MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 231 Needless and needless

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A woman can be weak or tough, no matter what kind of posture, to do three things, basically can not be bullied by her husband.

First, respect your husband, whether it is a job choice or a decision of something, give him enough respect, do not mean anything, even if you feel wrong, be careful to make suggestions in the right tone.

Second, don't rely too much on your husband, it is okay to spend your husband's money, but it is best not to rely on your husband to support.

Third, re-appreciate the gentle wife, but also have the bottom line and principles, once touched, must come to the scene to let him remember the big outbreak.

Jiman also forgot which words he saw in the post. Anyway, it feels quite reasonable. If she can't go on with Ning Yuxuan, she can leave immediately. Anyway, she has a food bank and she is hungry. If you are not happy, then go to Errong, Yurun, anyway, there is more than one in her world.

Macho does not die, jihad never stops!

But not only thinking about fighting with Ning Yuxuan, the two still have to live. Her advantage is that she is a modern person, much more intelligent and smart than the average woman.

Now Ning Yuxuan is probably preparing for a big event in secret. As a person standing next to him, he must not only give him chaos, but try his best to help him.

Men have men's battlefields, and women also have women. After Erxin was sealed, Jiman went to the palace and went to see her.

The position is not high, but in addition to the Queen, it is also the most favored. Jiman saw that the girl's eyebrows were beautiful, and it was different from Errong's. It was a book of knowledge, step by step, according to the rules. It is no wonder that the emperor will love it.

Errong left to talk to Erxin, and Ziman went to the Queen's Palace.

The post-season ceremony has passed, and there is no imaginary grandeur. The emperor said that he did not want the queen to be tired with his body, but Shen Youqing understood that Zhao Wei was not so concerned about her.

Nowadays, with the body not suitable for pets, and a group of newcomers to enter the palace, Shen Youqing is very uncomfortable in his heart, but he must be the mother of the world, can not be jealous, and even can not be fine. [Marshmallow novel network] Queen is worthy, not as good as a sly.

The number of times that Jiman went was too many. The people in Shenqing’s palace were familiar with her. If they didn’t say anything, they would lead to Shen Youqing.

"How come you have time today?" Shen Youqing has no good face to her. In this court house, there are several ladies who have grown up like her and have been left by the emperor. This Nie Sang, still her biggest threat.

Jiman smiled and said: "It’s just an ordinary friend who came to the maiden to ask for help. I heard that the maiden was recently uneasy and thought about talking with the maiden."

Nie Sangqi is now a civilian woman. If she enters the palace, if she does not have a place, she will not blame her for doing anything wrong. How can she not let a group of women hate? If there is no emperor's love in the back, what does Nie Sangqi take to mention her friend? Which one is it to ask?

Shen Youqing’s heart was suffocating, but he still smiled on the surface: “You have a heart.”

"Ministers feel that the goddess does not have to worry about falling out of favor." Jiman seriously said: "The family of the Niangniang is making a contribution to the emperor, and it is hard work, no matter how the empress of the empress is not shaken."

Shen Youqing nodded, this she knows, but there is no emperor's favor, what does it mean to have a post?

"The maidens don't have to avoid a lot of new people, and they go to the training in person, but they are all familiar with themselves. They will be close to them in the future." Jiman smiled and said: "The women and women are talking, and these goddesses naturally know."

Shen Youqing certainly knows that the harem is full of people's minds, and she can't turn her to teach. It’s just that she is not a temper.

Jiman did not say anything extra, but only calmed down after Shen Qingqing, while subconsciously hinting at her, the newcomer needs to be tempered and wary, in case it becomes a big threat someday?

In fact, not every palace has a palace fight, and there is no such a fierce drama in the TV series. However, Jiman was so gently stirred, and the water in Shen Qing’s heart turned up. Ji Man’s forefoot, she will be ordered to go to the sixth house, and let the new palace people come to Donggong to listen to the teachings.

There are also people in Ningxuan in the palace, just taking advantage of this opportunity, they made some small moves. Erxin’s legs were accidentally pushed by the Queen when he was instructed, and he was dislocated.

The emperor was petting, and in a blink of an eye, he was embarrassed by the empress. Zhao Yu took the fire and brought Erxin back, and did not blame Shen Youqing. However, there are a few people in Donggong who are in the ear of Shen Youqing, saying that it is the emperor’s heart that must resent the Queen. When a wife has always been rich, she is the most unloved. Even if she is pregnant with a child, it is estimated that there is no weight in the emperor’s heart.

These palace people are also human fine, not as Shen Youqing said, but sitting on the ladder in front of the palace secretly said, but it is difficult for Shen Youqing to not hear.

Did Zhao Wei not care about her? Shen Youqing licked his stomach, and he was so sad that he would take the sedan chair to ask the emperor.

As a result, the bearer took her around the road and grinded it for half a day. She just sent the empress to the Zichen Hall when she was ready to favor the palace.

