MTL - The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven-Chapter 593 Good deeds

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Chapter 593 Good Things of Heaven

Seeing the contrast between Yao Mozhen and the nightly Qingqing deep feelings, the opening of the third floor is gradually dimmed, and the heart can not tell the stagnation.

At this moment, the appearance of Yan Nanxuan seems to be extremely unsatisfactory.

"The treasurer, can you lend this flower to the lord for a while?" Yan Nan's beautiful beauty swayed into the city and smiled, and called the sun and the moon.

"Cough... casually, but today's work is deducted." When Yao Mo was slowing down the gods, he felt very embarrassed. He didn't look at Yan Nanxuan and nodded.

"What?" The night Jun Qing turned to look at Yan Nanxuan, his eyes full of hostility.

"Good things for Tianda!" Yan Nan's smile is more and more unreal.

Leaving Juxianlou, the night Junqing had been questioning Yan Nanxuan, but he did not see Yan Nanxuan revealing a half sentence. Until he arrived in Lufu, Yannan Yifang stopped.

"Why come here?" The night Jun Qing suspicion looked at Yan Nanxuan, and he and Chu Mobei joined forces in the dark, so it was not appropriate to go in such a blatant way.

"It's very important, if you don't go in, you will regret it." Yan Nan's expression gradually became awe-inspiring, and he stepped forward. The night Jun Qing only said that his brother looks like the most perfect vase on the surface. But there is still real material inside.

And when the night Junqing walked into the main hall, they saw Chu Mobei, Chu Moxin, and Han Jinyi also sat in the middle.

"What happened?" Seeing the solemnity of everyone's face, the night Junqing raised an unpredictable hunch from the bottom of his heart.

"Sit down first." Yan Nanzhen took the night Junqing to sit on one side, and then looked at the north of the desert.

"Bring in." On the occasion of the cold sound of Chu Mobei, Yin Xiong had already pushed a woman with a black gauze into the main hall, and then closed the hall door.

"There is no reason, let me go!" The familiar voice suddenly sounded, and the night Junqing only felt the heart shrink, and the dawn was fixed on the woman in front of the hall. Under the direction of Chu Mobei, Yin Xiong reached out to reveal the black gauze on the woman's head. At this moment, the entire hall was silent and silent, and everyone's eyes were full of unspeakable horror.

"Who are you? Why catch me? Let go!" In front of the five people, the woman did not show that there was a panic, calm and surprising.

"What is your name?" Chu Mobei took the lead, and the twilight was cold.

"Do not change the name, do not change the name, water!" The woman stood upright, the color was cold and unparalleled. Looking at the face that is exactly the same as Yao Mozhen, listening to the familiar voice that can no longer be familiar, everyone can't distinguish between true and false.

"Water 婉?? Hey, is this look natural? You can have a special training in this voice?"

"What is it? No, how?" The woman’s eyebrows were exactly the same as Yao Mozhen’s, even the night Junqing, which also shaken the initial firmness.

"If so. Then you may be the original Chu after we are looking for Yao Mozhen, the Prince of the Prince, if not, then who are you?" Chu Mobei slightly hoisted the eye of the eye, questioning the opening.

"Yao Mozhen! How many times do you want this girl to explain? This girl is called Shuiluer, and there is no relationship with Yao Mozhen! This matter has been clarified by the Nanqiang Master, and you have to struggle with it! "The woman's tone is quite helpless.

"I heard that you promoted a coin called a flame coin in a restaurant. Would you tell us about the flame coin?" Chu Mobei deliberately bite the word "flame coin".

"Is it so clear, what else does the girl need to say?" The woman did not agree. On one side, the night Junqing only felt that every hair of the body was erected. The scene in front of him was too shocked. If all this is true, then who is Juxianlou? Who is it?

"But, Yin Xiong!" Chu Mobei took a deep breath, waving, Yin Xiong suddenly shot the woman's acupuncture. After Yin Xiong took the woman away from the main hall, Yin Xue then brought a woman to the five people.

The same question, the same answer, the woman's looks and voices are just the same, they are exactly the same as Yao Mozhen. Until Yin Xue took the woman out, the entire main hall was silent for a moment, no one spoke.

"Some people have discovered that the illusion has appeared in Sugawara and Nanqiang, and the two men are also sparing no effort to promote the flame. According to the meaning of the Nanqiang 晗月公主, she always believed that the person is Yao Mozhen, until I heard that we There is also one here. So..." Chu Mobei wants to stop and talk, not to sigh. This result is not what he wants to see, but in fact, there is no way to escape.

"So the sacred children of Xianjulou and the two otters who are just the same, are all fake?" The sound of the night Junqing was a little trembling. If so, he really sinned. He actually couldn't even recognize Yao Mozhen.

"Although the Prince does not want to admit it, but things are obvious, they are all fake, but this Prince does not understand, where did they find so many people who are exactly the same as Yao Mozhen?" This made Chu Mobei tangled for a long time.

"Yin Xue suddenly remembered one thing. I don't know if the emperor remembers the same day as the little **** who claimed to be the night game. His face and Liu Xing had no difference. Even the cold ice heart was not noticed. It seems that these three people can be consistent with the master, perhaps some people may use what means." At this moment, Yin Xue has already denied the person of Juxianlou.

"How could this be? 朕 ...... with the sacred child of Juxianlou, I really think she is Yao Mozhen! If not, how can you believe it!" Until now, the night Junqing still can not believe this fact .

