person cannot understand his pursuit and ambition.

At a time when the chaos in the world was frequent, Feng Yan refused to send his elder brother's home letter by mail to let him go home to squat, and had to find the "Ming Master". Not to mention the feelings of the two elder brothers, anyway, the shy bookboy was a little bit broken and wanted to cry, and his tears popped.

The wind was so gray-faced and utterly angry.

"What are you crying? Annoying, snoring!"

The book boy cried even more, hissing and exhausting, and his tears turned from one to the pouring rain, which was sad.

He was not crying about how his own Langjun loved to die, he was distraught because he was about to die at a young age.

Yes, he is about to die at a young age _ (: з) ∠) _

Their master and servant were caught by a band of bandits as they climbed over the mountains. They are now in the wood house of the bandit's nest.

The little book boy consciously escaped hopelessly, and naturally wept all over, crying.

The bandits who arrested them were fiercer than one, in short, the little book boy was scared, but the wind was calm and calm.

"What's the use of crying?"

Shu Tongjun, "Sanlangjun, here is so remote. If you are killed unfortunately, you may not know it at home."

Feng Feng said, "I haven't cried for your grandfather. Could it be that my life is less expensive than you?"

At this time, the wind was young and vigorous, and with the pride of a gentleman, the book boy was dumbfounded, but did not dare to disobey.

Without him, it would not be possible to catch Feng Feng if it were not for the book boy.

Only blame the book boy was frightened by the bandits who jumped out, and kept chopping Feng Feng, making him unable to pull out his sword, and causing Feng Ying to be captured by the bandits.

In short, the book boy is very persuasive now, for fear that he will be killed by the wind of anger before he died in the hands of the bandits.

"Sorry, Langjun--the slave didn't mean to drag down--"

Feng Yan was also upset at this time, and the book boy was making all kinds of noises in his ears again. He couldn't help it.

The book boy muttered indifferently.

"Actually ... if Saburo Junfei had to run away from home ..."

The wind angered, "Shut up!"

Is he running away from home?

He is trying to find his ideals and life ahead!

The mediocre did not understand his pursuit and ambition at all.

After the master and servant hurt each other for a while, the door of the firewood room, which had been closed for a long time, finally opened.

Several tall and burly figures stood against the door of the light, and the wind trembled tightly, but also knew that it was not the time for self-rebellion.

The bandits killed or tortured them on the spot, mostly because the master and servant had some value.

The negotiation situation that waited for the most part affected their lives.

In any case, life is up.

You can't make these bandits think that their master and servant are good fat sheep, and then open the ticket to Feng's lion. After all, offending Feng's nobody can retreat, it's better to do a big ticket and tear the ticket a hundred ——But it also does n’t make the bandits feel that the two are worthless. For the bandits, the captives who are worthless are too old and too sour to chop and feed the pigs.

Only if the value is not high but not low, and you can find the correct positioning, can you survive safely.

It really isn't working, Feng Ye can remain anonymous with the other party, and gain trust, then make plans and contact Feng's.

"Where are you taking me and Lang Jun?"

The book boy frowned, like a quail, but still bravely asked the bandits for their intentions.

The bandit snorted heavily and lifted the bookboy's collar and dragged it away.

One of the bandits inquired about Fengyan with his eyes, and Fengyan's expression froze, and he waved, "No, I have my own legs."

Kazaburo will never lose his face!

Feng Yan held this idea to meet the bandit leader, and as a result--

What about the bandit boss?

Feng Heng stood in the hall, with a neat piece of tiger skin on his main seat. On the seat was a woman sitting in a "six relatives unrecognizable" position. This woman looked cold and stubborn. She just hugged her knees. The cute big cat who wants to kiss and scratch-fart, is clearly a tiger!

The tiger of the beast king, like a cat, lay on a woman's lap, and from time to time made comfortable and coquettish purrs.

Undoubtedly, the bandit boss Feng Feng wants to see is not someone else, it is this woman.

"What's your name?" The woman was too lazy to raise her eyelids, and her slender fingers shuttled through the tiger's hair.

Feng Xun turned his heart, respectfully made a yell, "Fill another phoenix."

"Feng ... three?" The woman laughed lazily.

She scratched the tiger's belly with her bare feet, and the obedient tiger slapped her knees with a big furry face.

