MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 451 When did he have this brain?

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   Chapter 451 When did he have this brain?

   "Okay." Xie Heng nodded.

   In fact, he hadn't eaten yet, so he came back quickly.

   Zhao Chuchu also saw this and said that.

   She took a small table and set it up, and then took out all the delicious food, filled the table, and two bottles of juice.

   Xie Heng's eyes were full of smiles.

   He likes Zhao Chuchu's trust very much.

   "Come on, let's drink juice instead of wine." Zhao Chuchu handed a bottle of juice to Xie Heng.

   Xie Heng took it, clinking glasses with Zhao Chuchu to drink, it was cold, and the season was just right.

   "Is it chilled?"

   "Well, yes, is it delicious?"

   "Yes, it has a different flavor."

   "Try this snail, I specially hired someone to fry it."

   Xie Heng had seen snails before, but he had never eaten them, so it was hard to swallow them.

   "How to eat this?"


   Zhao Chuchu smiled and taught Xie Heng how to eat snails.

   When Xie Heng ate the little snail meat, his eyes lit up, "This side dish is interesting."

   "It's better to have wine, but we shouldn't drink at our age, it's not good." Zhao Chuchu also likes snails, so it's not too cool to have a plate of supper at night.

   Xie Heng quickly learned how to make snails, and rarely indulged himself, and dealt with the dish of fried snails with Zhao Chuchu.

   "I remember that there are many snails in the creek in the village. Why didn't you say it before?"

   "Don't, not all snails can be eaten. Some snails will make people sick. Although this snail is delicious, it is very troublesome to handle."

   "Maybe next time we can try to get some and I'll fry it for you?"


   Xie Heng's cooking skills are very good, of course Zhao Chuchu looks forward to it.

   "How about I go get a little and take it back before I go back to Fucheng?"

   "Yes, but I'm going back tomorrow, so I can only spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with you."

   "It's so tiring to run around, I didn't expect you to come back. But Dalang, I like this surprise."

   "It's just that I haven't been very busy these days, so I can make it back in time. Have you seen the third son?"

   "No, he didn't meet me. Yesterday I came to the city, but he went to the village. I heard that he ordered a lot of yuba for Junjun, right?"

   "Well, I'm probably worried that you won't be able to protect Junjun well."

   "Too underestimated."

   "The person he cares most about is Junjun, and he cares about chaos."


   The two chatted for a long time, until the whole county was quiet.

   "It's not early, it's time for you to rest." Xie Heng said, they had almost eaten.

  Tonight was the best meal Xie Heng had eaten in a while.

  Although he was reluctant, Xie Heng didn't want Zhao Chuchu to stay up all night.

"how about you?"

   "I'm going back."

"So fast?"

   "The academy will resume classes the day after tomorrow, and I can't leave the city for too long."

"All right."

   Zhao Chuchu took the thing back into the space and moved it to Xie Heng's side, "What should I do if I'm a little reluctant?"

   Xie Heng locked her eyes with fiery eyes: "I'll wait for you to come back in Fucheng."

   "But Brother Gan is going to get married, so I may not go back until September." Zhao Chuchu sighed.

   "It's alright, it's okay to go back after you finish your wedding wine, everything is fine in Ruyu Pavilion."

   "Actually, I want to go back earlier, but Big Brother Gan's marriage is a big deal, so I have to stay and help."

   "I know."

  If possible, Xie Heng also wants Zhao Chuchu to go back.

   But after getting married, these people are indispensable, not to mention that the Gan family has always taken care of them.

   "I'll go back as soon as possible, wait for me."


   Xie Heng smiled lightly and reached out to embrace Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu leaned on Xie Heng, and the moon and the man were reunited.


   After Xie Heng sent Zhao Chuchu back to Gan's house, he didn't leave immediately, he went to find the third prince.

  The third prince was very surprised by Xie Heng's arrival, and then smiled bitterly: "Zizhao still doesn't believe me?"

   "Your Highness misunderstood, I didn't come for those boring things. In the capital, the First Prince sent someone to Guangqing Mansion again. They already suspected the purpose of His Highness coming to Guangqing Mansion, and they might target Junjun."

"So fast?"

  The third prince is amazing.

   When did he have this brain?

   "It should be related to Si Kouming. Your Highness knows who Si Kou Zhendong is better than me."

"Exactly, it's time for me to go back to Beijing. It's my fault that I let those people idle for so long. Zi Zhao, Junjun, I'll ask you." The third prince looked at Xie Heng solemnly, "It's not Junjun's recovery now. It's a good time for identity, and you have to worry about it."

"Your Highness is serious, Junjun is also my younger brother, and protecting him is what my elder brother should do." Xie Heng cupped his hands, "However, His Highness should be careful about everything after returning to the capital. The first prince now regards you as a A thorn in the eye."

   "Huh." The third prince sneered, "Just by him?"

  The mud can't support the wall, he never put the eldest prince in his eyes.

  I let him dance because he didn't find Xie Jun, it doesn't matter who ascends the throne, he will die soon anyway.

  But now it is different, Xie Jun has found it, and the only one who can sit in that seat can be Xie Jun.

   As for Xie Heng, will he gain power? This is no longer something that the Third Prince considers.

   He is not a god, and if he can't do it now, he can arrange for Xie Jun what will happen in the years, decades, or even decades after his death.

   "The eldest prince is nothing to be afraid of, but the other princes are not fuel-efficient lamps."

   "It seems that Zi Zhao knows them well?"

   "I can't talk about it, but I have had a few relationships, and I can probably guess some of their temperaments. In terms of understanding, I can't compare to Your Highness."

   "Don't be nervous, Zi Zhao, I don't mean to doubt you. Don't worry, they won't be able to make any waves."

   "Since Your Highness has something in mind, then I can feel at ease. The dew is heavy in the middle of the night. Your Highness should rest early, and I will leave first."

  The third prince was surprised: "Aren't you going to wait for Chu Chu to go back?"

   "No, the academy is busy with homework, so we can't waste too much time." Xie Heng shook his head, "The news is here, it's time for me to go."

   "You can't just come to bring me news, right?"

   "Of course not, the news is just incidental."

  Three Princes: "…"

   He shouldn't have asked more.

   "Farewell, Your Highness take care."

   Xie Heng did not stay, and left after speaking.

  The third prince watched his back as he left and shook his head helplessly.

  Qiao Heting has fallen asleep now, he hasn't yet. After Xie Heng left, he sat down beside the writing desk, picked up a pen and wrote the name of the eldest prince - Xie Zhen.

   That's right, the royal family of the Great Wei is also surnamed Xie.

   Xie Heng's ancestor is probably the same as the royal family, but with the passage of time, that bloodline has been diluted, and it has nothing to do with the royal family. It is also a coincidence that the Xie family saved Xie Jun.

  The third prince put a cross on Xie Zhen's name and smiled lightly: "You can't imagine how you died!"

   After saying that, the third prince smiled and put the paper on top of the candlestick and lit it, then threw it into the brazier, and quietly watched the paper burn out.

  No one knows what happened that night.

   (end of this chapter)

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