"The deity does not believe in the Lord. The conversation between the saints and the Yao Mozhen is not bad, but this time I saw these two women, it is really ridiculous." Han Jinyi dull, many hearts tangled.

"Because of this, the Prince only asked the King of Chu and the Hanzun Master to witness together. Now we need to study the next step." The northern part of the desert is bleak, and the bottom of the heart is also lost. If these three people are not Yao Mozhen, Where is the real Yao Mozhen? Will she...

Chu Mobei abandoned his unacceptable speculation and looked at everyone in the hall. After a silent silence, it is still the first opening in the north of the desert.

"Since the sacred child of Juxianlou is not Yao Mozhen, then this prince thinks that the king of Chu can count on it, except for Kailu and the illusion." This plan has been brewing in the heart of Chu Mo, and he did not say it because he I know that Night Junqing can't do anything to use Yao Mozhen anyway, but it is different now.

"The emperor..." Everyone's eyes fell on the night Junqing, but they did not see the night Junqing had a little reaction. Behind him, Yin Xue knew that the night was clear and the mood was uncomfortable, but the death of the Lord was unknown. when.

"Hey know what to do..." The night is clear and sighing, and the deep scorpion is faintly flashing. If the holy child is not Yao Mozhen, where is the real Yao Mozhen? The night Jun Qing did not dare to think, just felt unbearable.

"This bag is a poison specially designed by the Prince for the Kailuan and the illusion. It is colorless and tasteless. Of course, the martial arts of Qiqi is unfathomable. As for the poison, how can this poison play a role, this Prince does not guarantee, so After this incident, Chu Wang can no longer stay in Juxianlou, this Prince has ordered Lu Jing to prepare for the residence of King Chu in the government. "This action will inevitably lead to the emergence of power behind the opening and the magic. Therefore, Chu Mobei has already made a perfect preparation. In addition to Yin Xiong, Chu Mobei will also transfer the soul of the three dreams and kill the wolf from the big scorpion to Xinxiang, and Chu Moxin will also adjust the 'sentimental sorrow and joy'. Wind and rain are also on the way.

Leaving Lu Fu, the night Junqing even went in the wrong direction.

"Your present expression is like writing the words "I was cheated" on my face. If Yao Mozhen...The Holy Grail sees it, it will be suspicious." See the night Junqing face color condensation Like Tan, Yan Nanzhen is kind enough to remind.

"What can I do? She is not Yao Mozhen, but hey..." Night Jun Qing hated himself. Yao Mozhen was born and died for him, and he went to his own life to plan. But in the end, he couldn't even tell the truth!

"Only you admit your mistakes? The lord of the lord did not recognize it. Han Jinyi and Chu Mobei did not distinguish it. Now is not the time of self-blame. When they unveil their true colors one day, they will see Yao Mozhen one day earlier. Don't think too much, or even if the holy child does not doubt, Kai will be alert." Yan Nanyi is kind enough to comfort, and his heart is also kneading for Yao Mo.

Back to Juxianlou, the night Junqing obviously did not have the diligence of the time. He did not even look at Yao Mozhen, he went to the third floor alone.

"Is that smashed by the frost?" Seeing that Junqing was no longer flying around with Yao Mo, he was surprised.

"Da Chu came to the news, the group of old things actually made a choice to give him a choice, it is troublesome!" Yan Nan 笙 Hu 诌 two sentences, if the scorpion has nothing to Yao Yao, account, Yao Mo Zhen’s nephew swayed with the shadow of the night Junqing.

"If you steal something, he will be troubled?" He sighed and turned to sway and walk towards the kitchen. When Yan Nan was turned to squat, he happened to see the charm of his own.

"That...the sword hasn't returned you yet, wait for me to pick it up!" Yan Nanzheng felt that the charm Ji should know something inside, thinking that he could put some insider in the charm, but he didn't want the charm as if he didn't Just like this, I walked over and didn't look at it.

At the time of dinner, the night Junqing did not come out, so Yao Mozhen specially prepared a point for the kitchen, and personally entered the room of the night Junqing.

"You have a big shelf with the class, so let the shopkeeper personally serve!" Yao Mozhen complained, but the eyes were concealed.

The charm of the eyebrows, the action of raising an eyebrow, and even the tone of the fallen one are exactly the same as Yao Mozhen, saying that she is not Yao Mozhen, who believes? The watery children and the moonlight children in Lufu are also like this! The night Jun Qingqiang endured the pain of the bottom of his heart, barely squeezed a smile.

"Jun Qing did not dare." Night Jun Qing got up and took the tray, and the laughter was somewhat far-fetched.

"I regret it?" Seeing the night Junqing, Yao Mozhen hesitated for a moment, and finally he spoke. At that time, in a lot of nonsense in the hustle and bustle, Yao Mozhen knew about the election of the Great Chu, and with the abnormal reaction of the night Junqing, Yao Mozhen was quite worried.

“Well?” The night Jun Qing was lifted.

"The treasurer has heard about the election of the Chu Palace. Rest assured, the treasurer will not delay you. You can go back at any time!" Yao Mozhen raised his eyebrows and said something about his heart. During this time, she was really moved, and she really believed in the lingering love words of the night.

"Selection 妃 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"Do you really want to be a beautiful girl? You are willing to pay for the 3,000-year-old city, and stay in Juxianlou for the children. Would you like to be a running hall?" Yao Mozhen looked awkward and looked at the night, and he was embarrassed. Before the feelings, she wants the clearest answer to the night.