MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 403 Could he be the one he was looking for?

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   Chapter 403 Could he be the one he was looking for?

   "Conscience." Xie Heng said sternly, "You can just look up to the heaven and the earth."

   "Okay." The third prince patted Xie Heng on the shoulder, "I'm looking forward to meeting Zizhao in the capital in my lifetime. I hope Zizhao won't let me down. Autumn next year, is it okay?"

"I'll try my best."

   "So good."

   Although the third prince looks no different from ordinary people now, after all, his body has been corroded by poison, and he is weaker than ordinary people.

   The journey was exhausted, and his spirits were also a little weak. After meeting Xie Heng, he chatted with Xie Heng for half an hour, and then returned to the arranged residence with Qiao Heting.

   "A Ting, is there still no news about Xiao Jiu?" Before the third prince lay down, he did not forget to ask his brother's whereabouts.

  Qiao Heting shook his head: "No."

   "He must still be alive, try to find a way to continue." The third prince said.

  Qiao Heting hesitated for a moment before saying, "Third brother, why does it have to be Xiao Jiu? Maybe he..."

   "He is my only younger brother. Before I die, even the bones will be found. A-ting, this is my obsession." The third prince looked at Qiao Heting, "A lifetime of obsession."

  Qiao Heting looked at the third prince deeply. If he hadn't been poisoned, he would have been the prince of the Great Wei Dynasty and the future emperor of Ming Dynasty.

   But now, every day of his life is stolen from Lord Yama.

   "I know that in the eyes of others, this obsession is ridiculous. As you said, maybe Xiaojiu died a long time ago, but I still have an illusion in my heart, hoping to meet him one day."

   For the third prince, the other brothers have no feelings, only Xiao Jiu is an exception.

  Qiao Heting is the only son in the family, so he can't really understand the feelings of the third prince.

   is just what the third prince has to do, and he will try his best to help him.

   "Third brother, I will think of another way."

   "Well, by the way, you should also pay attention to the Xia family. Tell Jiang Hong to come to Guangqing House soon, this matter cannot be delayed."

   "He's already on his way, maybe tomorrow."

   "Okay, I'll take a break first, I'll bother you with other things, A Ting."

   "Third brother is polite."

  Qiao Heting left the third prince's room and closed the door for him.

  Before closing the door, he glanced at the third prince who was already lying down, sighed softly, and quickly left...


   After Zhao Chuchu learned that the third prince came to Guangqing Mansion, he immediately realized why he chose this time to come.

  The body is fake, no matter what, the body of the third prince is the same, and there will be no improvement at all.

   However, the third prince knew what was going to happen to the Xia family so quickly. It should be the news that Xie Heng passed over, right?

  Xie Heng is this planning to make Xie Jun recognize the third prince?

   Zhao Chuchu outside the yard glanced at Xie Jun's study.

   Going to Qingyang Academy to study, at least if it is a scholar, Xie Jun has not yet taken the exam, so he can only stay at home.

   Since Zhao Chuchu and the others lived not far from Qingyang Academy, Xie Heng came back every night, taught Xie Jun at night, and then assigned homework for Xie Jun to complete during the day.

  Xie Jun is very well-behaved and studies hard every day.

   As if the skin monkey that climbed up and down in Lengshui Village was not him.

   "Chu Chu, what are you thinking?" Yuan Hui waved in front of her, "So ecstatic."

   Zhao Chuchu looked at Yuanhui: "No, I just thought of a formula. It's you, the prince is here, you should be very happy, right?"

   "That's for sure, how can you be unhappy? Chuchu, you said that the third prince came to Guangqing Mansion, will it be very lively?"

"Why do you ask?"

   "That's the prince, so the officials in the surrounding area can't find any way to come and honor him?"

   "Probably not, the third prince has a good reputation, not that kind of person."

   "Yeah, the prince has such a good relationship with him, he must be a good person."

Zhao Chuchu raised her eyebrows slightly: "Ahui, there are no good people in the royal family, you should keep this in mind. It is the most complicated family in the world, even father and son will kill each other, let alone outsiders! You still hold this Such an idea will suffer sooner or later."

   Yuanhui bowed her head silently after Zhao Chuchu said so.

   "Ahui, I can't teach you all my life, there are some paths that you need to walk by yourself. You have to remember it at all times, and you must be on guard against others!"

   "Well, I see."

   Zhao Chuchu sighed, if Yuanhui goes on like this, she doesn't know if it is right to marry Qiao Heting?

   She has to find an opportunity for Yuanhui to grow up.

