MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 36 Deterrence

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Isn't senior brother dead?

Fang Li frowned tightly.


Yan Sui saw the senior brother die in front of him with his own eyes, it is impossible for the senior brother to be alive, could it be that the senior brother had hidden the white jade talisman before coming to rescue Yan Sui?

In order to prevent the jade talisman from falling into Chong Wanshan's hands, it is very possible, so where is the white jade talisman?

Fang Li's eyes changed for a moment.

Forget it, although this jade talisman is the most precious treasure of the Holy Venerable, in his opinion, it is simply an evil thing, and it would be best if it never comes out.

Wu Yimei had already cleaned up the surrounding area, and hundreds of black-clothed demon cultivators stood beside him.

Wu Yimei respectfully said to Fang Li: "Your Majesty, what should we do with Danshan Sect?"

Fang Li raised the corners of his lips and smiled lightly: "Since you dare to besiege and kill this deity, you will naturally have to bear the consequences."

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li in puzzlement, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Then he saw Fang Li picking up Zhong Wanshan's body with one hand.

Wu Yimei immediately understood what Fang Li meant, and gestured with his eyes, those magicians picked up the corpses in a hurry.

Fang Li waved his hand, and a huge black ship appeared in the sky.


Wangshan City.

People in the restaurant drink tea and chat, on the riverside flower boats, beautiful dancers are dancing gracefully, and street vendors are shouting and selling...

A state of prosperity and peace.

Until a huge shadow suddenly enveloped it.

The people in the restaurant stopped chatting, the dancers stopped dancing, the vendors stopped selling, and everyone looked up at the sky...

what is that?

In the center of the city where the Danshan Gate is located, hundreds of figures flew out, all of them were disciples of the Danshan Gate. They looked at the big ship in the sky waiting in battle, and their hands holding the sword were full of sweat.

The mountain gate of Danshan Gate is 100 meters high and towering. The stone tablet is engraved with complicated and ancient characters, as if it has stood here since ancient times.

The big ship stopped right above the mountain gate.

All the disciples of Danshan Sect tensed up. They thought of the rumors in the city during this period, thought that the devil might be in the city at this moment, and thought that Yun Jianque was besieged by demons back then...

Could it be...

Just when everyone was panicking, a black figure appeared at the bow of the big ship.

The man had a pale face, and his dark eyes seemed to be playful and contemptuous. With a wave of his hand, he threw a corpse in front of the Danshan Gate.


The corpse fell from a height of 100 meters and fell into a pool of rotten flesh on the ground.

But every disciple of Danshan Sect immediately recognized that this was the sect master they regarded as a god—Chong Wanshan.

There was deathly silence.

Fear spread silently.

Only the tall man in black robe could hear the laziness and chuckle here: "Chong Wanshan is dead, this is the fate of disobedience to this deity."

As his words fell, Wu Yimei signaled to the demon cultivators under him to throw down the other corpses one after another. The corpses fell in front of the mountain gate, blood splattered everywhere, and the scene was tragic, like purgatory on earth.

Some of these people are the elders of the Danshan Sect, some are the inner disciples of the Danshan Sect, and they are all the elites of the Danshan Sect.

But at this moment, they are all just... deathless, twisted, lifeless corpses.

Everyone looked up and looked at the black-robed man on the big boat.

Fear and anger filled their hearts.

Unwillingness and hatred made their eyes turn red.

Fang Li seemed to be very satisfied with the effect. With lazy eyes, he let out a casual smile: "I'll give you three days. After three days, I will raze the Danshan Gate to the ground. From now on, there will be no more Danshan Gate in the fairy world."

This is going to destroy the Danshan Gate!

Xie Huai stood behind Fang Li, watching this scene, he finally knew what Fang Li was going to do...

His eyes suddenly sank, his thin lips pursed, and a rare anger appeared in his chest.

If someone like Chong Wanshan is killed, he will be killed. It is only right for you to take revenge, but since the big revenge has already been taken, why bother?

I know there is a reason for you to kill Zhong Wanshan, but these people don't know, such a rampant threat to destroy the family... Do you know what the consequences are?

Danshan Sect is not a small sect, but one of the five great immortal sects that have been passed down for thousands of years and are as famous as Yun Jian Que!

And this time, it's different from last time.

Although Yunjianque's battle was also tragic, he was the only one left in the end. Although Yunjianque lost face, he didn't hurt his bones, and the sect was saved.

People in the world are like this, unless they are forced to, they will take chances, let alone put all their eggs in one basket...

