MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 212 : Dividends and Discussion at the Annual Meeting

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There are not many employees of Yifan Technology, and many bonuses have been announced by Wang Beibei.

This bonus is incentive, so there is no need for confidentiality like the basic salary;

However, because of this, the employees are also happy and worried, because the amount of everyone's bonuses were all made public on the spot, including the three bosses;

The good thing is that I can get an unexpected income, the worry is that some people take more, some take less;

People who take many more are naturally very happy, not only unexpected joy, but also have a sharp contrast with colleagues, and have a great sense of accomplishment;

Especially for an intern like Li Qiang, he once received a bonus equivalent to his salary at the end of the year. He called his parents at home as soon as the meeting was over. It was reported to the home in advance;

Those who receive less will naturally be a little unhappy, but these bonuses, which are originally outside the labor contract, are reasonable even if they are not given to them;

So I can only jealously silently envy, and then think about working harder in the future, and try to pay more for the next bonus;

What are the criteria for judging the prize amount? No one knows that there is not much to do with the entry time and the basic salary;

Even who judges it is not sure, but it must be checked by the three bosses ...

If some old companies have been working for many years, under such circumstances, they may question, even show off their credit and put their qualifications;

But Yifan Technology, this set of works is not working, the company has not been established for three months, which means that most employees have not yet passed the trial period ...

If you jump out at this time, you will basically be able to cover the floor. Lexus's many years of management experience is not a joke;

Today's enterprises, especially private companies, require employees to work overtime like Huaxing, but they cannot receive benefits. Many even promises will be delayed, and it is unlikely that there will be any sudden bonus;

Can I meet a company that is as standard as Yifan Technology and is also very employee-oriented, and many employees also know that this is definitely the conscience of the industry, and leave for less bonuses than others? The fool just left!


After the conference, Zhang Yifan and the three of them did not leave the conference room, but continued the small meeting;

The company is not a listed company. Except for the tax authorities, the financial report will not be reviewed by anyone, there is no board of directors, and there is no plan to raise funds for listing;

Therefore, what is displayed in front of employees is actually a report with changes in data;

This is proposed by Lexus because the company's profit margin is too high, which is many times or even a dozen times higher than the industry average, and the investment in research and development is almost equivalent to the huge profit. zero;

The release of such data will definitely cause a sensation, and it will also attract the eyes of competitors ...

"As of last week, the company's profit was 613 million and the financial account had nearly 700 million working capital," Lexus said.

"Mr. Zhang, our company does not currently have any major projects to invest in. Is it possible to consider taking a portion of the profits out of dividends? You ca n’t just motivate employees, but also motivate senior managers," Wang Beibei said Looking at Zhang Yifan with anticipation.

He is crazy, he has no salary, no dividends, and has to pay for his own money to spend some money;

This made him feel uncomfortable, otherwise he would not look for Lexus to draw a bonus for himself;

With a profit of five or six billion yuan, even if he takes half of the dividends, his ten percent shares can be divided into tens of millions ....

Half a year ago, I was still a poor graduate who was unemployed after graduation, and half a year later, I was a multi-millionaire ...

This is almost like a dream. With Wang Beibei's personality, he can't stop seeing money, and it's really itchy.

"General Manager, what do you think?" Zhang Yifan asked Ling Zhi with a smile;

"General Manager Wang has some truth, and at the same time, I also want to talk about a problem we are facing," Lexus nodded and said, "At present, there is too much idle capital on the company account. Even if half of it is paid out, it is still too much That's more than the liquidity needed for normal operations. "

"Oh, isn't it good to have more money on the company's account, is there any harm?" Zhang Yifan asked.

"Of course it is good to have more money on the account, but the money will not turn into profit, and the interest in the bank is almost negligible;"

"So how do other companies do it?" Zhang Yifan asked again;

"Investment, such as holding some well-developed stocks or injecting some promising companies, can be recruited by professional financial managers, or the funds can be entrusted to professional investment companies," Lexus explained: "and Buying land for an industrial park or office is also an investment; "

"What do you think, President Wang?"

"It is definitely not good to put money in a bank and wait for devaluation, but we are all laymen in the investment," said Wang Beibei. "Otherwise, let's find some professional companies to understand the situation and try to invest a little money. See how it works; "

"Okay, Mr. Ling, you have a lot of connections in this area. It's hard for you to invest in consulting. After we get a plan, we will discuss how much to invest," Zhang Yifan nodded.

"I want to set up a company headquarters next year at my hometown, with a budget of about 10 million. Do you have any comments?" Zhang Yifan said again.

"Ten ten million?" Lexus frowned. "Is there too little? Even if there are local preferential policies for land acquisition, office buildings, factory buildings, etc., it will cost a lot of money for decoration?"

"A lot, we don't build a factory building, and I plan to use the land of my home. The procedure may be a bit difficult, but it should not be a big problem," Zhang Yifan said.