This picture is really harmonious and beautiful ...

Feng Ye doesn't think this tiger is so kind and cute, but raw meat is still hanging on the corner of this mouth!

"What's your name, Feng San? Who's parents named his son like this?"

Feng Yan opened his eyes and said nonsense, "The family is poor. Although the parents have the heart to support the third son at school, they have limited ability."

"Three sons? Besides your brother in your family?"

Feng Feng said, "Yes, the older brother Fengda, the second brother Fenger, the younger three, naturally the third."

He bowed his head and did not notice a faint smile in the woman's eyes.

That smile was not a good laugh, but a mockery of Hongguoguo.

It is true that Fengyun's acting skills are passable, but the book boy beside him is not. Didn't see the book boy's expression full of flaws?

The wind is lying!

However, the name of Feng San-it is also simple and rude, most of it is similar to Sanlangjun in the family of the pronunciation of the surname?

The woman did not hold it, but just said, "Your family is poor? Then you can't keep it, drag it down and feed it, and save a meal."

Who did you chop off?

Just look at the excited look of the tiger lying beside the woman and you'll know.

The book boy fainted, and Feng's face was not very good.

He fought for the possibility of survival for himself.


Although his family is poor, he reads well and is knowledgeable.

and so--

If a woman keeps him alive, he is willing to be a dog-head military officer for the woman and help her to take care of the bandits, which is also a way out.

The woman sneered, "Do you want to be a bandit like me?"

Feng Feng said, "Three hundred and sixty lines, each line is worth trying."

What happened to the bandits?

Can the bandits not be motivated, unable to work **** their own careers, and expand the territory of employment?

No occupational discrimination!

Feng Yan talked again and again, saying that several of the bandits around him were all moved, but it was the woman who made the final decision, it was her words. If she refuses to nod and promise, even if the bandits value the talent of Feng Feng, Feng Feng can only be chopped to feed the tiger.

After a long while, the woman nodded and said, "It still has a little meaning, keep it. Is this a book boy next to you?"

Feng Feng said, "Yes, the family is poor but buying a cheap kid can still do it."

The woman said, "Throwing backyard to wash clothes, you are missing a messenger."

As a result, Feng Yan successfully transformed into "Feng San" and became a head soldier in this bandit village.

He slowly won the trust of a woman, Jiang Yanji, before he realized that this seemingly ordinary stockade actually has a very wide business scope.

Not only do they work part-time to stop robbery, they also work part-time as bodyguard escorts.

What if nobody hires them?

Stop on the road to grab and see if the blocked merchants want to be robbed or hire their bodyguards.

_ (: з) ∠) _

With such a bandit approach, Feng Yan looked dumbfounded.

"Does this ... wouldn't it be good?"

The woman rolled her eyes. "We are bandits. When did the bandits make sense?"

The bandits were unreasonable. Among them, the bandit leader Jiang Yanji was even more so. Not only did they dare to stop the road and rob the big dog family, they even dared to rob the officials of Dongqing government. It's almost impossible to be infinite, and Feng Yan vomited in his heart, but in fact he was helping.

After a few months, Feng Yan was gradually brainwashed by the woman, and she was very magically agreed with her various words.

Every night he told himself to be calm, but during the day he followed the bandit leader everywhere and challenged to annex the surrounding bandits.

For the sustainable development of the bandit villages, Fengxuan is also a prosperous night.

_ (: з) ∠) _

As a genius-level strategist, Feng Yan also keenly discovered the suspiciousness of this den.

The seemingly unreasonable bandit boss seems to be plotting in secret, other bandits have nothing to study, but the bandit boss-very suspicious! In order to understand the mystery, Feng Ye had several opportunities to leave the bandit, but he just left and kept it.

On a certain day, Feng Ling made great achievements in the annexation of fellow gangsters, and various personnel arrangements were excellent.

The gangsters hosted a banquet for celebration, and Feng Ye, as a dog-headed army officer, was embraced by everyone and drank a lot of alcohol.

Drinking and drinking is high, the amount of alcohol is not good when Feng Ye was young, and he shed tears when he drank too much. His behavior was very different from usual. He was drunk and couldn't hold back his heart. He dared to ask his doubts, but he set out the "big plan" that Jiang Yanji planned for himself!

"I want to subvert this world!"

