MTL - The Best Of You-Chapter 66

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There was no longer a secret between Sun Tiantian and Shen Nianshen, and those dark eyes finally lost their minds.

Sun Tiantian felt that Shen Nianchen was more cheerful than before. When he looked at her and smiled, she could see him in his heart and feel his happiness from the heart.

After December, it was another tense final exam. Shen Nian was busy working on credits, soaking the library every day. Sun Tiantian stayed with him for a few days, but later he felt too bored and didn't stay with him. For this reason, Shen Nianshen still had a small complaint, "How do I think you are not as sticky as I used to be?"

Sun Tiantian was holding Bao Zheng preparing to leave, and Shen Nian deeply held his hand. She couldn't help laughing, she leaned down and smiled and touched his face. "Experts said that distance produces beauty, so we don't stick to it anytime, anywhere Together. "

"Where's the expert?" Shen Nian frowned deeply, then pulled her wrist slightly, pulled Sun Tiantian back to the side stool, held her pen in her right hand, and held her hand with a domineering left hand, "accompany me."

Ever since she and Shen Nianshen completely cared for each other, their relationship seemed to have risen to another level.

Sun Tiantian squinted and laughed, leaned to Shen Nianshen, leaned on his side, hugged his arms, his head resting on his shoulders, raised his eyes, and looked at him with a smile, "Shen Nianshen, you are overbearing."

Shen Nian looked down at her with a little smile, "Well, don't you like it?"

"Like." Sun Tiantian laughed, looked up and kissed Shen Nian's deep lips.

Shen Nianshen is more and more expressing his feelings. He likes to say, and kisses her when he thinks about it. He is more and more love lover. Every time he says love lover, he is unkempt, but loves it.

As a sophomore, Sun Tiantian was not very busy at the end of the term. After reviewing the content to be tested, he took a shower at night and sat at the desk with his legs crossed to surf the Internet.

Cheng Duo washes his clothes on the balcony, and after entering, he sees that Sun Tiantian's entire head is going into the computer. She was curious, and she glanced over to see, "What are you looking at?"

She looked on the computer and read the words on the webpage. "Boyfriend's birthday, what gift should I give?"

After Cheng Duo finished reading, he laughed aloud, "Did you not give Shen Nian deeper than his birthday?"

Sun Tiantian: "Yeah, I made his birthday cake for myself last year."

Cheng Duo has been to Sun Tiantian ’s house and has eaten her own dishes. When she heard this, her eyes drew, “Can you eat the cake you made yourself?”

Sun Tiantian: "........."

Cheng Duo laughed again, walked to the side, took off his shoes and crawled on the bed, and laughed: "But if your family is so deep, even if you make it unpalatable, it is estimated that he will eat it. If you finish it, you may even boast praise you."

"No, the cake I made last time was delicious."

Well, it's just a little bit sweeter.

It's not long since Shen Nianshen's birthday, and Sun Tiantian thought about it for a few days and didn't figure out what to give him.

Lying in bed at night, the roommates started brainstorming.

Cheng Duo: "Send a wallet?"

Xie Yan: "Send the belt, you can tie your boyfriend to death!"

Then he laughed.

Sun Tiantian couldn't help laughing, "You can't run without it."

Cheng Duo said, "Oh, hello." "Did you eat your family deeply?"

Sun Tiantian laughed and said, "Don't he eat me too hard?"

Cheng Duo: "It looks like you two are going to linger for a lifetime."

Sun Tiantian grinned, "Of course."

It is impossible for her and Shen Nianshen to be separated in this life.

Cheng Duo thought for a while, and then said, "Would you like to buy him a dress? Like last time, make up a couple suit?"

Sun Tiantian thought about it and shook his head: "Cloths can be bought at any time, and birthdays need to be special."

Xie Yan: "Special? Would you like to cook for him?"

Sun Tiantian: "..."

Cheng Duo laughed loudly, "Come on, letting Tian Tian cook is a waste of food."

Sun Tiantian: "..."

Everyone discussed for a long time, and gave clothes, shoes, and wallets everything. Sun Tiantian didn't like it.

Cheng Duoyou sighed, "You still think about it, anyway, as long as you send it, Shen Nianshen will like it."

Sun Tiantian was thinking, Shen Nianshen just called.

The roommates were not asleep, and it was cold in winter. Sun Tiantian didn't want to get up from the warm quilt, so he thought about talking with Shen Nian while in the quilt.

I just answered the phone and hadn't had time to talk. Xie Yan on the bed suddenly shouted, "I have it!"

Xie Yan poked her head out of the mosquito net excitedly and exclaimed: "Tian Tian! I thought of it! You can give yourself to Shen Nianshen!"

The sound was so loud that Sun Tiantian almost got out of bed.

At the other end of the phone, Shen Nianshen sat at the desk and just closed the book, ready to go out to chat with Sun Tiantian. Suddenly he heard this sentence, and he couldn't help laughing.