"This, if it is not to return to the countryside and provide a large number of employment opportunities, I suggest that the company's headquarters should still be located in the city. The more economically underdeveloped areas, the worse the company's living environment," Lexus said.

"We don't build a factory, but others can build it," Zhang Yifan laughed. "For example, I pulled Xincheng Electronics to open a branch factory and signed a long-term contract to specialize in manufacturing our products. As long as the profit is sufficient, his supply Doesn't Shang have to run over? "

"What about the staff office?"

"Don't change these for the time being. I think the company headquarters is like a mascot or an iconic building. It will be almost a year or two after a year," Zhang Yifan laughed;

At this point, Lexus had nothing to say, and Wang Beibei had no intention of arguing about it. Instead, he quietly said, "Dividends, dividends ..."

Zhang Yifan and Lexus glanced at each other, smiled, and then slowly said: "The dividend, how do you think it is appropriate to take out the dividend?"

"It doesn't matter how much I take out," Wang Beibei said.

"It's obviously that you called the most positively," Zhang Yifan said directly, and then looked at Ling Zhi: "Mr. Ling, how much do you think is more appropriate?"

"In general joint-stock companies, the president proposes a dividend plan, which is discussed and approved by the board of directors to distribute dividends. I don't have much experience in this area. According to what I have seen in the past, 30% to 50% of the company's net profit Come and share, "Lexus said, spreading his hands.

"Let ’s do this, let ’s divide according to the lowest percentage that President Ling said," said Zhang Yifan. "Come round, divide 200 million. President Wang, you are 20 million, and President Ling is 6 million. Okay. It's pretty good. "

Lexus froze for a moment, then immediately reacted, got up and applauded: "Okay!"

Wang Beibei also has everything to learn, stand up and applaud, now he is finally a big money!

"There is still a problem. It seems that the New Year will be over a month later. The company is definitely going to hold an annual meeting. I don't know what our budget is about?" Lei Zhi asked at this time.

"Mr. Ling has always been prepared to do things. You must have a plan over there. Let me show it first," Wang Beibei asked. When he heard that the dividend plan was finalized, he was full of energy. God is completely different and behaves particularly positively;

"The company's current total number of people is 81. There are 32 people in the Zhushi branch and 49 people in Quancheng. If you go to the hotel separately to book the tail teeth, you can only book small and medium-sized private rooms. , Each person's budget is within two hundred yuan; "

"So cheap?" Wang Beibei was a little disappointed;

"Of course, there is also a routine draw for the tail tooth. The highest prize is 10,000 yuan, and a 100,000 yuan bonus is required;" Lexus said: "This kind of bonus ratio is considered to be in the middle of the industry;"

"We have also considered another option, which is to organize a tour, and there are two types of tourism annual meetings;"

"One way is to organize two short-distance tours separately. For example, on the Pearl City side, an island two-day and one-night tour is organized, and the Quancheng side also organizes a similar one. In this case, the total cost will be about 100,000 yuan; "

"The other is to find a scenic spot and organize employees in both places to play for three to four days, which costs about half a million;"

"Why didn't you consider abroad?" Wang Beibei asked, thinking that he was about to receive a 20 million dividend, and he was all floating;

“It ’s not that I have n’t thought about it. In fact, we have also calculated that the cost of going to some Southeast Asian countries is about the same as domestic travel, but many colleagues have not yet applied for a passport. It ’s not realistic for everyone to do a good job in a short time.” Difficult to say.

"It's only half a million. I went out myself and went to the annual tourism conference," Zhang Yifan said.

"Let ’s draw the money for the lottery. One hundred thousand is too small, and I also draw half a million," Wang Beibei said;

"Two people, this is not in accordance with the rules, public and private, private and private. It would be messy if you all did this. You all took the money, and it seemed like I was stingy if I did n’t do it, but what happened if I did. "Lexus laughed bitterly;

"Everyone decides to come up with a plan. When it is implemented, the finance will naturally follow the company's reimbursement process. There is no reason for everyone to pay their own money to hold events for the company, because we will organize more activities in the future;"

"It ’s not just the tail teeth. After the Chinese New Year, we have to invite employees to have a meal? Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, we have to buy gifts for employees to eat, right? We ca n’t always be private sponsors. What does it look like? "

"The annual tourism, this is basically every company, but just how much the budget, we definitely want to do; there are expansion training, on-the-job training, these HR departments have formulated a complete annual plan, ready to be in GDP Reported at the meeting; "

"What GDP meeting?" Wang Beibei asked.

"It's the annual development plan meeting. We not only have an annual department development plan, give the following people a direction, otherwise, everyone is like a group of headless flies; but we also need to analyze the employees' personal strengths and weaknesses, and their personal career Development plan, "Lexus said.

