MTL - The Emperor is Expecting!-Chapter 86

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Hana continued to say, "His Royal Highness Zhao was a bit disgusted when I said this, but I didn't bother too much, and I want to be a good helper, but I do n’t dare to speak. I also said that the owner of the Uman State is said to be cruel and unkind, and has a temperamental personality. Go to the man-eating cave? His Royal Highness Zhao said that those who have done great things must be sacrificed. I also said that if even his own close relatives and blood cannot be protected, what great thing will happen? When I say here, His Royal Highness ’s His face was hard to read. Dad scolded me and said that I didn't understand anything, nonsense. I said I was eighteen, and I didn't understand anything. "

Hua Yan said a lot of words, some of them were dry, and he took the tea next to him and moistened his throat and then said, "Then my father dragged me out of Zhao's mansion, and his face was too heavy to look. I scolded me by covering my face, saying that I was disrespectful to His Royal Highness Zhao, would not judge the situation, and would not look at people's faces. Anyway, I said a lot of things, I was furious and told him, I was not willing to go His Royal Highness Zhao had to do things there, he had to force me to go there. When he got there, he said nothing, he said that I was like a root of wood, and that I might as well be a dumb man. But I spoke and said I said It ’s not right, it ’s not right, it ’s not right. Brother, you say, I do n’t know what to do. ”

Hua Ling said indignantly: "Yes, how can this not be right then that is not right, what should we do?"

Huayan picked up the apple next to her, and snorted like an angry one. Yan Shi looked at him and ate, but she also had some appetite. At a glance, Hua Ling saw what he had in mind, and called for someone to cut the apple into small pieces and place them in front of Yan Shi.

"Then I asked Dad again, why wasn't what I said right? Even if it's not right, you shouldn't be so angry. Good people need to listen to the opinions of different parties and to accommodate different kinds of voices." The voice when I said this was a bit vague, "This is His Royal Highness King Zhao. As soon as I say something against it, I get angry with me. Isn't this the obedient one and the perverse one perished? I say he can't be too big It ’s like this at most. I also advise him to stay away from His Royal Highness King Zhao, so as not to upset him later and blame him again. Then my father hit me with a slap. Brother, you know that I am so big Dad still hit me for the first time. Look, the palm print on this face hasn't disappeared. "

Hua Yan said as he put his left face in front of Hua Ling for him to see, the palm print on it was clearly visible.

"Catch the analgesic cream." Hua Ling ordered quickly.

"I do n’t apply those stuffs, I do n’t apply them to my face. I ’ll be fine. I ’ll be fine tomorrow.” Hua Yan shook his head to say no, and continued, “After Dad beat me, I would He said, I will never go to His Royal Highness Zhao again, and then he will let go, and I will go. "

Analgesic cream was brought in, and Hua Ling no matter how Huayan struggled, he applied a thick layer on it, and wrapped him in a circle with a clean cloth.

Hua Yan looked at herself in the mirror and broke her face: "It looks like I've been seriously hurt."

Hua Ling held back a smile: "This is good. The palm print will disappear tomorrow morning. The second brother will live in the house at night."

Hua Yan refused: "Can't stop it, I came to tell you secretly while it was night, and I feel better after I've finished speaking with you. If my father finds me here, it will be even more terrible. Don't say, I have to go. "Then he got up from his chair.

"But where are you going to stay so late?" Hua Ling looked worried.

Hua Yan put out her tongue: "Where can't I live? Before, I didn't stay home all day and night. No problem."

Hua Ling was not insisted by him when he said that, Hua Huan really did what he said. When he was not married, Hua Huan was not in the house all day, and he always ran out to play. He was considered good two or three times.

Hua Yan hugged his fist: "Master, brother, I'm gone."

After all, the body disappeared into the night.

After Hua Yan left, Yan Shi's face sank little by little. Hua Ling Coussed with Worry

He asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

Yan Shi shook her head: "Yan Jing actually wants to get Jia to kiss and kiss."

"Ah?" Hua Ling didn't understand what it meant.

