MTL - The Daily Life of the Immortal King-v3 Chapter 2152 Director Wang's Performance (2) (1/86)

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At a critical moment, Wang Ling appeared instantly, and the main general of Floating Cloud Town, who was also a city-level figure, suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Many people focused their attention and saw that the nickname displayed on Wang Ling's head was indeed different from that of ordinary players. It displayed the words "General of Floating Cloud Town", and even the font color was the same as the NPC.

This is the advantage of having multiple identities. If Wang Ling wants to, he can also change his nickname to [Monster Lord of Floating Clouds Town].

As long as Wang Ling didn't take the initiative to reveal himself, no one would know his true identity for a long time.

Even though Sun Rong and Lao Huang had long suspected him, there was no evidence that Wang Ling was a real person, not a mere NPC in the game.

The two had tried Wang Ling many times, and their current attitude had changed from being stubborn at the beginning to lying flat, just as Sun Rong said.

They passed the Turing test and asked Wang Ling hundreds of questions. As a result, Wang Ling had a specific answer to each question, and even if the order was messed up and asked again, there was still no difference in Wang Ling's answer.

This is outrageous!

Originally, Sun Rong's defense was so high that it looked like a city wall in the eyes of everyone. A cultivator with 5,000 drops of blood in high defense and heavy armor was considered a rare species, a rare creature like a panda.


Even more unheard of "NPCs" with 100 million drops of blood.


How can there be an NPC with 100 million drops of blood! Even the boss black dragon in the black dragon cave has five million blood!

Are creatures with 100 million blood real?

Many people saw Wang Ling appear with disbelief on their faces. They never imagined that there were even 1st-level... 100 million blood strange creatures in the game world of Sanxian'er's Circle.

Is this really possible in the game world?

Many people were stunned.

The scene immediately fell into silence.

Li Bai and Mangshan fell into contemplation.

Even Xiongwu, who was arrogant before, became silent.

At that moment, Xiongwu felt that the voice he had just said was indeed a little louder...

He shouldn't be so arrogant...

But the current atmosphere has already set off here. If you back down at such a time, it is not a heroic style.

You must know that the members of the Four Elephants who follow Xiongwu at this moment are all the backbone players of the Sword Immortal. Which one is not the Sword Immortal elite that he personally taught?

Now, although the "npc" standing in front of him is scary enough, he is only level 1 after all!

Xiongwu secretly told himself in his heart, this is nothing to be afraid of!

The Sanxian'er Dharma Ring has the strongest check and balance mechanism. Although NPCs like this have high HP, their defense must be very low! His sword might be hundreds of thousands of blood!

But what Xiongwu didn't expect was that he was right. Wang Ling, who had 100 million drops of blood, thought the same thing.

He was thinking, how many drops of blood can Xiongwu cut himself with this sword?

Wang Ling has two god-level exercises on his body, one is "God descends to the world", which is mainly used to stack up blood volume, and the other is "Defying the Heaven and Changing Fate", which is specially used to jump over the level and kill when the level is poor. passive ability.

In the map in front of him, the crowd of four elephants was aggressive, and Xiongwu alone was ahead of him by a full 64, plus the rest of the players.


At present, Wang Ling has obtained thousands of attribute points just by using the god-level exercise of "Defying the Heavens and Changing Fate" to reverse the level difference.

In other words, his comprehensive attribute value is several times higher than that of Sun Rong, so the defense drama is not a city wall, but a 24k titanium alloy dragon iron skin!

"I don't care who you are, obstructing my Four Elephants is a dead end!" Xiongwu held a big sword and was angry at Wang Ling's arrival. At the same time, there was an unknown fear in his heart. After all, he had never played with a creature with 100 million blood I haven't seen it since the beginning of the game, it's really outrageous.

Wang Ling's expression was very bland, and he didn't take Xiongwu's words seriously.

He raised his sword fingers together, turned his sword with spiritual energy in front of him, and cut a deep ravine directly, with golden fire burning on it, and the hot flames shocked everyone.

This is another fairy method that no one has ever seen...

When Wang Ling was meditating in the General's Mansion, he mastered a vast number of spells by figuring out the programming thinking of the white sheath. Now he opened Wang Ling's skill tree. The skills on the tree were dazzling, and all of them were orange. divine.

It can be said that even in the game world of the Sanxian Er Dharma Ring, the current Wang Ling is a proper bug.

"You're courting death!" Xiongwu stepped forward, he finally couldn't bear it any longer, and shot Wang Ling with a big sword.

He knew very well that Wang Lingqie's gully was a warning, telling them not to cross the thunder pond, otherwise they would bear the consequences.

But just like what Xiongwu knew.

The current atmosphere has set off here, and he can't back down any longer, otherwise the reputation he has finally accumulated will be directly destroyed and become the laughing stock of everyone here.

Soon he moved, and after dismounting, Xiongwu held a big sword. His seemingly cumbersome body was actually very fast. Xiongwu was the founder of the violent sword fairy, and also the first general in the Sanxian'er ring game world. Greatsword players with a two-handed greatsword whose attack speed is above 5.0.

It is difficult for ordinary great sword players to increase their attack speed!

But Xiongwu improved his attributes to the extreme purely by relying on equipment and various equipment enchantments!

Five knives in one second can actually be achieved on a violent bigsword player, which makes many people feel incredible.

Wang Ling stood still, still wearing the general mask of General Floating Cloud Town, and covered with light armor.

Just as Xiongwu was approaching, countless golden swords appeared behind Xiongwu. At that moment, every player on the scene could clearly feel the oppression brought by Xiongwu.

"Sword! Come!"

He roared, and for a moment, the great sword in his hand accompanied the phantom behind him, turning into a thousand sword lights and attacking simultaneously.

"Incarnate into a thousand thunders... This is the trick that Xiongwu will use against that black dragon..."

Li Bai and Mangshan have both downloaded several copies with Xiongwu, UU reading www. They were also shocked by Xiongwu's decision.

I actually used all the tricks to deal with the last black dragon in the current dungeon with the highest difficulty factor, and used it directly on an outside NPC...

When this move hits the black dragon, there are at least a few hundred thousand blood crit!

Then Xiongwu needs to cool down for a long time before it can be used for the second time. This is a big move that cannot be used continuously in a short period of time. It is one of the few unique skills that Xiongwu can use.

Li Bai and Mangshan have the same views, the general of Floating Cloud Town is only level 1 after all...

Although there is a lot of HP, the defensive power may be very impressive. This heroic big move has been handed over. The damage of the black dragon is hundreds of thousands, so Wang Ling must have at least millions of damage, right?

The result was very fast, and the value that jumped out was beyond everyone's expectations...

Xiongwu's damage to Wang Ling is...
