MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 220 : Hou Gang's thoughts

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Shatang Orange, Wang Beibei has already bought hundreds of trees. This does not seem to be a large quantity, but for a product that has not yet sold any products, the risk of such goods is already great;

Originally, Wang Beibei planned to bring this product to 10,000 pieces, which would cost about six million yuan;

Buying fruit trees requires money, and asking people to work also requires money. Buying flower pots and the like also costs a lot;

The rest of the money, Wang Beibei intends to invest in promotion ... A little famous food broadcast, how to spend tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, no matter how few people will not do it.

Some of the goods will be smashed in the hands, but it can ensure that the company will not be out of stock;

The idea is right. The company that just started is out of stock at once, that is a catastrophic event;

It may not matter if the electronic product is cut off, but the fruit is sold all over the country, not to mention that it sells so expensive ...

This plan was directly interrupted by Zhang Yifan. Even if it was only to raise a thousand fruit trees, at least one thousand Zhang Yifan's fly killers would be used;

In other words, it will cost tens of millions of yuan at once;

If you want to advertise, you will not have the effect of killing fruit flies. If you want to kill fruit flies, you will have to lower the promotion budget again;

In front of Wang Beibei, that is the choice of fish and bear's paw;

Wang Beibei thought again and again, and even every day, he was holding a bowl and watching the ‘fruit forest’ in the waste recycling yard ....

Looking at the lingering fruit fly, and then looking at the fruit tree whose fruit color is really not healthy, Wang Beibei finally gritted his teeth: dried up!

He called and asked Zhang Yifan to urgently ship a thousand sets of laser fly extinguishers, without express delivery. The direct contact was by air ...

There is also a reason to be willing to make such a fight. Laser pest control is indeed a gimmick, which makes the fruit upscale in an instant;

Moreover, this laser fly killer is naturally impossible to give to customers as a gift. If you want this fly killer, you have to add money ...

There are many ways to prevent mosquitoes in the house, whether it is screens or mosquito killers, mosquito repellent devices, or electric mosquito coils, which are sufficient for ordinary households.

Who would be willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy such a tool to kill mosquitoes?

So Wang Beibei didn't make any illusions about it, he just regarded it as a gimmick, because this ridiculously expensive orange did not have enough gimmicks;

Every day, they play the world's classics and water them with mineral water collected from deep mountains ...

These are all old-fashioned methods. Of course, they still have to be used, and they have videos, but the effect should be small ...

And this laser exterminator is absolutely unique in the world. At least now, if others want to imitate it, they will not be able to do it for a while ...

As for the cost of promotion, Wang Beibei is already considering another method to reduce the cost as much as possible .... Anyway, users who watch short videos are originally watching a lively, and few will really buy such expensive thing;

This time, even Li Bing, Wang Beibei didn't really want to make her idea, because the fat pig's weight loss videos were continuously updated, which made her a lot less attention there.

In fact, based on Wang Beibei's character, guilt is naturally beyond mention. He is mainly worried that Zhang Yifan will trouble him afterwards ...

Within two days, the fly killer was produced and shipped to Wang Beibei's hands;

When Xincheng Electronics was there, Zhang Yifan said that it would be easy to change what products to produce;

Xincheng Electronics now almost uses Yifan Technology as a big Buddha to provide, not to mention the high cost of foundry, the order is quite stable, and it can continue to launch new products, allowing them to expand their production lines.

If it is not for a short period of time, Yifan Technology is already enough to become the largest customer of Xincheng Electronics;

After so many months of cooperation, they also made a lot of money. When the electronics foundry industry slowly moved to Southeast Asia, and the profits were gradually lowered, they could not only submit a satisfactory answer to the shareholders, Can at least have a fat year ...

After getting the laser fly extinguisher, Wang Beibei was the first person to find someone to install it. Not only did he use all three workers in the original waste recycling station, he also hired a few electricians. To supply electricity, you need to pull the line, and you have to consider everything like waterproofing;

A group of people have been busy for more than half a day. After installing these fly killers, Wang Beibei's first time was to shoot videos;

Recorded the process of killing flies, especially the process of hitting fruit flies with a laser. To this end, he also specifically found a relatively famous wedding photographer in the county seat;

For no other reason, when he used his mobile phone or Xiaoqing to record, he always recorded poorly, and when editing, he always felt that the visual impact of the picture was insufficient;

Wang Beibei gave up later, he felt that his equipment was not professional enough, mainly because of equipment problems, and had little to do with his skills.

The photographer who spent a lot of money spent more than an hour in the ‘orchard’ and finally recorded the picture Wang Beibei wanted;

However, as soon as he turned out of Wang Beibei's house, he went outside and started to boast: "Today I finally learned what is called the antiaircraft artillery to hit mosquitoes, and the technology is really a cow!"

