MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1845 Skyrocket

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Chapter 1845 skyrocketing

Black cats and crows are always considered to be unknown symbols.

Their appearance is always accompanied by death.

Or something related to death.

There are similar legends in the folks of Aitantin, but for the demon hunters who often come into contact with evil, such legends are not illusory, but real.

Therefore, after the appearance of the episode of the cat.

Edson, Holuf and other demon hunters are on guard.

As for the shouting of the evil spirit of the cat?

They even saw the stone opening speech, and what a cat counted.


During the explosion, the demon hunters evaded.

The dark green mist in the mist suddenly filled the surrounding area.


In the sound of corrosion on the ground, a figure staggered in the fog.

The scam is gone!

The demon hunters looked at each other.

Then, they took out their respective weapons.

Edson threw a bottle of medicine.


Crisp in the air, a strong wind.

The dark green mist was not only blown away, but the figure inside was also revealed.

The dry corpse looks like.

Dressed in sloppy clothing.

‘Honey bait’!

Or, that is, the ‘wife’ arranged by the ‘witch’.

Looking at the old friends, the demon people flashed their hesitation in the eyes, but only a few seconds later, they were replaced by firmness.

The friendship of friends will not be forgotten.

The duties of the demon hunters, they will not forget.

Professional things are handed over to professionals.

‘lazy’ has always been like this.

What else is better than the demon hunter to deal with evil, weird and the like?

Even the singularity itself has the same identity as the demon hunter.

"You bastard!"

"Do you know what you did?"

With the anger, the cat's upper evil spirit ran back.

Compared with the color of the coat, the color of the hair is not only dry, but also a lot of baldness.

“Is it easier and easier than this?”

Pointing at the battle in the distance, ‘lazy’ did not pay attention to the evil spirits, but calculated it silently.

The mind seems to be filled with several mathematical model groups. After filling the known elements, some of the probabilities become clear.

"Brother, time is running out."

‘Lazy’ informed Qin Ran.

Then he looked at the evil spirit of the cat.

"What do you want to do?"

The cat's superior evil spirits looked alert to ‘lazy’.

"I am not good at fighting!"

‘lazy’ is frank.

"I am not suitable for fighting now."

The upper evil spirit emphasizes.

"No, no, no."

"What I need now is that you do what you are good at."

‘lazy’ said with a smile.

"good at?"

"Role play?"

The upper evil spirits glimpse.

‘Lazy’ did not say much, but refers to the crowd around the panic.

That's more obvious.


In the mysterious space that seems to be the general workshop, the battle continues.

Even more intense.

‘God of War’’ The protective body is wounded and the movements are getting slower and slower. It seems that the old cow is pulling the car.

‘Ms. Evangelion’ is different.

Not only is the offensive more and more fierce, but it is also getting faster and faster.

Qin Ran has been adapting to the new body while watching the battle between the two sides.

He hopes to better understand the space in front of him by watching such battles.

There is no doubt that this is an effective way.

At this moment, Qin Ran can clearly feel that the body becomes more controllable, and the original skills can be used as well, and have a deeper understanding of the present body.

This is a body composed entirely of ‘divine’.

Although the blueprint, the foundation is the original body.

But if you are injured here, the loss is not blood, but ‘divineness’!

Therefore, ‘God of War’ put on thick armor.

‘Ms. Evangelion’ is hidden in the dark.

These are all to protect their 'divineness'.

As for the armor and the darkness?

The power of faith!

Qin Ran is very sure about this.

Because every time, when the armor of ‘God of War’ is hurt, it will overflow with the scent of “the power of faith”.

For the 'power of faith', Qin Ran is no stranger.

Therefore, he arranged some backhands.

And now it seems that these backs are more useful than you think.

Silently adjusts the breathing and the present body.

Qin Ran tried his best to adapt to the present body while waiting for the opportunity.

When the ‘arrogant’ sword came out, Qin Ran’s eyes narrowed, and the whole person, along the shadow, almost sneaked into the back of the ‘God of War’ and kicked it out.

