MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 456 Am I really blaming you?

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   Chapter 456 Am I really blaming you?

   Xie Heng took apart the talisman in front of Zhao Chuchu, took out the talisman paper and handed it to Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu's face changed greatly when he saw it.

   This is to beat Xie Heng to death.

   It's not a talisman, but a piece of text. If you guess correctly, it must be the question of this township exam!

   Dawei has always cracked down on fraud in the imperial examinations, ranging from beheadings to beheadings.

   This is to make their whole family rich.

   "Xia Chengxuan shouldn't be so confused, right?" Zhao Chuchu frowned, "Did someone use her to trap her?"

   "Well, nine out of ten." Xie Heng nodded.

   "Then what are you going to do?" Zhao Chuchu looked at the piece of paper again, "burn it or..."

   "Since they like to cheat, let them cheat enough." Xie Heng smiled coldly.

"need my help?"

   "No, it's just a trivial matter."

"who is it?"

   "Si Kou's house."

   "Si Kou Zhendong noticed you?"

   "He's not useless, it's normal for him to notice me."

   "Isn't that making an enemy?"

   "It's inevitable since my hometown test is over. However, Si Kou Zhendong doesn't see me very much now. Besides, he won't set too many traps for me. After all, I'm not worthy of a little talent."

   Zhao Chuchu saw the coldness in Xie Heng's smile.

   It seems that Xie Heng waited for a long time today.

   "The exam is going to be in a few days, you are careful about everything, and if you need me to do it, you don't have to be so polite between us." Zhao Chuchu said to Xie Heng.

  Xie Heng smiled softly: "I know, but there really is nothing you need to do now. It's better for you to accompany me to study these days than anything else."

   "Okay, I'll be this companion." Zhao Chuchu agreed without thinking, "But over Xia Chengxuan, what do you want to say?"

   "No, lest you startle the snake."

   "Well, then you can figure it out for yourself, and I won't interfere."


   In the next time, Zhao Chuchu really spent every day reading with Xie Heng at home, and never went out again.

  The Yuan family knew that Xie Heng was preparing for the exam, so they didn't bother, and didn't send anything.

   However, Kang Xiuwan came over two days before the township examination.

   She looked very anxious, and when she saw Zhao Chuchu, she hurriedly asked, "Is Dalang there?"

   Zhao Chuchu didn't know what was wrong with her, so she asked back? "He's here, what's wrong?"

   "Did my mother send you a talisman a few days ago?"

   "Yes, what's wrong?"

   "Hurry up and throw that talisman away, my mother doesn't understand anything, and I'm still giving away things at this time. What if Dalang is framed by someone?"

   "It's just a talisman, so don't be so nervous, right?"

   Zhao Chuchu said this on purpose.

Kang Xiuwan stomped her foot: "I also just found out that someone encouraged my mother to go to the temple outside the city to ask for a talisman to bless Dalang, but I found that the person said this with a malicious look, and I was worried about my mother's Ignorance hurt Dalang."

   "That man? Who is it?"

   "Isn't there a grocery store next to our clothing store? The proprietress asked my mother to ask for a talisman. I happened to meet their husband and wife talking about it and found that something was wrong, so I came here quickly."

   "You mean they did it on purpose?"

   "Yes! Hurry up and throw the talisman away. It depends on your own efforts. Any gods and Buddha's blessings are fake. Chuchu, please tell Dalang, I'm very worried that my mother will harm him."

   Kang Xiuwan's anxiety is not false, she is really worried that there is an article in the talisman.

   Zhao Chuchu feels that Kang Xiuwan has grown a lot and is no longer as simple as before.

   Xie Heng came out of the room at this moment.

  Kang Xiuwan stepped forward when he saw it: "Dallang, did you hear what I just said? Burn that talisman."

   "The examination room is not allowed to bring this in, it's fine." Xie Heng said.

   "What if someone slandered and reported on you? That official is so close to searching, you really won't be able to argue."

   "They have already come." Xie Heng looked out the door.

   "What?" Kang Xiuwan looked back.

   After a while, I heard messy footsteps running towards this side.

   "Hurry up, don't let people run away."

  Kang Xiuwan's face turned pale, and she couldn't stop shaking: "Chuchu, Dalang, I really didn't bring anyone here..."

   "It has nothing to do with you." Zhao Chuchu patted her and comforted her, "I know this has nothing to do with you."

  Since Xie Heng is so calm, this matter must be under his control.

   After a while, a group of officials rushed in and surrounded the Xie family's house.

   is the newly appointed Tongzhi in the government office headed by   .

   "The prefect received a report that Xie Heng, you are buying and selling the hometown exam questions, you should go to the prefectural office with us." Tongzhi said coldly.

