MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 36

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After stepping on the thin 瑾 瑾 , Mu Chen flew into the air over the bucket, just to see Gu Yun 玦 lift his legs and put a genius called a monk down the bucket. There was finally a smile on the cold face. Mu Chen was pleased to think that the younger apprentice was simply a genius in addition to alchemy.

However, it is not afraid of alchemy. In the future, he will follow it and save him from being tempted by the magic.

"Master," Gu Yunyi fell to Mu Chen, smiling and asked: "Is there any time in the afternoon?"

Mu Chen gave the disciples a messy hair and nodded.

"If the Master is free, can you accompany the children to the next mountain? I heard that someone said that there are three five-color flowers under the mountain. The other party is only willing to use the barter, and they are not willing to sell. true and false?"

"Five colors of flowers?" In the usual indifferent scorpion, some happiness was finally revealed, but the brows were slightly picked up. Muchen knew that the bigger the hope, the greater the disappointment. The five-color flower grows in the devil world. Although it is not rare, it is very easy to die. After it is removed from the land, it must be preserved with the upper product to survive. If it is shipped to the fairyland, it will take a lot of effort to save people with spiritual strength. Since the other party has used so much effort to pick it up, it is definitely useful. It is a barter, and does not know what the other party wants?

In the last life, he went to the devil world alone, and he got the five-color flower when he was injured. Unfortunately, he did not use it.

Looking at the smile of a gentle face, there is no trace of evil Gu Yunqi, Mu Chen sighed, is this world because of the small apprentice, his luck has become better?

Mu Chen’s eyes on the apprentice’s eyes are a bit like watching the lucky pet: lucky cat.

It was discovered that Mu Chen looked at his own eyes and looked like a non-human being. Gu Yunyi was afraid that he would continue to think deeply, and that Mu Chen’s waist would be dragged away again and again.

When you come to Qiyang City, you don’t have to inquire about it. You can know that someone is selling five-color flowers, and even the position is very clear. Because of the four-door ratio, Qiyang City has a lot of people, and only listen to rumors can get a lot of news.

Gu Yunqiu took Mu Chen’s hand all the way, grasping tightly. When there were many people, even if others recognized their identity, they all gave way, or subconsciously put people in their arms, for fear that others would touch. A piece of clothing to Muchen. Mu Chen is a dark smile. When the young disciples are many, they are more likely to become smaller. They also like to stick to him, for fear of losing themselves. The behavior of this little nestling is so cute.

The two men and the disciples came to a small shop selling drugs, and there were not many people around them. After all, the use of five-color flowers was not great. The shopkeeper is a mustache that looks like a forty-something. When I saw Mu Chen, I quickly greeted him. I saw Gu Yunqi behind Mu Chen, and the waist was deeper. "Two guests, what do you want to buy?" ?"

Mu Chen looked around and asked calmly: "I heard that you have five colors of flowers here?"

"You are also coming for these five colors of flowers? Since this is the case, we must have heard the rules of ours here, to barter things, as long as we take out what is satisfactory to our boss, naturally can be changed." The shopkeeper touched the moustache, Very enthusiastic explanation.

Gu Yunqi asked Mu Chen to sit down and chuckled and asked: "I don't know what your boss wants?"

"This..." The treasurer’s hand hidden in his sleeve trembled. What else is it for you? He didn't dare to talk too much. He thought about it and replied carefully: "This was originally prepared by our boss for the beloved. If you have a beautiful herb, you can use it."

"Good-looking?" Mu Chen was speechless. The taste of the proprietress was really strange. The herb was for the sake of seeing. He asked: "What kind of good looks?"

The shopkeeper smiled. "You think it's good to look good, and small believe in your vision."

Mu Chen: "I think the dog's tail grass on the side of the road looks good. Do you want it?"

The shopkeeper laughed, and he screamed a few times. "You are so funny, this is not enough."

Mu Chen looked at the other side thoughtfully and always felt that something was wrong.

The treasurer was looked tight and immediately turned and went to the back room. He dragged a small box of Wujin and walked out on the table in front of Mu Chen. He smiled and said: "This Qiyang City does not know Mu’s elders. Our boss believes in your character, and the five colors will be handed over to you."

Mu Chen just looked at it and didn't pick it up. Obviously he was already suspicious.

At this moment, Gu Yunqi suddenly reached out and gave Mu Chen a look. Regardless of the purpose of the other party, he first got the medicine.