The half-moon-shaped sharp spirit appeared, and the ‘God of War’ was perceived.

However, ‘God of War’ did not return.

A half-god does not need to be in the eye compared to his old opponent.

At the same time as the ‘God of War’, who had such an idea, returned to the ‘Mr.


The half-moon shape hit the armor of ‘God of War’, and the bruised armor shattered slightly.


It is like a piece of broken porcelain.

The smashed armor fell to the ground, and then it overflowed.

‘God of War’.

However, Qin Ran did not.

The battlefield is enough to tell the difference.

The demonized inflammation that has been around for a long time is roaring again.


In the flames of the flames, ‘God of War’ made a painful roar.

Obviously, without the guardianship of armor, ‘God of War’ is far less powerful than imagined.

Even the ‘God of War’ wearing armor is far less powerful than Qin’s imagination.

That kind of combat instinct and skill is simply an insult to the title of 'God of War'.

But Qin Ran does not hate this.

Because, it is really too good for him!

Is there anything better than facing an empty and arrogant enemy?

Naturally, the other party is still slow to respond without skill.



Qin Ran, who hits a hand, no longer keeps his hands. The devil's inflammation is like a cannonball fired from a speeding gun, and it is hit on the body of ‘God of War’.

On the body of ‘God of War’, scars soon appeared.

Divinity began to drain.

Energy is conserved.

If one party loses, one party must get it.

Maybe the way is different.

But the essence is the same.

[absorption and destruction of divinity 0.1%]

[absorption and destruction of divinity 0.1%]

[absorption and destruction of divinity 0.1%]


Successive reminders appear in front of Qin Ran.

"Sure enough!"

“This is the derivative law of Aitandin's own?”

“Still special rules here?”

Qin Ran slightly eyes.

He prefers the latter.

Because only the latter can explain why the ‘God of War’ ‘Mr. Disaster’ is going to fight here.

And the decline of ‘God of War’ after the ‘black disaster’.

That is not just that believers are diluted and thin.

Also, because the other party entered here for the first time, he accidentally made a decision.

As for the ‘God of War’ ‘Ms. Evangelion’ here, is it not to affect Aitantine?

If ‘Mr. Disaster’ is as sensible as ‘God of War’, it’s not that the beast is instinctive, and Qin Ran will believe this.

Just like this moment!


‘Ms. Evangelion’ made a burst of screams at Qin Ran.

I can't even say a complete speech.

Just like a real beast.

Qin Ran could not help but shook his head.

Obviously, the ‘Witch’ is really good enough.

In order to be better able to accept their own 'investment', it is necessary to make more than one defense.

Otherwise, even if it is a fool, under the premise of possessing divinity and without the power of faith, it will surely be able to regain its sanity.

The same is true of ‘God of War’.

This kind of prestigious performance of the other party is enough to show that the ‘Witch’ has already plainly arranged the other party’s arrangements.


Temporarily cheaper for him.

It is also the inflammation of the three groups of demons, and it is the ‘God of War’.

Different from the previous power storage.

This time, the devil's inflammation that has come out of hand has reached the VI stage.

Just in the burning of the devil's inflammation, [Destruction] the divine breakthrough reached 21%.

[Destruction: You who have this divinity will receive blessings on similar behaviors. At this moment, destroying divinity as a 'standard', you will get a similar behavioral equivalent of +2. 】


Unlike from 1% to 15%, it is weak.

When a certain divinity increases to 16%, it is a weak level.

When it becomes 21%, it is the standard deity.

After that, there will be new changes, Qin did not know.

The 5% upgrade at this stage is a phase.

And this is more powerful for him.

The change of demonic inflammation is the most direct.

That is a qualitative change.

The power level VI and the attacking power of the VI stage are not the same.

What's more, there is also a change in power storage...

VII order!

That will be his strongest attack at the moment!

Without hesitation, Qin Ran launched such an attack.

Suddenly, the surrounding is distorted.

A burning sensation of burning souls condenses from the hands of Qin Ran.

