MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 71 fetters

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Fang Li's expression froze suddenly.

If you don't explain, Xie Huai will misunderstand that he is looking for a substitute. If you explain, Xie Huai will know about his escape.

What a dilemma.

But since he chose to be with Xie Huai, these must be faced, and running away will not solve the problem.

He didn't regret telling Xie Huai the truth.

He didn't want any more deception between them.

It is indeed his fault to run away, because when he left, he never thought that he would see Xie Huai again. If he had known that today would happen, he would have confessed early on so that Xie Huai would not be misunderstood and sad.

As for myself...

If you make a mistake, you will be beaten, and you must first correct your attitude.

Fang Li said with a look of resignation, "I'm sorry."

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li quietly.

Fang Li felt a little uneasy when he was seen. He knew that Xie Huai would be angry... After all, he had lied to him so much and done so many excessive things. What do you think, it's probably normal...

And this world is a book, which is obviously difficult to accept.

Just as Fang Li was thinking more and more, Xie Huai suddenly reached out and hugged him tightly.

Xie Huai's hug was warm and powerful, with a reassuring power.

Fang Li was slightly taken aback.

Xie Huai rested his chin on the side of Fang Li's neck, and whispered in his ear: "I'm very happy, you are just you."

Don't feel guilty.

You just did the only thing you could do at the time, what you thought was right... You didn't know my heart, and you didn't feel sorry for me.

On the contrary, you have done a lot for me.

I'm glad you're not bored.

Because from the beginning to the end, what attracts me is the real, gentle and indifferent you under the appearance of the demon, it is you who will bring kindness and warmth to others no matter what situation you are in, even if you have to use the demon Respecting your status, you are subject to many restrictions, but you can still stick to your heart, and you are clear and reasonable in dealing with things... It is this side of you that makes me curious, explore, and gradually move my heart.

Through the fog and disguise, what I have seen falling in love with has always been the real you, never that cold-blooded demon who allowed himself to fall into the abyss and hell.

And you have never done anything wrong, and there is no blood feud between us, good or evil.

Xie Huai's eyes were gentle and nostalgic, and there was a hint of relief.

He no longer has to be tortured by conscience for falling in love with someone he shouldn't love, and he doesn't have to struggle between morality and emotion to blame himself. He has not violated his own moral heart, and he can stand beside this person calmly from now on.

He did not love the wrong person, and his love was flawless.

As for the world...

Maybe it looks like a book to you, but everything is real to me.

Isn't the so-called story in the book equal to destiny?

The destiny cannot be violated.

But you did everything you could to protect me.

The me whose fate was changed by you, the me who didn’t have to endure everything in the book, is real... and this world, those who survived because of you, are also real.

It is my luck to meet you.

I'm glad this is the truth.

Xie Huai smiled: "So Fang Li is your real name."

Fang Li was hugged tightly by Xie Huai, the uneasiness in his heart slowly dissipated, his eyes softened, this person... always knows how to make people feel at ease, so that you will never worry, he will leave you.

He smiled and nodded: "Yes."


Fang Li finally cleared up the misunderstanding with Xie Huai. Seeing Xie Huai put back on his white clothes again, he said with satisfaction: "You look ten thousand times better in clothes than Fu Junling."

Xie Huai just glanced at him indifferently: "I don't care about him at all."


You don't care about him now, who used to be jealous all day long? No wonder it smells sour all over.

Although Fu Junling is not worthy of being Xie Huai's rival in love, he still caused a lot of trouble. Seeing that the wedding is temporarily out of the question.

Fang Li decided to send Fang's family away first.

Fuqiu Mountain may go to war at any time, and it is no longer safe here.

He and Xie Huai went to the side hall where the Fang family lived.

As soon as Fang Mingyuan saw Fang Li, he said happily: "Son, the big wedding will be in three days. Don't be too nervous, we are all here."

Fang Li couldn't bear to disappoint Fang Mingyuan, but after pondering for a moment, he still said, "The wedding date has been postponed."

Fang Mingyuan was startled: "Postponement?"

He immediately looked at Xie Huai, with an expression as if you were going to abandon my son for being a heartless person.

Fang Li immediately stood up to defend Xie Huai, saying: "It's none of Xie Huai's business, I want to postpone it."

Xin Ruiyan looked at her son suspiciously. She also saw these days that Xie Huai was infatuated, and she probably wouldn't do such a thing. Could it be that his son is so confused that he wants to regret the marriage?

Xie Huai held Fang Li's hand, his eyes were gentle and calm, and said: "We discussed it together."