But this time, no matter what your reasons are, in the eyes of the world, it is you who killed Chong Wanshan, destroyed the backbone of the Danshan Gate, made the Yidanshan Gate flat, and completely wiped the Danshan Gate from the world of spirits. To destroy is to destroy the sect, which has touched the bottom line of the righteous immortal sect!

If even the Danshan Gate, one of the five great immortal gates, cannot escape such an ending, then even if they fight to the death, they will unite.

You are going to be the enemy of the world!

Xie Huai grabbed Fang Li's wrist, stared into his eyes, as if he wanted to see through this man thoroughly, and said in a cold voice, "Why are you doing this?"

He doesn't understand.

If Fang Li really wanted to exterminate them, he would not have given a period of three days. Three days is enough for those people to escape, but since he didn't intend to exterminate them, why did he have to speak wild words to make the world misunderstand you?

Now Jiuxiao Mountain is calling for the formation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to crusade against Fuqiu Mountain, and many people are waiting and watching, swaying from side to side...

Once news of today's incident is known, the Ten Thousand Immortals League will be established!

There will be a battle between Zhengdao and Fuqiu Mountain.

Instigate a war between immortals and demons, and the lives will be ruined.

Is this what you hope for?

I do not believe!

Fang Li looked down from above, looking at the horror and hatred of the crowd, and just when he was proud of his perfect performance, he was caught off guard by Xie Huai and dragged him back. When he raised his eyes, he couldn't help but smile slightly at Xie Huai's eyes full of anger. Startled.

Since he brought Xie Huai back, it was the first time that he saw such obvious emotions in Xie Huai's eyes.

No matter what time and situation this person is in, he always looks cold and indifferent, as if nothing can move him, but today, he is angry.

Fang Li suddenly felt a little guilty, but suddenly realized.

Just now, I was so busy pretending to be aggressive that I almost forgot my behavior. In Xie Huai's view, how rampant it was. If I disagree with you, I will destroy the family. This is the rhythm of provoking a war between immortals and demons, and destroying people's lives! As Xie Huai is the righteous way with the world in mind, it is perfectly normal to be angry.

But don't worry, I know it well.

In the original book, after Yan Sui killed Chong Wanshan, he led a group of demons to besiege Danshan Gate. At that time, Yan Sui's heart was filled with hatred, and he fell into the demon. , Killed here, blood flowed into rivers, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

Shengsheng wiped away the Danshan Gate from the fairy world.

But Fang Li couldn't do such a thing. Although there are people like Chong Wanshan who deserve to die in Danshan Gate, there are also many innocent people who don't deserve to die. Since the mastermind and his confidants are dead, the rest would rather not kill , It’s not bad to kill, so I gave them three days.

Three days is enough for these people to pack their bags and flee for their lives.

Throwing down the dead body in public and letting go of harsh words, and three days later when all the people run away, and then pushing the Danshan gate, the effect is similar.

They are all extinct.

It does not change the direction of the plot, nor does it need to kill, it is the best of both worlds.

Besides, outsiders don't know that he has enmity with Chong Wanshan, let alone that Chong Wanshan was the first to act, they only know that he killed Chong Wanshan and destroyed the Danshan Gate, the more rampant he is, the more afraid those people will be , When the fear reaches a certain level, you will want to resist.

Jiuxiaoshan called for the establishment of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, and it took a lot of talk, but the effect was not very good. Fang Li was really worried about them, and decided to give them a good push.

He has helped Jiuxiaoshan a lot.

I hope these orthodox people will be more uplifted. At this point, stop swaying and looking forward and backward. Hurry up and kill Fuqiu Mountain, so that I can wait for the completion of the task and get off the assembly line.

Everything is according to plan.

Not many people will die!

Fang Li looked at Xie Huai's angry look, and remembered that they had cooperated tacitly and cooperated well during this period of time. He already regarded Xie Huai as a friend in his heart, but he couldn't say these words to him, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty...

Fang Li was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth, shook off Xie Huai's hand, and smiled faintly: "Is it your business?"

Xie Huai looked into Fang Li's eyes, his chest rose and fell.

I don't believe it, you don't know the consequences of doing this.

Clearly don't want to kill, clearly have good intentions, clearly...

Why do you want to do such a thing, why do you want to leave no room for it, why do you have to be an enemy of the world.

Why, not be kind to yourself.

Xie Huai's voice was cold, and he said word by word: "Okay, I can't take care of your lord's affairs."

Fang Li looked at Xie Huai and turned around.

