MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 433 Do you want to die?

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   Chapter 433 Do you want to die?

   Zhao Chuchu raised her eyebrows slightly, "Fifty taels?"

   "No, it's five hundred taels, it's just a consultation fee!" The Kang family grinned, "As long as Mrs. Xie is cured, there will be a payment in addition."

  Five hundred taels is very tempting, only a fool can't get along with money.

   It's just that if this patient is Si Kouming...

   "Is that the son of the capital?"

   "No, it's our master."

  The people of the Kang family are not easy to say, Kang Liang was kicked by Si Kouming so that he couldn't get up from the bed at this moment.

  If this word reaches Si Kouming's ears, Kang Liang's injury will only make things worse.

   "Your master was fine that day, why did he fall ill in a blink of an eye? Wouldn't he want to trouble me again?"

   "Don't worry, Madam Xie, it's just asking you to see a doctor. What you said will never happen. This is a little thought from our master, and Madam Xie is also invited to visit."

   Having said that, the Kang family held five hundred taels of cash in their hands, and their respectful attitude was completely different from the arrogance that day.

   Zhao Chuchu agreed to go to Kang's house for the sake of money.

   "But I have to go back and get the medicine chest first."

   "Yes, yes, please, Mrs. Xie, we will take you back first."


   The Xie family's house is still some distance from where Xia Chengxuan lives.

   After Zhao Chuchu was sent back, he told Xie Jun and was ready to go out.

  Xie Jun said quickly: "Sister-in-law, you'd better take Sister Hong with you. I'm afraid they will be bad for you. With Sister Hong here, at least take care of them."

   Zhao Chuchu said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll go by myself."

   "Bring Sister Hong with you." Xie Jun insisted.

   He thinks that Zhao Chuchu is still a woman no matter how powerful. If his brother is not here, he has to find a way to protect his sister-in-law. Otherwise, if something really happens, how will he explain to his brother?

   Zhao Chuchu had no choice but to promise Xie Jun to take Chang Hong with him.

   Xie Jun was not at ease, so he gave up after repeated warnings.

   Zhao Chuchu asked the Kang family to bypass Ruyu Pavilion, and then went to the Kang family after picking up Chang Hong.

  The Kang family didn't dare to have any opinion.

  Chang Hong is puzzled: "Where is the lady going?"

   "The Kang family." Zhao Chuchu explained, "Junjun has to ask me to bring you."

   "It means that Mr. Xiaolang cares about you and is worried that you will suffer." Chang Hong laughed.

   Zhao Chuchu shook his head helplessly, but Xie Jun took care of her.

   When he arrived at Kang's house, Zhao Chuchu couldn't help gloating when he saw Kang Liang lying on the bed with a pale face.

   How long has it been? Is it so bad?

  A typical representative of stealing chickens without losing rice.

   Kangliang didn't dare to be rude to Zhao Chuchu anymore.

  Because he hired other doctors, they were not optimistic about his injury, so he could only ask Zhao Chuchu in the end.

   Even if he is not reconciled, he can only do this. Who makes him want to live?

   Zhao Chuchu didn't talk nonsense to him, and went directly to check the pulse.

   I have to say, Kang Liang's injury is quite serious.

   It seems that Si Kouming was really embarrassed, and turned his anger on Kang Liang.

  Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, Zhao Chuchu could guess that, except Si Kouming who dared to kick him, who else in the Kang family's house dared to attack Kang Liang.

  Kangliang's concubines were all miserable, as if Kangliang was dying soon.

   "How am I?" Seeing that Zhao Chuchu didn't speak for a while, Kang Liang couldn't help but worry, "As long as you can save me, I will give you as much money as possible."

   Zhao Chuchu said: "It's not that you're not saved, it's just that the medicines used are very expensive, you have to be mentally prepared!"

   "As long as it can cure me, I can prepare any expensive medicinal materials. You can prescribe it."


   Zhao Chuchu was not polite to him anymore.

   You can never trade cheap medicine for expensive medicine.

   Of course, expensive is not a waste of money, it can make health better faster, Zhao Chuchu still has the conscience of taking money to do things!

   Zhao Chuchu quickly wrote the recipe to Kangliang.

  Kang's family also has a pharmacy, and Kangliang knows a little bit about the medicinal materials.

   This recipe is really worth a thousand dollars.

   Kang's family was rich, and Kang Liang didn't care so much, so he immediately asked the housekeeper to take this recipe to prepare the medicinal materials.

"After eating for the last half month, your injury will be almost healed, but you should also pay attention to your food. It should be light, not drinking, not eating..." Zhao Chuchu explained all the taboos to Kang Liang. "Remember?"

   "Remember, thank you so much for your suggestion." The housekeeper responded quickly.

   "Well, then take the medicine as I said. I will come back for a follow-up in half a month. If you feel any discomfort during this period, come to me as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be able to blame anyone for the delay."

  Kangliang: "Okay, do you still need a needle?"

   "You really want to be stabbed?" Zhao Chuchu glanced at him.

   "I'm just asking." Kang Liang didn't dare to say a word.

   The person who was high on that day, as if it was not him.

   Zhao Chuchu snorted coldly, picked up the medicine box and walked out.

   "Xie Madam for staying." Kang Liang stopped her, "Why don't you stay at Kang's house during this time? I'll ask someone to clean up a wing for you, so that I can find you anytime if I feel uncomfortable."

   Zhao Chuchu sneered, "Does Mr. Kang think that when I come to Kang's house, it means that I will be at your command? Still staying in your Kang's house? How big of a face are you? Do you want me to serve you alone?"

   "Silver is easy to negotiate."

   "Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. I can heal your injury, and I can let you live with this injury for the rest of your life. Do you want to gamble?"


   "I am a married woman, staying at the Kang family, Mr. Kang, do you want to die?"

   "Ms. Xie misunderstood. Since Mrs. Xie thinks it's not right, then I don't say anything. Butler, send Mrs. Xie."

  Kangliang got rid of it immediately and asked the housekeeper to send Zhao Chuchu away.

   lest Zhao Chuchu be unhappy and hurt him even more.

  The housekeeper did not dare to neglect, and politely sent Zhao Chuchu out.

   "When my master is healed, the reward will be sent to the Xie family."

   "Well, I forgive you that you don't dare to default."

   Zhao Chuchu was not worried that the money would not be returned.

   Anyone can owe money to Kang's family, but she doesn't dare.

  The housekeeper also arranged for a carriage to send Zhao Chuchu, but Zhao Chuchu refused.

   Chang Hong, who had been silent all the time, took the medicine box and asked Zhao Chuchu, "Is Kangliang's injury so serious? I saw that the medicine on your prescription is not cheap."

"Isn't it normal for him to eat expensive medicinal materials? Otherwise, how can he be worthy of his status?" Zhao Chuchu slightly hooked his lips, "Anyway, as long as he can be cured, he is willing to spend as much money as possible, not to mention I didn't earn the money for the medicinal materials."

   "That's right, Kang Liang deserves better." After speaking, Chang Hong couldn't help but laugh.

   In the next few days, Zhao Chuchu basically went to Ruyu Hall to teach auspiciousness.

   And Si Kouming had to go to the third prince every day, so he never had a chance to pester Zhao Chuchu, making Zhao Chuchu a lot quieter.

   (end of this chapter)

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