In the Houfuli, Jiman sat face to face with Ning Yuxuan and took a cup of tea to drink tea.

"When I heard the Cold War, the Queen was almost angry." Jiman put down the teacup and sighed: "You are too embarrassed."

"Shenjia Xiaojia this bridge is not broken, and finally we are still uneasy." Ning Yuxuan put down the tea pot, quite appreciatively looked at her: "But I did not expect, you will know what I want to do, still Help me hand the ladder."

Jiman screamed twice: "It just happened."

Who knows that this man’s hand has grown into the palace? Isn't it a Houye who seems to be very safe?

Is she now a fuss?

Erxin is indeed a clever girl, climbing up step by step, no difficulty at all. The feet were dislocated, in exchange for a noble position, and I went to the Queen's Palace to thank you.

Ning Yixuan asked for rushing on the grounds of illness, and asked the emperor to give up the marriage soon, so that he and Jiman would marry soon.

However, Zhao Wei still disagreed.

Not only did he disagree, but when he was seriously ill, he called Jiman into the palace to write poetry.

"I still remember the one that you wrote at the Falling Wild Goose Pagoda, "I will enter the wine."" Zhao said with a smile: "Can you write anything else?"

Jiman nodded and handed him a copy of Su Shi's "Water Melody": When the moon is there, ask the wine for the sky.

The dragon heart was happy, and the palace people who passed by outside the purple hall were audible. So the people in the palace completely understand that there is a person in the emperor's heart, and they are not allowed to be extraordinarily pampered.

Jiman went to Zhao Wei to write a three-day poem, and the Queen finally couldn't stand it. He persuaded Zhao Wei to give Nie and Mo Yuhou a marriage.

“Why give it?” Zhao Yan’s lips: “I don’t want to give it.”

Shen Youqing was shivering: "The emperor, that is the woman of others, the flowers are ruined, why is the emperor so fond of?"

Zhao Wei angered: "As a queen, can my heart be so narrow? I am willing to talk about poetry with Nie, how can it be your turn?"

Men will ask their wives to be generous, not to be jealous, and more often to mention such a request is his guilty conscience.

Shen Youqing was driven out of Zichen Temple and went back to the palace to cry for a night. Then the fetal image was unstable. After a series of toss, the doctors think that this dragon is difficult to protect.

As a result, Erxin sent the empress to the empress, and the family secret recipe, which surely kept the fetus intact.

However, after that, Erxin pushed the queen, and the three-month-old baby image was stabilized. The queen was also willing to sleep, but this waiter was discharged.

When Jiman heard the news, it seemed to smell the **** smell, and he couldn't help but retching.

"What's wrong?" Ning Yixuan put down the book and looked at her.

Jiman shook his head, probably because his imagination was too rich, and he was disgusted.

The emperor let the Queen's production, strange to others. Shen Youqing was a bit stupid, and he couldn’t close his door. He didn’t see anyone for a whole month. Shen Jia was found in the middle of the DPRK to have corruption and bribery. Although there were Xiao Tianyi's protection, the following people still involved many people.

Jiman has a hunch that Shen Jiahui is the second Nie family.

More and more people came to Houfu, playing the banner of visiting the disease, but it was kept in the study room with Ning Yuxuan for a long time, and then dispersed, everyone's expression was very dignified.

Jiman will not ask what Ning Yuxuan said, just help him make a pot of tea and then squat. When he was in a good mood, he gave him a minor tune.

Ning Yuxuan has not rested elsewhere for a long time. When Ji Man was there, he did not even see a woman around him. In the back, Lieman also secretly followed him and found that he was not too close to whom.

A tiger suddenly only likes to eat carrots. Do you believe it or not? Jiman did not believe it, but he performed so well, she was also happy, from time to time to cook for him, to be a virtuous little woman.

One day, when she went out, she heard a conversation in the backyard.

"How do you feel that Houfu is going to have a Beiyuan, and that one Nie girl is enough, and what else to do elsewhere? It is useless anyway."

The beggar next to me quickly glared at her mouth: "You are careful to tell people about your situation, and there is no shortage of a cockroach in this house."

Jiman reflected on himself, so modern life, Ning Yixuan really like it or fake?

Lying in bed at night, Jiman couldn't help but ask him.

Ning Yuxuan is a bit stunned: "What is modern life?"

"It is now, only you and me are good, and there are very few people and you. I will cook for you, then go out to see the food. You will come back and we will eat again. You are only one around me. woman."

Ning Yuxuan carefully looked at her for a long time, licking her lips: "It is not impossible. After all, now I have no woman who needs to be jealous."

There are only two kinds of women, who need to be jealous and do not need to be jealous.

Jiman is a little discouraged. For a long time, he doesn't like to be together, but there is no other need to be embarrassed?


Tomorrow, 4 and a half, 10:30, diamonds

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