MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 45 Rokko

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Chapter 45

"What? There are nine scars on the treasurer's body?"

"Yes, the treasurer is the same as Sister Li Qing and Rev. Guan. He has nine similar wounds on his body, and deliberately avoided the key points. In my opinion, most of them were murdered and then replenished, intentionally."

"Oh? So, what could the killer want to tell us through the body?"

"It's very possible that when she discovered her sister, her body and the body of Guan Shi's brother were exactly in the shape of 'human'?"

"That being said, sister Li Guan and brother Liao Tseng-mei have nothing to do with their lives. How could the murderer link them together?"


The people inside the room were in full discussion, and the people outside the room listened with interest.

Ah, it's been a long time! Nervous, irritating, suspenseful ... Guess who the murderer is behind the scenes with the characters, who is the most correct reasoning ... Well, my criminal investigation file, my Xu Fei, my Wu Qiaojun!

At this moment Gu Qingqiao was secretly hiding under the window, holding his breath while listening.

——Only three knees and nine knees, only to say that they persuaded Lu Zizhen to send her back to the inn. I did not expect that when the passers-by were heard, the elite of the Xiling faction discussed in the kitchen, they could not help but quickly erected the bioradar and listened.

"... The same is true. The murderer's mind is beyond anyone's expectation? Whoever sees that is not pleasing to the eye would cut off his head?"

"Well! What's the matter? Sister Li and Brother Guan are both handsome and handsome, but they are both dragons and phoenixes. How can Liao Ren's road be comparable?"

"Wait!" Suddenly, Bao Quan inserted his gasping voice, "What did you just say? What's the full name of Liao Tsang Yi?"

"Liao, Liao Ren ..."

"——Sure enough!" Just listening to a long sigh, Bao Quancai's voice became heavier. "Li Qing, Guan Mu, Liao Ren, now I finally know what method the killer used to select the victim!"

"Ah ~~~~" There was a silent scream from the sister in the room, "'Aoki humanoid sword'! It's 'Aoki humanoid sword'! The names of the dead are not sorted by it?"

Qing Qiao was startled and couldn't help covering his mouth tightly.

——Author, I despise you! How could one explain such a bizarre death with such an uncreative idea? !!

——Well, poor dead, rest in peace! The next time you reincarnate, remember to find a mother and a good name!

——Well, no matter it ’s Gan Xiaoqiao, Gu Qingqiao, Du Chunjiao, it seems that my name does n’t have the same “shape” and “sword” in it.

Thinking about it, the room suddenly exploded.

"Brother Bao, although your words make sense, but how do you explain the wounds on the three? This has nothing to do with the Aoki humanoid sword!"

"——That's it! If the murderer just wanted the Aoki humanoid sword, why bother so much? It's not enough to send a challenge book directly ..."

Hey, hey.

"Okay." A deep, husky voice sounded. "You all go down. I want to be alone."

Qing Qiao's body trembled, and the house was silent.

Then the sound of the kitchen door opening and closing, all the brothers and sisters went out one after another.

Although the surname is Ruan, but his temper is so hard.

Listening to the sound of the last footsteps, Qing Qiao left and counted three hundred times in his heart. It was estimated that everyone was gone, and then he turned his toes and bowed his body and planned to slip away.

However, when she looked up, she suddenly noticed a familiar blue figure standing in the window beside her.

Indifferent dark eyes, unpredictable expression.

So she crouched down again, silently picked up a potato around her, and said to her intimately and pleasantly:

"——Oh Xiao Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time, why are you getting fat again?"

"Because it's pregnant."

Behind Ruan Siqiong, Leng Buding uncovered a flesh-faced face, not someone else.

噗 ~~~~ Qing Qiaoqiang resisted the saliva and didn't spit it out. He immediately raised his head to say hello, Qiao Xiaoqian was slightly surprised: "Oh, Brother Bao, Uncle Ruan, why are you here?"

