MTL - The Best Of You-Chapter 30

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As soon as Shen Nianshen was stiff, he turned around and saw Sun Tiantian standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

Shen Nian Shen looked at her, "What's up? Isn't it impossible to say?"

Sun Tiantian frowned and said, "Come, I miss you."

She held her deep waist with both hands, looked up, and looked at him with a smile.

The two looked at each other for a while, Shen Nianshen finally smiled, raised her hands and rubbed her head, "Did you eat?"

Sun Tiantian shook her head. "Not yet."

She went out early in the morning, and her mother hadn't finished her breakfast. She couldn't wait and ran out first.

When I went out, I also heard my mother's emotions in the back: My daughter has grown up and I can't keep it.

Shen Nian Shen looked at her and said, "Would you like to eat here?"

Sun Tiantian nodded busily, "Of course!"

"It's easy to eat. If I'm not full for a while, I'll take you outside to eat."

"No need, just eat at home." Sun Tiantian held Shen Nianshen's arms, glanced forward, and cooked a very light egg noodle in the pot.

Shen Nianshen said, "Grandma can't eat spicy food. I usually make things light for her."

Sun Tiantian laughed and said, "I like what you do anyway."

Shen Nianshen made breakfast, and Sun Tiantian held his hand beside him, and they talked one after the other.

The old lady was sitting outside in the living room, and suddenly she heard Sun Tiantian's cheerful laugh in the kitchen.

She was a little curious, what were the children talking about, so happy.

So he got up from the sofa and planned to go to the kitchen.

As soon as she walked to the door of the kitchen, she was shocked. Her grandson was actually a girl of her loved ones!

The grandson who hasn't been in contact with any girl since he was a child kissed a girl. The old lady was shocked and excited. The heart was so excited that she jumped out of her throat. Quickly hid behind the wall.

After a while, the excitement calmed down, before quietly poking his head out of the wall.

Shen Nianshen just kissed Sun Tiantian's forehead just now, and two people were talking.

Shen Nianshen had cooked the noodles and divided the scrambled eggs evenly into the grandmother's and Sun Tiantian's bowls.

"You don't have it yourself." Sun Tiantian refused, ran to get a pair of chopsticks, and then split half of the eggs in her bowl to Shen Nianshen, "Let's eat together."

Shen Nian Shen looked down at her with a warm smile on her eyes.

When he came out of the kitchen with his face in his face, his grandmother was already sitting at the dining table. The old man smiled, and his full face couldn't be covered.

"Grandma eats slightly!" Sun Tiantian offered the treasure, came out of the kitchen with her bowl of noodles, and happily put it in front of her grandmother.

The old lady grabbed Sun Tiantian's hand and patted it gently, "Good, good, sit down and eat."

"Thank my grandmother." Sun Tiantian frowned, and then sat in the next position.

After Sun Tiantian sat down, Shen Nianshen gave her chopsticks and whispered, "Be careful."

"Well, I know." Sun Tiantian nodded obediently, picked up the chopsticks and raised his face.

The two were sitting side by side, very close.

The old lady sat opposite and looked at the two. The more she looked at her heart, the happier she became, and the more she looked at them, the more they matched.

The old lady really likes Sun Tiantian, she smiles every time she sees her, and even the feelings of those around her will be infected.

Anian in her family had a hard time when she was a child, and she was very worried when she was a child. She rarely smiled from the bottom of her heart twice a year. A girl like Tian Tian is best for him.

Looking at the two children who were in love, a happy smile appeared on their faces.

Shen Nianshen originally buried his head to eat, inexplicably felt that there was a way of looking at him, raised his eyes slightly, but smiled at his grandmother's eyes.

Shen Nian took a deep look and asked, "Grandma, are you okay?"

As soon as he spoke, his grandmother glared at him. "You child, last night I asked how you and Tian Tian were doing. Why didn't you tell me about your relationship with Tian Tian?"

