MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 58

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Good to buy seeds, Mu Chen looked at Gu Yunzhen with a look of inquiry, and properly distrusted. This **** apprentice has something to look at him.

Once bitten by a snake, ten years of fear of the well rope, Mu Chen saw that Gu Yunyi had something to look at him, and immediately used his eyes to turn into a small knife to poke each other.

Gu Yunxi was helpless and could only pull Mu Chen. He whispered in his ear and said: "Yunkun Bell is a square, you can cultivate some plants and plant some fruits and fruits to quench your thirst."

The sighing air flowed across the ear, and Mu Chen looked at the arm on his waist. He was annoyed and took a slap on the back of the apprentice. The **** actually talked to him like this. What should I do if I hear it?

The magic of Qiankun Bell, if it is known to others in the hands of Gu Yunhao, will definitely cause a glimpse. They are not afraid of trouble, but they also hate trouble.

Gu Yunqi was photographed and not annoyed. He took a look at Mu Chen’s face and took Mu Chen’s hand out of the medicine cabinet to buy seeds.

Mu Chen took a few steps and suddenly remembered, "The next time you find your second brother, what seeds are there."

Gu Yunxiao nodded and said, firmly grasping Mu Chen’s hand and earnestly said: "I am afraid that I will get lost, and the Master will protect me."

Mu Chen’s mouth was pumped, but he was forced to walk.


Out of the Shuangyu City, the two went all the way north and went straight to the Qinghong Valley.

The last time Gu Yunyi went there, and now I will take a natural light road.

"Master, thirsty, not thirsty? Do you want to take a break?" Mu Chen sat in the luxurious chair, flying over the **** egg on his head, raising his wings to cover the sun. He has a dozen circles in his hand to form a string of glass buckles. Different circles will make different sounds when they collide together, oh, crisp. Mu Chen is irritated. The button will become various shapes in the hands of the apprentice. He can also split the circle into one. In his hand, there is a pile of fees, which is not easy to play with.

Hearing the apprentice behind him, he looked down and faintly snorted.

Gu Yunqi hardly heard the meaning of grievances inside, and couldn’t help but smile. He reached out and held Mu Chen’s finger and smiled lightly: “This thing pays attention to a cleverness, you see, this way, then again, two Can be buckled together."

Mu Chen blinked his eyes and suddenly found a little feeling. He continued to play with it and gave it to the apprentice.

Gu Yunqi pinched his finger and put it aside, his eyes filled with smiles.

There is an open space at the foot. Before there was someone fighting, the trees and the surface were destroyed, just as they could go on.

Going out, naturally, when there is no spiritual power, they are attacked. On this road, I saw more murder and treasure. Although the two people are more skillful than ordinary people, they still maintain a little vigilance and always let their spiritual powers be in a state of fullness to cope with unexpected situations.

Gu Yunqi pushed Mu Chen under the tree, took the water and poured it into the crystal cup. When Mu Chen’s head was not lifted, he had to hand it to his mouth.

Mu Chen drank two, suddenly smacked his mouth, and dragged a ball to Gu Yunzhen, "black eggs."

Gu Yunxiao looked at his smile, his eyes did not swear at Mu Chen’s hand, and the twilight sighed: “It’s quite like it.”

The black egg resting on the tree bowed and glanced down, and almost fell off the tree, not at all like it? It is a bird, although it is fat, but it also has wings!

That is a beggar, that is a ball! Still a deformed!

At present, the owner has no exercise at all! He is jealous!

Mu Chen saw Gu Yunxiao's eyes and he stunned. Then he lowered his head and coldly continued to play with the ring in his hand, but his ears were reddish.

This gangster! I dare to look at him with this kind of look, owe it!

Gu Yunxi saw him like this, chuckled, "The Master is not here to move, I am going to hunt a beast and come back to give you a barbecue."

Mu Chen was cold and humming, and he continued to play.

Gu Yunqi looked at the black egg, and the latter quickly patted his chest with his wings, meaning that you can rest assured that whoever dared to come to me to eat him!

Originally, according to Gu Yunwei's skill, picking a beast is like picking vegetables in the back garden. But when I went to the tea, the other party had not returned. Mu Chen was hesitant. This gangster, where did it go? ? Is it carrying the murderous act of him, or where to pick up the little girl?

The black egg saw him change his face, jumped from the tree, and said diligently: "Miyaz, I will step on your shoulders."

Mu Chen looked at his feet.

"Reassured, I haven't landed since I washed it, it's clean." The black egg raised his foot and showed it to him.

Mu Chen's cold face nodded, let the black egg step on, let alone, the stepping is quite comfortable, the cold face is a little better.

Probably another time of tea, Mu Chen was annoyed again, this gangster, still not coming back! It’s really awkward to stop.