"Come on!" Bao Quan just stared at her fiercely. "I already knew you were eavesdropping outside, and you can't come in yet!"

Speaking again, she glanced at the potato in her hand, with a disgusted expression on her face: "It's still 'Little King'! I ask you, when will cabbage seedlings become friends with potatoes?"

Qing Qiao was both ashamed and annoyed, but had nothing to say, so he had to put down the "Little King" and wriggle a parchment into the kitchen.

"Have you heard?"

Ruan Siqiang leaned quietly on the back of the chair, sipped tea, and looked into her dark eyes with a deep peace, without sorrow or joy.

"Only, only what should be heard." Qing Qiao lowered his head in an attempt to make the final struggle.

"Oh? Which ones should you listen to? Which ones shouldn't you listen to?"

Ruan raised his eyebrows like a dome, and slowly sighed at the tea cup, the clouds lingering, quietly evoking the corners of his mouth.

"Whatever the uncle says, listen!"

Qing Qiao Liding made a fist and tightened his body.

"Interesting." Ruan smiled and shook his head. "You heard it clearly, and remember it in your mind. Is there a way to eliminate those who shouldn't listen?"

"Uncle Rapporteur! Everything is possible! Master Manman said ..." Qing Qiao raised his hand to the sky, spit out six words solemnly, "Attitude is everything!"

Biu ~~~ She smashed again, bang!

Looking back, it was Bao Quan who threw half a radish at her.

"——I tell you to flicker, flicker again!"

Although Bao Quan was silent at this moment, a pair of flaming eyes had leaked his emotions well.

So Qing Qiao touched his head and looked back, and he flattened his mouth, "... the disciple knows wrong."

"Follow me, you go down."

I didn't know Ruan Siqiong just waved his hand gently: "I have something to say to Xiao Qiao alone."

Bao Quancai couldn't believe his ears, and looked at Ruan Siqiong to make sure he was sober and not confused, so he went out with a complicated mood.

"——Salted, go, you!" When he left the room door, he was really angry and could not help but threaten Qing Qiao while drawing.

Qing Qiao was shocked.

I was about to run, but my hands were suddenly caught.

"——Sorrowful tone." Ruan Siqiong squinted his eyes, lazily looking at the back of Bao Quan before leaving, smiling and smiling.

"Uncle ..." Qing Qiao flushed and just wanted to speak, suddenly a stronger force dragged her forward.

"Oh!" She fell into Ruan Siqiang's arms all at once.

Mature masculinity rushes towards the face, warm and charming.

"Last night ... surprised you." Ruan Siqiang pressed her firmly in his arms, and patted him with his hands, as if to appease.

"I, I, I just stick to my post ..." Qing Qiao crimson began to struggle, "the disciples just did what every Xilingite should do ..."

"Do not talk."

Ruan Siqiang ignored her struggle, her arms tightened and became more and more strenuous. Le almost lost her breath.

"... Let me lean on like this, okay?"

He whispered, the words seemed magical, so Qing Qiao stopped moving and gradually quieted down.

Holding her hand and sliding down weakly, Ruan Siqiong reached the entire head to Qing Qiao's chest.

"Hmm ..." He sighed a long time, with an unexplainable emotion, so that Qing Qiao's heart was twisted.

"Master, uncle?" Qing Qiao called him subconsciously.

"——Call me fair. When there is no one else, you can call me like this." Ruan Siqiang hung his hand to her waist.

"Fair?" Although Qing Qiao thought that the name was even more incredible than Bao Quancai, looking at Ruan Siqiang who was exhausted, he was soft and obedient.

"Huh?" Low, with a pleasant voice.

"Public, fair?" Not sure, shouted timidly again.

"Huh?" The rising tone was softer.

"You, are you okay?" Qing Qiao couldn't help but probe his forehead. "... Why are you so tired? Couldn't your brother or sister help you?"

"——I thought you were going to ask about Aoki Human Sword."

The blue silk under his hands trembled slightly, and the owner of the hair seemed to be unable to help laughing.