Yan Shi looked at the expression of the little princess, which was quite funny, and couldn't help feeling good. She squeezed on his face: "Yan Jing wants to use the most honorable princess to go and kiss, and look at the entire palace. The princess is only the most suitable. "

Hua Ling's face immediately showed a dark color: "Why is this King Zhao so bad! His heart is black. But brother, isn't he still trying to beat you with a win? How could he push her out and let her go? How about a kiss? "

"King Zhao thought that the people he sent to his grandfather's army were already firmly rooted there, so my role would be small." Yan Shi explained to the little princess patiently, "Not to mention that now the emperor has piled me up, which makes Yan Jing felt threatened. He is more conceited than me, but in this capacity, it is the fact that he can't change it. In the past few years, he asked his people to side by side and said to the emperor. I want to make him a prince. But they were all beaten back by some old ministers. The reason is that he is not the eldest son. In fact, even if he doesn't bother me now, he will find me the same when he cleans up King Mu. .As long as I am there, he can't get his wish. "

"So what shall we do now?" Hua Ling was anxious, as if Princess Gao Jia was going to be with her tomorrow.

"Not in a hurry." Yan Shi looked at the little princess in anxiety, but her heart calmed down a bit. "Yan Jing had only this plan at this time, and I'd probably give it to my father in a few days. We still have time to ask Hurry up before Yan Jing tells his father and his father about the matter and resolves it. "

Yan Shi now thanked Huayan a bit. If it weren't for Huayan, they wouldn't know that Zhao Zhao still had such an idea. If he had made things clear to Chong Jindi, they would be much more passive. But was Hua Huan ’s move intentional or unintentional?

These can not allow Yan Shi to think carefully, the most important thing for today's plan is to keep winning, and not let her go and kiss.

Yan Shi ordered people to call Jiang Qingyue, and told him the details of the incident, Jiang Qingyue also looked dull.

Hua Ling said: "Can we first find a good person to marry Gao Jia?"

"Although this method is good, it is not feasible." Yan Shi said, "I have always wanted to be a good husband, but throughout the court, there is no suitable candidate. Moreover, even if there is a suitable candidate, as long as I propose This will be opposed by King Zhao. If he raises the matter with his relatives at that time, he wo n’t be able to escape. ”

"King Zhao actually wanted to give Majesty a power." Jiang Qingyue's cold voice came out of his mouth. "He wants his Majesty to know that this is the end game against him."

Yan Shi nodded: "According to my understanding of Yan Jing, he will definitely explore my tone before inviting this matter to his father, to see if I can get any benefit from me."

Hua Ling asked, "What does he want?"

"It must have been that I would give him the father's birthday feast." He thought carefully about how he wouldn't know.

"If his brother really gave it to him, would he let him win?"

"Of course not." Yan Shi snorted coldly. "He would still recommend to get Jia and kiss him. One is to beat my previous disobedience. The other is to think that I should be removed when my wings are not sealed. Drop. "

Hua Ling frowned. "How can he be so shameless."

"No shame, how can it be King Zhao." Yan Shi's eyes flashed a bit of yin, "He and his mother-in-law have the same ruthlessness and the same shame. How did the prince die? Only they know it best. "

Hua Ling opened his mouth wide. "My brother said that the young prince was killed by them? Then he got married to his mother?" The mother said he was referring to Yan Shi's biological mother.

"I've been investigating this, and I believe there will be a day when the truth will be revealed." Yan Shi said.

Hua Ling covered her hands with Yan Shi: "Brother, one day we will return the mother

White. "

Yan Shi exhaled deeply, and after sitting for a while, she felt that there was another surge in the stomach, and then she vomited down. Maybe it has been used in the past few days, Yan Shi's spirit seems to have recovered.

"Let's talk about winning again." Yan Shi took a sip of tea from Hua Ling.

Jiang Qingyue said, "My Highness, I have a way to do it. What if Princess Jia was seriously ill?"

"Are you seriously ill?" Yan Shi repeated, her eyes narrowed brightly, "Well, well, Qingyue is indeed Qingyue, this idea is wonderful."

Hua Ling's face was confused: "Brother, what are you laughing at? What will happen if Waka is seriously ill?"

