MTL - The Emperor is Expecting!-Chapter 58

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Yan Shi called in the little girl who served them.

"Girl, please sit." He pointed to the chair next to him.

The little girl-in-law was a little shy. "Slave is a slave, how can you sit in front of your son?"

Yan Shi said, "We are medical practitioners, and we are not so particular about it. Girls, sit down."

The little girl took a seat and sat on the chair. Yan Shi and her casually spoke a few words, and then suddenly Feng Feng asked, "I just saw that my aunt is here. Is this aunt?"

"Mrs. Aunt is our wife's sister," the girl-in-law added, "also Miss Cousin's biological mother."

Yan Shi and Hua Ling stared at each other, and then asked "Miss Cousin has a biological mother, so why did she grow up here since she was a child?"

The girl shook her head. "I don't know."

Yan Shi also expected that she wouldn't know that she was just a little girl who had been in the house for a year. I don't know how long it is. I can only ask what I can ask if I can do it now.

"Oh, yes." The girl-in-law seemed to remember something. "I have been in the house for a year, but I haven't seen Mrs. Aunt at the beginning. Mrs. Aunt, Mrs. Aunt seemed to have been in the house four or five months ago. Yes, then I lived in the house for a while, and then moved out, but I always came to check it out. "

Yan Shi repeated the words of the girl-in-law in her heart and asked, "when my aunt came, did the wife stay behind her?"

"That's not true. At the time when Mrs. Auntie first started, the wife seemed to be in a good mood. She also came out of the Buddhist temple and often accompanied her auntie." The girl thought for a moment, then suddenly, "Oh yes I remembered one more thing. My auntie came to the house for almost a month. One day, my wife and my auntie didn't know why they were arguing, and they were very noisy. Madam smashed everything in her room. The people in the whole house were heartbroken, and we were not even afraid to breathe, and we were punished if we did something wrong. "

Yan Shi asked again, "What about Miss Cousin? How did she do that?" Yan Shi wondered whether Xu Yuanjiao would help her biological mother or this aunt who had nurtured her.

The girl continued and said, "I don't know much about this, I'm not waiting for Mrs. and Miss Watch. I only heard that the wife even scolded Miss Watch, but later I didn't know."

"Xiao Man, where are you?" The voice of a young woman came from outside.

The girl-in-law stood up immediately. "Several sons are missing. Someone is calling me."

Yan Shi nodded, and with her eyes motioned to Hua Ling, wrapped the cake on the table with a handkerchief and gave it to her, and the little girl walked away with gratitude.

Hua Ling poured a cup of tea for Yan Shi. "Brother, please drink tea. Have you heard any useful news?"

After taking the tea, Yan Shi took a sip slowly, and then said, "Although this girl doesn't know much, we can infer a lot of useful information from her words. First, the aunt was not here before, then Where did she go before? Could it be that what happened to her husband's family after she married, and was unable to support Miss Xu, so she entrusted Miss Xu to Mrs Zheng? Second, the aunt came to Zhengfu four or five months ago. Yes, Mrs. Zheng's quarrel with Mrs. Zheng happened more than a month after she came. Think again, Miss Xu said that it was more than three months ago that Master Zheng was bedridden, so it can be said that Mrs. Zheng's quarrel with Mrs. Zheng It happened more than three months ago, wouldn't it be a coincidence at this time? "

Hua Ling's eyes widened suddenly. "My brother said that the poison in Master Zheng may have been caused by his aunt? Then why did she do this? Is it to fight for property? This is too incredible. Don't say no Yes, Mrs. Zheng has helped her raise children for so many years. How can she do this? "

"Not necessarily." Yan Shi shook her head again, "It can be inferred that the young master is a child born to Miss Xu, regardless of whether the child is Zheng Lin or the young master, he is also the master Xu family in name. Then the Zheng family He will have a share of his property, and Miss Xu ’s mother will not lose her share because of Zigui. Now it seems that Miss Xu has a good relationship with her aunt, and Miss Xu will naturally not treat her in the future. This mother-in-law, you said they would

What motivates it? There is one more important point. According to my inference, Miss Xu's child should have been born to Zheng Lin. You said, wouldn't it be better to poison Mrs. Zheng if she and his aunt wanted to get the property of the Zheng family? Why did you poison Master Zheng? "

"Brother, what did you say?" Hua Ling asked incredulously. "Little Master is the son of Miss Xu and Zheng Lin? But isn't Zheng Lin the uncle of Miss Xu?"

Yan Shi sighed helplessly. He didn't want Hua Ling to know about some dirty things. He only needed to live in the innocent environment he created. But now things have caught up, even if he doesn't say it now, Hua Ling is afraid that he will know in the future.

Yan Shi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Did you feel too close when Miss Xu gave Zheng Lin medicine yesterday? Isn't it like what a person with close contact would do?"

Hua Ling thought about it carefully, Zheng Lin was lying on the bed, Xu Yuanjiao was still holding the child in her arms, but she gave the child to the next person. He who picked him up and took medicine for him. She is a woman who is the same as a man. Feeding medicine can be done by a subordinate, but she does it herself.