I just want to wait for the other party to come back and give me an education. I feel that a familiar spiritual power is far and near. Mu Chen looks up and looks at the past, and at the same time senses five strange spiritual powers, strong and weak, mixed atmosphere.

He frowned and his face was impatient. How did the gangster get the outsider?

Sure enough, Gu Yun squatted with a fire antelope, followed by five young people, four men and one woman. They should be dressed as a child of the family. One of the men was seriously injured. Except for the female repair, everyone else was affected. Point to varying degrees of minor injuries.

Seeing the people sitting under the tree, the eyes of the people are shaking.

Gu Yunxuan's appearance is already eye-catching, but when he does not look at Mu Chen, there is always a cold temperament in the eyebrows that is prohibitive.

Mu Chen is different. As long as others don't provoke him, he just puts himself out of his face and does not waste any expression on others. At this time he was sitting in a gorgeous seat, standing on a white pompom on his shoulders, everything around him seemed to be still, white clothes, delicate facial features, in this deep mountain, like a sudden landing Immortal, or a cold elf.

After the people landed, some of them could not understand the identity of Mu Chen.

Gu Yunxiao put the fire antelope on the ground and walked to Muchen, looking at his doubtful eyes and pleading: "Master, I have saved a few people."

Mu Chen: "... why?"

"Being a famous person, it is natural to punish evil and promote good, hateful and enmity!" Gu Yunzhen vowed to find a suitable reason for himself.

Mu Chen’s mouth was pumping, and a finger stretched out without a word. He clicked on Gu Yun’s brain. His eyes were full of doubts: those bends in your stomach, how could it be so good to save people?

Gu Yun blinked and said: They came from Qinghong Valley and just spoke some news.

Mu Chen waved his hand and said with no interest: "I am hungry."

"I will give you the barbecue right away." Gu Yunxi said that he began to deal with the fire antelope, and did not introduce Mu Chen to those who knew it.

When the five people heard Gu Yun’s shouting the teacher, they still let them be shocked for a moment. I have already seen Gu Yun’s ability, and I think Mu Chen is even more extraordinary. Seeing Mu Chen's cold appearance, they certainly won't get together to ask for fun. However, looking at the mentoring and the two, they looked at each other and the five looked at each other and saw some calculations in each other's eyes.

Gu Yunhao has peeled off the skin of the antelope with a knife and two, took out the water from the space ring, cut off a leg of lamb, and cooked the meat.

The woman repaired the past, squatting at Gu Yun’s movement, and smiled and asked: “Gu brother, you look very skilled, do you often come out and practice?” The crisp voice is unseen. The innocence of passing the world, quite innocent and innocent, coupled with her sweet looks, can easily arouse men's protection.

Mu Chen fiddled with the hand of the ring, and then the two rings touched together, making a crisp squeak, which was a bit harsh at the moment.

He does not remember that he has received a female disciple, a brother or something, but he is not called casually. If this gangster dares to hook up casually... Mu Chen is cold and smashes a ring.

Fortunately, Gu Yunyi did not mean to talk to each other. He answered two short words: "Alright."

The woman saw Gu Yunxiao not very enthusiastic, tooted his mouth, some lost sitting next to Gu Yunxiao, holding his legs down his head, looking at the leg of the lamb that was turned back and forth on the fire, his eyes were somewhat empty, " Still not in the secret, the second brother suffered such a heavy injury, hehe."

"Mystery?" Gu Yunqi finally had a bit of interest, the movements in his hands kept on, and he asked: "What secret?"

"You don't know?" The woman looked at her. Seeing Gu Yunying's eyes did not seem to be a fake, her eyes flashed a hint of surprise, but she was covered by her in an instant. "It is said that there will be a secret world for ten days. Many of the monks came, and our brothers and sisters also came out with a long history. If the brothers and brothers, and the predecessors have nothing to do, we can go with us, we lead the way."

The woman repaired Mu Chen, although she could not see the age of the bones, but Mu Chen’s feeling is not too old, plus his exquisite appearance, a person sitting quietly on a gorgeous chair. Playing a ring and telling the predecessors, there are still some circumstance.

Gu Yunxiao sank a bit, as if he couldn't make up his mind, he looked at Mu Chen.

However, Mu Chen did not look at him and manipulated his own things as if he had nothing in his hand. Gu Yunxiao sneered, Xiao Shi Zun really does not cooperate with him at all, this little temper is lovely, it is really fascinating.

"Gu Shixiong? Gu brother?" The woman saw Gu Yunxiao not looking at herself, and whispered.

After Gu Yunxi returned to God, he turned over the leg of the sheep and covered the inability of his eyes. He asked: "Give me the way?"

