MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 7 find fault

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The air was deathly still.

Although this is not the first time this has been done, the feeling is completely different when the victim is unconscious and when the victim is awake.

After all—he's not really a pervert.

Oh, by the way, Xie Huai didn't think that he wanted to strangle him to death, did he? Or... want to do something wrong?

Fang Li withdrew his hand pretending to be calm, and glanced sideways without showing any traces. Sure enough, the incense burner on the table burned out at some point... He showed a trace of annoyance.

Xie Huai really woke up at the wrong time.

Fang Li pondered for two seconds, then said calmly, "Your quilt slipped."

After speaking, he turned around and strode away.

The system didn't expect Xie Huai to wake up suddenly, and the shock he received was not as light as Fang Li's. Now he came to his senses, and saw the host's footsteps obviously faster... How rare, the host would be nervous too!


Xie Huai looked at Fang Li's leaving back, his eyes darkened, thoughtful.

Fang Li burns incense every night, and never waits for him to fall asleep, and refuses to approach him... Obviously he is very wary of himself, and he is not arrogant, but since he is so wary of himself, why not just abolish him completely, once and for all? But to choose such a troublesome and hidden way.

This is a contradiction.

Fang Lishi has no interest in him, but wants to stay every night, pretending to care about him, is it really just to humiliate the righteous immortal sect... There are thousands of ways to humiliate a person, and some are even more dirty Cruel means, why do you have to be in the same room with yourself? It is really unnecessary to spend so much time and energy.

This is the second contradiction.

Xie Huai stayed here to kill the devil and eliminate harm for the fairy world... During these days of getting along, every time we get closer and understand each other, we will find that this person is completely different from what he imagined. different.

Although this person shared the same room with him, he was reticent and never bothered himself...

Even if this person sleeps in the same bed with him, he still sticks to his duty and never goes beyond the slightest...

He said in his mouth that he would let himself obey him, but he didn't even touch himself.

Courteous and gentle.

He is like a warm and refreshing spring, so clean that you can see the bottom at a glance, but sometimes... like a cloud of mist that seems to have nothing, hiding everything in the unknown depths, making it impossible to see through unclear.

Everything he does seems to have a purpose, but when he thinks about it, there is no purpose.

It seems necessary, but in fact it is not.

And he just slept next to him every night. Several times, Xie Huai had the illusion that killing this person was easy.

He doesn't even have to wait for the seal to be broken, and he doesn't have to choose to lose both. He just needs to pinch this person's neck in his dream. Such a pale and fragile neck can be crushed easily...

Maybe it's because it's too simple and easy, but it seems like an obvious trap, which makes Xie Huai hesitate.

He suddenly felt tempted...

So I opened my eyes when I shouldn't have opened them.

But that person didn't subconsciously show any killing intent, and he didn't take advantage of the trend to do dirty things... He just seemed a little caught off guard, and then pretended to leave here calmly.

Xie Huai did not let go of the fleeting embarrassment in the other party's eyes.

Why should he be uncomfortable? Why avoid yourself?

He clearly can do whatever he wants, do whatever he wants, no need to care whether he is awake or asleep... let alone give himself the so-called 'consideration time'.

But he left just like that, a little embarrassed, like a child who secretly played a prank behind someone's back but was smashed.

Xie Huai originally thought that his actions could capture a trace of the truth hidden behind the disguise, thus confirming his guess and confirming that all of this was the conspiracy of the devil... but the result was only more confusion and bewilderment.

He seemed to be in a thick fog, thinking that if he took a step forward, he would be able to see clearly what was hidden, but in the end he just sank deeper, and even the road behind him became more and more blurred.


The water demon's right wrist was wrapped in gauze. Although Xie Huai didn't show mercy at the time, he was still a little demon after all. In addition, there were countless panacea in the magic palace. But he didn't remove the gauze for a long time.

I heard that since Xie Huai entered Zunshang's palace, Zunshang stayed with him every night, and he seemed to have the tendency to monopolize his favor...

The water demon paced back and forth in the room, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became. Xie Huai was so beautiful, even if he didn't want to, he had to admit that when facing Xie Huai, he felt ashamed...

Such a person gets along with His Majesty day and night, can His Majesty really be unmoved?

The water demon didn't believe it.

He crushed the water glass in his hand irritably, and frowned tightly. He intended to take the opportunity to get rid of Xie Huai, but unexpectedly, it was self-defeating and let Xie Huai go to Zunshang's side... If you don't take any action now, I'm afraid it will be even worse in the future. There is no chance.

It's just that there was no summoning from His Majesty, and he took the initiative to ask to see His Majesty, and the water demon didn't dare, in case he offended His Majesty...

Just as he was struggling and hesitating, Feng Yin pushed the door open and walked in.

