MTL - The Daily Life of the Immortal King-v3 Chapter 2149 Sun Rong of Tianke 4 Elephants (1/86)

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There are many players in this world, and it can be said that there are very few players who can have their own names among the vast number of players. Li Bai and Mangshan are two special cases.

Thanks to the ranking of the White Horse Guild and the Yamano Murao Guild, both of them are very famous. Guilds established with the same profession as attributes are often more cohesive than the rest of the casual guilds.

Although the occupation is fixed, the gameplay is indeed infinite. A group of players who share a common hobby of the same occupation gather together to develop new routines. This is the unique charm of the two major trade unions in the perspective of outsiders.

It's Li Bai and Mangshan!

In addition to Lao Huang, other players who were queuing to apply for Wolong recognized the two, and their minds became more determined to join Fuyun Town.

This is the president of the two major guilds!

Even such a big boss chooses to sink into the novice village, which shows that there is indeed something in this Floating Cloud Town.

Many players were shaken in their hearts at first, but now that Li Bai and Mangshan are here, they suddenly have a strong sense of belonging to Fuyun Town.

Many people also showed surprise in their hearts. When Li Bai and Mangshan appeared in amazement, they all began to marvel at the methods of the people behind the scenes in Fuyun Town.

What kind of player is this, who can make such a novice village so impressive?

In this regard, the expressions on the faces of Sun Rong and Lao Huang are undoubtedly helpless. Although Sun Rong is now beginning to wonder if this General of Floating Cloud Town is an NPC pretending to be a real player, the other party's acting skills are too superb and can't be found. The slightest flaw made her unable to bear it.

If it is really an NPC player, everything Sun Rong is doing now also stems from the huge main quest that the NPC released to him.

That is to build Fuyun Town.

As for when this main line will be completed, even Sun Rong herself does not know, but as long as the upgrades and various construction activities in Floating Cloud Town can be completed, Sun Rong will be able to get a huge amount of experience reward.

Her level has also surpassed Lao Huang by 10 with the upgrade of the town, and Lao Huang has also risen by 5.

So now Lao Huang's level is 38, and Sun Rong is 48.

A novice village, a level 48 ancient heavy armored cultivator player, this is outrageous!

"I'm really sorry for disturbing everyone's recruitment. Mangshan and I are here to discuss whether we can build our branch in Fuyun Town, but the process of this matter is very long, and I'm afraid of delaying everyone's time. I'll wait for everyone today. After the recruitment is over, I will discuss it later."

Above Pegasus, Li Bai's reply was polite and courteous. He didn't want to be tongue-in-cheek, and it was rumored that high-level players were bullying low-level players based on their level and identity.

All the replies followed his personal style, very polite and rigorous, which made people feel like a spring breeze. There was no feeling of being bullied at all, but there was a sense of equality.

This is also the impression many players have of Li Bai.

As for Mangshan...

Everyone also knows that he has a very good relationship with Li Bai. The two often hang out. Compared to Li Bai, he is more informal and loyal. Sometimes he personally leads the team to help low-level players pass dungeons.

But sometimes he hit the top, and all kinds of vulgar words overflowed, but when Li Bai was around, it was much better.

Basically what Li Bai said and did, he just had to follow the gourd and draw the scoop.

I saw Mangshan hammering his chest, hehe smiled and said, "Me too!"

Everyone: "…"

But to everyone's surprise, such a harmonious scene was quickly broken by a sudden person.

Not far away, a large number of people and horses came with flying swords. The man at the head was riding the iconic flying elephant in armor, followed by more than a dozen fellow members. This number of people was surrounded in the air. Come, there is a strong sense of oppression of the black cloud pressing the city from a distance.

"It's the Four Elephants!" In the city of Fuyun Town, many people recognized this posture. When they saw that they were members of the Four Elephants, and when the hero was leading the team, many people immediately felt that it was not good.

Not only Li Bai and Mangshan, but other novice players, as long as they are not Sword Immortal players, almost all criticize the Sixiang Clan, bully newcomers, and form groups to rob in the game.

Although this is just a game, if you die once, you will lose your equipment, lose your experience, and lose your level, and you will be resurrected at the rebirth point, but bullying people is still unpleasant.

