MTL - The Dark King-v8 Chapter 1215 : Top

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Inside the Capital Command, many generals and consortium directors looked up at the epitome of the cities in the Middle East, watching the red dots disappearing one by one, and could not help but hold their breath.

The federal masses before the live broadcast of the news, in the gloomy desperate eyes, once again showed hope and excitedly looked at this scene.

Time passes by in a minute, and the red dot is shrinking all the time.

Du Di'an people mobilized the city surveillance that had been swept out. Everyone saw that the cities that were cleared by these red spots were in a mess. There were traces of fighting everywhere, as well as huge pits bombarded by missiles. Countless Mozu corpses scattered on the ground, the entire city is bleeding.

In this desolate picture, we can see some survivors and civilians carefully walk out of the shelter, look at the streets, and some civilians hold the watch in their hands, it seems that the watch is on the live broadcast, and they also pass the news. In the live broadcast, I saw that my city has been cleaned up, and there is no Mozu.

Soon, more and more people are coming out of hiding places, most of them are unkempt. These people learned from the news broadcast that their city is safe, and then walked out of the hiding place to see the dead bodies and unprecedented Quiet, can not help but excited to scream on the streets, even if smashed the voice, and do not care.

Others rushed to the news, spreading the news out loud and letting other survivors who were huddled in the dens know.

Numerous unseen survivors, who met each other, felt sympathetic, excited and hugged, and some cheered together.

These pictures have been seen by many people far away from other cities, as if they are deeply sympathetic and burst into tears.

In a twinkling of an eye, half an hour later, everyone saw a marked change in the gathering of the Mozu in the Middle East. The red spots of the Mozu in each city were drawn to the same place and then evacuated outside the Middle East.

Obviously, the strong attack of the gods made these demons who were prepared to resist, feared, and could only retreat.

When a general said the words "They are ready to run away" according to the information, countless people felt that the brain was shaken. Half an hour ago, the Middle East was still the ocean of the Mozu, which made them very headaches. Sweeped out, and these horrible demons were repelled!

It’s all like dreams, but from the scenes seen in the video, everyone can almost see what kind of fierce battles have been experienced when the gods annihilated the demon!

This is not acting. This is not a play, but a real fight to defeat these demons!

For a time, many generals discovered that they knew about Dudian, and perhaps they could not be defined as a demon.

But to say that he is God, everyone is absolutely not convinced.

But no matter what, Dudian killed the Mozu, saved the Union, and saved them!

Less than an hour later, the gods returned, still the appearance of the elves in the moon, pure and innocent, covered with silver radiance, holy and incomparable, perfect and calm and elegant, as if not staining a little dust.

Obviously it was a big battle, but there was no scar on the body, it was very clean, as if it had just come out.

Such a force, everyone looked shocked, and all the hearts were impressed.

"I said that if you want to expel all the Mozus today, you will definitely do it." Du Di'an looked at the returning gods and smiled. He said to many generals: "The Middle East has been cleaned up, and the next area begins to clean up. , which region is the number of demons, second only to the Middle East?"

The public will face each other, a general standing next to Du Di'an whispered: "In addition to the Middle East, the northwestern region is the most affected, and many cities there have been out of food and water shortage, and everyone is in danger."

"That's the northwest." Du Di'an did not think about the ropeway, and then let people transfer the road map of the northwest region, and said to the gods: "Or you go."

He smiled and nodded, and then left again.

Before the live broadcast of the news, the masses were excited. The fierce Mozu in front of Du Di'an seemed to be just an ant-like existence, and it could be wiped out. The Middle East, which has already been cleaned up, is the best evidence!

The public will be accompanied by Du Di'an, and by monitoring the situation in the northwest area, it will not be long before they see a significant reduction in the Mozu in this area, knowing that the gods have arrived. Soon, the city was swept out, and Du Di'an made people monitor the city, once again inspiring countless people.

The federal public and the directors of the Trass consortium are all shocked, and the faint feeling that things seem irreparable, maybe only one day, all the demons in the federal territory will really be expelled!

What does it mean if this is done?

They don’t have to think about their heads, and from then on, the federal people will treat Dudi as a god! From then on, Du Di'an's status in the federation will be invincible. Even if these authoritative figures jump out of the accusation, they may be used by Du Di'an to use the previous strange methods to turn them into demons and kill them on the spot. After dying as a Mozu, most of their families will also be implicated and cast aside!

No solution!

Everyone feels that it is almost impossible to stumble Dudian, even a hundred times more difficult than expelling the Mozu!

With this in mind, many people's minds have slowly become active, thinking about their own positions, can they change, and truly surrender to this strong, in exchange for the status of the elders?

When I thought about this, many people watched Du Di'an's eyes gradually change.

Du Di'an can feel the changes around him, but he doesn't care. Everything is in his expectation. The human heart is unpredictable, but the profit word can play 90% of the hearts.

On the other hand, with the fall of the Middle East and the last news, the Mozus in other regions have all noticed the live broadcast of the news, and thus also know the existence of the gods, from which they captured the Middle East and defeated hundreds of thousands of imperial army. In terms of combat power, it is stronger than the average king. This makes the Mozu in other areas unwilling and angry, but in the end it can only retreat with the big forces.

When the northwest area was leveled, the remaining demons no longer had the idea of ​​temptation, one by one quickly mobilized the soldiers under the arm, and left the federal horror cave at full speed.

At three or four in the afternoon, the generals in the command have already seen the demons gathered in the federal cities. Only a few scattered soldiers can kill them, and these free squads are also ruled by them. The garrison forces of the city arrested them.

At this time, the other three major consortia were also inserted to help clean up the remaining Mozu.

When the sun goes down, the news broadcast is transferred to another place. The government officially announced that all the demons have been annihilated and the federation has returned to safety!

When the news came out, countless people were sobbed by the disaster, but the loved ones who died for themselves fell to tears. The whole federation stayed up all night, and the live broadcast of the news followed Du Di'an again. Du Di'an is surrounded by the generals, commanding everyone to do post-war pensions, clean up the battlefield and bodies, and restore the city's hydropower and food.

Of course, for him, these are just words to say, it is his will.

In addition, Du Di'an led a group of generals and senior officials from the three major consortiums of Locke, Milan and Michael to visit some of the affected cities. In just one day, refugees have already known Du Di'an's identity and saw him. I will cry and cry.

Du Di'an cured some of the injured refugees and once again demonstrated God's general ability. When it was Lingcheng, he returned to the federal government building in the capital and told people to inform him that he was going to hold a federal conference. All the federal high-level officials were present, including four. The directors and leaders of the big consortium are no exception.

At the meeting, the live broadcast of the news was switched to the cities, and the army was busy in the night, transporting the wounded, building a medical shed, and the various disaster cities are gradually recovering.

When the preparations were completed, the live news was once again aligned with this grand meeting. After Du Di'an's brief speech, the generals immediately spoke with the generals and asked Du Di'an to serve as the federal president.

This is the case: ./3_3610/