Open the lid, and see the three colorless petals of the herb lying quietly in the Wujin box, under a jade bracelet to provide this aura, which makes these three herbs fresh. He handed the herb over, "Master, it looks real."

When Mu Chen looked at it, he knew that the color of this medicine was a top grade. He nodded, Gu Yunyi immediately smiled, and it seemed that no matter what he said, he no longer took it out. Mu Chen was a small apprentice. The appearance of "Financial fans" was amused, and he put down doubts and said to the treasurer: "Thank you for thanking the boss. I will send ten herbs in a while, and never give up."

The shopkeeper touched the beard and smiled and agreed. After the two were sent away, this wiped the sweat on the head and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, I sent it out!

On the way back, Mu Chen still felt incredible. How could this herb be so simple? Being cranky, I listened to the sound of a fight in front of me. A good voice screamed in anger: "My father is the city owner of Dancheng. You can know what is the end of the crime!"

Mu Chen stopped, and the sounds were familiar.

At this time, another person smiled contemptuously. "My little beauty, I am so scared~"

Mu Chen’s face changed, how can there be such a person under the sun? After changing the direction and flying over, I saw that the two red lanterns I saw in the morning were fighting with a black monk. The two obviously had no experience and were suppressed by the other party. Moreover, the opponent's hands and feet were not clean. The body that he stepped on was full of black handprints. Apparently the chest and back waist were touched.

I found out that the outsiders, the black man's face changed, apparently no longer continue to tease, take out a network of instruments, want to quickly fix.

Bo Yuyu just wanted to ask for help. He found that after coming from Mu Chen, he coldly bit his teeth and threw a huge fireball. After the black man escaped lightly, he looked at Mu Chen and exclaimed: "Qinggui, and A world is amazing!"

Mu Chen colded his face and looked at each other like a dead man.

"Oh!" Gu Yunxiao chuckled, "Awkward" after a long sigh of cold, the white figure is not tall, but there is a momentum of swords and mountains. He looked at each other with a smile and a smile. The plain tone contained a chilly killing. "You don't need a master to shoot today. You stand by and look at it."

Mu Chen was amazed at the tone of the little apprentice's speech. He subconsciously nodded. This man and the little apprentice had similar skills, but it was a good sharpening stone.

Seeing Gu Yunyi has taken a step, "嘭", the crimson flame suddenly ignited in the sky, the high-temperature flame instantly smashed into a circle, and Bo Xiyu popped out of the circle, surrounded by black people.

The other party was shocked for a moment, and then saw the jade on Gu Yun’s waist, his face changed. He just spoke, and another bursting voice pressed his next words. The flame that suddenly appeared in the sky was like a huge disc, and the inverted buckle was placed over his head. The invisible sword formed a sharp hurricane. The murderous murder of the mind is not hidden, and the black man suddenly feels that his soul is like being caught by a handcuff.

Looking at the white boy in front of me, the expression on his face is very calm, just like walking in a leisurely pace. One foot has already entered the ring of fire. The flame and the sword are isolated from the spying outside. The red flame on the sword instantly turns black.

"I really don't want him to see what I am doing now," Gu Yunxiao chuckled and whispered to himself. "But it always has to adapt. Isn't it? For a long time, I can't always stare at him." He is looking at the opposite person, his baby, and others have touched his clothes. He wants to kneel down the other's claws. How can he tolerate such things?

Mu Chen stood in the same place, surprised at the expression of Gu Yunxiao just now, his eyes suddenly became complicated. Just now, Gu Yunyi is like a last generation, and his emotions are fascinating. He talks and laughs and takes life, and his means are hot and spicy. He never stays alive. He can see that Gu Yunxiao is angry because of the other party's words, but this person has no anger. He was laughing, but he didn't have a slight temperature of laughter. Such a little apprentice made him strange and missed.

Seeing that Mu Chen was in a daze, Bo Xiyu snorted, unhappy to get rid of his clothes, find a new red dress from the space ring, and madly said to Mu Chen: "I don't thank you at all! ”

Mu Chen glanced at the other side and was too lazy to take care of it.

"Hey! What kind of expression do you have!" Bian Yuyu is so angry that he is so much spoiled by others. This time he came out of the wall and said nothing. When he went to Muchen, he directly ignored him. He knew that he would bring a few hitters out. Lessons for this person!

