MTL - The Emperor is Expecting!-Chapter 80

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Yan Shi sees the little princess frying and is soothing: "Ming Ting, Shi Fangmen let Qu Liuyu lurk in the palace, although it has not been temporarily Find out. But the agreement between us and Shifangmen is still there. This is two things with that. Afurong saw that the net was about to be closed. At this time, no error can be tolerated, and the person who chose Shifangmen was us. Doing things is undoubtedly the best choice. "

Looking at the princess's puzzled eyes, Yan Shi explained patiently again: "It is well known that people in Shifangmen have always been independent and never had any dealings with the court. Therefore, they leaked the case of King A Furong to Zhao. King Zhao could n’t find us on our heads even if we checked it. This is a good thing for us. After this, I promise that we will never have any more relationship with the people of Shifangmen. I have to liquidate with them. "

Hua Ling nodded reluctantly: "Brother is right, then this time, let's forget it, and I will not allow any more contact with Shifangmen in the future."

Yan Shi smiled and didn't resist touching his hair, then looked at Jiang Qingyue and said, "Qingyue, are you ready for everything you prepared before?"

Jiang Qingyue took out several letters from his sleeve: "I'm ready."

Yan Shi nodded and left only one with Hua Ling to see: "The rest is for Master Zhang and Master Shen."

Zhang Fufu opened the letter, glanced quickly, and his face was surprised: "This ... is this?"

Yan Shi took a sip of tea slowly, saying unhurriedly: "These letters will allow Master Shen to take up the position of Shang Shang's book."

The letters brought by Jiang Qingyue are all the letters from the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, Zhao Wenju, and the servant of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs Zhang You and Ding Wang on the affairs of A Furong, but everyone knows that the Ministry of Criminal Affairs is the king of Zhao.

Zhang Yuxin looked at the letter in his hand and wondered: "This letter?" He wanted to ask, did the Shang Shushu really betray Zhao?

Yan Shi smiled slightly and did not hide: "These letters are all in the hands of Qingyue, who is good at imitating human handwriting."

Shen Shenzhen looked at the letter in his hand again, and then he smiled with a palm of his hand after a while: "Oh, good, lord, this is a wonderful move."

Yan Shi's strategy is very simple. As early as a year ago, he wanted to let Shen Shenyu take Zhao Wenju instead. Although Zhao Wenju is not clean, if he investigates, he will find many guilts, but he is a person of King Zhao. As long as it does not involve King Zhao's own interests, King Zhao will certainly try to protect him.

But if he was intimate with other princes, then the first person who wanted him to die was King Zhao.

Yan Shi continued: "When I found Taiji Hospital, Zhao Wenju took me in a hurry to take over. This was understandable as an invitation, but if these letters were available, would Zhao Wang think that at that time, Is Zhao Wenju actually helping Ding Wang cover up A Furong? "

Hua Ling will always be Yan Shi ’s most faithful believer: "My brother is so smart that he came up with such a good idea."

Shen Shenzhen accepted the letter and handed it to Yan Shi: "How can this letter be discovered by others?"

Yan Shidao: "The people at Shifangmen have found the place where the king and the court officials and wealthy businessmen hid their letters. Just put the letters with them the day before Chafu. Zhao Wenju and Zhang You It's the same there. "

After discussing it with Zhang Shenfu, Yan Shi brought the two talents together.

On the second day of the first month, it is the "Welcome Day" of the Obuchi dynasty. On this day, the married daughter will have to return to her husband's home with her husband, and naturally her boyfriend is included.

Qingji had already prepared the gifts for the Kangle State Mansion. When the second day of the first day arrived, Yan Shi and Hua Ling took the carriage and went to the Kangle State Mansion.

Almost as soon as I arrived at the gate of the Kangle State Mansion, I saw someone rushing out of it and rushing at Hua Ling: "Brother——"

Hua Yan rushed to Hua Ling's arms and shouted excitedly. After a few breaths, she found Yan Shi who was standing aside. She let Hua Ling go awkwardly and touched her nose: "King, Wang Ye."

"Where's Dad?" Hua Ling said as she walked inside.

"The servant went to inform Dad, and it was here. I was waiting at the door early in the morning, so when you came to me, I saw it all at once." Hua Yan said

The words were filled with pride, "Brother, do you miss me? I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss you."

"I haven't seen you for months, naturally I thought."

"Hey, brother, you have grown taller!" Hua Yan's eyes suddenly became gleaming. "You were about as tall as Wang Ye before, and now Wang Ye has come to your eyebrows."