Fengyin and he entered the Demon Palace almost at the same time. The relationship between the two is not bad, and they have always supported each other. Everyone in this backyard has evil intentions. It is one side.

As soon as Feng Yin entered the door, he said anxiously: "I heard that Xie Huai is about to lose his soul to the Master."

The water demon was worried about this matter, and was even more annoyed when he heard the words. He swept the teapot on the table to the ground with a wave of his hand, and said with heaving chest, "I heard that too."

Feng Yin frowned and said, "We can't sit and wait for death."

Why doesn't the water demon think so, but they can't even get close to their upper body, so what can they do...

Feng Yin thought for a long time, then suddenly said: "Let's go to see Your Majesty."

The water demon suppressed his heartbeat, and said worriedly: "Did you forget that someone had a crooked mind before and went to the Demon Palace to pretend to meet His Majesty by chance, but in the end he angered His Majesty and was directly executed."

Feng Yin obviously also remembered this incident, his face turned pale, showing a little flinching, but in the end his ambition overcame his fear, he gritted his teeth and said: "That's because he was overthinking, but you are different, maybe Your Majesty will not be angry."

The water demon's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "How am I different?"

Feng Yin glanced at him, and said in a jealous tone: "Don't pretend to be confused by pretending to understand, everyone saw how His Majesty treated you that day, don't you know it in your heart? Why did Your Majesty treat us? Live like this? Not to mention letting you heal your wounds, and rewarding you with various panacea..."

The water demon's cheeks were slightly flushed, but her eyes couldn't hide her complacency, she pursed her lips and said, "Maybe it's just your Majesty's whim..."

Feng Yin's eyes were about to roll to the sky: "Come on! There are so many beauties in the backyard, why didn't Your Majesty act on a whim before? Let me tell you, it's rare that Your Majesty is interested in you and treats you so well. Don't give up such a good opportunity, if you don't show your face in front of your lord, your lord will really be lost by others, and you will be forgotten, and then you will have nowhere to cry!"

The water demon bit her lip.

A ruthless look appeared in Fengyin's eyes: "Don't hesitate, at worst I'll go with you!"

The water demon finally moved his heart. He was a little afraid alone, but it would be better if someone was with him. Moreover, what Feng Yin said just now made his heart really moved... Sure enough, it was not his own illusion, others also felt that he was wrong in His Majesty's eyes. special.

Seeking wealth and wealth, the water demon made up his mind.

He said: "Okay."

Only then did Feng Yin laugh, and said: "You will be successful in the future, just don't forget me."

The water demon covered her lips and smiled: "Of course not."

The backyard where these prostitutes live is located in the corner of the magic palace, and the water demon and Feng Yin slipped out quietly, no one noticed at all.

The two walked carefully in the magic palace. The building outside was grand and cold, completely different from the charming and romantic backyard. Even the walkway paved with black rocks exuded a chilling atmosphere.

After walking for a short time, they came to the side hall of the Demon Palace. They faintly heard voices from the side, and the two of them immediately hid behind the fake stone. Not far away, servants carrying delicious food came in and out like flowing water. Watching this scene, Yao and Fengyin's eyes were almost red with jealousy.

The water demon said bitterly: "This vixen!"

This should be the place where Xie Huai lived. It was said that he was hidden in the side hall by his lord, and lived a fairy life of rich clothes and fine food. As expected, the water demon's teeth were about to be gritted.

Feng Yin was silent for a long time, and said: "Since we have already arrived at the side hall, we should go a short distance, and it should be the residence of the Venerable."

The water demon said, "That's right, I have bribed the guards before, and His Majesty's bedroom is right in front."

Feng Yin suddenly said: "You go to see your lord, I will not follow you."

The water demon asked in astonishment, "Aren't you going?"

Feng Yin gave him a sideways look, and said angrily: "If you and Your Majesty are burning like firewood, am I still watching? You can go alone, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know what's interesting."

These words touched the heart of the water demon, since he has successfully arrived here, he really does not want Feng Yin to disturb him, so he said: "Okay, be careful too."

Feng Yin nodded: "Don't worry."

He watched the water demon go, his eyes flickered, and he turned to the side hall.

After dinner, Xie Huai sat at the wooden table in the house, twirling the chess pieces in one hand, playing chess against himself.

Fang Li hadn't been here for several days since he left in a hurry that day.


Is it because you accidentally approached me in your sleep? Or was he smashed by himself because he tried to play tricks? Or... just because he is useless?

Will he not come again?

Xie Huai's eyes dimmed slightly, and his thin lips pursed slightly. He didn't care if he came or not... he was just afraid that he would lose the chance to kill him.

Clang, the stone landed lightly on the table.

Xie Huai's eyes were indifferent, and his voice was cold: "Who?"