Shen Nianshen: "..."

Sun Tiantian heard from the side, looking at Shen Nianshen, "Did you not tell grandma?"

Shen Nianshen: "..."

After eating, Shen Nianshen led Sun Tiantian back to his room.

Shut the door and look back, but see Sun Tiantian pouting tightly, staring angrily at him.

"Tian Tian ..." Shen Nian subconsciously took Sun Tiantian's hand. Sun Tiantian avoided it, stared at him and asked, "Why don't you tell grandma that we are in love?"

Shen Nian stared deeply at her, and half a moment didn't speak.

Seeing Shen Nianshen not answering, Sun Tiantian felt uneasy in her heart. "Do you want to repent?"

"No." Shen Nianshen answered without hesitation.

Sun Tiantian listened, and held his breath for a few seconds, then finally breathed a sigh of relief, walked in front of Shen Nianshen, hugged him, and leaned his body gently in his arms.

Shen Nian's arms embraced her tenderly, and the two hugged them quietly for a long time.

After a while, Sun Tiantian suddenly felt a little emotional, and whispered, "I don't know why, sometimes I feel like I can't guess what you're thinking, I feel like you have a lot of secrets."

Shen Nian listened deeply, her body suddenly stiffened suddenly.

Sun Tiantian looked up from his arms and looked at him very seriously, "You have nothing to hide from me?"

Shen Nian looked deep into her eyes, remained silent for a few seconds, and whispered, "No."

Sun Tiantian laughed, "That's good." After a pause, he said very seriously: "But if you have any unhappy things, you must tell me. I can listen to you or share with you. I I really don't want you to be unhappy. "

She remembered that when she was watching the video with Shen Nianshen last night, he stared sideways out of the window for a few minutes. She didn't know what he was thinking at the time, but she knew that he must be very unhappy.

Sun Tiantian's words of comfort, like the warm sunshine shining on Shen Nian's heart, he couldn't help but hold her tighter, and then said softly, "Tian Tian, ​​thank you for being in my life."

For the first time, he felt that life could be so beautiful.

Sun Tiantian raised her head and smiled with a frown, "Thank you too."

Shen Nianshen looked at Sun Tiantian's beautiful smiling eyes, and couldn't help bending his lip.

"Shen Nianshen, let's find a place to play." Shen Nianshen was so unhappy yesterday. Sun Tiantian wanted to take him to relax.

"Where to go? But it's New Year's Day today, and it is estimated that there are many people everywhere."

Sun Tiantian laughed, "I've been prepared for a long time!"

With that said, he bowed his head and pulled out two tickets from the bag, "Dangdangdangdang!"

Shen Nianshen couldn't help laughing, took it and looked up, "Mingyue Mountain Resort?"

"Yeah!" Sun Tiantian said excitedly: "I heard that it is snowing in Yueshan, we can go to the mountains to see the snow, super beautiful!"

Shen Nianshen didn't go to the mountains to see the snow scene, but his first question was: "It will be cold in the mountains, right? You have a cold."

Sun Tiantian said: "I'm not afraid! I'm wearing a thick coat!" Then, I tore off my down jacket collar, "Look, I've worn a lot, and there are three clothes in it!"

Sun Tiantian thought about it last night. Today, I want to take Shen Nianshen to the resort, so I wore a lot of clothes when I went out in the morning.

"I also brought a hat, mask, gloves," said, flipping out her bag, which really contained her warming equipment, and the big white rabbit toffee Shen Nianshen bought last time, as well as some snacks.

Shen Nian glanced deeply and couldn't help laughing, "You're ready for this."

"That's right! Pack up your stuff, let's start in a while." Sun Tiantian said as she pushed Shen Nian Shen to the closet.

Shen Nianchen was helpless. Looking back, Sun Tiantian stood behind and blinked at him,

"Change your clothes."

Shen Nian couldn't help crying, "You go out first."

Sun Tiantian froze for a few seconds, then reacted, and she hummed, "It's not like I haven't seen it."

Last time she saw everything in the lounge behind the basketball hall, hum.

Shen Nianshen couldn't help her, so she had to support her shoulders with both hands and push her outside. "Good, go outside and wait, I have to change my pants."

Sun Tiantian heard Shen Nianshen talking about changing his pants, covered his mouth and giggled, and then said, "Shen Nianshen, you are so shy."

Shen Nian Shen reached out her hand and petted her forehead and laughed, "Don't make trouble."

Pushing Sun Tiantian to the door, "wait for me obediently."

Sun Tiantian stood upright, suddenly raised his hand and made a military salute, "Observant division!"

Shen Nianshen: "..." Is this girl singing?

He shook his head funnyly and closed the door.

Shen Nianshen changed clothes inside, and Sun Tiantian just called home from outside and said she was going to the resort today.

Mother Sun asked over the phone: "Go to the resort? With whom? Is it with your boyfriend?"

Sun Tiantian nodded. "Yes, mother, we are going to see snow in the mountains. Yesterday, I saw two tickets in the elder brother's study. If he didn't want it, I'd bring it."

"Look at the snow scene? Is that going to be overnight?"

Sun Tiantian honestly said, "It should be."

Mother Sun paused for a few seconds, and then said, "The first time you go out with the boys, you have to pay attention to your own attitude. After all, you two haven't been together for long, and mother believes you."

"I know, mother." Sun Tiantian chuckled and thought, thinking of her innocence in her family, who had to chase her out for another pair of pants, think too much.

"Okay, that mom calls you at night."

"Good mom." After a pause, she said again and again, "Mom, don't tell your brother, he keeps on me."

Mother Sun covered her mouth and laughed, "I know."

Shen Nianshen quickly changed out and carried a black schoolbag and Sun Tiantian's pink schoolbag in her hand.

Sun Tiantian is sitting on the sofa and talking to grandma.

When she saw her grandson coming out, her grandmother looked up and smiled, "Tian Tian said you two are going to the resort to play. You need to take good care of Tian Tian."

Shen Nian Shen nodded, "Yes."

Saying, put two schoolbags on the sofa, open Sun Tiantian's pink schoolbag, take out the hat and hat and scarf from the inside, "come over and put on."

Sun Tiantian stood up from the sofa and walked obediently to Shen Nianshen.

The hat is pink. It's a cute wool hat with two wool **** hanging on both sides.

Shen Nianshen put it on her, took the scarf up and wrapped her carefully, then gloves, "Give me your hand."

Sun Tiantian obediently stretched out her hand, her mouth bent.

Shen Nianshen lowered her head carefully and put it on her, and then said to her grandmother, "Grandma, I may not be back until evening. You take good care of yourself at home."

Sun Tiantian: "..." Pulled him, "I won't come back at night, I will spend the night on the mountain."

Shen Nianshen: "........."

There is a two-hour journey from the city to Mingyue Mountain Resort. It is almost noon at noon.

In addition to the ticket, Sun Tiantian also ran a hotel voucher from his brother. After arriving, he took Shen Nianshen to check in.

Shen Nianshen pushed out his ID card, "Two rooms."

Sun Tiantian's eyes widened, "What two rooms, one room!"

He said, push out his ID card, and emphasized to the front desk again, "Sister, a room."

Shen Nianshen: "... Sun Tiantian."

Sun Tiantian pursed her mouth, "I don't want to sleep alone!"

Shen Nianshen: "..."

Sun Tiantian held his arm, his voice softened, and he looked at Shen Nian Shenjiao, "I'm scared, I want to sleep with you, OK?"

Shen Nianshen raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, and then said to the front desk, "Standard room, two beds."

Sun Tiantian: "……………………"

The author has something to say: 四 4: 2 pm in the afternoon (# ^. ^ #)

Read The Duke's Passion