In order to verify the authenticity of what he said, he even cut a short video of himself and sent it to the circle of friends-this was obtained by Wang Beibei's oral permission;

In the field of wedding photography, if the employer does not allow it, he will circulate the pictures he has taken, and at a younger age, it is a bad word of mouth. At an older age, the employer can even sue him for infringing the right of portraiture;

So this photographer is also very careful, but this time in Wang Beibei, he didn't capture anyone's face, or even shot people at all;

The shot is just a process of a fly killing machine that doesn't know where it is, automatically detecting the mosquitoes that fly, and then shooting it down with a laser;

Will Wang Beibei be afraid of this thing leaking out?

No, he still hates others not knowing it. This is lack of promotion funds. The more people publicize, the better, not afraid of lack of popularity. Buying or not buying is another matter. !!

Yang County is just a small county below Yang City. There are many shortcomings in small places, but it also has the advantage that there is less news and less circles;

If something like a laser fly extinguisher is thrown into a big city like Shenzhen or Zhushi, it won't make any waves at all;

So many news all day long, so many circle of friends, who has the time to ignore such a small thing?

However, Yangxian County is different. It is just life, not work. For example, a teacher may know many government officials because their children may be studying in his class.

A restaurant owner, he knows not only some people in the business world, but also all kinds of people, including people from all walks of life, including civil servants, even the host of a wedding company;

Because these are customers, maybe an ordinary worker working in a wedding company, his relatives and friends are about to host a wedding banquet, just because he has a little connection with him, this business may fall into his own home ....

For another example, a traffic policeman may know people from all walks of life, such as gas stations, schools, communities, and even insurance companies;

This is not a violation, Hua Hua is also a human society, and civil servants are also social. It is normal for people who have met many times to talk and make friends.

The more you want to do things in a small place, sometimes it really depends on the relationship. The big cities are not the same. They do n’t matter if they are in place. It ca n’t be done here, or the person ca n’t do it.

This is not the case in small places. If you want to do this well, you can only have this channel, and on this channel, you may really have to face such a person ..... he is going to follow you. I really don't know who will suffer ...

Time is running out, nothing is done, or it takes a lot of effort to skip this person to open up all kinds of joints, but the result is not satisfactory ....

The so-called Yama King is good, the little ghost is difficult to entangle, this is the truth ...

Therefore, the more people mixed in a small place, the more they will value their connections. Regardless of the three religions and the nine streams, as long as they are not committed as criminals, they can not be sinned ....

Of course, those with high positions and powers will not necessarily follow this path, because others will give a little bit of face, even if it is too late;

How high the social status of the photographer of the wedding company is really hard to say, but there are definitely many people in his circle of friends;

Because when the wedding event is undertaken, the contact information of the employer is basically added, and now the most common one is WeChat ...

You have to communicate the process before the filming, the focus of the filming, and so on, once in life-at least when many people were married, they actually made the decision once.

So you have to shoot well, you can get the scene, the momentum, and the most beautiful gesture of the bride's wedding ...

Some employers even bring a little flattering to photographers and hosts, fearing that the other party will make money even if they get money ...

Do you have to take a photo after the wedding?

Got a video? The editing right is still in the hands of the photographer, a wedding company in a small county, it is impossible to spend money to hire an editor ...

Therefore, I still have constant communication with the employer, who can leave a reputation in this small place, whether the technology is good or not, the attitude is definitely good, and the relationship with the employer is definitely not bad;

So after the order is basically settled, the employer generally does not delete or blacken the photographer. In case his relatives and friends want to use it, he is an acquaintance and can help counter-offer it.

For photographers, the scope of employers is very wide, basically from all walks of life, it is not surprising that WeChat has thousands of friends ...

In fact, he sent a circle of friends, in fact, he just wanted to send a sigh, tens of pounds of Shatang oranges for 6,000 yuan, unheard of, never seen before;

With my own income, I would never dare to buy this fruit tree to try something new, which is to sigh, I do n’t understand the world of rich people ...

However, this orange tree is protected by an insecticide with tens of thousands of dollars. It is worth 6,000 yuan in the end, which is really bad evaluation;

After all, the cost of others is there, using lasers to fight flying insects, isn't this great?

Moreover, I went to record the entire video myself, without any fake;

Taste or something, hundreds of dollars a pound of Shatang oranges, I will not try it myself, the street Shatang oranges are two or three dollars a pound, buying this stuff is purely to stop yourself

As for the value, let everyone comment. Anyway, I just want to give some praise and comments, because I am afraid of being forgotten when I do this business, and no one takes care of the business, in fact, I am nothing;


Leisure restaurant,

Hou Gang has actually been very good in recent days. Since the vegetable garden was contracted and organic fertilizer was used, the business of the restaurant has greatly improved, and has even successfully undertaken many wedding banquets;

For a wedding banquet, in fact, the profit of the restaurant is just average, because there must be a lot of space for the wedding banquet area, and a lot of preparation must be made in advance;

The important point is that when general guests come to see a wedding reception, they will most likely choose to go to a different place to eat instead of sitting beside the wedding banquet ... even in private rooms, some discerning guests still cannot accept it ;

However, being able to accept a large number of wedding banquets also means that the quality of the hotel is high enough in the same area.