The most important thing is that everyone has nothing to do with the arrogance of Xiongwu and others. They do have arrogant capital. The multiple routines of this professional swordsman are all developed by the members of the Sixiang group headed by Xiongwu.

It's like a developer of intellectual property. You use other people's routines to play games, at least those who use routines can't spray them.

And Xiongwu has also gained many loyal fans of Sword Immortal players.

If only Xiongwu came here alone, everyone knew what this guy wanted to do, and it was nothing more than robbery.

But now that Li Bai and Mangshan were also present, everyone knew at once that this matter was going to become more complicated, and it had become a battle between the two forces.

Li Bai and Mangshan can be regarded as one party, while the Sixiang Congregation is obviously the other party.

"Fuyun Town, tell me! How much money can you sell it to me, I have decided to accept it!"

On top of the flying elephant in the armor, Xiongwu opened his mouth with wealth and wealth. In his hand, there was a simple stone box, which emitted orange glare when opened.

"Orange Box!" Many people saw this scene and were horrified.

This is an equipment box that can be opened to random equipment, and the orange light indicates that you will definitely get an orange outfit!

In the eyes of other players, this thing is priceless!

"This is the box I just got from the Black Dragon Cave library. I haven't confirmed the opening yet, but everyone has seen it. You can get 100% orange equipment here. I want to use this orange box to replace this city. , it shouldn't be difficult, right?" Xiongwu said confidently.

The difficulty of obtaining orange equipment can be said to be as difficult as the sky in the world of Sanxian Er's Dharma Ring, and the overall value is overflowing.

Now Xiongwu directly took out this box and exchanged it, which made it difficult for everyone to think.

But Lao Huang laughed and didn't buy it at all.

He secretly said to Sun Rong: "Don't be fooled. With this guy's character, even if he gave you an orange box, he would definitely let the younger brother in the guild grab it back after you opened it."

Sun Rong frowned. Of course she knew the stakes involved. Seeing that Xiongwu wanted to take the city by force, she hurriedly said, "Hold on!"

"Oh~ you are, the deputy city lord of this city? That is to say, the upgrade of this Floating Cloud Town and the destruction of the nearby Baidong Demon Lord have something to do with you more or less?" Xiongwu squinted. Sun Rong glanced at it, and when she saw that this was a heavily armored cultivator, she couldn't help but laughed out loud.

In his opinion, this profession is unusable, too novice, with thick blood, but the damage is too low to pose a threat to him at all.

He can even slaughter a black dragon, not to mention a merely a heavily armored cultivator.

At this time, Xiongwu drew his sword and pointed it directly at Sun Rong. There was a threat in his words: "After all, your city, give it or not?"

"This gentleman, isn't he too domineering? It's not that I have no masters in Floating Cloud Town." Sun Rong took a deep breath, she felt the arrogance and domineering of Xiongwu, but she was not afraid at all.

"Domineering? Sorry, I always do!"

As soon as the words fell, the great sword in Xiongwu's hand burned like a flame, and then he directly drew a crescent-shaped sword energy and attacked Sun Rong!

He kept his strength and did not use all his strength. The purpose was just to injure Sun Rong and deter him.

Li Bai and Mangshan looked anxiously, calling Xiongwu shameless!

As for Xiongwu, he waved his sword and said, "Sorry, my hand slipped..."


As a result, the sword energy fell on Sun Rong's armor...

The damage value turned out to be: 10!

Many people couldn't help rubbing their eyes when they saw this, and UU reading thought they had read it wrong.

This is majestic!

There are 60 levels!

If you hit a level 48 player, even if you wield a knife that doesn't use all your strength, it won't only deduct 10 points of blood!

Sun Rong smiled.

She now knows why she exists. Maybe there is a saying of nemesis in this world.

Xiongwu is strong.

But no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to imagine.

In the initial stage, Sun Rong had a magic technique [Sword Lai Gong].

The damage of all sword attacks benefits from the passive ability of [Sword Lai Gong], which will be directly reduced by 75% when hitting Sun Rong! Not only that, but Sun Rong was also a rough-skinned and thick-skinned ancient heavy armored cultivator.

It can be said that the current Sword Immortal players of the Sixiang Congregation, killing the Black Dragon may be much easier than killing Sun Rong...

Read The Duke's Passion