Fang Li said: "Xie Huai's master is at a critical moment in retreat, and I'm afraid he won't be able to attend our wedding ceremony on time, so we discussed it and planned to wait for his master to leave the retreat before holding it, so that it will be considered complete...Don't worry, parents, It's not a cancellation, it's just a delay."

This reason was thought of by him and Xie Huai together.

The Fang family are all mortals, so naturally they can't get to the bottom of it. Whether Master Mingyin is really in seclusion, and after a few days after they solve their troubles and get married, the truth of this reason is not important.

Fang Mingyuan said "oh" in a daze, Xie Huai's master, that is a great master of the immortal sect, and the master is an elder, so he should really show respect.

Nor are they unreasonable.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is very close, since it is only a delay, there is no problem.

Seeing that his parents accepted, Fang Li said again: "Fuqiu Mountain is going to be refurbished. There may be a lot of people in this period of time. I have prepared a separate courtyard for my parents. You can go to the other courtyard for a while first. On that day, I will bring you back.”

Fang Mingyuan smiled and said, "You don't need to be so troublesome, we can help you too."

Xie Huai said: "How can you trouble yourself to do these trivial matters, someone will naturally do it well."

Although Xie Huai said it politely, Fang Mingyuan was still in awe of Lord Yuyi after all, and didn't say anything more after hearing the words. Since Lord Yuyi had said everything, they just obeyed the arrangement!

Fang Lijian finally convinced his family, smiled, and asked people to come in to see them off.

A few demon cultivators came in, and he specially asked Wu Yimei to select a few subordinates who looked normal and not scary, and asked them to send Fang Mingyuan's family to another hospital.

In this way, there are no more irrelevant people on Fuqiu Mountain, so he and Xie Huai can fight with peace of mind.


In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

Xie Huai's injury has already healed by eight or nine points.

Fang Li recalled the last time Xie Huai and Fu Junling fought, and asked, "What do you think of his cultivation? Has he reached the level of a true immortal?"

Xie Huai shook his head and said, "No."

After a pause, he added: "Actually, I have never reached the level of the True Immortal of Hedao, and I have yet to break through. Although Fu Junling is the reincarnation of the Holy One, the last threshold is very mysterious, and it is not easy for him to break through."

In this way, Fang Li felt relieved.

He had guessed before that Fu Junling should not have fully recovered, and now Xie Huai has also confirmed this.

And he still remembered that it was said in the original book that Xie Huai is the only true immortal in the spirit world, Xie Huai's breakthrough is a matter of time, so even if Fu Junling really breaks through, he will not be incapable of fighting.

Xie Huai frowned and said: "But he didn't get the black talisman, so he won't let it go. Is the place where you hide the black talisman safe?"

Fang Li smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm hiding in a place where he can never find it."

Xie Huai didn't ask any further questions, but just nodded.

But Fang Li looked at him with sly eyes, and said without hesitation: "I disguised the black talisman as a concentric talisman, and I fell into the sea of ​​meteorites with me, it is impossible for anyone to find it from the sea of ​​meteorites. "

When he fled away, he had considered how to deal with the black talisman.

This black talisman is the Supreme Treasure of the Holy Venerable, and he couldn't destroy it after trying, so he had to hide it.

This evil thing brought such disasters to the fairy world. I finally completed the task and saved this world. Naturally, I don't want the black talisman to remain in the world.

So they entered the Meteor Sea with the black talisman.

The meteor sea is full of vicious waves, and it will be torn to pieces before the Void Refining Stage goes down. Even if there are masters in the Void Refining Stage who want to go down to find them, they will lose their skin if they are absolutely immortal. There are so many piranhas, who would risk their lives to fish for things in the meteorite sea?

Besides, there are not many people who know the black talisman, and Chong Wanshan is dead.

I am afraid that no one in the world knows that there is such a thing. Even if someone really goes down to look for it, finding a jade talisman in such a large sea of ​​meteorites is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Disguising is his last insurance. Taking ten thousand steps back, someone really saw it. Who would have thought that the mere concentric amulet of three spirit stones would be the Supreme Treasure that overturns the fairy world?

He did all this to ensure that this evil thing would never reappear.

He had no reservations about Xie Huai, and naturally told everything frankly.

Fang Li looked at Xie Huai with a smile, but saw that Xie Huai's expression was silent for a moment, and then he stretched out his hand to hold out a stone talisman.

It is a concentric symbol.

Fang Li was slightly taken aback.

He looked down at the white stone talisman in Xie Huai's hand.

There is a scratch on the upper right corner of the white stone talisman, which is the mark I left at the beginning.

He thought that he would never see this stone talisman again...