With a bang, the window was blown open, and Feng Yin came out from the shadows, he glanced at Xie Huai coldly, raised the corner of his mouth and said mockingly: "I thought that all of you decent families have backbone, I didn't expect it, it's just Pretending to be noble, the majestic Lord Yuyi is willing to serve others with sex."

Xie Huaiding looked at him, did not show shame or indignation, but raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh, what else?"

Seeing that he was unmoved, Feng Yin seemed furious, and said viciously: "Now that you have no cultivation base, why are you so arrogant!" Although he said such words, he seemed to be afraid and did not dare to do anything.

Xie Huai suddenly smiled, and said: "Why don't you come over and have a cup of tea and talk slowly."

Feng Yin hesitated for a long time, then said coldly: "Who is afraid of whom, do you think I dare not come here?"

With that said, he jumped into the house.

There was no one around, Feng Yin turned his back to the window, and suddenly his expression changed, revealing a look of worry, and he said silently: I am very worried about you.

Xie Huai looked thoughtfully at the young man in front of him, his mindless jealousy was just a disguise, he deliberately took the opportunity to meet him, but he didn't know him.

Feng Yin also knew that he needed to win Xie Huai's trust, so he took a step forward, dipped his hand into the tea and wrote two words on the table: Feng Ying.

Xie Huai's eyes changed slightly, thoughtful.

Seven years ago, the Danshu Sect in Xiyuan Prefecture was destroyed by the Devil's Ghost Moon Sect, and Fengying, the young master of the Danshu Sect, was taken away by Moxiu. After destroying the Ghost Moon Sect, they failed to rescue Fengying who had been kidnapped. They only thought that the child was already dead at that time.

Feng Ying suddenly lifted the hem of his clothes, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

His eyes were red. After he was kidnapped by the Ghost Moon Sect, the Ghost Moon Sect saw that he had good bones and good looks, so he sold him to the ancestor of the Hehuan Sect. Enter the Demon Palace to please the Demon Lord.

He hadn't been able to escape for so many years, and in the end, he couldn't leave if he wanted to. With this filth, he really had no face to face the past, and simply fell into the evil way.

But he always remembered that Mr. Yuyi helped him avenge his family's blood feud.

I never thought that I would still have a chance to repay this kindness.

Fengyin wrote on the ground one stroke at a time: I have a way to send the news, as long as you say a word, I will go through fire or water.

Xie Huai was silent for a moment, then said, "I see."

Feng Yin stood up, wiped his eyes, his excited hands trembled slightly, in fact, he was very worried that Xie Huai would not believe his words, or look down on him now... Fortunately, Xie Huai did not.

Xie Huai said slowly: "You are too risky."

Regardless of whether Fengyin is sincere or false, such an abrupt visit is a very dangerous behavior, and it puts oneself in danger.

Feng Yin also knew that she was impulsive.

If he hadn't been really worried about Lord Yuyi, afraid that his benefactor would not be able to withstand the torture of the Demon Lord, he would not have risked exposing himself.

Seeing that Mr. Yuyi is fine now, he is relieved.

"I can't stay long, you have something to order." Fengyin said in a very soft voice, then took a step back suddenly, and raised her voice sharply: "Don't be complacent, Your Majesty is just trying to make something new, and you will soon get tired about you!"


Fang Li sat in the study and read a book.

He didn't go to Xie Huai's place these days, but he also ordered his servants not to treat him harshly. In fact, it shouldn't matter if he went a few nights less. Who doesn't know that he loves Xie Huai now?

As long as the result is the same it's fine.

Fang Li was tired from reading, his eyes were slightly closed, and he had agreed to give Xie Huai time to think about it, but he approached him while he was asleep, and tried to 'pinch' his neck... How would Xie Huai think about himself?

He didn't want to destroy this rare balance because of a momentary mistake.

Fang Li sighed quietly, pressed his forehead, and suddenly a black shadow fell beside him, whispering something in his ear.

This is the secret guard he left behind at Xie Huai's side, and reported to him that someone was looking for Xie Huai's troubles. It seems that he has been 'singling' Xie Huai these days, and some people really can't sit still.

After searching his memory for a while, Fang Li shook his head.

Fengyin, the furnace tripod sent by the ancestor of Hehuan Sect.

It's just that I don't know if his trip is for the Hehuan Sect, or for another purpose?

It would not be surprising if he was working for the Hehuan Sect, but why did he leave the water demon and go to see Xie Huai? Could it be that he was really dazzled by jealousy? interesting…

Fang Li lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled, he doesn't care what purpose he has, just see him if he wants to, as long as Xie Huai is by his side and can cooperate with him in the plot, he can turn a blind eye to other things. Have fun.

Besides, this matter was not written in the plot, and he didn't know exactly what role this person played, so it's better not to meddle in other people's business.

Fang Li waved his hand: "Go ahead, don't worry about it."