Hearing this Hualing was very happy: "Really? Am I taller now?"

"Really," Hua Yan nodded fiercely. "Why do you grow so fast? Is there any secret? I want to grow faster, too."

Hua Ling shook her head: "There is no secret, that is, I eat more in the palace than in our house."

"If you eat too much, you won't get fat?" Hua Yan doubted. "I won't just grow fat, don't I grow taller?"

Hua Ling thought for a moment: "Should, wouldn't he?"

Perhaps because Huayan and Hualing are similar in age, the two brothers have often played in one place since childhood, so Huayan's affection for Hualing is deep.

As he said, Hua Qiancheng came with Hua Wei.

"Prince, Princess." Hua Qian embraced his fist.

Yan Shi nodded: "Master Father-in-law, good New Year!"

Hua Ling secretly dragged Yan Shi's clothes corner and called out to Dad.

Hua Qiancheng laughed dryly and let them into the house.

Huayao pushed Huayao: "The third brother, Wang Ye and the eldest brother are here, haven't you seen them?"

Hua Wei reluctantly said: "Master, good old Chinese New Year!"

Influenced by Yang's influence, he didn't pay attention to Hualing since he was a child. Now Yang's went to Zenlin Temple because of Hualing, he is even more hated of Hualing. But he still remembers how Yan Shi hit him with a ruler that day when Hua Ling returned to Ning, and now he hated and feared them both.

After saying this, he hid Hua Qiancheng's sleeve and hid, staring at them fiercely with only a pair of eyes.

Hua Qiancheng invited the two of them into the house, and he naturally heard that Hua Ling was rewarded by the emperor during the New Year. Originally, I also hoped that Yang could be rescued by his successors, but after this happened again, Yang returned indefinitely.

Today's Hua Qiancheng also regrets how he initially listened to Yang's words and married Hua Ling to Yan Shi? He didn't expect this son he didn't like, but he was quite fond of the emperor. The previous move was really a mistake.

Hua Qiancheng and Hua Ling had nothing to say. It was nothing more than scenes. When Yan Shi saw the little princess staying a little depressed, she left early.

It was just that Huaying was reluctant to Hualing, and Yan Shi's impression of this little sister-in-law was fair, so he was allowed to go to the palace to find Hualing in the future.

Before the Chinese New Year, many students have come to the Imperial City one after another. The imperial court attached great importance to the scientific examination, and there was a special residence for the children.

When Hua Ling and Yan Shi returned, they happened to pass by the residence. Hua Ling lifted the curtains and looked outside: "Brother, I don't know if they came or not?"

They, of course, refer to the children who have been associated before.

Yan Shi also wanted to know, but he couldn't go there. To avoid suspicion, the four princes would not be stupid enough to go directly to the inn. After all, this is the foot of the world, if I let Chong Jindi see it, I don't know what to think.

This evening, Yan Shi planned to take the little princess to dinner in the largest restaurant in the imperial city, but unexpectedly met two people there-Gao Changgeng and Xiao Bailian.

After the two sides greeted, Gao Changgeng said, "Bai Lian wants to see how the imperial city celebrates Chinese New Year, so we arrived on the 29th day. Knowing that Lord Ye is busy recently, I have only come to see him now. Hope Lord Ye not blame it. "Gao Changgeng is a smart person, naturally he won't come to visit him, only" meet up ".

Hua Ling's eyes glanced back and forth on the faces of the two, and when he saw them coming together, he instantly understood: "Gao Jieyuan, you and Bailian?"

Gao Changgeng laughed: "I got married with Bai Lian, just on the fifth day of the first lunar month, and it's less than a month now."

"Good." Hua Ling sincerely blessed.

Gao Changgeng and Yan Shi were talking, and Hua Ling took Xiao Bailian aside.

In the next few days, Yan Shi and Hua Ling kept “encountering” the former associates. Feng Yan and Li Wenyifu were also here. They seemed to be very spirited and very confident in the scientific examination this year. Yan Jiahe and Fang Xi became relatives after they left, and lived a happy life. Xu Jing and his young master also came to find Yan Shi, and it seemed that the good days were near.

In addition to these people, Yan Shi actually met Jiang Yitang, and Jiang Yitang seemed to be more shy than before.

As soon as the time passed, the fifteenth day of the first month passed, and the fifteenth day of the first month passed.

On the eighteenth day of the first month, above the court hall, King Zhao drove out the case of A Furong, and the Emperor Chongjin was so angry that King Zhao thoroughly investigated the case.