Yan Shi patiently explained to the little princess: "If Jia was seriously ill, you do n’t need to be uncle. Qu Gongzi's medicine is so good that there must be something that can make people look sick, but the doctor cannot find out the cause. The medicine came. We had to get Jia to pretend to be sick before King Zhao made a speech to his father and got married and kissed him. In this way, King Zhao didn't know that we had already known about this, and things would be better in the future. " There is another reason Yan Shi didn't say, if King Zhao knew that Yan Shi already knew that he was going to get Jia and his wife, then King Zhao would be the first to suspect Hua Hua.

Yan Shi summoned Qu Liu again, and told him his thoughts. Qu Liuxi was so good that he told Yan Shi that he would take the medicine tonight and told him to take it tomorrow.

The medicine was brought into the palace by Hua Ling. On the first day of the month and the fifteenth, Hua Ling will go to the palace to greet his followers. Of course, Waka is also there. When he wasn't prepared, he stuffed the medicine into Waka's hand and told the matter briefly. Princess Jia was also smart and smart. She closed the medicine bottle without any traces and signaled Hua Ling to be assured.

A few days later, in the early dynasty, when Chong Jin was about to say Sanchao after finishing the dynasty, he suddenly looked at Yan Shi and said, "Jingchu, let's take a look today." You can go to the harem to see your biological mother, but Yan Shi is only a county king, so you ca n’t go into the harem without any reason. Today, Emperor Chong Jin authorized him to enter the harem.

"What's wrong with Jia?" Yan Shi knew that the plan had been accomplished, and was overjoyed, but she had to make a very surprised look on her face.

Emperor Chong Jin's face was a little gloomy: "You can see her in the palace."

Yan Shi busy made another anxious expression, and hurriedly walked to the harem. He did not forget to watch Wang Zhao's face secretly, and found that he was confused and even secretly laughed in his heart.

Yan Shi went to the palace of the maiden of De'ao, and the palace man informed that he was allowed to enter after entering.

I've seen Mrs. De'er, who took him to Princess Gao's bed.

The drooping of the bed veil enhanced the fragility of the people inside. Rao Shi Yan knew that Gao Jia's illness was fake, and she felt a bit sad.

He walked to Princess Waka's bed in a few steps, her eyes closed, her face very pale.

"Mother De'er, what's wrong with Jia?" Although De'er's mother also knew that Princess Jia was pretending to be sick, the people in her palace were not clean. Then go on.

The mother-in-law of Dexu wiped her eyes with a handkerchief: "I do n’t know, but just a few days ago, Jia Jia said that she was uncomfortable. She called for a doctor to see it, and the doctor just said that it should be caused by the season change. I haven't seen it well. Now the disease is getting worse, and she even vomited blood yesterday. She just fell asleep before you came.

Yan Shi clenched her fists and said, "Which quack doctor came to see?"

De Ao Niangniang said: "It's Zhao Taiyi."

Zhao Taiyi was King Zhao's person, and Yan Shi kicked him on his shoulder, kicked him, and scolded him again. De's mother looked at the time, and she pretended to comfort her a few words, and Yan Shi said a few words of ruthlessness before Zhao Taiyi crawled away.

At this moment, there was a movement on Princess Gao's bed.

Mother and daughter-in-law said, "Let's talk to you, brother and sister. I'll wait for you outside." Then, she took all the eunuchs and court ladies out.

Yan Shi was busy in front of Princess Gao Jia, "Go Jia, how are you?


With a smile, Wing Kay said: "My pal, who is okay, is physically weak, and I don't think anything else."

Yan Shi nodded: "You 'ill' will become more and more serious, and you need to be patient for a few more days, another month is the birthday of Father Emperor, after the birthday of birthday, you will slowly" recover ". "

Princess Princess Jia nodded and promised, "It was won by Princess Jia."

Yan Shi was about to speak again, only feeling a disgusting feeling in her stomach. There was some medicine smell in Princess Jia's room. He might smell uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Princess Jia hurriedly found out the spittoon under the bed. Yan Shi felt better after she vomited for a while.

"Brother Huang, what's wrong with you?" Princess Gao Jia was worried. She was pretending to be sick. Is her brother really sick?

