MTL - The Best Of You-Chapter 104

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Yang Ying took the money away, Shen Nianshen walked back, holding Sun Tiantian, "Let's go and see my grandmother."

Shen Nianshen was very calm, but the more calm he was, the more worried Sun Tiantian was.

But Shen Nianshen said nothing at this moment, and she dared not ask.

When she arrived in the ward, her grandmother was already asleep.

Shen Nianshen walked to the bed and glanced, and asked in a low voice, "What did the doctor say?"

Sun Tiantian followed, whispering: "The doctor said that it was not a big deal, but the grandmother is old. It is best to be hospitalized for two days."

Shen Nian nodded deeply, turned his head, and touched Sun Tiantian's head lightly. "Thank you, Tian Tian."

Sun Tiantian shook her head and looked at him with fixed eyes. She was only worried at this moment.

With such a big incident, Anian must be very sad and sad.

"When did you come back? How did you know that you would come to the hospital?" Sun Tiantian asked.

Shen Nian Shen said, "Not long after I got off the plane, when I came home, I found that you were not there. Just when a neighbor said that he saw you taking your grandmother into an ambulance, it came."

Shen Nianshen was busy outside for several days, and only returned in the middle of the night. He was very tired at this moment. Sun Tiantian stepped forward to hold him, and said softly, "Annian, let's go home. You've been busy outside for so many days, and you come back by plane at night. Go back to rest first."

"Yeah, yeah, let's go back to Tiannian with Anian, here is Grandma and me." Aunt Chen also echoed.

Sun Tiantian said: "Grandma is not a big deal, let's come back tomorrow."

Shen Nianshen was indeed a little tired, and his emotions were not suitable to stay here, so he said, "Let's go."

Sun Tiantian confessed to the nurse aunt, "Aunt Chen, you have worked hard tonight. If there is anything wrong with your grandma, please call us immediately."

"Well, I will, you go back."

On the way home, Shen Nianshen didn't say a word, keeping his eyes on the road ahead. Sun Tiantian sat next to him and didn't dare ask anything for a while. She thought he probably needed emotional digestion.

She sat obediently and gave him time to be alone without disturbing or making a sound.

The car drove into the residential garage half an hour later, Shen Nianshen parked the car, Sun Tiantian unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car, waiting for Shen Nianshen by the side.

Shen Nianchen pulled out the key, got out of the car, held Sun Tiantian's hand in his right hand, and finally opened his mouth, "Let's go."

Back at home, Sun Tiantian took Shen Nianshen's hand and looked up at him, "I'll give you water. Would you like to take a bath to relieve your fatigue?"

Shen Nian knew that Sun Tiantian was always worried about her. He looked at her and whispered, "Tian Tian, ​​go to rest first. I want to be alone tonight, okay?"

Sun Tiantian nodded busily, "Okay, then I won't bother you, I'm in the bedroom. If you need it, call me at any time."

"it is good."

Sun Tiantian returned to the room, briefly washed and went to bed.

Lying in bed but unable to fall asleep at all, the mind is full of those words that Shen Nianshen mother said tonight. She thought Anian was so pitiful that her father didn't want him, and her mother didn't want him. But he was so good, how could they be willing to hurt him.

She waited in the room for a long time, and by 4:30 in the morning, Shen Nianshen didn't return.

She was a little worried, but couldn't help getting out of bed and walking outside wearing slippers.

When she opened the door, she saw Shen Nianshen sitting on the sofa and drinking.

She stumbled and tried to stop him subconsciously. He has a bad stomach and can't drink too much alcohol.

She was about to speak. Shen Nianshen suddenly turned her head and looked at her. He looked at her with a low voice, "Tian Tian, ​​come and stay with me."

Sun Tiantian listened to his hoarse voice, and suddenly felt a pain in her heart, she hurried over.

Shen Nianshen poured a glass of wine for her, "Take two drinks with me."

He filled the goblet half and handed her the glass.

Sun Tiantian pursed her lips and said anxiously, "Annian, you can't drink."

Shen Nian looked at her deeply, with a little eagerness in her eyes, "Today, can you drink two glasses less?"

He was soliciting her opinions, and she knew that as long as she didn't let him drink, he would never drink it.

But she looked at him with so much distress that she couldn't refuse him.

She took the wine glass and whispered, "I'll have two drinks with you, only two, okay?"

Shen Nianshen said to her, "OK."

Sun Tiantian accompanied Shen Nianshen to drink two glasses of wine. She said that she could only drink two glasses, so Shen Nianshen really drank no more after drinking two glasses.

He looked at the red wine bottle on the coffee table, and was slightly absorbed.

He didn't speak, and Sun Tiantian sat quietly beside him.

After a long time, Shen Nianshen finally spoke, "In fact, she never liked me."

Sun Tiantian looked at Shen Nianshen distressed. She knew that he said "she" was the mother who abandoned him ruthlessly.

"In my memory, she and my dad are not in a good relationship. They often quarrel. I sometimes go to persuade, but as long as I go to persuade, she will push me away and let me go.

Shen Nianshen seldom remembered things when he was young. After all, all his memories were painful. He rarely spoke so quietly tonight.

His voice was calm, as if talking about something that was already relieved.

"No matter how hard I try to please her, she is very indifferent to me and completely different from other mothers. I even once wondered whether she was born to me. I saved all the money that my dad usually bought me snacks, I bought a music box for her on her birthday. She just glanced casually and threw it on her dressing table. A few days later, I found the music box in the trash. "

Many things that I did n’t understand when I was a kid just thought that I was not good enough and obedient, so my mother didn't like myself.

