MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 208 : Zhang Yifan's Ambition

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During the conference call, Zhang Yifan said, "Xiao Bei, the weight-loss helmets look good. You look at the opportunity to bring our smoking cessation helmets to the market, and my quit drinking side is starting to look a little bit frantic."

Wang Beibei was dumbfounded. If Lexus was not involved in the conference call, he would complain directly;

Zhang Yifan doesn't seem to pay much attention to the official website. Yifan Technology's weight loss helmets are sold a lot, but they are bad reviews!

If you do not have your own official website sales channel, I am afraid that Taobao Tmall will have to close the store and ban the sale. The proportion of negative reviews is too high, which is higher than that of stores that specialize in counterfeit goods.

From Wang Beibei's point of view, what should I do to lose weight? Why do you have to be so radical?

Whom will you get a knock on your head, who won't be annoyed?

Wang Beibei has experienced the pain of smoking cessation helmets personally. If there was no place to go on the research institute side, he would rather not step into the room of expert Li and Zhang Yifan-nothing to find the crime! ,

Later, there was nothing to endure. It became a habit. When I wanted to smoke, I took off my helmet and smoked.

But users don't think so, who wants to spend money on suffering?

However, in front of Lexus, Wang Beibei was a little unconvinced. He felt that Lexus had taken advantage of it. The refrigeration helmet can bring comfort to workers, which is indeed very practical.

Those who work under the sun, who don't want to cool themselves, that's a good sales;

But the products assigned to them are those that bring unpleasant experience to the users. It ’s no wonder that they sell well .... Is this a bit unfair?

"Okay, I'll do a batch of trial production first and see how the market responds;" Wang Beibei responded.

In fact, at this time, he didn't even have a little heart in his mind. He could use the popularity accumulated by Li Bing even if he lost weight helmet. Although he said that using a fat pig to demonstrate weight loss was really not very authentic, and it was welcoming sales;

However, the product has been sold a lot, and the effect is very significant. Even Lexus had to praise it;

This smoking cessation helmet, there is no way at all, can it be a pig or a dog to quit smoking? Just kidding.

Wang Beibei has a good candidate for demonstrating smoking cessation, such as Zhang Yifan's father, who is an old smoking gun and has a bad temper;

Let him demonstrate that the helmet for smoking cessation is more appropriate, but Wang Beibei felt that the masters would take down the helmet as soon as possible ...

This time, even if it is willing to spend money to find a star, it is useless;

Before the weight-loss helmet, it can be said that you can spend some money to find some obese stars like Jia Ling and Wu Mengda for endorsements and demonstrations;

It's not the turn to quit smoking. The reason why stars are stars is that most of them cherish feathers. Generally, they will not show a bad hobby such as tobacco and alcohol in front of the media, nor are they without smokers Most are secretly sucking points.

There is one more point. Behind the quit smoking issue, there are hundreds of thousands of employees in the benefits of a super enterprise, many people have to weigh it.

How to do?

Wang Beibei decided to develop an ingenious marketing method-before selling, he should thoroughly understand with Zhang Yifan, telling him that this gadget is not likely to sell much;

Next, Wang Beibei launched an event where users who bought a weight-loss helmet can buy a smoking cessation helmet at Yifan Technology's official website at a 10% discount.

This decision is the result of Wang Beibei's data analysis;

Nearly 80% of users who purchased weight-loss helmets are female users;

Well, even if half of these female users are unmarried, there are still many users who already have a family or have a fixed love partner;

Wang Beibei thought of such a marketing method, which also took into account psychology;

For example, when a woman goes back to buy an LV bag, a man in his or her family will certainly show more or less perseverance or even complain;

However, if you buy an LV bag, then send a dozen men's socks, or a few pairs of bottoms, and take it back, as long as you speak properly, the man will be very grateful;

So, now that the old lady wants to lose weight, in order to make you happy as a man, you have the face to take out, and you can endure the pain of this bullying. As a man, why ca n’t you consider the health of your family and endure the same pain to quit smoking ?

If this is not possible, how can we live that day?


Yifan Technology's official website, in fact, there are not many views;

It is not a news site, nor is it like Taobao, which has a large number of products and goods to choose from;

The reason why it is still a bit hot is that users spit up and comment badly in the forum ...

The people who vomit bad and bad reviews are often full-time wives who are full and have nothing to do. Even if it is a working woman, she has to go to work, not spending so much time.

So when these full-time wives saw that there was such a smoking cessation artifact and its function was similar to that of weight loss, many of them chose to let their husbands experience it ...

This is the same as the pain experience in some hospitals or maternity and childcare keys. Let men experience the pain of childbirth during delivery. I do n’t know who came up with the idea, but everyone who has experienced it knows that. Spend money on suffering ...

I spent a sum of money, and then suffered half an hour and an hour of pain, and finally had to say to my wife, "You worked hard ..."

This is not something that ordinary people can do!

But there are so many people who are willing to spend money to accept this crime. It's a bit ugly. It makes people feel more appropriate for a meal. If they don't feel right, they can try to use crickets .... And do n’t have to spend any money;

So Wang Beibei feels that this is the most promising route-the wife's route.


There is really no technical content in the manufacture of helmets. Yifan Technology has only a few products, and there are few fans loyal to the brand;

Many different types of helmets were soon introduced on the market, and there were even weight-loss products such as belts and vests, and their common feature was that the price was much cheaper than Yifan's weight-loss helmets, and some even half Less than

These products will undoubtedly have an impact on Wang Beibei's weight-loss helmet. This is like saying that the home needs to be equipped with an air conditioner. Whether it is beautiful or Gree, it depends on the brand;

Once a choice is made, if there is no major quality problem, it will basically not be replaced for a few years ...