Hey, hey!

It seems that the danger was discovered, and the ‘Mr.

The ‘God of War’, which has been surrounded by flames, has found the same danger. He ran straight to the entrance of the workshop.

There is the direction of departure.

However, He is too slow.

Qin Ran in the power can not use the devil's inflammation again, but he is able to move freely and straighten out, Qin Ran appears in front of the other side.

"Get out!"

‘God of War’ roared with huge arms and wanted to open Qin.

The huge, divine-like arms are clasped with an obvious layer of faith.

This power has made the attack of ‘God of War’ become extremely terrifying.

The two arms are like two meteorites falling, destroying the earth.


too slow!

Slowly, the palm of Qin Ran has been pressed on the opponent's body, and the opponent's arm has not fallen.

The devil's inflammation of the VII order broke out!

The entire mysterious space seems to have a fall, a layer of black emerges in the place where Qin Ran’s palm is pressed, and then the burning light bursts open.

The high temperature directly vaporizes the steel in the workshop.

A quiet place in the entire space.



In the deafening sound, the half body of ‘God of War’ was gone.

The remaining half of the body is also melting rapidly.

The tall body, only the height of the ordinary people, but also fell to the ground, only the remaining half of the head, a large eyeball squatting in front of him, now swayed by the flame, like the Qin Qin .


"It's all a scam!"

"I, I am fooled!"

He said this.

Between life and death, this **** finally thought of something.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Already an enemy, Qin Ran will not be merciful.

"and many more!"

"I tell you a secret..."


Without waiting for the ‘God of War’ to finish, Qin Ran is also a demon of demon.

This time, ‘God of War’ has completely disappeared.

Qin Ran does not like more nonsense with the enemies that have already fought.

For Qin Ran, the best enemy is the dead enemy.

What's more, Qin Ran is also well aware of what the other party wants to say.

It is nothing more than the layout of the ‘Witch’.

This layout can be roughly divided into two parts.

The first part is that the 'God of War' who entered this place is not the 'half-god' sneak attack of 'Ms. Evangelion'. Then, 'Half God' absorbs a little divinity and makes the 'God of War' shock. Staring at it, I began to encourage Aitantine V to launch an attack on the South.

This was followed by the ‘black woman’ that had been conceived for a long time.

A large number of deaths have caused the rapid growth of the ‘Mr.

At the same time, in order not to lose believers, ‘God of War’ began to show miracles frequently, and let it absorb the ‘faith of power’ by overload, thus becoming like this seemingly powerful, but actually strong and dry.

"The **** of the beliefs of all beings..."

"Do you have a double-edged sword?"

Qin Ran felt that under the burning of the fire, the power of the belief that was thrown away by impurities turned into the most pure energy to nourish his body. Qin Ran’s eyes looked at the disaster that continued to dodge after the flames appeared. Ms'.

At this time, his "destruction" divinity has reached 30%.

[Destruction: You who have this divinity will receive blessings on similar behaviors. At this moment, destroying divinity is ‘stronger’, and you will get a similar behavioral equivalent of +3. 】


With the destructive devotion of the devil's inflammation, it can be said that Qin Ran is really able to do it in the face of the equally damaging ‘Mr.

Although the speed of the other party is very fast, unlike the ‘God of War’, it is as slow as a cow, and it is dragged down by the power of the confusing faith.

However, the devil's inflammation is able to track!

The ‘Disaster Lady’, who has been watched by Qin Ran for a long time, has already triggered the special effects of Devil’s inflammation.

Adding to the space in front of you, it is not a wide place. The bursting demon's inflammation will soon be able to create a home full of flames.

More importantly, the only exit is behind Qin Ran.

simply put……

At this moment, Qin Ran has mastered the absolute advantage.

He only needs to do a little bit of work to be able to eliminate the ‘fighting lady’ and get more powerful power.

Qin Ran raised his hand.

Devil's inflammation growls again.


Did not come out.

He said to the ‘Mr.

"sit down."

(End of this chapter)