   Xie Heng asked indifferently, "Where's the evidence?"

   "You... well, don't cry if you don't see the coffin, come and search." Tong Zhi was furious and waved his order.

  Kang Xiuwan became anxious when he heard it.

   If this fellow knower was also with those people, wouldn’t it be accurate to search for it.

   She looked at Zhao Chuchu anxiously and asked Zhao Chuchu to quickly think of a way.

   "Adults just search like this. Even if the students don't do anything, they can't argue. Seeing that the township exam is imminent, can the students come out after entering the government office?"

   "This is the order of the prefect, do you have to disobey it?"

"Students don't dare, students are just curious, why can they suspect students of buying and selling exam questions without proof? These days, students have been studying hard at home to prepare for exams, so why do they have time to go out and sell exams? Besides, students are in Guangqing Mansion together with them. If you don't have any connections, how can you get the test questions?"

   "You don't have to quibble, until this officer orders someone to search and find out the truth!"

   Zhao Chuchu frowned slightly, it seemed that things were not as simple as Xie Heng said at the time.

   This is a dead hand.

   That Tongzhi targeted Xie Heng as soon as he came. If they were asked to search, how hard would it be to frame Xie Heng?

   "Master must force students like this?" Xie Heng looked at Tongzhi steadily, the coldness in his eyes and Zhi also felt shivering.

   "Bold, as a scholar, do you know what the crime of obstructing official duties is?"

   "Student innocent."

   "There's no reason, come and take him down."

  Things developed as Zhao Chuchu guessed.

   did not give Xie Heng a chance to refute at all, and insisted that Xie Heng be accused of leaking the question.

   "I want to see who dares!"

   At this moment, the third prince, whom he had not seen for a long time, suddenly appeared.

   At this moment, he was wearing the imperial uniform that belonged to the prince, and he brought a team of people into the Xie house and surrounded the officials.

  Qiao Heting shouted in a cold voice: "The third prince is here, don't hurry to greet him!"

   Tongzhi had seen the third prince and Qiao Heting, and naturally recognized their identities.

   After being shocked, he quickly stepped forward and bowed his hands: "I have seen the third highness."

   "Why did Li Tongzhi come to Xie's house?" The third prince asked indifferently.

   Li Tongzhi was sweating profusely. Since last year, after the third prince returned to Beijing after recuperating in Guangqing Mansion, he began to shine in the courtroom. In front of him, Li Tongzhi had an indescribable sense of oppression.

   "Returning to the Third Highness, someone reported that Xie Heng leaked the questions and bought and sold the examination papers of the township examination. The lower official was ordered to arrest Xie Heng."

   "Oh? This is no small matter, what about the evidence?"

   "Xiaguan was about to search Xie Heng's house, but Xie Heng stopped him again and again, he must be guilty."

   "According to what Li Tongzhi said, can I also suspect that you framed Xie Heng and searched your body?"

   "Your Highness..."

   "Come here, search their bodies."

  The third prince's expression froze, and he ordered in a deep voice.


  Li Tongzhi's soul flew away, and he threw himself on his knees: "His Royal Highness, the lower official is only ordered by the prefect..."

   "I've been listening outside for a long time, but you insisted that Xie Heng cheated! If you say it, I think you are more likely to cheat."

   "I don't have a lower official, Your Highness Mingcha."

   "I'll find out after a search. If you're innocent, I'm willing to apologize to you."

  Li Tongzhi is like falling into an ice cellar.

   He never imagined things would turn out like this.

  Why did the third prince suddenly come to Guangqing Mansion?

   He is not good in the capital, it is said that he will be made a prince!

   But these are not important, the important thing is...they have exam questions on them.

   Originally, Li Tongzhi came to Xie's house to frame Xie Heng and let Xie Heng be charged with fraud.

The results of it.

  The third prince is here.

   "Don't forget about Li Tongzhi." The third prince was expressionless.

   Zhao Chuchu, what else is unclear at this moment?

   Xie Heng is going to cut the grass and remove the roots. He will uproot the person who framed him. Even if he can't get rid of it, the other party's vitality will be greatly damaged!

   No wonder he didn't go anywhere and stayed at home all the time. It turned out that he left behind.

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Tongzhi's trembling appearance.

   This thief called the thief to catch the thief, and it was really used.

  Unfortunately, the court is no longer able to cover the sky with one hand.

   "His Royal Highness, found this." The third prince's guard quickly found something like a peace talisman from Li Tongzhi.

  The third prince took it.

  Li Tongzhi fell to the ground in a slump, already in a cold sweat.

   "Why is Li Tongzhi so nervous?"

   "When I saw His Highness, the lower officials were frightened."

"what is this?"