On the same day, King Zhao seized the nightly hall and was arrested by those who were taking Afron in the dark.

That night, the official ministry book Wu Huaishuo and his wife ruled themselves in the house. The official department Shangshufu was sealed up, and all the people waited to go to jail. After hearing the news, Lan Fei also died with a glass of poisonous wine.

On the 20th of the first month, Zhao Wen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Zhang You, the servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, were jailed in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

On the 22nd day of the first month, King Ding's mansion was investigated, and King Ding was banned from staying inside the mansion.

On the 29th of the first month, all the trials of the Afurong case were completed, and the number of people involved was so horrifying that the King Ding led the Afurong case is conclusive.

Yan Shi sat in the house, poured a cup of tea for herself and the little princess, and said to Jiang Qingyue, "Zhao Wenju died, and King Zhao killed it."

The reason why King Zhao killed Zhao Wenju is very simple. Because the case of A Furong is too large, Chong Jindi intends to try it himself. Although Zhao Wenju refused to admit to betraying Zhao, Wang Zhao became suspicious and naturally would not believe his words. Zhao Wenju has followed him for many years and knows many of his secrets. He was afraid that if Chong Jindi tried himself, Zhao Wenju would reveal his secret, so he killed Zhao Wenju first, then made a look of suicide.

On the first day of February, Emperor Chong Jin tried the case of A Furong in person. In the end, Emperor Chong Jin was still thinking about a fight with King Ding and his son, and did not kill him. Take the title of his prince, depreciate to the people, and keep the emperor's tomb forever. The other persons involved were convicted in accordance with Obuchi's law.

When this case is over, Emperor Chong Jin seems to be ten years old. He couldn't believe that under his eyes, someone dare to be so embarrassed, it was just hitting his own face.

This case involved almost half of the officials in the imperial city, and the spring breeze was imminent, and Chong Jindi's brow was slightly relaxed. In order to show the court's attention to the Spring Festival, Emperor Chong Jin planned to choose a prince to preside over the Spring Festival.

In the chapel, all parties kept arguing, and King Zhao was full of thought that Chong Jindi would choose him to run Chunyu. After all, he had just made a contribution, but what he didn't expect was that Chong Jindi chose Mu King. However, the prince only served as a facade. The real examiner still had to choose from the Hanlin Academy, and Emperor Chongjin chose Zhang Yuxin.

Royal Palace of Ruiying.

Yan Shi played against Jiang Qingyue, and Hua Ling watched.

Yan Shi played a pawn: "Father Emperor has officially appointed Shen Shenzheng as an official of the Ministry of Punishment. Now Zhang Yuxin is the examiner of Chunying. The scientific examination is in his pocket."

Jiang Qingyue played black chess and did not immediately play: "Now the Ministry of Penalty is Wang Ye, and the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Civil Affairs have no leader. I think that Master Zhang Yu Xinzhang can serve as the Ministry of Officials."

Yan Shi laughed: "Qingyue's statement is in my mind. The six books have been in the hands of the other three princes for a long time. Now the father takes this opportunity to take it back. He will choose a person who has nothing to do with the prince to make a book. The post-employer did not know that Zhang Yuxin was ours. The examiner of the imperial examination system had the ability to select talents for the Dayuan Dynasty, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs was the place to decide the appointment and removal of officials. There is a commonality between the two. Pushing a hand from it will allow Zhang Yuxin to take this seat. As for the Hube, although there is no suitable candidate now, I must not let him fall into the hands of King Zhao and Mu. "

Speaking, Sang Yu suddenly asked for an interview.

Yan Shi let him in, and he said after the ceremony: "Master, the king is dead."

"Oh?" Yan Shi motioned to him,

"What is going on?"

Sang Yu said, "It is said that the carriage of Ding Wang was taken away and he was shocked. He fell on the cliff and died."

Yan Shi gently played with the **** in his hand: "But really dead?"

Sang Yu replied: "It is indeed dead, and his subordinates went to check it secretly."

Yan Shi touched her chin: "The carriage was scared? Was there such a coincidence?"

Jiang Qingyue said: "It should not be the emperor. The emperor will not do such things as seeing the light. Will it be King Zhao or King Mu?"

Yan Shi thoughtfully: "It should be, but no matter who killed it, it has nothing to do with us."

Hua Ling lowered his head slightly and frowned. He had already ordered people to stare at the movements of King Zhao and Mu King's palace, knowing that the two palaces had not issued an order to kill Ding Wang. He did order the death of the king, but he hasn't started yet. So who will kill Ding Wang?

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