MTL - The Crimson Dragon-Chapter 147

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Thinking again and again, Claudius finally decided to go back and say, "Double rabbits are not as good as a rabbit in the forest. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test first grab the dog back and say it again!" If you think about it, then simply start . The red dragon bounced slightly against the skulls of the three young wolves. The heads of the three young wolves suddenly swollen a large bowl of bags and fell into a coma. Claudius looked at the condition of the prey satisfactorily, and once again became an ordinary human form. "It is also trouble. If you want to become a human form, you can start the beacon. Otherwise, you will not be able to do it..... Also blame me." It’s too strong! Hahahahaha.” Red Dragon Chih laughed happily.

After the start, the beacon spontaneously expanded into a door, and Claudius repeatedly converges on his aura, dragging the three fainted Bracian wolf cubs and crossing the threshold. In the midst of a whirlwind, the red dragon once again appeared on the platform of the crater. Minerva stood on the side of the platform and waited for the return of Claudius, while she was surrounded by a commander of the Centaur and twelve very tall warriors.

The first is a bang, three lion-sized brain shells were thrown to the ground, and the vibration caused the three wolves to wobble and woke up. With the whine, the three wolves swayed their heads and tried to make themselves awake. . Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test followed by the red dragon's human form, men wearing simple clothes and Mithril chain mail casually put the fine gold sword in the hand to one side of the platform, lifted up When I started, I began to look around.

"Oh, I am bothering you to wait for me, Minerva. Aha, Kathy is also there. Hey? Minerva, where did you find these guys?" Claudius curiously surrounded twelve heights The alien warrior who reached ten meters turned around and asked Minerva. "Oh, their muscles are simply strong enough. Look at that head, and it really won my fierce and ambitious aesthetic! Where did you find these good guys?" Claudius expressed his appreciation for these twelve A powerful guard.

"My heads, they are your family." Minerva answered a simple phrase like Claudius, who was as happy as a new toy, and she made a gesture, and the six dragon soldiers walked up. I went to suppress the three wolves, and at the same time, they would use fine gold to build them. The fierce collar was placed on the wolf's neck, and then the front chain was pulled, forcibly taking away the three wolves. The Red Dragon is now focusing on those big warriors, but it doesn't pay much attention to Minerva's move to drag the Bracchi wolf. When he heard that this was his new genus, he was really taken aback. "What? The new genus? My?" Red Dragon immediately opened his own property sheet, and then he found a new shiny name on the five-level centaur. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test "Dragon Fighter? A powerful warrior born from the flesh and blood of a dragon full of dragons and dragons defeated by the dragon? Wait! Is this Feilun a vindictive thing? I remember unless It’s a monk, otherwise you can’t talk about the 'fighting' thing? Is it still fighting? Is this the mystery of the rice dragon?” Don’t be surprised, when it’s a human being, Claudius is also watching A lot of comics.....

No matter what he thinks, Kazhao first came over and expressed his congratulations to him. "The head of the army! Your new warrior has appeared!" The words of the half-man Mackay have not finished yet, and the humanoid red dragon began to twitch his nose. "This Smell? Wait, I have an impression....." Claudius thought about it and immediately squinted at the card. "Card, there must be a mob! Your fierce goods will kill? I don't think In addition to the black skin under the ground, there are people who can withstand the stock of your centaur. Don't deny it! This is obviously the sister-like smell of humanoid creatures! I also smell a lot.... It is a pity that Ilya Lhasa let her run! This 'woman' is a lot of water...." This vulgar and discourse was heard by Minerva, and the face of this female commander did not change at all. It seems as if I only heard Claudius say the words hahaha today. Kay, the wild Centaur commander, certainly doesn't care at all, but the discourse is still to be said. "It's my people! The head of the tribe!"

"Hey? Is it a female centaur? They also have a sister-juice? It is also a humanoid creature.....I have a little new knowledge! Not to mention this, it is a bit sloppy! Right, card Hey, you are so fucking..." Claudius ended this shameless topic with his own laughter, and then he looked at his new genus. Of course, the property sheet is a series of broken numbers. Except for the level of intelligence that is slightly higher than the average person, strength, agility, and physical fitness are a very exaggerated number. Agile is slightly more than a dragon tooth and a centaur. Weak, but completely crushed the other two races in strength and physique, but it is a pity that they do not have the aura of joint combat bonus, although they also have legendary combat skills and almost all warrior combat skills, but their only The special thing is only on a "dragon fight". "Impressed directly after the dragon vindictive.... This is blame? Garbled, hurt. At the same time, the strength of the physique is directly doubled, and the agility is added by one-half. Each hit has become a multi-faceted attack. There are still remote skills - dragon fighting guns? Is this really not a Japanese manga?" Claudius smiled, he found that these dragon fighters seem to be very unloving, he is turning around With so many laps, the only reaction of these tall warriors was to kneel down on one knee and lower their heads to offer the highest obedience to the Red Dragon.

"I tried, they don't speak very much, but they can understand many languages," Minerva said on the side. "I think it's good to arrange them as heads of state."

"Well, just like your judgment, let these dragon fighters be my guards." Claudius smashed his secret silver armor and nodded again as a huge red dragon. He agreed. Minerva’s decision. Then he was angry - because of the restoration of the prototype, the huge red dragon saw the centaur in the garden Hutianhu..... "I rely! You are enough! I am going to catch it. Damn Ilya Lhasa! Really alive! I still live less than my younger brother!"

The wild land after the Red Dragon left, in the dark jungle formed by tall trees. An elegant figure slid silently in it, such a huge figure, the figure that is no smaller than the adult dragon, is so flexible, so lightly moving in the forest, not even breaking even the most Tiny branches. This beautiful beast sneaked through the woods until it was suddenly open—there were some distorted huge trees and charred woodland, and the beast’s eyes were calmly gazing at the emerald figure above the trees. ......

Read The Duke's Passion