  The incident in Yuanjiang County has obviously made Yuanhui heal the scar and forget the pain!

   "Chuchu, are you disappointed with me? Do you think I haven't improved?" Yuan Hui seemed to feel Zhao Chuchu's helplessness and looked up at her.

   Zhao Chuchu said, "Do you want to hear the truth?"


"The truth is, you have to learn to grow up, you can't be under the protection of others' wings all your life, or you will suddenly lose one day, and there is only a dead end waiting for you. Think about it, you have already passed through the gate of hell, what else is there? It's something to be afraid of, isn't it?"

   "That's what I said, but I always... feel that doubting this and doubting that makes my conscience difficult."

   "Doubt isn't hurt, it's about a bad conscience."

When    is thrown into the last days, the first person to die is Yuanhui.

   Being too kind is not a good thing.

   "Chuchu, I will study hard to grow up, can you give me some time?"

"It's not that I can't give you time, but it's not too long before you get married. Ahui, the capital is much more complicated than Guangqing Mansion, and the people you meet will be more terrifying than you know now. The center of power The struggle is fiercer than anywhere else. You have to understand where the Dingguo government is."

   Yuanhui did not speak for a long time.

   It's not that she doesn't know what Zhao Chuchu said.

   It's just that her temperament is doomed that she can't be like Zhao Chuchu.

   She is also trying to make herself grow and learn the ability to protect herself, but as Zhao Chuchu said, because there is not much time, she is actually very anxious, and she can't learn anything well in the end.

"The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second is now. It's not too late to learn from your grandmother. Ahui, in fact, the best teacher is your grandmother. If you want, learn from your mother. It's not impossible."

   Yuanhui frowned slightly. After so much experience, she also vaguely understood in her heart that her father's death had nothing to do with her stepmother.

  The stepmother really loves her, but unfortunately, she is used to fighting against her stepmother over the years, so she can sit down and chat with her stepmother calmly, but she really can't hold her face.

   It’s not that I don’t want to, but I feel that I have done too much wrong, and I use that kind of words all day to anger people…

"Chuchu, have you always known that she doesn't have a bad heart for me?" Yuan Hui asked in a low voice, "I have been thinking about a lot of past events during this time, and she has never done anything to hurt me, but instead I always say those hurtful things, she should actually hate me in her heart, right?"

   "That's just what you think. If you really hate you, when the Ye family comes to force you to marry, she won't stand up to protect you. Ahui, people can be cruel, but they can't be without conscience."

"I'm not…"

"I know you're not, but some things may be missed and you won't have a chance. Now that you and Qiao Shizi are engaged, those ghosts in the Yuan family don't dare to do anything to you, and no one will treat you if you are close to your mother. How about it."

   "She let me do this to protect me, right?"

   "I don't know about this, you have to ask her."

   "I...have no face to ask her."

   "Silly girl."

   Zhao Chuchu patted her head.

   "Don't think so much, no mother will have a hard time with her daughter."



   Yuanhui heard this, as if she had relieved her psychological burden, and let out a long sigh of relief.

   Maybe she can really try to communicate with her stepmother as Zhao Chuchu said.


   Yuanhui did not stay here for too long with Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu continued to draw the equipment she needed, and then found someone to make it.

   Xie Heng went home half an hour earlier than usual today.

   "I'm not cooking at home today, and Qiao Shizi came to Guangqing Mansion and said he wanted to treat him." Xie Heng came in and said to Zhao Chuchu, "Would you like to change your clothes?"

   Qiao Shizi?

   is the third prince!

   It seems that she guessed right, Xie Heng really planned to let Xie Jun and the third prince meet.

   "I'll change, what about Junjun?"

   "Junjun is also with me. I'm going to see how his homework is doing."

   Xie Heng said, and walked towards Xie Jun's study.

   When Zhao Chuchu came out, Brother Xie Heng was already waiting for her in the courtyard.

   After Xie Jun was detoxified, his complexion was getting better day by day, and he also grew flesh on his face. Now he is growing more and more towards a beautiful man.

   "Sister-in-law, are we going to eat delicious food today?" Xie Jun was very excited, "Which restaurant in Fucheng has delicious food?"

   Zhao Chuchu laughed, this snack!

   "You have to ask your brother where to eat. Next time, ask Sister Hui to take you to eat delicious food. She is most familiar with Fucheng."

   "Brother, is it okay?"

   Xie Jun stared at Xie Heng.

   Xie Heng smiled: "Of course, as long as you do your homework."

   "Sister-in-law is so settled, you have to talk to Sister Hui."

"it is good."