The population in Yangxian County is actually not large, only about 100,000 people. A large part of the people who hold wedding banquets in the county are from towns and villages;

Rural wedding banquets, in fact, have some dedicated mobile wedding banquet teams, from tables and chairs to sheds and even air-conditioning. They can do everything they can think of;

If you come to the county to host a wedding banquet, if it is not for the convenience of most of your relatives and friends, it is actually a picture and a pomp;

Before using his own vegetable garden, it was almost a year that Kang Gang's leisure restaurant could not receive orders for one or two wedding banquets. This was not a question of price but a question of grade;

But now, Hou Gang is already thinking about whether to reduce the business of accepting wedding banquets, because it will not bring long-term passenger flow, but it will affect some old customers who have come to eat habits;

The wedding table does not need two vegetarian dishes, and this is their own advantage, not to mention that some middle-aged and elderly people also have some bad habits, that is, when the dishes come on stage, some people take things to pack and eat nothing ....

When you bring this dish back, it completely affects the taste, and more importantly, the green vegetables that have just been regarded as the top priority are generally not packaged by anyone;

Hou Gang feels that if this continues, the leisure restaurant will be in the public restaurant .....

This is also a question of trade-offs. The question is, can't he bother to wait on both sides. Is it necessary to improve the quality of the hotel or attract more vegetarians? This is difficult ...

However, before making a decision, Hou Gang is still concerned about some potential customers that can bring in customers;

Such as Huang photography!

"More than a hundred dollars a pound of Shatang Orange, I finally discovered the secret that it is so expensive!"

Under normal circumstances, when he saw a circle of friends with exaggerated titles, he would like to like it, regardless of the content, this is not important to him.

All he has to do is try his best to open a restaurant by himself. The more friends he has, the better!

No matter who you are, I just want to please you, come, be a friend, do n’t come, it ’s okay, one day you want to come out to eat, if you want to come to me, then I will have money to make, probably like this.

In the WeChat circle of friends, many of Hou Gang's friends expressed that they hated WeChat. When they saw the direct screen of the advertisement, they even blocked them when they asked for praise or vote in the circle of friends.

However, Hou Gang didn't do this. Anyone who opens a door to do business may be a guest. It does n’t matter what they send. I do n’t want to see it, so I do n’t.

But I give a thumbs up, and do n’t want money anyway .....

It ’s okay to swipe the screen, as long as you do n’t send private messages to yourself every day, and then you can get anything for free, or what activities, this is barely acceptable;

It can be said that the mentality of Hou Gang is still very good;

After seeing Huang's friend Fu's circle of friends, he liked it the first time, and then, in the next second, he clicked in;

Because I was a little curious, I just wanted to see what the fruit of more than a hundred dollars a pound looks like, and then why this master Huang convinced him ...

To Hou Gang's disappointment, the full length of the video is only ten seconds, and if you want to go deeper, you can't watch it;

In short, I saw a fruit tree that was not yet fully ripe, and then a machine that could use a laser to hit the fly, and then watched the process of hitting the fly ...

Think of it the first time ~ ~ boring!

Just kill a worm. Is there a way to use this?

Think again, it seems a bit wrong, so look again;

The fruit tree is still that fruit tree, immature, nothing to look at, but the one that hits the fruit fly is amazing!

Hou just started to think about whether to give a comment,

The county circle is small, so your comments are easy to see by relatives and friends.

No hair, and a little bit unsettled.

This technique of hitting fruit flies with laser is really very good, and it is definitely the first in modern agricultural applications.

I do n’t think it ’s interesting enough to click on the praise, after all, this play is actually produced in such a small place in Yang County;

The Chinese people have a little regional pride, no matter how well their hometown is developing, but if they scold themselves, others can't scold ....

In the same way, something good in your own place comes out, and I want to like it as much as possible, maybe it has nothing to do with myself, but I just feel that there is a little honor there

Although, at this time, Hou Gang himself didn't know where the laser fly killer was made ...

In short, he thinks this thing is very good, and the people who can invent it are great ...

Most people do n’t really think of the value of this product;

Because the idea is there, Shatang Orange, when it is expensive, five or six dollars a catty, when it is normal, one or two yuan a catty, and when it is cheap, a few cents a catty may not be bought ...

This kind of thing has no value at all. As for something like 6,000 yuan and a tree, it is like thinking about money and going crazy, there is no need to bother.

But Hou Gang was different. He felt that it was necessary to take a look.

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