The same bandit bandit head climbed to the roof, holding a jug, and pointing his finger at the full moon.

"I want the sun and the moon to turn upside down, I want these beings to surrender!"

Feng Yan held the jar and crouched under the ladder to applaud her.

"So ambitious!"

Jiang Yanji was drunk and asked him, "What do you want to do?"

Feng screamed drunk, "I'm not as powerful as my master."

He was really drunk, but the big master seemed drunk, but his eyes were bright, and there was occasionally a cunning light in his eyes.

Feng Yan shouted at the moon, "I want to accomplish what my predecessors couldn't do!"

There is no Kaner who can't make it through this day!

With the background of Feng's background, what's so interesting about Chao Chaotang, this Dongqing, this Chaotang, this rotten hundred officials ... Which one is worth him?

Where is Dongqing Emperor worthy of his bow?

The thought of his eldest brother and second brother following the family arrangement and living step by step, he felt very uncomfortable.

Not for the uncomfortableness, but because the two brothers couldn't live uncomfortably.

"You want to upend the world, upside down the sun and the moon, and all beings surrender-I will help you and help you do these impossible things!"

At this moment, it was Jiang Yanji's turn to hold the jar and applaud him.

"Good ambition, Feng Sanjun division!"

Feng Feng's cheeks were drunk, and his steps swaggered left and right, waving his hand, "Good to say! Little things! Not worth bragging!"

The moon was bright and clean that night, and it was not cold, but very comfortable.

It was also from this night that Feng Ling and the bandit leader had a strange and inexplicable tacit understanding. Drinking and happily engaging in things that you ca n’t do or dare not do more than a decade or two ago in life, Feng Heng took off his identity as the Saburo of the Feng Family and was happy to do it again.

He thought that meeting Jiang Yanji was the best accident in life. But with the passage of time, the world has changed, and his identity has changed from Feng San, Feng Yan, and Feng Junqing to Feng Aiqing ... It seems that he has gained a lot, but in fact, he lost more things when his identity changed. Some of these things are willing to give up, and some are forced to lose them.

After many years, the female bandit leader became the emperor who came to the world. When she drunk and called him "Feng San", Feng Ye responded with a "drunk and hazy" smile, and seemed alienated. In other words, they all know that the other party is not drunk, but just pretending to be drunk.

Once talked about nothing, now alienated.

Feng Yan had her own hardships, and she became the person she hated the most, taking the opposite path to her expectations.

The dream was long and timeless. Feng Ying could not help laughing on the corner of his lips, and sometimes frowning.

Until a bell faintly came to his ears, awakening him from his dream.

"Outside ... why is it so noisy?"

Feng Yan opened his eyes and had to be gray. He had recently suffered a serious illness, and his condition has only improved in recent days. This is the dream of youth.

The outside bell still didn't stop, Feng Feng felt very noisy.

At this time, the filial piety son and grandson Sun trembled, "Emperor Daxing ..."

Feng Ye listened something wrong.


The eldest son looked pale, "Emperor Dahang ... half an hour ago ... he died ..."

Feng Yan sat on the bed halfway, and the beads held in his hands were scattered on the floor.

People who have been traveling for almost forty years ...

So gone?

The bell just now ... is a national funeral ...

They met at the end of the day, and met because of chance coincidence. Although absurd, it was a talk of monarchs and ministers.

The only failure of this interesting talk-about Mo is that the ending is not HE, and the feelings of the monarchs and ministers did not last until the end, but they were alienated.

"Father ... you ... sorrow ..."

Feng Yan was silent for a long time, from the dawn of the dawn to the dawn of the dusk, and then he returned to God, stiffly picking up the beads scattered on the ground.

"Come, change clothes and go to the palace to see the emperor."

The emperor died, even if the courtier couldn't afford the illness, he had to crawl over.

Feng Ye did not know that the new emperor who was suppressed by the clan had some affection for Feng's family, but he could not take the initiative to send it to others.

The emperor and the daughter of the emperor are, after all, different.

"In the future ... you will have to live in your daughter's hands ..."

_ (: з ”∠) _ I did n’t update it yesterday because of the relative ’s main hospital. Mushrooms were mentioned in the previous chapter and this chapter. I ’m sorry I did n’t let you know.

This chapter of four thousand words is actually two more together.

The previous chapters are basically knife, no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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