  The third prince was not in a hurry to open it, and kept putting pressure on Li Tongzhi, as if to make Li Tongzhi completely collapse.

  Li Tongzhi's voice trembled: "This is the peace talisman asked for by the lower officials when the lower officials came to Guangqing Mansion."

   "Oh, it's just a peace talisman? Then why is Li Tongzhi so scared?"

   "I don't have an official, Your Highness misunderstood."

   "But I don't think I misunderstood you! Li Tongzhi, as an official of the imperial court, do you know what happens when you cheat in the imperial examination?"

   "Cut, behead."

   "Wrong, people like Li Tongzhi are going to be cut all over the place."

   "Your Highness, spare your life, the subordinate did nothing, and ask your Highness to investigate."

  Li Tongzhi's psychological defense line collapsed, and he kept kowtowing, and soon his head was bleeding.

  The third prince took the dagger, took apart the peace talisman little by little, and took out the piece of paper with the questions for the rural exam inside.

   "Li Tongzhi, please explain why there are water conservancy-related policy questions in the Ping An Fu?"

   "His Royal Highness is like this, Guangqing Mansion will burst when it rains every spring, and Jiannei hopes that the subordinate can solve the water conservancy of Guangqing Mansion, so I put this question in it, hoping that the inferior official will not forget his original intention."

   "Oh, so that's the case? Is it really my fault for you?"

   Li Tongzhi knelt on the ground and touched the ground with his forehead, not daring to say a word at all.

   He was very frightened, if he said something wrong, it would be more than slashing the whole family, it would kill the nine clans.

   He didn't dare to gamble, he just hoped that the third prince would believe his words.

   "Let's go, take him with him, and go to Xuezheng's place to have a look."

The examiners of the    township examinations are all appointed by the imperial court and are not held by local officials, so as to avoid unfair examinations.

   Li Tongzhi was heartbroken: "His Royal Highness, the lower official was forced to do such a thing. I ask the third highness to decide for the lower official."

   "Oh? Didn't Xie Heng want to cheat?" The third prince sneered.

   "The lower official knows the wrong, the lower official knows the wrong..."

   "You can cover up your guilt with a single word of knowledge? Come on, take all these people down."

   "Your Highness, spare your life!"

   "Do you know why I came to Guangqing Mansion? Someone has already reported the leak of the Guangqing Mansion's township examination questions to the emperor. I am here to investigate and handle the case."

   Li Tongzhi's eyes darkened when he heard the words, and he fainted.

   "Take it away." The third prince waved his hand, too lazy to look at Li Tongzhi.

After    and the others had all left, the third prince walked over and asked Xie Heng with a smile, "Zizhao, how's my time stuck?"

   "I was almost scared to death by Your Highness. If Your Highness were to slow down, I'm afraid that my accusation of fraud would not be washed away." Xie Heng looked serious.

   "Hahaha, Zizhao is joking, how can such a little trick frame Zizhao? Well, this matter is very important, I will leave first, and I will have a few more drinks when I have time in the future."

   "His Royal Highness walk slowly."

  The third prince did not stop, turned and left the Xie family.

  Kang Xiuwan fell down and sat down, sweating coldly: "It scared me to death, it's okay."

   Zhao Chuchu help her up helplessly, "What's wrong with you?"

"Isn't it scary just now? Master Tongzhi insisted on the question of Dalang's business test. If you really searched your house, then you are not dead? Then I will not be able to live with my conscience in my life. I will definitely tell my mother not to do it in the future. Do it again."

   "Actually, when your mother brought the talisman over, Dalang felt that something was wrong and removed the talisman."



   "That's good, that's good. By the way, Chu Chu, was that person really the third prince?"


   Zhao Chuchu's heart skipped a beat, Kang Xiuwan didn't fall in love with the third prince at first sight, right?

   "There are three princes, Dalang is sure to be all right, God bless you." Kang Xiuwan folded his hands and bowed.

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

   However, this also made Zhao Chuchu feel relieved. Kang Xiuwan was just making sure that the identity of the third prince would bring them safety, and had no other ideas.

   Not to mention, the third prince will not live long, and she doesn't want Kang Xiuwan to like the third prince.

   After knowing that Xie Heng would be okay, Kang Xiuwan also left.

   She had to go back and talk about her mother, this time she almost hurt Xie Heng, she had to remember the lesson, so that she would not be known as a gunman in the future.

   "Did you deliver the news to the capital at that time?" Zhao Chuchu then asked Xie Heng.

  Xie Heng nodded: "There is nothing more suitable than the third prince to come forward. The other princes are all wine... Not to mention, it will only make things worse."

   "Has this happened before?"


   In Xie Heng’s previous life, there was no leak of the exam questions in the Guangqing House’s rural exam this year.

   (end of this chapter)

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