MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 235 : Prejudice (2)

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Although Wang Beibei's personality is not as stable as Zhang Yifan, he also knows a lot about him;

The cost of a six-foot sofa is very high. He is very clear that such a high cost means that it is difficult to popularize;

If it is not popular, it means that the difficulty and cost of maintenance and repair will be very high. Before the product performance has undergone a large number of tests, there are hidden dangers in safety and stability.

However, this does not affect his pretense in front of the beauties;

"Is President Wang willing to show us the car? I want to take it and put it on the Internet. It will definitely bring a certain amount of attention to your company's products. My fans are millions." Zhang Ying said.

Wang Beibei directly refused: "I'm afraid this won't work, tonight we are mainly holding our company's annual meeting, and this thing is very general, there is nothing to demonstrate;"

"Well, may I ask President Wang, when will this product be introduced to the market?" Zhang Ying asked slightly disappointed.

"It depends on the market demand, mainly because the construction cost is too high," Wang Beibei said aptly: "Moreover, there will be no mass production in the short term, and the product needs to be further improved;"

"Oh," Zhang Ying asked again, "Can I take a picture of your annual meeting and upload it online?"

"There is no problem with this," Wang Beibei said, "If you want, you can even participate in our annual meeting. Of course, there is no way to draw a lottery;"

"Really? Thank you so much!" Zhang Ying originally thought she was going back empty-handed, and she was overjoyed when she heard this;

I couldn't take that strange car, but at least I also learned some basic information, not to mention that after adding the contact information of this young Wang, the day after tomorrow will naturally follow their footsteps;

In fact, there are only a few routes in the tourism of Yunnan Province, Lijiang and Dali, and there is not much choice. It is just a sequence.

Now, I can still participate in this unique annual meeting, which can be said to be a surprise.


At night, it was getting dark and the bonfire was lit;

The dishes have already been served on various tables, and after a brief speech by Lexus and Wang Beibei, everyone started dinner;

Unlike the ancient city of Dali, the ancient city of Lijiang has a variety of snack stalls and small shops selling snacks at the streets and lanes;

In Lijiang, there are only one or two places where special snacks are gathered, similar to the food festival held in the city;

It ’s just that some of the special foods in it, especially barbecues, cannot be accepted by many people;

Because in addition to common chicken wings and the like, there are also some strange shaped insects, spiders, bats, bamboo insects, beetles and so on ...

This afternoon in the ancient city, walking through the streets, going uphill and downhill, everyone's physical exertion is not small, coupled with knowing in advance that you want to eat dinner at night, there is not much snacks, this time already hungry;

So, with an order, everyone started immediately;

Dozens of pounds of roasted whole lambs are chopped into pieces and brought up in a large bamboo frame. Next to them are cumin powder, paprika powder, salt and pepper powder, etc .;

Zhang Yifan was not polite, grabbed a piece of lamb chops and ate without any shit;

The outer layer of lamb chops was grilled a little bit yellow, and a thin layer of oil was taken. When it bite down, the inside was still very tender, without any firewood. The crispness and tenderness were intertwined to form a unique flavor.

In fact, this whole lamb has been sprinkled with a lot of seasonings when roasted. It is delicious when eaten directly. There is a strong cumin flavor between the lips and teeth. The scent of lamb can be ignored after this treatment. Excluding;

After holding a lamb chop, Zhang Yifan drank two beers, went to the greasy mouth, and sandwiched a slice of salmon;

Lijiang's salmon is actually not authentic salmon (produced from Norway), it is a native improved species of rainbow trout;

Red trout is a type of salmon that is farmed in fresh water and their ancestors also lived in the sea;

Thanks to its unique geographical advantages, Yun Province has many cold water areas suitable for the growth of rainbow trout, which are not available or rare in other provinces across the country;

Zhang Yifan sandwiched this counterfeit salmon fillet, dipping it with mustard soy sauce, chewing and chewing. I didn't think there was any difference between the salmon and the wasabi, and then I took another sip of beer ...

Then, I took a spoonful of the so-called characteristic pineapple fried rice and tasted it. The sourness and sweetness also had a salty taste, which had nothing to do with good taste;

But it is also a special feature. After all, fried rice in other places has never tasted so badly;

Eat a little, taste a little, and soon Wang Beibei ate half-full, and then colleagues at the same table began toasting regularly ...

Not to mention other cultures of Yifan Technology, the time for enterprise development is too short, but the toasting culture on the dining table has been cultivated, thanks to the continuous indoctrination of Lexus;

Toast the leader, drink tea, drink fruit juice and drink.

You can bring a wine glass alone and introduce yourself by the way, or you can respect each other together, and you will not be required to finish it, anyway, it is such an atmosphere;

However, this good tradition seems to be ruined once a bonus is paid out;

"Mr. Zhang, I'm from the Finance Department. My name is Liu Yuan. I respect you for this glass of wine. Liquor, I'll do it first. Feel free to ..."

"Mr. Zhang, I'm from the Purchasing Department. My name is Xie Xuxiao. I can only drink beer. I'll do it first. Feel free to ..."