He has always been like this before, doing what he should do, making the plot go smoothly, making Xie Huai hate and loathe himself, he is not afraid of Xie Huai's misunderstanding, in fact, this is exactly what he wants...

This should be the result he wanted.

But at this moment, for some reason, my heart seemed to be empty, and I was a little uneasy.

After a while, Fang Li rubbed his nose, um, maybe it was because Xie Huai was really angry this time.

After all, they are considered friends, and it is his fault to make a friend unhappy.


Because of the Cold War.

Fang Li didn't go to Xie Huai's side to make fun of him.

Although I am a little sorry... But let Xie Huai continue to be angry, maybe he can get himself off the assembly line smoothly...

So far, there is nothing more important than completing the task, and he has no way out.

Fang Li stayed outside Danshan Gate for three days.

Three days later, all the people from the Danshan Gate ran away. Fang Li ordered his demon cultivators to sweep the Danshan Gate. At this moment, there is nothing left in the Danshan Gate, but it is one of the five great immortal gates after all. It can be regarded as a reward to his demon cultivators. As for the civilians in Wangshan City, Fang Li strictly ordered not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Afterwards, Fang Li led his men, left a ruined place, and left in a big boat.

It's time to go home.

The way back was very fast, and in less than a few days, I arrived at the foot of Fuqiu Mountain.

These few days, Xie Huai did not speak a word to Fang Li.

He stood silently on the edge of the boat, looking at the person in front of him deeply, clenched the hands hanging by his sides, his indifferent face seemed to be covered with ice.

He has been waiting for this person's explanation, even if there is only one sentence or a reason, but there is no...

He insisted on going his own way, and refused to even explain a word.

Xie Huai thought of this, and closed his eyes in self-deprecating, what was he expecting? This person...hasn't he always been like this?

There is not a single truth in his mouth, and no one is allowed to come close to his heart.

No one can stop what he is going to do, and no one can guess his true thoughts... Unpredictable, like clouds and fog.

So, you never change.

I have changed.

Fang Li stood alone on the bow of the big boat, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the person who came forward to greet him, and the corners of his lips slightly raised.

The plot is here again.

This plot can be regarded as a small climax near the end, and it is also the last time that Yan Sui ate meat in the original book.

In the book, Dumeng was sent to attack Jiuxiao Mountain, but he was obedient and obedient. He not only secretly made a deal with Jiuxiao Mountain, betrayed Yan Sui, but also arranged a wave of killers at the foot of Fuqiu Mountain.

This is called two-handed preparation, on the one hand plotting against Xie Huai to add trouble to Yan Sui, and on the other hand turning against the water to assist the Ten Thousand Immortals League, step by step, two-pronged approach, vowing to kill Han Sui!

However, even though people were sent, everyone knew that the direct assassination had little hope and was almost impossible to succeed, so this assassination was aimed at Xie Huai. During this period of time, Han was concerned about Xie Huai's favor, and everyone knew that However, they were all betting that Yan Sui would not watch Xie Huai die, so they ordered someone to assassinate Xie Huai with poison on the knife, so as to contain Yan Sui.

Dumeng's move can be regarded as a crooked attack, Yan Sui just used the jade talisman to kill Chong Wanshan, when he was weak, he didn't expect that the person who was besieging him would suddenly rush to Xie Huai, he was caught off guard and killed That person, Xie Huai, was still injured and poisoned.

Naturally, it is impossible to watch Xie Huai die and forcibly draw the poison from Xie Huai onto himself, cough cough cough... As a small yellow mosquito, the process of introducing the poison will not be repeated.

In short, Fang Li believes that this is another invalid plot of eating meat for the sake of eating meat.

It is impossible to introduce poison, so it would be good if you don't get poisoned directly?

Moreover, this plot has no meaning to the overall situation. Instead, it is to show the infatuation of Xie Huai who loves Xie Huai deeply in the later stage, and will do anything to save Xie Huai... Fang Li almost shudders. This kind of plot is completely unnecessary, right? Omit omit.

Anyway, Xie Huai won't be moved. In the original book, even if he did this, he would almost die. Xie Huai is still hard-hearted. He can't accept a person who humiliates him like that.

I neither intend to have intimate contact with Xie Huai, nor do I want to show affection for Xie Huai at this last moment.

So Fang Li planned to cut through the mess quickly, quickly deal with these assassins and go home.

At the foot of Fuqiu Mountain, a group of demon cultivators were waiting there respectfully, knelt on the ground and said in unison: "Greetings, Your Majesty."

