MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 274 : Selling Ideas

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Liao Ming is not the only one who sees business opportunities from the fruit tree's anti-counterfeiting technology, but he is the first to take action.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, Liao Ming directly bought two such orange trees. If the address is the same, the freight is the same for five or less. The reason why he bought two is not Liao Ming's thousand dollars. It's cheap, but he's afraid that if he misses it while researching the anti-counterfeit lock, he can't keep up.

Because of the high price and considerable profits, illegal vendors see the organic and profitable inside. For many years, they have developed a variety of counterfeiting, such as filling, and so on. Old connoisseurs may be punctured if they are not careful;

Because of this, Liao Ming had to be careful everywhere, and over time, he developed such a careful character;

Those who can afford to open up the facade, and naturally Liao Ming is not so bad for tens of thousands of dollars. He just wants to see if there is any flaw in this anti-counterfeiting technology. If he can't find it, he can come to discuss cooperation Already


Nali Village,

After giving Wang Beibei a one-time positioning and two-dimensional code binding device, Zhang Yifan, who was in a hurry, also used them on pigs on a pig farm;

The so-called wealth is moving, and when a pig sells for 100,000 yuan, some people will inevitably have some evil thoughts;

The advantage of this is that even if someone steals the pig, the pig's positioning device can detect the alarm and trigger the alarm directly, and it is easy to track;

This device is equivalent to a pig's ID card. With it, the price of a pig is high. If a thief removes this thing, there is no way to distinguish it from an ordinary pig;

And taking such a big risk, there are surveillance everywhere, and there are pig farms guarded by security guards to steal these pigs, but they have to sell them at the price of ordinary pigs. For thieves, it is obviously worth the money;

At the risk of selling white flour and earning money to sell cabbage, no one else will do it. The case value of 100,000 yuan can be included in a huge amount. Stealing a few of these pigs is enough to be sentenced. It ’s better to steal pigs from ordinary people ’s homes!

In addition, Zhang Yifan also thought that there were many useful aspects of this technology;

Some domestic businessmen have a great deal of energy to study crooked ways, because the soil is very fertile, anyway, even if they are caught, the intensity of punishment is not great, and now they are smiling poorly and poorly. Whatever he does, he can get money!

Collect empty bottles of high-end wine at high prices, and then pour wine into it, and then make some fake packaging again ..... the profit can be imagined;

Some high-end liquor manufacturers also use some anti-counterfeiting methods, such as attaching a QR code that can be scanned after scraping the bottle cap. Only the first inquiry is authentic, and the second scan indicates that it has been inquired;

However, the two-dimensional code is actually a link, and the counterfeiters can figure it out with little effort;

And some proud brands may be brand positioning or other reasons. Consumers have to learn anti-counterfeiting knowledge, although some anti-counterfeiting knowledge is also released from time to time, for example, checking which locations may have pinholes. Which number of a few numbers will differ by a few tenths of a millimeter, whether a certain stroke in a pile of densely packed characters is ticked or not ...

It is more complicated than the antique Jianbao. It is also a test of eyesight and drinking. It was a happy picture. Everyone was intrigued. He opened a few bottles of wine and everyone filled it up. Say something similar. It's so cool when you drink it together ...

Before drinking, you must take a magnifying glass, take a flashlight, and take a picture there for a long time.

Therefore, Zhang Yifan asked Wang Beibei to apply for a patent for this technology, and then contacted the well-known wineries to see if the manufacturers were willing to adopt it. If so, they would collect patent fees or sell the finished products directly (one-time anti-counterfeit bottle caps). ), But also a big business;

As long as the fake bottle cap cannot be faked, it will not be able to create fake fakes with high imitations. As for buying real wine, punching out the wine inside, and changing some fake wine into it?