"You saved us after all..." The woman just finished, and she received Gu Yunxiao’s smile, and she looked down on her head in a moment of embarrassment, her face was reddish, her brain didn’t know what happened, and she did not think about it. They all said, "Because the atmosphere in Qinghonggu is very tense, many monks have secretly formed a team. In order not to encounter competitors after entering, there will be a fight for a little friction, and the repair is low and almost slaughtered. All that is left is the monk above Yuan Ying."

"So you are also being chased for this?" Gu Yunhao put the roasted leg of lamb in a large jade plate, cut it into small pieces with a knife, and then in a small jade plate. Each piece of meat has a short, not long, sign, which is just right for people to pinch.

The woman nodded and her eyes fell subconsciously onto the jade plate, and the stomach just slammed. The delicate and innocent girl blushes, I am sorry to see the man around me, pouting, some pitiful taste.

Gu Yunxiao smiled slightly, stood up and bypassed the female repair, did not look at her again.

The woman’s eyes flashed annoyed, and she had never seen such a men who were uncomfortable! Then she returned to a few brothers, and looked at Gu Yunyi in the eye contact, and her eyes were a little shy.

At this time, Mu Chen suddenly looked up, and the cold eyes swept the five brothers and sisters, and the indifferent scorpion, the ancient well has no waves.

The eyes of Mu Chen were swept away, and all five felt the trepidation of the spirit. Even their masters did not give them such pressure. Especially the woman, the soul seems to have been stabbed with a thorn, the painful cold sweat has flowed down.

The people who cultivate the immortals can't see the age. This woman doesn't look like the 17-year-old. It may be a few hundred years old. I dare to use this incompetent means to seduce his apprentice. This naturally causes Mu Chen’s dissatisfaction. Next time, he doesn't mind sending them on the road in advance.

"We will not bother the seniors to dine, thank you for your help, and if you have a chance to thank you later!" It seems that the older and very stable male repairs see that Mu Chen does not like them, naturally he dare not be in this division. The two of them were fascinated, and immediately took the teacher and sister to return.

Mu Chen was impatient and frowned, not wanting to talk to strangers.

The woman was somewhat convinced and wanted to say something. She was glanced at by the master. They are too naive, and they still want to use these two masters, they are good to play the autumn wind. You can see the posture of the master. If you are entangled again, you will not be able to live your life.

Seeing their disappearance, Mu Chen stunned and revealed a look that they knew.

Gu Yunxiao couldn't help but want to laugh, can the small teacher respect this appearance, can it be jealous?

Mu Chen looked at the apprentice who came over and didn't pick up the food in the other hand. In short, his eyes were a bit picky. Rory's, nothing to worry about when someone comes back, bothering?

Gu Yunqi raised his eyebrows and pulled out a chair to face Mu Chen. He lifted his foot and squatted on Mu Chen’s chair leg. He almost circled Mu Chen in his arms. Mu Chen sat in a chair and avoided it. He looked at a handsome face and put it in his mouth. The cold face scared: "I don't eat well? I will feed you."

Mu Chen’s face is red, this gangster! Dare to dare... really owe, owe, owe, fight!

The author has something to say: Yesterday, the post was deleted. Although the matter has been solved, I still have to sneak out with you. I can’t help (╯‵□′)╯(┻━┻

This is the case. In the afternoon, a sister poked me on Weibo, saying that someone reprinted the article of my childcare teacher, did not mark the author's name, and did not have the original address. He asked if it was an infringement. The landlord returned the building. Then I asked for an address to look at it. Well, the name of the text has been changed. The landlord said that if he pays attention to him, he will send the whole book. Someone downstairs asks the author who the author is. The landlord said that he just looked for it.


I haven't found out how to find the landlord. The landlord poked me on Weibo and asked if I could authorize it. I will let her □, and she agreed. I feel that there is nothing wrong with it. After all, the girl is very happy, so I deleted it. Anyway, it is also a little girl. I want to be gentle.

As it turns out, I was too stupid and sweet. When the overbearing president also had a shipwreck, the girl said in the post: Can't send it again, it will add trouble to the author. You want to add me to the whole □ □ friends.


At night, the post was deleted. I felt that I didn't know how to express my feelings except to vomit a blood.

Anyway, this is over, I spit it out, you just have fun, and saved a small theater, hehe!


The Tucao Conference was over, thank you for throwing the thunder of the little angel, a lot of thunder, if I dragged into the nest and slept on it, would it blow up six pounds of meat?

Cloth! Throw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1514:21:56

Buddy! Throw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1514:22:07

Wen Yan threw a grenade throw time: 2017-01-1515:13:52

Wrong 5 darkly threw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1515:16:53

21030228 threw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1516:02:12

Xiaomo throws a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1516:02:32

SINGLE threw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1516:19:44

Zhoubaobei threw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1518:03:27

The blank small transparent throws a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1519:12:24

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