"Where's the wine, what about the wine? I want to fill it up, this cup is to respect Mr. Zhang, dissatisfaction is disrespectful ..."


Zhang Yifan was a sincere person. When others did it, he was embarrassed not to drink it. After drinking for a round, he suddenly felt a bit bloated;

So I hurried up to find WC, went back to WC, it was a lot easier;

At this time, he realized that there was still some noise on Wang Beibei's side: At least there were a dozen or twenty employees around, and the posture was not like toasting, so he went to see it curiously;

According to the process of the annual meeting, because no performance is scheduled, it is just waiting for everyone to finish their meal and taste the sky-high fruit brought by Wang Beibei;

Then proceed directly to the draw, and strive to end the annual meeting around eight o'clock;

The advantage of this is that energetic employees can also go to Lijiang Ancient City to experience the night view and the atmosphere of those bars;

And Wang Beibei's words like this will likely disrupt the original plan;

As soon as Zhang Yifan approached, someone naturally gave way. At this time, he found out that the girl who had come to find herself before was sent to find Wang Beibei was eating here;

I just ate, and set up a dozen mobile phones, pointed at myself, and live broadcasted while eating;

The employees who were watching there picked up one after another and filmed the girl's live broadcast ...

"It's boring!" Zhang Yifan thought.

Later, he called Wang Beibei aside and questioned: "Xiaobei, what's up with that girl? What will happen in this year?"

"Her name is Zhang Ying, she is an internet celebrity, and she has been following the strange car that Grandma Li sat in. I promised her to broadcast our annual meeting live, which will also help our company's publicity, rest assured that nothing can be wrong," explained Wang Beibei : "She promised to perform two shows before the draw for the next year's rally;"

"Okay, you weigh it yourself, don't make something happen," Zhang Yifan said, then added: "What a weird car? It's awful to death;"

"Then you have to have a name, or is it called pterosaur?" Wang Beibei replied indignantly.

"Pterodactyl? You dare to grab the name of the military, and you have fattened you," Zhang Yifan patted one of his head directly, and then said in full color: "Just call the ground machine, this name is decent!"

"Ground machine, the name is so old-fashioned, it always feels like a chicken farm," Wang Beibei complained, watching Zhang Yifan's poor complexion, and then mumbled: "Ground machine, just walk the machine, By the way, other girls are interested in this walking machine. When are you going to launch it? "

"Customization will soon be possible, and large-scale mass production is a bit difficult," Zhang Yifan replied solemnly.

"Is there anything different?" Wang Beibei asked curiously.

"Can a three-hundred-pound fat man climb a building the same as a ten-pound man?" Zhang Yifan replied:

"Moreover, do you want to monitor the health of the occupants? Would you like to install a laser mosquito killer? Or a panoramic camera? A panoramic sunroof or a soft-top hard-top? There are also speakers from Marantz for audio. It's money, how can it be the same? "

"Just one sentence, can you sell it now?" Wang Beibei asked again.

"It can be sold, but it has to be customized. It is reserved for one month, and it will be postponed during the Chinese New Year." Zhang Yifan replied, decisively!


This meal is arguably the most luxurious feast in Li Bing's life;

In fact, if you take it seriously, then the meal at noon should be considered;

In the New Year, the family will also kill a chicken and duck and stew some pork, but it will take two or three days to eat;

Moreover, there is no refrigerator in the house, even in winter, it tastes the next day after eating, but it is unwilling to dump it;

Fearing that they would cause trouble for Wang Beibei, Li Bing did not bring her mobile phone shooting stand, and the non-retractable bamboo pole was still not easy to carry;

But she bought a mobile phone holder with a clip in the ancient city of Lijiang. The utility of this thing is very limited, but it is cheaper, and it can really fix the mobile phone well-even if it can only be fixed on a table or the like;

When she was eating, she was also recording a video. At the same time, she also saw the girl who was also recording the video over Wang Beibei;

Ashamed, it may be her true portrayal at this time;

Others were there, and a professional stand was used on the opposite side. A dozen mobile phones were set up, and a few others were there to help;

Some people take professional cameras to take pictures, some deliver things, and others who help to adjust the height and angle of the stand;

On the other hand, I took a ten-dollar mobile phone holder, and a lonely mobile phone was photographed here;

If it is changed to someone else, it may not be filmed anymore. The baby is bitter, and the baby wants to go to the corner to cry alone ...

However, Li Bing is different. She has experienced too many blows;

When I was a kid, others ate popsicles. Yes, I used a 28-bar stick to carry a box of popsicles and sell them in the village.

And the children will also run out and take out their pocket money the first time, licking the popsicles made with sweetener and tap water, which is the biggest deliciousness of childhood;

But Li Bing didn't have such an experience. She could only watch from a distance, then pick up someone's popsicle sticks and go home to help grandma make a bird cage or something

When I grew up, I went to town to go to junior high school, and all kinds of snacks have nothing to do with her. New clothes and the like, even a New Year is a rare addition ....

The peers are eating snacks, wearing new clothes, and showing off in front of themselves ...