The counterfeit must pay some IQ tax. The high-end liquor without packaging is the phoenix that has fallen into the hair, not to mention the price of bulk rice wine. In short, it is not too high, let alone make some high-quality imitations. The wine is poured in. This consumes a lot of manpower and resources, and there is no profit. No one will do this stupid thing;

As for other fields, Zhang Yifan didn't figure out where he could get it at half past one;

Prevent children or pets from getting lost? Now there are children's watches, dog hoops are positioned, and anti-counterfeit disposable products are cut off and thrown away.

Some high-end electronic products have many high-tech anti-counterfeiting methods, and such physical anti-counterfeiting is not needed at all;

In other words, this one-time anti-counterfeit lock is most suitable for pure physical locks;

For example, a water meter, electricity meter, or electric box that is basically unlocked after being locked, will be triggered immediately after being stolen by a person who steals electricity. For example, it will be used as a supplement to a seal when the property is sealed by the court.

Zhang Yifan talked to Wang Beibei about these ideas. As for how to do it, he let go, because the market is huge and it can even raise a unicorn company, but it is not easy to enter. of;

As for civilian use, Zhang Yifan also considered it. After all, there is a satellite locator outside the trigger circuit that triggers the alarm and self-destruct as soon as it is turned on, so its cost is also there and cannot be reduced;

In addition to high-end wines, the lower-end products are really unusable;

As for clothing and luxury goods, Wang Beibei also mentioned this idea, but these things are long-term supplies, not consumables like wine;

A bottle of wine, which proves to be right, and finishes after drinking, which is equivalent to giving yourself and guests a confidence, drinking authentic products;

Lipstick cosmetics are okay, which is equivalent to giving yourself confidence, but clothes and bags are a little different;

Why do brands like Louis Vuitton sell so well in China?

To say that the design is good-looking, it really ca n’t talk about how stylish and quality it is. It ’s just average because of its high brand recognition. On many products, it ’s either a rude logo or a logo everywhere. ;

A person with a monthly income of tens of thousands or more, using such a product, is naturally in line with her income. This is what Ma X said. Buying a house is as cheap as buying cabbage in the future. It is justified. Doesn't the house look like we buy a cabbage?

However, a general wage earner with tens of thousands earns her a month or even months of savings to buy such a package, which is a true love or a little dazzling;

The psychology of true love powder is easy to understand (just like when the cabbage was bought for the first PS, it was still a student, I ate instant noodles for a few months for it, and excited for a few weeks after I got it). The joy obtained is incomprehensible to others;

But if Xuan said, he wanted to prove himself to the Ming people. Generally speaking, such people dazzle what they lack. In Zhang Yifan's view, Wang Beibei is also one of them;

Lamborghini this sports car, he did not even know a few parameters, bought his head when it was hot, nothing more than reading novels, saying that the rich second generation like to drive a sports car, in fact, not to mention elsewhere, Quancheng's rich second There are also many generations. How many luxury sports cars have you seen in the city?

Because for the average person, it is not practical at all. Some rich second-generations are rich. There are one or two such sports cars hidden in the family. That is an interest. It is good to have time to play. Usually, there are other cars. Can use;

But like Wang Beibei, his only ride was to choose such a car, and the only reason was to want to show off his wealth, but he couldn't show off;

And Zhang Yifan did the math. People I ’ve seen carrying LV bags, and then calculated their income level, came to a conclusion, that is, if those are not fakes, many people really ca n’t afford them, not dazzling Rich, what else can it be?

What do the rich people care about? It's not about comfort, it's not about practicality, it's recognition by others, that is, to prove to others that what they are carrying is not fake;

This thing is very interesting. It is designed for pretending to be a face. I went out with a bag and scanned the QR code: "I'm a idiot. Let me see first. Where are we now? My bag is a genuine 38,000, you can know our location by scanning the code; "

The performance is a bit crude, but the pretense effect will still be obvious;

The same is true for clothes, with a tag or something on it, and then with an anti-counterfeit device, you can always verify to others that they are genuine and full.