Mu Chen said coldly: "You can live for so long after stealing it. It is not easy for you to have IQ."

"How do you know that I sneaked out?" Bo Yiyu asked in amazement and walked a few steps forward.

Mu Chen was too far away from the other side. This obvious problem, this person actually asked, do not remember who told him to come, the IQ is low, it will be contagious.

"You!" The beauty of the red dress was so angry that his face was blushing and blushing. When he was lame, his eyes widened and his heart was stunned. However, no one appreciated! Mu Chen sees his eyes has always been your IQ is low, you are far away from me, I don't want to talk to you at all, you are like a bed bug in my eyes.

Bo Xiyu wanted to tell Mu Chen that the black man caught him because he wanted to grasp the Dan teacher. The result was that Mu Chen was so angry that he only looked for an excuse to go back.

Just when the atmosphere of the two people was awkward, Gu Yunxiao had a faint smile and wiped his hand out of the circle of flames. The fireball was getting smaller and smaller, and disappeared instantly. Mu Chen looked behind him, though he was surprised. The speed of squatting, or suppressing my doubts in my heart, did not ask what happened, always felt that asking what was superfluous.

Gu Yunqi walked to Mu Chen's side and extended a pair of white hands to let Mu Chen see. "Master, you see, it's not dirty at all." The worry in the eyes of the young man deeply touched Mu Chen's heart. In the soft part, he reached out and tightened the person in front of him. He smiled and said: "A fool, how can the master dislike you? Even if it is dirty, we can clean it." His apprentice, sensitive, made him feel bad," How can a person who cultivates immortality not kill? If there is no innocence in the heart, then there is no heart."

"Is there no innocence in my heart?" Gu Yun slammed Mu Chen's waist and repeated this sentence in a low voice. He hated to put this person into his bones. Love has reached the point where it can't be suppressed, but still can't express his own heart. This kind of forbearance has already made him crazy.

Mu Chen gently patted Gu Yunqi's back and comforted it in this way. When he thought of his first murder, he could only comfort himself and envy the straightforward expression of the little apprentice for the first time. If he was holding the teacher's respect... Mu Chen shook his head violently, and it was a cold, and he did not hold it!

The master and the teacher both held for a while, and no one mentioned the thing just now. The hand was just about to go. Bo Yiyu suddenly ran over and raised his hand to take Gu Yun’s shoulder. Gu Yunqi’s side shoulders escaped and looked at each other alienated.

Bo Xiyu’s withdrawal of his hand, he sighed: "You are a stingy person, but thank you."

Mu Chen pulled the apprentice behind him and refused to express his feelings. This person has a long-looking face, which is better than the female repair in the door. What if the little apprentice is seduce? Although he does not care about the apprentice to find a man to be a Taoist, but the people in front of him are much better than the apprentices, and the obvious IQ is low, and in the future will definitely lower the IQ of the apprentice. Besides, this person is not a small force behind him. Afterwards, it is better to find a simple life, a little wife and a daughter. In short, all the people close to the little apprentice are not pleasing to the eye. Mu Chen is hard to pick out from the thin body. One big disadvantage: not a little daughter-in-law! Refuse!

He said coldly: "A man who looks good may also be a Warcraft."

Gu Yunxiao quickly nodded. "Master is right."

"You better polish your eyes and don't be fooled."

"The teacher said that the opposite is true, and this person does not have a good look, the skin is not good, the waist is not fine, the fart. The stock is not a teacher."


Mu Chen was dissatisfied and took a slap on the back of the apprentice. "How dare you say this to the teacher, and you have forgotten to educate you on weekdays? Go back to the penalty!"

"The teacher is right." Gu Yunxiao smiled and grabbed Mu Chen's hand. He was already used to it, without psychological pressure.

Looking at the distance between the master and the teacher, Bo Xiyu thought about his chin for a while, and suddenly he was happy. "I seem to find a way to provoke Mu Chen's anger, hehehehe."

Followed by his attendants, he saw Gu Yunxi’s eyes suddenly with a bit of calculations, and his heart trembled, nervous: "The Lord, you must not get into trouble, let's go back, and in a few months it is the alchemy conference. Don't you still want to be the best in the world?"

"Alchemy Conference? Yes, I didn't think of it!" Bo Yiyu suddenly clap his hands, "I know how to do it!"

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