"If you say that the young master was born to Miss Xu and the young master." Yan Shi said another possibility. "Why did the young master leave home and study abroad more than a year ago? If it is a study tour, I think it should be away from home. Otherwise why ca n’t I find anyone so far? If he and Miss Xu love each other, they are considered to be relatives, but they are not. Of course, this can be said because the Zheng Lin couple did not agree with them. Miss Xu Even the child was born. This child is also a grandson of Mrs. Zheng. Even if she doesn't want to see Miss Xu, she won't be so cold to her grandson. "

Hua Ling blinked at the stars. "Brother, you are so smart, you can guess everything. But I still have a little question to ask, is there another possibility that the young master is Miss Xu and others? Born? Madam Zheng just described the young master as her son in order to cover up such scandals? "

"Ming Ting is so smart." Yan Shi looked at him with a smile and smile. "But if this is the case, Mrs. Zheng may not like the child, but it will not be too cold."

"Is that possible?" Qu Liuyi interjected, "that is, the young master was born by Zheng Lin and other women outside?"

"It's not possible." Hua Ling didn't wait for Yan Shi to speak, and he said, "My brother was right, he said that the young master belonged to Xu Lin and Zheng Linsheng, and that was Xu Xu and Zheng Linsheng."

The meander trembled and shook his hands, and he could raise doubts on his own, but not others.

Some people said something again, and suddenly another subordinate came to call them "Several sons, Miss Table please invite you to come over."

Yan Shi followed her man down to Zheng Lin's room. There were two people in the room, Xu Yuanjiao and her biological mother, Xu's face. Xu's face was similar to that of Mrs. Zheng, but she was more charming than Mrs. Zheng's. The dress is very young, unlike what she should be wearing, and looks younger than Mrs. Zheng.

Xu's sitting on the bed and hugging Zheng Lin in his arms, Xu Yuanjiao was holding a bowl of medicine in his hand and feeding him spoonful.

The three of Yan Shi looked at each other in this scene, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Some boys are here." Xu Yuanjiao saw them coming.

Xu saw the three handsome sons coming in and smiled. "These sons are doctors?"

"Mother, these two are doctors." Xu Yuanjiao pointed to Yan Shi and Qu Liuyan, "that is a little drug boy."

"This doctor looks so beautiful." Xu's eyes turned back and forth between Yan Shi and Qu Liuyan. "One looks better than the other. I haven't seen such a handsome man after so many years of living. "

Xu's gently lowered Zheng Lin in his arms, and when he stood up, his eyes could not help turning back and forth between the two, Hua Ling saw the uneasy in his heart, a few steps in front of Yan Shi.

Xu's eyes were blocked slightly slightly, but when he saw the person in front of him, his eyes widened a lot, and the joy on his face could no longer be hidden.

Hua Ling Fang was the last one to come in. He was dressed like a man, so he

Xu didn't look into his face. He saw Hua Ling's appearance at this moment, as if he had discovered something precious, his eyes were almost stuck on his body, and he could not wait to touch it.

Yan Shi quietly took Hua Ling's hand, pulled him aside and asked Xu Yuanjiao, "Why did Xu call us?"

"That's it." Xu Yuanjiao said, "Uncle took a lot of medicine and got better. I can occasionally say a few words today, but when I just gave him medicine, he refused to drink anymore. I want to ask Ask a few sons what's going on? "

Qu Liu's eyes fell on the medicine bowl in Xu Yuanjiao's hand, and the full bowl barely drank.

"Give me." Qu Liuyu took the medicine bowl and walked to Zheng Clinic. Several fingers pressed his mouth and chin a few times, and then Zheng Lin opened her mouth obediently. Poured into his mouth, Zheng Lin drank completely.

"There is still a way for the son, the little girl thanked the son." Xu Yuanjiao was very happy to see Zheng Lin drinking the medicine.

Xu's was also very happy, his eyes sticky looking around at the three of them, and they saw a few goose bumps.

Yan Shi couldn't wait any longer, so she found an excuse and left.

Late at night, Hua Ling was sitting in front of the dresser in a white lewd dress, and let Yan Shi help him put down the two little urns on his head.

The dark, long hair like the night fell down, lining Hualing's innocent little face with a little charm.


A sudden knock on the door suddenly sounded, and then the voice of Qu Liu came in. "Master, have you fallen asleep?"

Yan Shi and Hua Ling stared at each other. Yan Shi brought Hua Ling's clothes to him, and then went to open the door.

Almost as soon as the door opened, he stumbled in, and looked at him again. His black hair was covered, and his coat was loosely laid on his body. Exposing a large chest, this pair looks extremely embarrassed.

"You, what's the matter with you?" Yan Shi couldn't help seeing him for a moment. Although he was a little tuned, he wouldn't appear in front of himself in such a disheveled manner, something must have happened.

Qu Liuying ran into the room like a fire buttocks. "Then, that auntie came to me and said she wanted to sleep with me!"

The author has something to say and thank the little angel who voted for a king or irrigation nutrient solution for me ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

lz7 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!