In fact, there can be more than one user of this long-term product, because one person runs out and can be given to a second person, which makes the purchase cycle very long ...

However, technology is not something that can be learned in a short while.

And these cottage products, or can't be said to be cottages, are just copying creative products and forming an assist for Yifan Technology on the side;

Put on Yifan Technology's weight-loss helmet, then, with the camera and intelligent program recognition, it can play the role of a portable nutritionist;

But imitated products cannot achieve this effect, because they do not have this technical strength;

This is like fat meat. Before cutting it, you can tell it is fat meat using a camera and screen recognition software, but how do you distinguish it from tofu after being fried?

At the same time, using volume to measure is also a big problem. How can you judge how many grams of rice and spoon are in a chopstick?

These are all forgotten, and the vague method can probably be used to confuse the pass;

However, if Yifan Technology's helmet found that the user had violated the rules, it would be a simple and crude warning;

And these imitations dare not do this action. The most violent is to use the way of thinking like a monk to persuade users to stop breaking the rules;

It's not that they can't play with their brains, but they dare not, because, once such a manufacturer, they can directly learn Yifan Technology to play with their brains. As a result, within a few days, some users directly called 12315;


Because she was eating vegetarian food at the time, a piece of tofu, and then the helmet bounced her brain, and after reading the unlock word, she was still playing, so she was furious ...

After reporting to the industry and commerce, it is not a problem. This user also posted his painful experience on the Internet, saying that he should not spend money on these bargains and the like, and finally named the corporate brand ...

Resonance is a double-edged sword. Everyone says yes, that is, bad is also good, but a user is dissatisfied with this thing, but he also talked about the point, which triggered the sympathy of others, that is very Oh no....

As a result, users of that brand of weight-loss helmets have been returned by users, and the negative reviews are rushing. Compared with the negative reviews of Yifan Technology, it is like heaven and underground ...

Wang Beibei ’s pressure suddenly became much smaller, because he suddenly found that the comments on the official website began to have some biases: “Yifan ’s weight-loss helmet is indeed scumming and not humane, but compared to that XX company ’s cottage helmet, That was really made by conscience ... "

"I thought that Yifan's weight-loss helmet was garbage, but after seeing other helmets used by others, I discovered that Yifan's helmet, even if it was garbage, was a fighter in the garbage ..."

There are actually rules in the market. Anyone can grab a hot market, such as a sweeper. Domestically, dozens of brands have been produced, and all of them live well, as long as the product is well-made;

However, when some specific markets enter the market, they face many challenges, and an incorrect decision can make a company a disaster .....


Zhang Yifan did not pay attention to things like Wang Beibei ’s weight-loss helmet, nor did he have the time to read online reviews;

He just felt that it was very professional to make a helmet himself;

Starting from the thermostatic helmet, it seems that everything launched has not failed.

Weight-loss helmet, then go to the smoking cessation helmet, and then prepare to get a smoking cessation helmet ...

Zhang Yifan's idea is very simple. Now that you can't restrain yourself, then spend some money to buy a helmet and go back to restrain yourself ...

As for the mobile phone addiction or internet addiction helmet, Zhang Yifan didn't think too much. He just felt that if he had been suffering, should he be forced on others?

Previously, I was not good at studying, and looking at the textbooks, I couldn't see any fame, anyway, I couldn't learn anymore;

It is not technically difficult to force these minors to learn;

The HD camera with auto zoom can tell what this user is looking at, and even regulate which page he is watching and which text he is learning ...

Just do n’t do anything to others ...

It ’s a trivial matter to drive the scum to madness;

If you get a bunch of nerds for Hua Guo, that would be too much sin ...

However, this is a huge market again. How many primary and secondary students nationwide?

Not to mention more, there must be thousands, and coupled with the second child policy, it is not necessary to double it up ....

Not to mention that everyone can use it, after all, there are some school tyrants, he does not need parents to force management, he will also learn independently;

Then exclude those who are not willing to learn, and those who do not listen to what parents say, and those who cannot afford a helmet;

Well, there are almost 20% to 30% of potential users, and 20% to 30% of elementary and middle school students have a user group of millions or even tens of millions;

What's the situation of education in China?

The distribution of educational resources has determined that the possibility of talents coming out of the cold is getting lower and lower;

Due to the massive flow of human resources to developed areas, the situation of left-behind in rural areas has become increasingly serious ~ ~ Some villages, such as Nali Village where Zhang Yifan is located, except for some families that have developed in their hometown, Most adults go out to work ...

The children of these families, not to mention being disciplined by their parents, it is often difficult to meet their parents;

In the grandparents' generation, many people were still illiterate and could not do tutoring assignments. Moreover, their children went out to work and their living conditions at home gradually improved.

It ’s almost what grandchildren say, and they do n’t listen anyway. Let them have enough food and warm clothes to live happily.

As for not doing homework, playing mobile phones, playing games? The old man did n’t understand it. Even if he knew it, how could he have the energy to manage so much and run faster than himself?

At the same time, those of the same age in the city don't say that the teachers are strong. After class, parents still need to tutor their homework, and they are still taking various tutoring classes and interest classes ...

This is really a loss on the starting line. No matter how hard the rural children work, he can still get some learning resources by his own efforts, just like their parents did decades ago.

What's more, this does not include the inferiority of the emotional quotient in life .... A child brought up by grandparents has more or less flaws in his character, and he is not optimistic in dealing with people. ...

Zhang Yifan has a bold idea, can he create something that will allow left-behind children in the countryside and the city to stand on the same starting line ...

This thing is not to let them get rid of tools like mobile phones or IPAD, but how to make them accept more knowledge and then know what the outside world looks like ...

This is a road, a long way to go, and a long way to go.

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