"Stupid girl, congratulations." Ruan Siqiong took her hand away and pressed it gently to her cheek. "Even if you don't move, the baby's whereabouts are almost out of the water."

"... How do you say that?" Qing Qiao was shocked by the gloom in his eyes, and he didn't dare move.

"It's very simple." Ruan Siqiong started tapping her palm with the tip of her nose, and then, again, ambiguous, "... This incident is so big, Xiling's head will sooner or later receive the news, end his retreat and go down the mountain again— —And he happens to be the only person in this world who knows where Aoki's humanoid sword is falling. "

When Qiao Qiao was surprised, his mind suddenly mixed.

"... I think he probably did not expect that there would be such a day in his lifetime."

Ruan seemed like a smile, suddenly opened her arms and put her back into her arms. "Pakchoi, I haven't closed my eyes for two nights. Can you let me lean on it for a while?"

Muttered with a sigh, as if coquettish.

"... Um." Qing Qiao nodded blankly.

It's strange that Ruan Siqiong's familiar and confused atmosphere makes her unable to bear to be close.

"Sleep well ..."

So she patted Ruan Siqiang's back lovingly.

This is still a wonderful morning for Brother Sun who has not appeared in this article for a long time.

A beautiful girl, a handsome man, snuggled up and comforted each other.

Ah, after a long time, he finally saw a rare romance scene.

Behind the girl, however, the man locked his eyes firmly on a brass bird cage outside the window, his eyes were long and gloomy.

In the cage stood two gorgeous parrots, one white and one green.

When the wind blew, petals drifted down from the parrot's body, landing on the ground with a scent of roses.

"... people's hearts are gone, and the team is not good enough!"

On the wonderful morning after the soul guard, Gu Qingqiao sighed in front of the bright porcelain bowl in front of him.

Frustrated and cold-hearted.

-Hungry for a whole night and half a day, but now I can only eat two pieces of salted boiled potatoes, God! Tell me, what is it that makes every effort to torture people? !!

Anyway, they all complained about the mysterious killer of Lao Zizi, which caused Yuelai Inn to kill three people in a row. The buddies in the inn walked away, scattered, the chef ransacked the warehouse before taking off and packed away the only fifty pounds of pork left! 50 pounds, what is the concept? A whole half of a pig! Can you imagine a middle-aged and strong man running half a pig on a country road frantically, and constantly watching the funny scene from the back?

"——Buddies come and go fast, only pork is eternal."

Ruan Siqiong made a long cry after learning the news, his voice was infinite.

The others looked at each other. If they didn't find a new place, the elites of the Xiling faction would have to live on cabbage and sweet potatoes.

"Sigh?" Someone came over and knocked her on a chestnut, Bao Qicai. "Don't I make a good meal?"

Qing Qiao took another look at the white potatoes in the bowl and couldn't help wailing: "—Wang, you are so good ~ miserable ~ na!"

Bao Quancai smiled happily: "Not miserable! There is another in the bowl. It is a fair man, just a pair of fate."

"They haven't had a baby yet!" Qing Qiaoyue stood up and kicked him, "the abuse of pregnant women is to go to jail!"

"Come on!" Bao Quan just blocked her embroidered legs and sent back a white eye. "There is still a bowl of tomato soup here, can't you drink it?"

Qing Qiao probed to see the bright red in the soup, and could not help but have a shiver-she remembered the head floating around last night.

No matter how many CSI I have seen, the reality is always more shocking.

"I want to eat porridge! It doesn't matter if the meat is gone, why are there no rice noodles?"

Sitting down with her head down, she hated the table to vent her anger.

"Mi He Nian was taken out by Nangong to change the petals."

Bao Quancai's face was full of helplessness: "This young lady traveled all the way to spend a lot of money in the mountains and flowers, making ends meet.

Qing Qiao covered his head with his hands and wanted to faint: "You! Is there any mentality? Why not stop her ?!"

Bao Quancai stopped talking, disapproving: "Why stop? Anyway, there will be ..."