Because no one would risk that kind of risk to find a Concentric Talisman worth only three spirit stones in the raging sea of ​​meteorites.

However, he was wrong.

Someone actually did it.

Fang Li's hands trembled slightly, he raised his eyes and looked at Xie Huai with red eyes.

He couldn't imagine how many times Xie Huai fell into the Meteorite Sea.

He has not yet become a true immortal of Hedao.

Also flesh and blood.

How long have I been searching for, how many times I have descended into the Sea of ​​Meteorites, and endured pain and despair again and again in the dark seabed where demon fish are ferocious and windy... How can I find such a little thing?

Find this original, the only thing left.

Only worth three spirit stones.

But he kept it carefully.

Xie Huai frowned slightly, and said lightly: "I accidentally fished it up, or throw it back."

Fang Li's heart ached so much that his face turned pale, and he raised his hand to pull Xie Huai's clothes to see his body.

Xie Huai grabbed Fang Li's trembling wrist and said in a hoarse voice, "It's okay, I'm born with a Taoist body, so I won't leave scars."

Because the marks will disappear, isn't it painful?

A stronger body, a wound that heals more easily, but a more difficult and painful past hidden in the unknown.

Fang Li couldn't imagine how much he had hurt Xie Huai.

His lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

If, if he knew that there would be today, he would definitely not leave Xie Huai alone...

Those nine years were fleeting to him, but to Xie Huai, every minute and every second was a long time.

After a long time, Fang Li stretched out his hand very slowly, held Xie Huai's palm, held the concentric talisman in his palm, and said hoarsely: "Don't do such a thing again."

Xie Huai looked at him softly and said, "Okay."

Fang Li closed his eyes.

He suddenly remembered that when he was injured in order to protect Xie Huai, and when he was desperate to complete the task, Xie Huai would be angry with him and blame him for doing that... At that time, he didn't understand Xie Huai's mood, and he didn't listen to those words Go in, now he finally gets it, because when you care about someone more than yourself, you want him to love himself, hope he never puts himself in danger.

In this world, there are people more important than yourself.

And his mood at this moment is the same as that of Xie Huai.

When he first came to this world, there was nothing worthy of his attention and nostalgia, and this world was strange and meaningless to him... He did whatever he wanted, until he wanted to protect this world because he started to care about someone.

At that time, he thought that this would be a short meeting, and they would part ways eventually.

But he was wrong. In fact, since then, he is no longer alone. There is someone in this world that he wants to protect and does not want to lose.

He has his concerns.

When a person has concern, he is no longer fearless.

But he has no regrets.

Because being able to meet such a person is the greatest gift from God to him.

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li, raised his brows slightly, and said with a low smile: "Lover's Ferry is really a miracle, and you can really find a marriage in the past. You won't leave me again, right?"

Fang Li replied without hesitation: "I will never leave you again."

Xie Huai looked deeply at the person in front of him.

Fang Li confessed to him almost everything before, but there was only one thing Fang Li didn't say, Fang Li didn't tell him why he rejected him before.

Although he was very happy that Fang Li had never liked anyone else, Fang Li's feelings were pure and pure, just like his own to him, but if it wasn't because of his disgusting senior brother, why did Fang Li keep avoiding himself before?

It can only show that Fang Li didn't like him before.

At least, I don't like myself that much.

She even thought about leaving him.

This man came here after his own heart and soul.

Xie Huai's eyes dimmed, and he said in a hoarse voice: "How do I know that you are not lying to me, you will leave after coaxing me well."

Fang Li was most afraid of Xie Huai saying the word 'lie'.

His heart ached terribly.

How many times have I lied to Xie Huai before, I probably have a psychological shadow, right? A good number one person in the world is not afraid of death, but he is born to worry about gains and losses in this matter.

How could I leave you?

In this world, where can I go without you?

Fang Li wished he could show Xie Huai his heart, to prove that he would never lie to him this time.

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li's sincere and eager face, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He pushed Fang Li to the wall and rubbed against his ears. His warm breath fell on the side of his neck, and his voice was hoarse: "There is no proof for what you say." , you prove it to me."

Fang Li reacted instantly.

His ears were slightly warm.

Xie Huai's movements were gentle and restrained, as if waiting for his permission...

You must not be cowardly this time!

Fang Li gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand, hooked Xie Huai's belt, snorted softly, and whispered in his ear, "Let me see if it's true... no trace left."

Xie Huai was slightly startled, then bowed his head and kissed Fang Li's lips, his eyes were dim, and he said slowly: "Then you have to take care of yourself and see clearly."

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts