MTL - The Best Of You-Chapter 50

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At the beginning of June, it was already hot.

The taxi stopped outside an old alley in Lingjin Road. Xu Li got out of the car with a large bag in his hand.

He walked into the alley, with three or four-story old brick houses on either side. Because the house has not been repaired for many years, it looks shabby and feels a bit dangerous.

It was the hottest day at noon, the fiery sun shone brightly against the alley, and the alley was stuffy and hot, which was very uncomfortable.

Xu Li sweated his back, pulled the neckline of the t-shirt anxiously, walked to the middle of the alley, suddenly turned to the left, and went straight upstairs.

Shen Nianshen sold an old house at home for 100,000 a while ago, and rented a house in the old alley of Lingjin Road. The house is very old but the rent is cheap.

Xu Li reached the third floor and knocked at the door. "Annian, it's me."

Footsteps came from inside, and the door opened and Shen Nian stood deep inside.

He had just taken a bath and was scrubbing his head. He had no clothes on his upper body and a pair of black trousers.

Shen Nian was darker than before, with a strong upper body, shoulders, chests, waist and abdomen, large and small injuries, bruises and bruises, the right shoulder injury was the most serious, and a split was made, and healed.

As soon as Xu Li saw Shen Nianshen, he frowned suddenly, "Are you taking a bath? My doctor, isn't the doctor asking you not to touch the water these days?"

"It's okay." Shen Nian whispered, and turned to walk inside the house.

Xu Li followed the room, closing the door, and couldn't help thinking about him, "Can you listen to the doctor, really die?"

Shen Nianshen simply wiped her hair, threw the towel on the coffee table, bent over, picked up the white t-shirt on the sofa, drilled her head, and quickly put it on.

There are many professional books stacked on the coffee table, one of which is opened, with dense notes on it.

Xu Li came over, put the bag in his hand on the coffee table, and by the way helped Shen Nianshen to pile books everywhere, "Did you stay up late last night? Didn't you say you want to take a good rest these days?" It ’s not your way of life. "

Shen Nianshen didn't say anything, went to the kitchen to get a clean glass, and poured a glass of water for Xu Li.

Xu Li squatted in front of the coffee table, opened the bag, and took out everything in it. "I bought you a la carte, instant noodle dumplings, and milk bread. You just want to save money and don't keep hoeing. "

Shen Nian's throat was slightly tight, and he walked over and handed the cup to Xu Li.

Looking at something on the table, his voice was a little dumb, "Thank you."

"No thanks." Xu Li took the cup and sat down on the ground.

He raised his head, his eyes fell on a mouth next to Shen Nian's deep eyebrow, and couldn't help sighing. "If Tian Tian sees you like this now, he might cry."

Shen Nian shuddered heartily, looking at Xu Li, "Don't tell her."

"I know." After a pause, she said again, "But she's been looking for you everywhere recently. Are you really not planning to contact her?"

Shen Nian had a sore throat and was silent for a long time before he said, "Sooner or later I will forget."

Xu Li looked at Shen Nianshen and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He can't remember where he read a word, and at the most powerless age, he met someone who wanted to protect his life.

I want to take her all the stars in the sky, but the reality is that the family is surrounded by walls, and the road is vast.

Shen Nian lowered her eyes, and when she was out of her head, she whispered, "Without me, she can find someone ten thousand times better than me."


Hengxi Group.

CEO's office.

Lin Jing came back from the meeting, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Sun Tiantian sitting on the sofa.

He hesitated for a moment and laughed, "How come I have time today."

Sun Tiantian got up from the sofa, "Brother."

Lin Jing walked straight behind the desk, while turning on the computer to process documents, he asked casually: "When is the holiday?"

Sun Tiantian replied: "Mid-June."

"Long summer vacation, I will take you out to play after the holiday." Lin Jing knew that Sun Tiantian and Shen Nianshen broke up. She knew that she was in a bad mood, and planned to take the whole family out for a holiday, and let Sun Tiantian go out to relax.

Sun Tiantian didn't answer. She walked to Lin Jing and pursed her lips, and she stopped talking.

Lin Jing found that she wasn't quite right. Raising her eyes, she found that Sun Tiantian's face was a little dignified, as if she had something to say.

Lin Jing could not help wondering.

His own sister knows better than anyone. He laughed all day long, without any worries at all, and for the first time saw her so heavy.

"What happened? Did something happen?"

Sun Tiantian squeezed the skirt tightly with both hands, finally summoning courage and looking at Lin Jing, "Brother, can you lend me a little money?"

Lin Jing froze, and then couldn't help laughing, "What should I be? I didn't have the money to tell me, for a long time, I thought you had done something."

With that said, I took out my wallet directly from my trouser pocket and took out all the money in it. "There are two thousand dollars. You spend it first."

Sun Tiantian pursed her lips and missed.

Lin Jing raised an eyebrow, "Not enough?"

Sun Tiantian squeezed her skirt tightly and hesitated for a long time before finally opening her mouth, "Brother, can you lend me 200,000?"

Although the family has money, it was also hard earned by his brother. Sun Tiantian was really embarrassed. She was busy and said, "Let me borrow it, and I will return it to you after I work."

Lin Jing stared at Sun Tiantian for a long time, his eyes were dark, staring at Sun Tiantian as if to see her through.

After a while, I said, "It's not a question of money, but I want to know, what do you do with so much money?"

Sun Tiantian's eyes suddenly turned red, saying, "Shen Nianshen, his grandmother is ill and needs surgery."

Lin Jing obeyed, frowning suddenly, "Aren't you breaking up?"

Sun Tiantian shook her head, "No, he ..."

Her eyes were sour, and tears suddenly fell. "Brother, can you help him?"


Xu Li was at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at Shen Nianshen, and back to school, it was almost six o'clock.

He had an appointment with Cheng Duo, but at the gate of the school, he found that Sun Tiantian was also there.

Seeing Xu Li at a glance, Cheng Duo ran to Sun Tiantian.

The men and women came fiercely, Xu Li suddenly felt a little awkward, and smiled, "Hey, Tian Tian, ​​I haven't seen you for a long time."

Cheng Duo stared at him, "Don't talk nonsense! Tell Tian Tian where Shen Nian Shen is deep!"

Xu Li immediately said, "Where do I know, he ... presumably is busy, asking for leave with the school, maybe come back after a while ..."

"You fart! Quickly explain! Otherwise I'll break up with you!" Cheng Duo threatened him.

Xu Li's eyes widened sharply. "Oh, why are you angry at me!"

"You don't report it!"

Xu Li: "..."

Xu Li tangled for a long time, scratching his head and looking at Sun Tiantian: "... I don't know. Maybe you can go to the hospital to find him. Grandmother Anian lives in the hospital."

"I've been there. I can't meet him every time I can. I can't wait. He deliberately avoided me."

Xu Li: "... this ..."

Sun Tiantian said, "Isn't grandma doing surgery, I asked my brother to borrow money, and I want to give it to him."

When Xu Li heard this, his eyes narrowed brightly. He couldn't help pressing his lower lip, tangled for a moment, and finally said, "I'll take you there."


On the way to Shen Nianshen, Sun Tiantian knew that he had sold his house.

"But even if it is sold, it is still more than 100,000." Cheng Duo said.

Xu Li snorted. "He's still trying to figure it out."

He looked out of the window with a guilty conscience, and did not dare to tell Sun Tiantian how Shen Nianshen made money, for fear she couldn't stand it.

At Lingjin Lane, Sun Tiantian found that the place was a bit shabby than the place where Shen Nianshen lived before, and he felt uncomfortable. "Why didn't he go to school this time?"

Xu Li said, "He's busy, and he'll go back when he's finished."

Xu Li took Sun Tiantian and Cheng Duo upstairs.

As soon as he was about to knock, the door opened from the inside.

Shen Nianshen wore a white t-shirt and black trousers, and a black schoolbag on one shoulder, ready to go out.

The moment he saw Sun Tiantian, he froze all over, staring sharply at Xu Li.

He told Xu Li that he was not allowed to tell Sun Tiantian where he lived.

Xu Lixin knew that he had done something wrong, and he did not dare to look at Shen Nianshen. "That ... Annian, Tian Tian has something to do with you, let's go first."

Speaking, Cheng Duo ran downstairs.

Sun Tiantian stood at the door, staring at Shen Nianshen momentarily.

I haven't seen him for almost three months. She looked at him, her eyes gradually turned red, and she choked, "Why don't you return the message?"

Shen Nian's throat was sore and looked at her, but her voice was indifferent, "Is there anything?

Sun Tiantian's eyes fell on the wound of Shen Nianshen's brow bone, her heart tightened, and she raised her hand subconsciously to touch, "What happened to you? Did you hit it?"

Shen Nianshen hid her head and avoided touching her.

Before Sun Tiantian touched her, she was lost, her right hand hung in the air awkwardly.

Shen Nianchen looked at her deeply and asked again, "Is there something wrong with me?"

Sun Tiantian put down his hand, nodded, and looked at him and asked, "Can you go in and say?"

"Just say it here." He stood at the door, not intending to let Sun Tiantian enter.

Sun Tiantian stood there awkwardly, somewhat unbelievably.

She looked at Shen Nianshen, trying to find a little tenderness from his eyes, but no, there was no emotion in his eyes, looking at her eyes as if looking at a stranger.

It's only been three months. Has he forgotten her?

"Shen Nianshen, why are you ..."

"If it's okay, I'll go first." Shen Nianshen interrupted her, closed the door, and turned to go downstairs.

Sun Tiantian grabbed his arm, "Shen Nianshen, aren't you tired?"

Shen Nianshen froze, his eyes were sore, and he stared tightly forward.

Sun Tiantian has a lot of things to say to Shen Nianshen, but now it seems that it is not the time to talk about love.

She took a deep breath and drew a silver card from her bag. She looked up at Shen Nianshen. "There are 200,000 here. I asked my brother to borrow it. You can take it, first perform surgery on your grandmother, etc. This thing is over, let's talk about it. "

Shen Nian lowered his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on the silver bank of Sun Tiantian. For a long time, the corner of his mouth suddenly evoked a smile of self-deprecation. He pulled his arm out of Sun Tiantian's hand.

After that, he went straight downstairs.

Sun Tiantian stood stunned in the stairwell, her hand holding the silver card suddenly shaking.

My chest seemed to be blocked by something, and I was out of breath.

She stood there for a while, then returned to God, and hurried downstairs.

Shen Nianshen was almost at the alley, and Sun Tiantian ran to chase him quickly.

She ran to Shen Nianshen, holding his arm tightly, "Shen Nianshen, why do you always do that ?! I just want to help you! Why do you push me far away every time, why do you accept the help of others? Just refuse to accept my help? I'm your girlfriend, I'm not an outsider, do you know you always do this, I'm really hard ... "

Sun Tiantian was suddenly very excited. The emotions that were pressing in her heart these days suddenly erupted uncontrollably. Her eyes were flushed, and tears were pouring out like broken beads.

Shen Nian looked at her deeply, and for a long time, she said softly, "Sorry, it hurt you so hard."

Sun Tiantian: "..."

"I will not do it again."


When Lin Jing returned home, Sun's mother was downstairs carrying a cake, and she looked sad.

Lin Jing asked, "What's wrong?"

Mother Sun sighed and went to the sofa to sit down. "Tian Tian, ​​I locked myself in the room as soon as I got home. No one knocked on the door and kept crying. I didn't eat supper. It was really anxious. "

Lin Jing stunned, and glanced upstairs subconsciously.

His eyes fell on the cake in his mother's hand, and she paused for a few seconds. "Where is the key in her room?"

When Lin Jing opened the door and carried the cake in, she saw Sun Tiantian crying in the corner, and her beautiful eyes were swollen like two walnuts.

He stood at the door for a while, walked over, put the cake on the bedside table, then squatted down, raised his hand and touched Sun Tiantian's head gently, "What's wrong?"

Sun Tiantian couldn't help crying, raised his head, and looked at Lin Jing with tears in his eyes, "Why is he always like this, why doesn't he let me help him ..."

Lin Jing paused, his eyes fell on the silver bank card on the bedside table, and he whispered, "I haven't told you that door-to-door is important."

Sun Tiantian burst into tears and buried her face tightly in her arm.

Lin Jing stared at her for a while and touched her head. "Don't cry, get up and eat and sleep well."

After he had said it, he stood up and turned away.


On June 14th, Sun Tiantian was having a lesson in the studio. Cheng Duo suddenly said to her: "Xu Li said that Shen Nianshen had raised money. Next Monday, his grandmother can have surgery."

Sun Tiantian tried very hard to forget Shen Nianshen, but his heart trembled uncontrollably when he heard his name.

She was silent for a while, and then resumed drawing.

Cheng Duo looked at Sun Tiantian, pursed her lips, and wanted to say something, but she said something.

She remembered that when Shen Nianshen was seen the night before, he got down from the boxing ring, covered with blood, and Xu Li helped him, and he was trembling as if to fall in the next second.

He saw her and walked towards her hard, but he said, "Don't tell Tian Tian."

At that moment, she suddenly felt that it is not easy for people to live in this world. Not everyone can be as carefree as Sun Tiantian.


After Lin Jing had the meeting, he returned to the office, and the secretary knocked on the door lightly outside.

He took off his suit and hung it on a nearby hanger. "Come in."

He walked to his desk and pulled up his chair and sat down.

Zhang Lu came in, holding a kraft paper bag in his hand, and handed it to Lin Jing, "Mr. Lin, this is all the information you want to deepen."

Lin Jing reached out to take it, opened the bag, and took out the documents from the inside.

He looked down and saw his brows frown at last.

Zhang Lu watched Lin Jing's expression and said softly, "Childhood seems to be unfortunate, but it seems that I have been working very hard."

After looking at the materials, Lin Jing was silent for a while, and then put the materials back into the leather bag. "It is indeed unfortunate that even the grandmother who lives on each other has the disease."

Pull open the right drawer, throw the kraft paper bag in, and ask, "How is his grandma?"

"I heard surgery next week."

Lin Jing looked up, "Are you rich?"

Zhang Lu nodded and replied: "It seems to have been raised."

Lin Jing was surprised, "Where did it come from?"

"Sold 100,000 of the old house at home, and 100,000 are ..."


Zhang Lu looked at Lin Jing with a dignified expression. "Black market boxing, the game won."

Lin Jing frowned for a few seconds, and frowned, "Don't you kill me?"

Zhang Lu bowed her head and didn't dare to say a word.

Lin Jing didn't speak for a long time. After a while, she looked at Zhang Lu again, "What about others? Are you okay?"

Zhang Lu nodded. "Not badly hurt, but it's fine."

Lin Jing heard the words, suddenly relieved, frowning: "You are not old, but the bones are very hard."

He looked up and then commanded again, "Go to Professor Zhang. In the name of communication, ask him to help him check it carefully. If possible, ask him to be the surgeon. In addition, it doesn't matter how much it costs with the best medicine." , Especially emphasized, "Don't let Shen Nian know."

"Yes, I'll arrange it."


Sun Tiantian went to the island in the summer vacation and blew the sun to paint on the island.

School started in September, and she brought roommates a lot of gifts from the island. In addition to souvenirs, they were eaten in various ways.

Cheng Duo peeled a coconut candy, and it was delicious immediately, "Oh my god, this candy is so delicious!"

Sun Tiantian laughed. "Then you eat more."

Cheng Duo grabbed a few, "I'll give Xu Li a few."

"Well, get more, and this coconut juice is also very good. You can get him a few more." You also found out several ancient wooden folding fans from the bag. "This fan is also very nice. You give Xu Lihe His roommate took it alone. "

Cheng Duo looked down, "... er ... three?"

Sun Tiantian gave a hum, bowed his head and went to get something else.


When Shen Nianshen returned from the library to the dormitory, Xu Li was sharing sugar with his roommate. When Shen Nianshen came back, he sang, "Oh, you came back just right, you are late, and you are not your part."

Shen Nian walked over and glanced at the table, "What?"

"Sugar, coconut juice! Very delicious!" Xu Li said, handing Shen Nianshen a sugar.

Shen Nianshen took it, "Thank you."

He peeled off the sugar and ate it.

The coconut sugar I have eaten is not the same, not so tired and delicious.

Subconsciously asked, "Where did I buy it."

Xu Li glanced at him, "Tian Tian went to the island to play and brought us."

Shen Nian deepened, and suddenly the sugar in his mouth seemed to be bitter.

Xu Li took the fan from the table and shook it off, "No, and this fan was brought to us by Tian Tian, ​​isn't it nice?"

Shen Nian took a deep look, and for a short while, um.

Xu Li smiled, "We all have it."

Shen Niansheng shuddered, and glanced subconsciously at his desk.

Before he found the fan, Xu Li added, "But you didn't."

Shen Nianshen: "..."

The author has something to say: I'm really sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time, but this chapter is almost six thousand words, so the two are more unified, so can you forgive me (top lid)

This chapter gives everyone a red envelope ~ 2k novel reading network

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