Sun Tiantian heard Shen Nian's low laughter on that end, and his face turned red, and said embarrassingly, "You ... wait for me, I'll go outside and tell you."

With that said, he climbed out of the bed, rolled over, and climbed down the bed on the escalator.

"Clot more." Shen Nianshen's voice came from the phone.

Sun Tiantian snorted, got out of bed, put the phone on the table, and wrapped in a down jacket. Then he picked up the phone and ran out.

Passing by Xie Yan's bed, she raised her hand and rubbed her head.

This girl killed her.

Out of the dormitory, ran to the yard outside the dormitory building.

The dormitory has been out of lights for a while, the whole building is quiet and quiet.

At the other end, Shen Nianshen had already walked to the yard outside the dormitory, and there was a little hidden smile in his voice, "Come out?"

Sun Tiantian said a hump, thinking of Xie Yan's sentence just now, her face was a little red, and she whispered: "That ... just ... did you hear that?"

Shen Nian smiled slightly, raised her eyebrows, and teased her, "Which sentence?"

Sun Tiantian: "... that's the sentence, Xie Yan said ..." Speaking at the back, the voice went down.

On the other side of the phone, Shen Nian's eyebrows were full of smiles, "Give me yourself a gift?"

Sun Tiantian: "..."

Shen Nianshen couldn't help laughing, "Well, I heard."

Sun Tiantian's face turned redder instantly. The cold wind roared at night, but her face was very hot, like a fever.

Although I almost wiped out the gun with Shen Nian at the hotel last time, but that time was because I was drunk and had the energy to drink, so I was bolder. But in fact, she was still very shy about such things.

Shen Nianshen's voice came again, and whispered to her, "A birthday present?"

Sun Tiantian snorted, shook her head shyly, and stepped on a tree stick on the ground in boring feet.

The wind blew in my ears. After a while, Sun Tiantian didn't know where the courage came from. He pursed his lips and whispered, "Do you want it?"

At the other end of the phone, Shen Nianshen said a little tightly, inexplicably, suddenly remembering the hotel that night, he was about to wipe his gun and go away, unable to restrain himself.

Sun Tiantian waited for a while, but didn't wait for Shen Nianshen to answer. Hongxia suddenly climbed onto her cheek, and she became even more shy. She was busy and said, "I'm talking about gifts, birthday gifts ..."

This excuse for making people laugh, Shen Nian couldn't help laughing, and whispered, "Well, you are the best gift God gave me."

The most precious gift he received in his life was Sun Tiantian.

Sun Tiantian heard this, and her mouth was bent.

Look, I really can talk more and more.


Shen Nianshen's 21st birthday, Sun Tiantian prepared a special gift for him.

On her birthday, at 00:00, she sent a text message to Shen Nianshen on time.

At that time, Shen Nianshen and Liang Qi were eating noodles outside.

As soon as the phone rang, I knew it was Sun Tiantian.

Take a look at the phone, the screen says: "Anian, happy birthday, I will accompany you every birthday in the future-love you Tiantian ^ _ ^]

Shen Nianshen saw the text message, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

Liang Qiqi laughed, "Is it a bitch?"

Shen Nianshen said a word to Sun Tiantian: [love you]

"Brother, you seem to be very happy recently." Liang Qi looked at Shen Nianshen and said something suddenly.

Shen Nian laughed deeply, "Um."

"Because of the bitch?" Liang Qi asked.

Shen Nian Shen nodded deeply, thinking Sun Tiantian, her expression became extremely tender.


Early the next morning, Sun Tiantian ran to find Shen Nianshen.

Shen Nian knew early that she was coming and was already waiting for her at the alley.

Sun Tiantian wore a baby blue coat today, which contained an off-white sweater, and the collar of the sweater was ruffled, very gentle.

Some time ago I deliberately burned my hair, and the hair was tied high behind my head, looking playful and energetic.

Sun Tiantian came out of the car and saw Shen Nianshen standing at the alley.

She hurried over and hugged him. "Why outside?"

"Wait for you."

Sun Tiantian blinked.

Shen Nian smiled, holding her face, "I know you are coming."

Sun Tiantian laughed, holding Shen Nianshen home with him.

At home, my grandmother was sitting on the sofa and watching TV. When she saw Sun Tiantian coming, she smiled and said, "You're here, Anian has been waiting for you long ago."

Sun Tiantian looked at Shen Nianshen, who smiled deeply and said, "Grandma, I'll take Tian Tian to the room first."

"Well, you go, leave me alone."

Shen Nianshen led Sun Tiantian back to the room. Sun Tiantian carried a bag in his hand. As soon as he entered the room, he sat next to the bed, held the bag tightly in his arms, and looked at Shen Nianshen with a smile. He asked, "What do you guess is this?"

"birthday present?"

"Crap, of course, a birthday gift. I'll let you guess what it is."

Shen Nianshen sat next to Sun Tiantian, stared at what she was holding for a while, then suddenly turned her head and bit her ear slightly, her voice was dumb, "Don't you say you want to make me a birthday present?" 2k novel reading network