MTL - The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss-Chapter 11674 Wuxi Courtyard 2

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Su Muxia almost fell to her knees in fright, crying and said that this was ordered by Princess Yunzhu.

Madam Xun Dashao's complexion was a little better now, and she said coldly: "Just what the second lady said, you should also tell me back and forth, just take the person to the backyard so recklessly, are you responsible for something wrong? !"

Su Muxia was frightened and cried, she didn't even dare to say.

When Mrs. Xun Dayo scolded Su Muxia with a straight face, she was actually secretly observing Su Luo.

According to her thoughts, the Su family girl who came from the border area should be frightened. After all, she was showing off her Mawei to the other party, but Mrs. Xun had no choice but to find that this girl Su was not at all. Shocked, his expression has always been faint.

There is something... Mrs. Xun Dayo thought in her heart.

After reprimanding Su Muxia, Mrs. Xun Dashao walked to Su Luo. When facing Su Luo, Mrs. Xun Dashao's expression was very good, almost a flower appeared on her face.

"Your name is Su Muke? This name sounds so nice, let's go, my sister-in-law will take you to meet the old lady." Madam Xun Dayo supported Su Luo and walked a few steps. She looked back at Su Muxian, her voice still cold: "You My eldest lady takes the punishment. As for the second lady, when she comes back, the eldest lady will naturally punish her!"

Su Luo noticed, Su Muxia glared at herself.

Su Luo couldn't sigh in her heart. This young lady Xun is a powerful figure. She deliberately caught Su Muxia and was bullied in this matter. Su Muxia is not a simple character. She was bullied, and she would seek revenge on herself when she turned around. go back.

There is also the Yunzhu Princess who is not easy to provoke, if the lady punished her... she would retaliate against herself when she turned around.

So this backyard of the Su ethnic group... just a quarter of an hour after Su Luo arrived, he discovered that there really isn't a fuel-efficient lamp here.

Mrs. Xun Daxiao helped Su Luohuan to walk forward with joy, and smiled as she walked and said: "The old lady said yesterday about Peiyangcheng's home. I was missing it. I didn't expect you to come. In the next few days, you Just live in the house, just like living in your own house, but you can’t be polite with us. Our two families are originally one family, so naturally we should move around more, right?"

Su Luo smiled faintly, and didn't say much.

Surrounded by Mrs. Xun, there were many servant women. Seeing Su Luo's expressions faint, they couldn't look at all of them. What is pride? Is the current Su family in Peiyangcheng still the same as the Su family in Peiyangcheng? Has the day changed long ago?

But Mrs. Xun Daxiao is a capable person, she could have been talking enthusiastically, regardless of whether Su Luo cooperated or not.

What she wanted was not Su Luo's response, but to spread her good reputation. She, Mrs. Xun, is a very good person.

Soon, Ci Ren Tang arrived.

Mrs. Xun Daxiao brought Su into the house. Before the people arrived, the laughter had already spread: "Old lady, take a look, who is here today, you will be surprised if you see it."

The old lady of the Su family, Su Boyu's mother, Su Muxia and their grandmothers, people who had witnessed legendary history back then, existed in the Su clan, because Su Boyu respected his mother like a god.

On the contrary, it was Mrs. Xun, who spoke and acted in accordance with the old lady's wishes, and she liked it very much, so she took care of all the internal affairs of this house.

After Su Luo was led in, she saw an old lady with a cold look sitting in a chair, waiting for her for a group of people.

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