MTL - The Crimson Dragon-Chapter 103

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Update time 2015-11-2410:08:08 Words: 2323

"Justice is not tolerant!! But I think we have to talk." Marlborough said in the context of the scenery. Ilya Lhasa’s face was slightly distorted, but she maintained her attitude very well, but soon the expression of this silver dragon became more vivid – because she also thought of it. Let the temple get some blood..... After all, it is always a little expensive to maintain justice.

After Ilya Lhasa negotiated with Marlborough, she began to contact the priests of the temple - Zhaze Sibo is a very important city on the trade node, so the number of people in the city is not small, and the main gods The temple is basically there, it can be regarded as a belief town, although it can not be compared with the city of Taisel where Yinlong is located. Because of this, the temple is more concerned with the legendary necromancer in the pit than the local city hall. They work hard to hire adventurers through their own pipes and large sums of money.

Claudius was mixed in the wild. Anyway, he was neither afraid of cold nor hot. The only thing he hated was that it was easy to soil himself. As for food, it doesn't matter. The taste of the red dragon is different from that of human beings. Claudius has been used to the taste of the red dragon for many years. In his case, the steaks in the pubs in the city are similar to those of the raw baked bison. Instead, some dark-skinned or fresh-tasting foods are better than those cooked carefully – these are basically It refers specifically to the eating of some humanoid creatures. Red Dragon feels a bit boring, he has not waited until the emergence of Yinlong.

Fortunately, Claudius found a new goal - just now, someone dressed as a forest patrol jumped in the forest and came to the pit to look at it. The result was recognized by Claudius at a glance. Out. "Ah! It's you! I remember you yelling? Achilles! Hey, I met again! Kid!" There is no way to hide your true appearance between the dragon and the dragon, just like Claudi. Uss can recognize at first glance that the wretched forester in front is the bronze dragon Achilles, and Achilles also recognizes that the sudden savage wild man who suddenly jumped out from behind is the nightmare for him. Red dragon Claudius. "How are you here!" Bronze Dragon felt that today is really a bad year, it seems that this is a good day to go to the Platinum Dragon God Bahamut. The bronze dragon lost his bow and arrow in his hands - although this thing is a magic weapon of the addition, even if you use the asshole, you know that this red dragon is useless. After the bronze dragon dropped the bow and arrow, he immediately wanted to choose between the launching and the recovery of the original shape, but the words of Claudius in the next moment dispelled his thoughts.

"If you want to restore the original shape, I promise you are dead today! Don't think about running! At this distance, your trigger-type transmission can't work! Not to mention my situation is a bit special, you know, it's easy The spell will be invalid! I don't think you want to send it directly to the bottomless abyss and Barto's nine-layer hell. Come on, sit down, let's talk about it!" The red dragon squatted around his arm and gave it to the bronze dragon in front of him. The last night. Achilles gnashed his teeth, but after all, he didn't dare to gamble. The aura of the red dragon made his efforts to stimulate the transmission become extremely difficult. The composition of the spells continued to collapse and Achilles did not dare to inspire. Ghost knows what effect it will have after stimulating. Since he couldn't beat it, Achilles had to accept his life. He sat honestly on the big stone and waited for the red dragon Claudius to speak.

"Don't inspire Longwei, don't distort, just follow me, you go in with me!" Claudius said. "Are you becoming a partner of justice? Or do you have any conspiracy? Claudius." The bronze dragon said in a sigh of tone. "I don't think that the bad guys who robbed all of my property would become justice." Partner, so you must want to do something bad! Claudius!"

"Fuck, you can't go!" Claudius yelled, "Go! Of course I go!" Achilles immediately answered the red dragon with a tone that I was forced to. In fact, Achilles is also very curious about the situation in the pit, the legendary necromancer, or the shadow of the main material world together with the Northland is also extremely rare, just think about what kind of monsters there will be behind Treasure, Achilles wants to drool. If it is not the remnant reason to tell him that he can't beat the empty shadow, Achilles has long gone on a treasure hunt. Now the Red Dragon's proposal is actually in the middle of Achilles's mind, even if it is time to back the red dragon to take away all the baby, then at least after solving the problem, he can justifiably ask the red dragon to divide him half baby! "Yes! It must be!" The bronze dragon secretly clenched his fist.

For the idea of ​​teasing, Claudius said that he didn't care much. Anyway, what he wanted to satisfy was his curiosity. Then he could catch the silver dragon Ilya Lhasa. It would be better. After destroying the shadow of the sky, Harvesting treasure? If it's a fun magical item or something, if it's money or something, it's all about giving it a little more than Achilles. Claudius has always regarded money as dirt, isn’t it? Anyway, about the fact that he has a few gold coins in his hand, the red dragon has always been less concerned with the heart. The city wants money. Is it money in the wilderness?

Only Claudius looked up and looked at Achilles. "Is it a bow and arrow? Isn't this kind of thing against the ghosts of the winter ghosts? Is there still a guy with a focus?" Really **** a poor ghost! Take it! This is for you to use! Remember to pay back!" The red dragon looked at the whole body up and down with a bow and arrow than a bronze dragon, shaking his head and sighing. Achilles is really not like the words, the armor on the body is OK, anyway, at least it is a lock of the secret silver, as for the magic equipment, anyway, Claudius did not see the magic of the light, it seems that for the year The sweeping effect of the Kiris lair is very good. But the bow and arrow must be useless. As a result, Claudius threw out a fine gold mace, and Achilles' eyes were beaming, and he grabbed the mace and did not let go. "The fine gold! It is the gold of the fine! Let me estimate the price! This is also worth more than 5,000 gold coins! The light material is at least this price!"

"I am going! Dead fans! No wonder the people of the world look at us. Dragons think that we are ghosts and wealthy fans. Look at your bird! I am desperate for the image of the dragon! Hey!" Claudius really It's a bit ugly, and he doesn't really have much intuitive experience with the dragon's greed, but it's an example. The two humanoid dragons stepped into the mine pit one after another - no one intercepted them. For the mine pit, the people in the city did not have the courage to even monitor themselves...

And Ilya Lhasa also waited for her first helper - it was a tall, thin, supple white hair, but with a black-eyed elf, the elf was dressed in a simple and dry, hand held With a long bow, he looked at the silver dragon very calmly. "According to the vow between you and me, I am coming. Dear Ms. Ilya Lhasa." Silver Dragon also responded with great respect and courtesy to the elf: "Mensar, thank you for your help, follow the ancient covenant, I accept your help."

Read The Duke's Passion