Fang Li stepped off the big boat slowly, seemingly lazily and casually, but in fact he was on guard. He knew that the people who greeted him here today were all Dumeng people, and Dumeng just wanted to catch him by surprise. Yamashita started.

It's true that I didn't expect Xie Huaizhong to plot against him, but I had the script in my hand, but I was prepared, and it was impossible to give them another chance to hurt Xie Huai.

Fang Li walked forward step by step.

Just when he was less than three steps away from those demon cultivators, the sword light suddenly appeared!

Wu Yimei had already received his order, and was always on guard. Moxiu under his command immediately killed Dumeng's men, but Dumeng's men didn't expect them to be prepared, but were caught off guard, and the two sides immediately fought together.

Fang Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and he waved away a person who was stabbing him. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in the corner of his eyes. Moxiu's neck was thrown out with a click!

Those who dare to touch Xie Huai, come and kill one by one!

Fang Li stood firmly in front of Xie Huai, making it impossible for those demon cultivators to get close.

Blood splattered and soldiers fought each other.

Intertwined into a tragic picture.

As time goes by…

There are more and more people falling down, fewer and fewer people standing, and the blinded people are not looking good, ready to put all their eggs in one basket, rushing towards Xie Huai desperately—

They have been ordered a long time ago, if they can't touch His Majesty, they will start from Xie Huai, this is their only chance!

Fang Li also put all his energy into it, and he will not relax his carelessness just because the opponent is dying and struggling. Trapped beasts are the most ferocious, and carelessness is the biggest enemy at any time...

Xie Huai watched quietly as Fang Li stood in front of him with ease.

This conspiracy... It seems that you are well prepared.

This person really knows everything, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people left...

Another person rushed towards Xie Huai, and was killed by Fang Li again without any surprise.

Xie Huai knew the melee was coming to an end...

And at this moment, Xie Huai's eyes suddenly froze, and someone in the crowd turned his blade and aimed at Fang Li suddenly—

Xie Huai shot without hesitation, and at the same time yelled: "Be careful!"

Fang Li just crushed the neck of a demon cultivator, but he didn't want someone in the crowd to turn the knife head on him, and at the same time, someone was shooting at Xie Huai with a sword, one behind the other—

Fang Li didn't even think about it, he knocked away the person who stabbed Xie Huai with his palm, and then turned around cleanly, and knocked the person behind him away with his palm!

The man showed a sinister smile at Fang Li, and before he was knocked into the air, he threw the long knife in his hand! The blade cut through Fang Li's black robe, leaving a shallow wound on his waist.

But the demon cultivator smiled triumphantly, and then committed suicide without hesitation!

Fang Li's face was a little ugly.

He felt half of his body go numb quickly.

Although I hold the script in my hand and have prepared long ago, I still cannot control all emergencies. Everyone here, even if they are just cannon fodder without a name, may make unpredictable behaviors when they are living or dying—

Seeing that they had no hope of plotting against Xie Huai, they would definitely die, so some people made a desperate fight and shot directly at themselves.

The human heart is the most unpredictable...

Soon, the last person was also killed by Wu Yimei.

Wu Yimei quickly came to Fang Li, and said anxiously, "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Fang Li's body shook, his consciousness became blurred.

Fang Li smiled slightly.

It's okay, it doesn't matter if he is poisoned, he is going to die anyway.

My last thought before passing out was—

Thank God, Xie Huai is fine.

Don't use him to induce poison.

Xie Huai rushed over without hesitation when the man made a move, trying to stop him, but he was a step too late. Fortunately, Fang Li reacted quickly, and killed the man with one palm, only suffering a slight injury.

But seeing Fang Li smiling at this moment, Xie Huai suddenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong, and then he saw that Fang Li fell straight down——

Xie Huai stretched out his hand subconsciously, and pulled Fang Li's body into his arms. Seeing an abnormal blush on his pale face, he suddenly realized that the magic repair knife was smeared with poison!

I blame myself.

In fact, he has recovered most of his cultivation, and he doesn't need other people's protection, but Fang Li doesn't know...

If it wasn't for protecting himself, he wouldn't have been caught off guard.

Xie Huai's hand holding Fang Li tightened suddenly.

Wu Yimei was shocked when she saw Fang Li fainted, she stretched out her hand to take Fang Li from Xie Huai, and said coldly, "Give me your honor."

But Xie Huai just hugged the person in his arms tightly, and suddenly raised his eyes, those eyes were dark and cold, which made Wu Yimei stunned.

Xie Huai's thin lips parted slightly, and he spoke slowly, word by word: "No matter what your position is, he just saved me, do you think I will hurt him now?"

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