The dark guard disappeared with a bang.

Fang Li stood up and pushed the door open.

The system that had been silent for several days suddenly revived.

[System: Host, where are you going? 】

[Fang Li: Some people have come to trouble Xie Huai. If the deity is indifferent, doesn't it seem that he doesn't care enough about him? 】

[System: The host is right! The host is wise! 】Thank God, the host is finally willing to meet Xie Huai!

Fang Li smiled and shook his head.

As soon as he went out, he saw the water demon approaching. Seeing Fang Li, the water demon showed a look of pity for me, and said coquettishly: "My lord, have you forgotten Yao'er!"

The beauty's wrist was wrapped in gauze. It stands to reason that the injury should be healed. It seems that she doesn't want to forget it, reminding herself...

Fang Li raised the corner of his mouth jokingly.

As far as I can remember, those darlings in his backyard didn't dare to be so bold. People shouldn't have the illusion that they can have unreasonable thoughts.

Fang Li doesn't like to do things that delay people.

He looked down at the water monster condescendingly, and said calmly, "I haven't forgotten."

His Majesty said he hadn't forgotten him, he should have been happy, but the water demon looked at Fang Li's indifferent eyes, seemingly gentle, but without the slightest warmth, suddenly a chill came down from the top of his head... His expression froze a little bit, His lips trembled slightly.

The water demon instantly realized that he had been dazed and had done something he shouldn't have done.

Fang Li smiled softly: "If there is another time, don't go back."

Said and left from the side of the water demon.

The water demon knelt on the ground limp and could barely get up. He didn't understand why he had been so gentle and different to him before he came to the demon, why he became so cold and heartless after only a few days of seeing him, exactly the same as the previous demon.

Could it be that everything that day was his own illusion?

Fang Li finished disposing of the blind cannon fodder, and strolled to Xie Huai's yard. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Feng Yin push the door out angrily. Decency is very disdainful, disgusting...

It seems that I came at the right time.

Feng Yin was walking, and when she looked up and saw Fang Li, her voice choked suddenly, and then she knelt down with a thud, unable to speak tremblingly.

Fang Li lowered his eyes, according to the plot, Han Sui should already have a heart for Xie at this moment, and this article has a central idea, which remains unchanged throughout the whole text, that is—

It's okay to humiliate and torture Xie Huai however much you want, but others will die if they touch Xie Huai with a single finger.

By the way, did Feng Yin touch Xie Huai's finger? Listening to the report seems to be just a mouthful? And it doesn't look like it's cheap to talk about it?

Then... the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be forgiven.

Fang Li cleared his throat, looked indifferent, and said to the demon servant beside him: "Watch out, don't let anyone in. In the future, whoever dares to disrespect Lord Yuyi will be killed without mercy. As for him..."

He looked down at Fengyin, and before he could say anything, the door was pushed open with a squeak, and Xie Huai was dressed in white with a long body, his eyes were as indifferent as snow on a mountain, and he said slowly: "My lord, the person who dealt with you, I have no right to comment, but if it's for me, then there's no need. I can't bear the love of your lord."

Really cold and ruthless, it seems that she doesn't care about Fengyin at all, she just hates her own behavior.

It fits Xie Huai's personality, but is it really just that?

However, Fang Liben had no intention of executing Fengyin.

He took advantage of the opportunity to ignore Feng Yin, and said coldly with domineering sideways: "Since you are the deity's person, naturally no one can neglect you except the deity, and you have to accept it if you don't want to."

Xie Huai looked at him calmly, and said two words with his thin lips: "As you wish."

Turn around and leave after speaking.

The highest state of contempt is to ignore, turn a blind eye, and treat the other party as a cloud.

And Xie Huai now treats him as air.

Fang Li is very happy to be treated as air, and hopes that Xie Huai will continue to maintain it and continue to work hard, but as a Demon Lord, he must not leave in a hurry, otherwise there is no way to force him.

It's okay to close the door, and now there are people watching, so you can't lose face.

Fang Li seemed to be irritated, he stepped forward suddenly, and tightly clasped Xie Huai's wrist! Push him against the door! He said gloomyly: "Who allowed you to talk to this deity like this? It seems that this deity should let you have a longer memory."

The violent, cold-blooded, cruel, and extremely possessive perverted Demon Lord, Fang Li felt a little bit of acting, he tightened his wrist, and was about to drag Xie Huai into the room, but saw——

Xie Huai raised his thin lips, approached his ear, and said in a cool voice: "Really? What does Your Majesty plan to do—let me have a longer memory?"

Fang Li:?

Feel the challenge!

The author has something to say:

This chapter continues to drop small red envelopes~

Author Bacteria: It is said, it is said~ If you want to understand a person, it is the beginning of falling in love with him.

Xie Huai: ...

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