Yan Shi was very moved when she saw that Princess Jia was worried. They are the brothers and sisters of a mother and compatriot, and this should not be concealed from her, so Yan Shi said he was pregnant with a pregnancy, and finally told: "This matter must not be leaked half way, even the mother-in-law of Dexi Say."

Naturally Princess Gao Jia knew how serious the matter was, and nodded her head quickly, and sincerely rejoiced for Yan Shi.

Yan Shi reassured her again: "Okay, our suffering will not be in vain. Brother Huang assures you that it won't be long before the mother-in-law's revenge will return, and our brother and sister will also get everything we originally belonged to."

After seeing Gao Jia, Yan Shi was in a good mood. After returning, she ate a bowl of rice, but she vomited out before the meal was finished.

Hua Ling followed Yan Yan for a while and didn't eat much. Yan Shi frowned a little, and he felt very distressed. He called another person to call Qu Liu, who yawned and said, "Prince, what's down?" Hua Ling, since knowing that Yan Shi was pregnant, only Yan Shi had some wind and grass. Yes, he will sing the song and ask him to take a look. There aren't ten or eight times in Quyangyu in this Nuanyang Pavilion.

Hua Ling said: "The brother just spit out the food again."

Qu Liu sighed quietly: "Master Wang, please reach out."

Yan Shi also felt that she was all right, but the little princess always couldn't rest assured that she had to let Qu Liu look at him.

Qu Liuhao said for a while after the pulse: "The pulse is stable, the fetus is developing well, and the Lord is not a big deal. Vomiting is just a normal pregnancy reaction."

Hua Ling took a sigh of relief, and Qu Liuyu ordered a few words and then walked away.

Yan Shi looked at Hua Ling with a bit of crying. "Ming Ting, I know my own body, I'm really fine."

"But my brother just vomited again." Hua Ling frowned.

"It's okay, it's all right after this time," Yan Shi smiled, "Ming Ting, let me listen to some music for a while."

Hua Ling repeatedly promised: "That brother will have something to eat. After that, I will play two songs for you."

Yan Shi sighed and agreed, and had to eat something more.

The little princess was satisfied, picked up the jade flute and blew up.

After playing the flute, he accompanied Yan Shimu to take a bath, and the two returned to bed to rest.

Hua Ling didn't know who it was. People who said that they were pregnant should read less and beware of tired eyes.

So he didn't let Yan Shi read the book every day, he only read it. Yan Shi was also helpless. How did he hear that he could not read when he was confinement?

But Yan Shi didn't touch the little princess's kindness, and she slept peacefully in bed with the gentle and soothing reading of the little princess.

With half a month to go before Chong Jindi ’s birthday, envoys of various countries came one after another. Because this year is the 50th birthday of Emperor Chong Jin, this is why it is so lively.

The envoys of various countries went to Hongzhang Temple, which was explained by their own. Yan Shi only made an appearance every day and walked across the scene.

Hua Ling was worried about Yan Shi's body, and sometimes he went with him.

It's not too early that the two just got out of Hongzhang Temple.

The night market has just been set up. Yan Shi smelled that the street stall had appetite, so she wanted to eat it.

It's getting warmer now, and it's not cold sitting outside. Since Hua Ling couldn't help but, Yan Shi wanted to eat Yangchun Noodles, and Hua Ling found a place that seemed relatively safe for Yan Shi to sit down, and the two waited for the stall owner.

As soon as the noodles came up, a scent of fragrance drew their index fingers.

Yan Shi took a sip, her eyes lighted up, and Hua Ling was very happy. She secretly wrote down the location of this noodle and thought about buying some for Yan Shi in the future.

When the noodles were almost eaten, I saw noisy people in the distance, and it seemed that someone shouted "Stop!"

Immediately after, a man in a different suit passed by.

As soon as the man had passed, he saw another man behind him. This man was dressed as an ordinary man from Dayuan, and in his thirties, he was full of brilliance. He performed lightly and shouted, "Stop!"

Originally, Yan Shi had no intention to gossip, but when she saw the man behind, her eyes and mouth widened, her face was incredible: "舅舅?"

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