Why is there a unique favor for Zhang Yifan? Li Bing has always felt that he is the most unique existence in the village;

The family is rich, they do n’t like snacks, they do n’t like showing off, they do n’t like fighting for bravery, they are there silently, and the sense of existence is very low;

The only similarity is that their academic performance is very poor,

After experiencing so many gaps, Li Bing cannot be said to be numb, at least to say that he is already used to it.

That girl has so many resources, either she worked **** her own or the hard work of her parents;

It's your achievement, I'm not jealous, I just want to be myself;

Li Bing never knew what kind of video she would be cut by Wang Beibei. When she saw it, it was already a finished product released;

Therefore, she still insists on doing what she wants to do and keeps shooting, it doesn't matter that she can't see the benefits;

Moreover, today is the annual meeting of Xiaofan brother company, it is necessary to take a more serious shot, in case some fans like it, it can be considered as a promotion for Xiaofan brother company;

So, from the beginning of filming, Li Bing showed very seriously, eating, nibbling, and even if he felt something on his lips, immediately wiped it with a paper towel, and even wiped his mouth with banknotes. Trained inside ...

This is something that is usually impossible to do at home. Even if her life has improved recently, she ate a mouthful of oily pig's feet. At most she finished eating at the water tap in the yard. Wipe your mouth twice

At this time, Li Bing only had more than 300,000 fans, which was about to break through 400,000, and was lost a lot of powder by Wang Beibei's fat pig diary;

This trip can be said to be a good opportunity for Li Bing to attract fans. However, she is not sure what a fan can do.

Unlike other Internet celebrities, Li Bing is not eating and broadcasting, and she doesn't know what to say when eating.

She simply said nothing, anyway, she didn't know what she was eating, after all, she didn't ask in advance.

Lamb chops, eaten, the taste is okay, eat them with a small mouthful, and then put down the bones, the movement is elegant;

Rainbow trout salmon, eaten a piece, not very accustomed to this taste, but the video, I barely finished eating;

Barley tea, it tastes weird ...

Pineapple fried rice, it's ok, I haven't tasted this taste, it's a little weird;

The lotus leaf chicken is a bit tender, but the meat is obviously not as delicious as the chickens raised in our yard. After returning home, take the lotus leaf and cook the chicken to see if it will taste delicious ...

If it ’s really delicious, you can invite Brother Xiaofan to eat at home;

That's how Li Bing has been recording, and he keeps thinking about his careful thinking, a little sweet;


Live broadcast is actually a boring thing, especially when broadcasting live on several platforms at the same time,

You must continue to say thank you to those who give rewards on various platforms, and then maintain the atmosphere of live broadcast;

Fortunately, Zhang Ying is familiar with this;

Signing up with the platform's anchor has some benefits, it has a fixed income, and a higher share than the average anchor, and it can also get website resources, such as push;

However, there are also disadvantages, that is, you can only broadcast and send videos on the contracted platform;

Zhang Ying didn't get a signing invitation from the live broadcast platform, but she still decided to go it alone in a short time. In fact, it was also a kind of selling for the price, which was originally unquestionable and a market economy;

When filming this live broadcast, Zhang Ying also repeatedly said that it was her honor to participate in the annual meeting of Yifan Technology, and then learn how to eat and broadcast, and slowly eat something;

The effect of the program is impossible if it is not said, but it is also very general if there is no such thing as a reward.

It ’s just an annual meeting. It ’s so good to eat.

The problem is that the audience has watched so many live broadcasts or videos, and they have long been tired of it ...

"Below, we are going to enter the draw. Before the draw, we will let everyone taste the fruits;"

"These fruits are carefully prepared by us. At the place of production, they are worth tens of thousands of dollars. We brought them here by special car because of the annual meeting;"

"Don't rush when you come to pick fruits ~ ~ Don't panic, leave it to our colleagues, we are recording the whole process, we will release it when we return to the company;" said the host;

Some employees started to stand up and, under the leadership of the team leader, went to pick the oranges they thought they could not eat ...

Zhang Ying knew that she was about to appear soon. She promised that President Wang would perform two shows;

Zhang Ying doesn't have any show except for singing;

In fact, as a webcaster, it is enough to sing.

I can cover a few good songs, maybe I can go to the show and comment on Jacky Cheung or Michael Jackson. After all, this is a social trend;

As for the fruit tree with tens of thousands of dollars, Zhang Ying really didn't think it was the same thing, isn't it Shatang orange, where can it be delicious?

This orange is very sweet and very high in sweetness. It is almost impossible to taste sour fruit unless you have to eat a green peel.

This thing, a tree is four or fifty pounds, it may be more, or less, and you can buy two or three hundred dollars for the fruit.

What kind of long-distance transportation is done, and even the trees that are transported together are all gimmicks, which is meaningless.

Then Zhang Ying noticed that the employee who had picked up two fruits before leaving turned back twice, even a bit wanting to go back;

That was a female employee, and it was quite beautiful. Everyone else picked five or six fruits. She picked two, then peeled one as she walked and sent it to the entrance ....

Is this fruit really delicious?

Zhang Ying was a little confused, but she didn't dare to make trouble, because she was not from the company after all, and she didn't dare to move those things without permission.

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