Zhang Yifan thought about it very seriously, then said helplessly, "I have no plans here ..."

Wang Beibei looked left and right, right, no squeak ...

"This naturally does not require two bosses to do these trivial things. You are the helm of the company, and the voyage of the sea depends on the helmsman. You can control the general direction of the company. How can you waste your energy to get these? These are for some Tools for lower and middle level employees; "

"In short, I will do a good job of the development plan, including the key indicators of the functions of each position will be set, when the two help just check," Ling Zhi said with a smile.

"Okay, that's it," Wang Beibei said. "This year's event, the company's profit is very good this year. I suggest 500,000 yuan in tourism funding, plus a two million raffle bonus. What do you think?"

"I feel good," Zhang Yifan nodded.

"But I think the prize draw is a bit high. We only had eighty-one people. We removed the three of us, which was more than seventy people. On average, one person was almost 30,000 yuan. Even if it is not the highest in the industry, it is very high. , "Lexus said insultably:

"This is not the same as giving bonuses to employees. Bonuses are decided based on the company's performance. However, the prize pool for drawing is so high this year and if it is low next year, employees may not say it. Something lost ... "

"Our company does not yet have a product with high market demand and relatively stable replacement. It may not be able to maintain the current huge profits .... I believe in the potential of the company, and we have very few employees, even if the profit is less, it can be maintained. This expense, but the biggest drawback is that such a large amount of bonuses may cause accidental employee turnover ... "

"This, is there any other statement?" Wang Beibei asked.

"Like, for example, an electronics foundry, the average salary of their production line employees is 3,000 yuan, and the annual conference draws a prize of 20,000 yuan. Maybe this employee will leave, because this is equivalent to him Winning the middle prize is equal to half a year's salary, "Lexus said.

"Although our company does not have first-line employees, internships like Li Qiang or some civilian positions, in fact, the salary is not much higher than first-line employees. If a two million prize pool is set up and more than seventy people will draw prizes, what about the big prize? It is said that there must be at least two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand, an employee with a monthly salary of 4,000 to 5,000 yuan, and suddenly received a five-year salary, what do you think? "

"He will have a great chance to resign, because he finds that he suddenly gets money that will take him a few years of hard work, so he will swell and get lost. With this money, he will find that his own It's no longer attractive to be paid! ”Lexus said earnestly.

"That's good, you can eliminate some people who don't want to grow with the company, such short-sighted people, don't bother," Zhang Yifan said.

"Mr. Zhang and Ms. Ling made a lot of sense. I didn't think about it. I just thought about it. If this situation falls on me, I may choose to resign," Wang Beibei said, "but , Can we think about it from another angle? "

"We give bonuses to increase employees' sense of belonging and pride through this. The company has made money, and everyone has money, right?" Wang Beibei continued, "The annual conference draw is the same, but if only The bonus is only cash. Some people do have money in their hands and do not want to work .... but the impact is also very positive. Others will be jealous. Our company will give job seekers a feeling of being generous, and even can The benefits of being the best employer are far better than losing your employees ... "

"Also, can we change the way, for example, the special prize, we assume that it is a BMW car, most of the company's employees are men, and he must be thinking of a good car. After getting the car, he has to go On the card, he has to pay for the tax insurance or anything. We only reward the car. If he has no money ~ ~, he has to borrow money to do this; "

"With foreign debt and driving the BMW won by the company's raffle, is he still willing to leave?" Wang Beibei said with a little pride: "Alternatively, we can set the jackpot as a home purchase fee, not much, only hundreds of thousands. .... "

This remark is a bit drifting, half an hour ago, Wang Beibei didn't even have tens of thousands of yuan ...

"Hundreds of thousands, whether in Quancheng or Pearl City, can't buy a house, and the money stipulated that the company can only be used for employees to buy a house by themselves, or even stipulate that employees before the house offer to leave, buy money Void, what will employees do? Go away, the money is gone; if you do n’t go, you have to back the mortgage; "

"That would work, isn't it to add a requirement that employees who have won a special award should not leave within one year?" Lexus asked.

"It's totally unnecessary. He got this money to buy a house, so there's no need to restrict him. If he has a good home, then he'll leave. There is no way. The attraction of our company is indeed Not as good as others, then admit it, but he will be included in the list of never hired, "Wang Beibei said.

"It looks like we lost money on one or two people, but we have stabilized the hearts of others. The company is arrogant and kind. What if one day we can win a big prize?" Wang Beibei said, laughing. Already.

"General Manager Wang is right, I think this bonus can be mentioned five million, and the company is not bad for that," Zhang Yifan said.

Lexus also nodded at this time. Before, it was just brought to it by previous practices, but at a glance, it was clear where the problem was. Foreign capital came over to make money. Try to spend as little as possible, but the current boss is different. They want to Get famous and build momentum!

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