Disadvantages are not absent, for example, no waterproof function is considered when designing, it is impossible to wash;

But are n’t some of Chanel ’s clothes not washable? Isn't it selling well?

Therefore, Zhang Yifan felt that this technology was against the sky, and it was many times stronger than the Chinese programming that was not allowed to leak for a long time.

However, the ideal is very beautiful and the reality is very skinny. After contacting several companies, Wang Beibei was rejected as soon as possible;

"Such a good anti-counterfeiting method can improve their products by several grades. In this way, they refused. I will tell you that it is their loss. The people below are still not big enough. Now we are not big enough. It can attract the attention of their senior management. Ignore us today and make them unable to climb tomorrow! "This is the original words of Zhang Yifan comforting Wang Beibei.

In his thinking, his own idea is correct, people who do n’t want to pretend to be true love fans, that is, after taking the product and verifying that it is authentic, remove the label that should be removed and the security mark that should be removed;

People who want to dazzle with this product should keep it, and then show it to others. Previously, only the price tag or something was too low. Now you can check the authenticity online at any time. As long as the manufacturer cooperates, even Everything can be seen in the production process, how high-end;

He has n’t seen it before, put on new clothes, and then there is a price tag on the product. The brand has not heard of it. I do n’t know if it was bought at a discount. : 'My wife bought it, I felt comfortable when I wore it, and I didn't notice it. Actually, I bought it at a 50% discount ...'

Not to mention the credibility of this statement. In short, many people know that this person is wearing expensive clothes. When this kind of thing happened not once or twice, no one knows what happened ... .

The clothes with these foreign objects are actually uncomfortable to wear, just like the sign behind the neck of many clothes, knowing that many people will cut it off, but the manufacturers are always happy to get it on top, and small brands just want to fight A brand, but a bigger brand, I do n’t know why, others do n’t see it.

However, many exposed signs are not cut by many people. In order to cater to this kind of people, manufacturers also make bigger and bigger logos, which are conspicuous and eye-catching. In short, they want to let everyone see that this is a branded product.

So Zhang Yifan couldn't figure it out. Such a magic weapon for you to verify your brand is here. Why are you unwilling to use it?

Do things to the extreme. It is really difficult for customers like you to take care of them. Manufacturers do not agree and ignore such a large market.

Want to show off your wealth? Wear a luxury product with a QR code on it, and show that the car and the horse stand up. I just want to show off my wealth. Then you can scan and check. I'm all genuine. ~ Real gold and silver How much is it?

Compared to what to wear in a new style and a new bag, these are without identification. Who does n’t know if your bag is fake without this ID? Imitation? This is real, you ca n’t even fake it, you have already positioned it, is it high-end?

Why so many people do n’t know the goods, technology companies, Zhang Yifan did not dare to pack tickets, after all, he is a scumbag, but for some luxury brands, or even what are mainly handmade brands, he feels that he has the advantage in this regard, for a while You can't make me this fake. When you make it, we will think about how to upgrade.

However, there is no one who knows the goods well, and the price fades as soon as it is heard. As for the cost of a bag of tens of thousands of yuan, the cost of adding one hundred yuan?

Zhang Yifan firmly believes that this road will not work, and there is still the next road. He thinks that before his next product is developed, this anti-counterfeiting product is a main project, because it must be a big market (because the next product is In pig farms, provide pigs with better comfort and pleasure, I will talk about this later).

After watching Wang Beibei looking around and not finding any cooperation opportunities, Zhang Yifan finally couldn't help but decided to take his own shot;

Zhang Yifan's method is now simple and direct, because he has money in his hand;

This difference is hard to say what is the change in mentality, but with money and no money in hand, the bottom line is really different.

When you do n’t have money, you decide what you want to do, and that ’s all a matter of gains and losses, but when you have money, you make a decision, just considering how much you can gain and how much you will lose ...

If you can't find the object of cooperation, then do it yourself. Then, what can you do on your own with a one-time anti-counterfeit lock?

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