The voice didn't fall, and the doorway of the inn was suddenly noisy, and in the golden light, someone was holding a white fan in a pose of stars and moon.

"——Xiao Li, has the price of rice risen again?"

The man laughed as he walked, walking briskly, his eyebrows flying from his face.

"——Savior also comes." Bao Quan only winked at Qing Qiao.

His Mimi's eyes were originally small, and now only two short horizontal lines were squeezed, still bold.

"MashiMaro!" Qing Qiao couldn't help exclaiming. Brother Bao at this moment looked like a Korean friend who once swept the country, the rogue rabbit!

"Mr. Ma." Ruan Siqiong suddenly emerged from an unknown corner, and the people came to his feet, "You are really a ghost."

"Hehe, Lord Ruan has won a prize." The comer shook Bai Fan, revealing a big word-"meter".

"Where there is unevenness, there is me. This is our ancestral teaching of the Ma family, and it is also my vow to Brother Ruan." The comer flipped the white fan and slammed out a **** word-"face".

Qing Qiao looked stunned.

"... Dare to ask Brother, who is this god?" She turned to ask Bao Quancai.

"You all know the fan, don't you know?" Bao Quancai laughed with a thief. "Naturally, he is the richest man in Hunshui Village, the king of rice noodles in the Xiling Mountains area, and the Maguan officials in Malacca.

"..." Qing Qiao was silent.

Suddenly she remembered a certain TV series a long time ago, a hero wrote his name Long Fei Feng Wu on the robe, and he said very victoriously that he called Simon Blizzard.

"... As long as we have this gentleman, we will not worry about eating and drinking." Bao Quan was so proud of his two nostrils, "What is the little king? Drinking eight blood is all right!"

It turned out to be a wealthy event sponsor.

Qing Qiao Yi Xing slumped his shoulders, and thought for a while, he soon had the opportunity to eat a big meal, and suddenly regained energy.

"This person looks so ordinary, why is the name so strange?" She held her pink cheeks and looked at Malacca far away.

Short, thin, and standing in front of Ruan Siqiong, who looks outstanding, handsome, and upright, as if Pan Changjiang met with Wu Yanzu.

"People don't want to call this name." Bao Quancai gave her a glance. "Ma's family was a farmer in his early years. When he was attacked for some reason, Mrs. Ma had to live. Mrs. Ma took her pregnant and went to a relative. Mr., Mr. said something: 'Oh, it turned out to be pregnant with Rokko.' I didn't expect Mrs. Ma to be ignorant, thinking that her child should be called Rokko's, so people called it Melaka ... Hey, you want to laugh Just laugh! Don't make a sickening noise! ​​"

Qing Qiao covered his mouth so hard that he felt sore in the cheeks and had to pout instead.

"... If Lord Ruan doesn't dislike it, my Danton Pavilion can be used by the disciples of Xiling ... The inn is not safe after all ..."

From afar, I heard that Malacca was dedicated to Ruan Siqiang.

Ruan Siqiong sat on the chair, leaning on the table with his hands, his face indifferent.

"The chefs of Denton Court are from Beijing. I have the best craftsmanship to ensure that everyone's diet ..."

With a charming smile on Malacca's face, his body bowed to ninety degrees.

Ruan Siqiong still didn't answer, and leaned gently toward the back of his chair, his face was calm.

Qing Qiaosheng was afraid that this uncle would not agree with any monster moth, and his eyes followed him closely.

Malacca is still tirelessly explaining, and even reported the name of the dish that the chef is good at. When she heard the words "braised pork", she couldn't help licking her lips quietly.

At this moment, Ruan Siqiang's eyes suddenly swept over, flashing like a torch, and the sorrow cloud that illuminated the room was dismal.

He looked at Qing Qiao and suddenly laughed.

"Okay, just do that."

His mouth answered Malacca, but his eyes were firmly locked on Qing Qiao's face, and he never looked away. 2k novel reading network