  Xie Jun happily pulled Zhao Chuchu out.

   Xie Heng frowned slightly and took Xie Jun's hand: "You should walk like you are walking, don't wait to drag your sister-in-law to fall."

  Xie Jun pouted, obviously you didn't let me pull my sister-in-law, hum, stingy!

   Xie Heng's face did not change color.

  The carriage is ready, just outside the alley.

   Zhao Chuchu did not expect that the third prince would come to pick him up in person.

   When the third prince saw Xie Jun, he was lost for a moment, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly put away these emotions and returned to normal.

  Xie Jun was a little shy when he saw that there were outsiders.

   "This is the third son..."

   "Just call my third brother, don't be so polite."

  The third prince interrupted Xie Heng before he could finish speaking.

   "Young Master, it's too unfamiliar, Madam Xie is still my savior."

  Xie Jun looked at Xie Heng and saw that he nodded slightly, so he called out, "Brother Third, Brother Qiao."

   "Long time no see, Junjun seems to have grown taller and stronger." Qiao Heting said with a smile.

   "Brother and sister-in-law are well raised." Xie Jun said embarrassedly, "I also eat a lot."

  The third prince looked at Xie Jun, and the strange feeling in his heart did not disappear for a long time: Could he be Xiao Jiu?

  Because no child can ever feel that way.

   But the third prince took all this to heart and didn't show any signs of it.

   He just asked Xie Jun gently: "I heard that you were ill before, but are you okay now?"

   Xie Jun didn't know why, but seeing the third prince had an inexplicable intimacy.

   He nodded: "Well, it was my sister-in-law who cured me, and my sister-in-law's medical skills are very good."

  The third prince smiled lightly: "That's good."

   "Third brother, are you sick too?" Xie Jun asked with concern.

   "Yes, but it's almost better now, as long as you take a good rest."

   "Then you can ask my sister-in-law to show you, she can even cure the plague."

  Xie Jun looked proud and proud.

   "I was looking for your sister-in-law to treat me, so I made a special trip to thank her today."

  The third prince explained to Xie Jun.

  Xie Jun's eyes widened: "Then why haven't I seen you? But you are the same as my brother, so I think you are a good person when I see it."

  The third prince smiled even more: "Well, I will try my best to be a good person."

   Xie Jun also laughed: "My sister-in-law said that good people will definitely be rewarded."

   Zhao Chuchu: "…"

   This is my sister-in-law on the left and my sister-in-law on the right, how uncomfortable it is for my brother to hear it!

   "Yes, good people have good rewards, so I met your sister-in-law and I was cured."

"very nice."


   Along the way, the two have no nutritious conversations.

  Qiao Heting thought that the third prince saw that Xie Jun thought of Xiao Jiu and did not do what he thought. He whispered to Xie Heng about the murder of Xia Chenglan.

   And Zhao Chuchu was forced to join the chat between the third prince and Xie Jun from time to time.

   Fortunately, the restaurant will be here soon.

   Xie Jun wrote "I want to eat delicious food" all over his face.

  The third prince looked at him dotingly.

  Whether it is Xiaojiu or not, he will treat him like a younger brother.

   It is rare to have a child so happy.

   Xie Heng didn't want Xie Jun to eat too much, lest he go back to accumulate food.

   But he couldn't stop the third prince, what Xie Jun wanted to eat, the third prince would let people eat anything, without restraint at all.

  Xie Heng: "…"

   But Xie Heng knew how good the third prince was to Xie Jun, and now he just met in advance. It was within Xie Heng's expectation that he would dote on Xie Jun like this.

   Seeing him today, the third prince will definitely change his plans.

   It is only a matter of time before Xie Jun recovers his identity.

   Xie Heng can also guess what the third prince will arrange.

   It's just that Xie Heng, like the third prince, can't show anything, and Quan Dang doesn't know about it.

  Xie Jun was so bought by the Third Prince Food, he liked this third brother more and more, and he did not know the identity of the third prince.

   Back from the restaurant, Xie Jun pestered Zhao Chuchu to keep asking questions about the third prince's illness.

   Zhao Chuchu answered him patiently.

   Knowing that the third prince's illness has been cured, Xie Jun is relieved to take a bath and sleep.

   After nightfall, Zhao Chuchu and Xie Heng talked about eating.

"The blood relationship is really amazing. I don't know the identity of the other party, but there seems to be something leading them towards each other. The third prince should have suspected Junjun's life experience, and he must start to investigate soon. Speaking of which, how many Does anyone know that Junjun is not your biological brother?"

   (end of this chapter)