"I didn't understand why she didn't like me for a long time. Even if she abandoned me and left the house, I still look forward to her returning every day. I often think that as long as she comes back, I must be very obedient. Be sensible and study well so as not to make her angry. "

"I have been subconsciously unwilling to believe that she really does not like me, or even hate me. I always feel that I am not obedient, otherwise why would there be mothers who do not like their children?" He said here, suddenly laughing at himself. He said, "But it turns out that she really doesn't like me, and she probably regrets giving birth to me."

He said, paused, then suddenly raised his head, looked at Sun Tiantian deeply, and whispered, "Tian Tian, ​​do you know? My birth was not glorious. I only knew I shouted for eight years before My father is not my own father, so the two of them quarreled and divorced. I became an orphan who was ridiculed by my father and mother. Until recently, I bought some supplements for my grandmother and sent them upstairs. to chat with--"

Sun Tiantian pursed his lips and looked at him.

He went on to say: "It turned out that she was with a rich man in the big city before marrying my adoptive father, but that man probably just wanted to play with her. It didn't take long before she was tired. God will go home and marry a rich man. "

"She was very sad. She ran back to the country and married my adoptive father shortly afterwards. It was found out soon after the marriage that everyone thought it was my adoptive father, and my grandmother thought it was ..."

Shen Nian looked deep out the window and remained silent for a long time before saying, "I heard a little bit about my own life after hearing these words from my grandmother and Grandma Liang, and I finally realized what happened and realized why she was a child Dislike me."

"Because she didn't really want to give birth to you at all? But everyone thought her child was your adoptive father. She didn't dare to say that, so she had to grit her teeth to give you birth. But after giving birth to you, Very scared, so all the resentment about life and hatred for your biological father are transferred to you? "Sun Tiantian heard Shen Nian so much and finally understood.

Shen Nian laughed bitterly, "Yes, so I shouldn't have existed."

The biological father didn't want him, the adoptive father didn't want him, and the mother regarded him as shame.

So she abandoned him and ran away when the incident happened. She probably didn't think of coming back at that time, and she probably would have never given birth to him.

Sun Tiantian's heart was about to break. She hugged Shen Nianshen from the side and leaned her head on his arms. "Don't say that, even if you are redundant in their eyes, it shouldn't exist in this world. But you are in me In my heart, there is priceless treasure, more precious than my life— "

She raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes, and said very earnestly, "Anian, I love you very much, I love you."

Shen Nianshen looked at Sun Tiantian's bright eyes and listened to her words, finally a smile on her face again, "I know."

He bowed his head and kissed her lips gently, looking at her eyes, dumb voice, "Fortunately I have you, I sometimes think that God has made me suffer so much for the sake of leaving me blessings. And then I have you now. "

Sun Tiantian looked at Shen Nianshen, and still felt very distressed. She raised her hand and touched his cheek, and said angrily, "But she is too bad for you, she has never loved you, and now her son is sick but she has a face to run back I want you money. "

The more he talked and the more angry, his face swelled up, "Annian, you shouldn't give her money!"

Shen Nian smiled deeply, "It's okay, I've put it down, that little money should thank her for giving birth to me."

Speaking, he gently squeezed Sun Tiantian's face and said with a smile, "How else would I know a kind and lovely girl like Tiantian in our family?"

After hearing this, Sun Tiantian laughed again. She lifted her head, holding Shen Nian's deep neck, and said seriously: "A Nian, we have forgotten those bad people. From now on, there will be no more bad people and Things will bother us, and every day will be very happy. "Said, and swear very seriously," I promise! "

Shen Nian laughed deeply and held her hand. "I know, as long as I am with you, I am happy every day."

Out of nowhere, he suddenly hugged Sun Tiantian.

Sun Tiantian's body suddenly dangled, and he was so scared that he squeezed his neck tightly, panicked, "Where to go ..."

Suddenly hugged without any warning.

This question is really too technical, Shen Nian couldn't help laughing, "Where can I go now? Of course it's sleeping."

Sun Tiantian: "..."

Shen Nianshen was really too tired. He took a bath, lay on the bed, and stretched his arms to bring Sun Tiantian into his arms.

Sun Tiantian was taken into his arms by Shen Nian Shen, and he subconsciously hugged his waist, his eyes blinked, and he wanted to say something. Shen Nian Shen suddenly rubbed her head, her voice was vague, "Good, sleep."

Shen Nianshen was so tired that he closed his eyes and fell asleep soon. However, Sun Tiantian didn't have any drowsiness, curled up in Shen Nianshen's arms, a pair of big and round eyes rolled slowly.

At seven in the morning the next day, Shen Nianshen drove Sun Tiantian to the hospital to visit her grandmother.

Grandma knew that Shen Nianshen had seen Yang Ying and took 400,000 to completely sever the relationship with her.

The old lady obeyed, sighed, and said, "Okay."

The wolf-hearted daughter, she had never been born, as long as she has an grandson of Anian.

The woman's affairs were like an unpleasant episode in life, which was soon forgotten by Shen Nian. He is no longer the child who was expecting his mother to go home all day long. He has a lot of things to do every day, busy with work, busy with money, busy with expanding the company, busy with his next e-commerce project, and with his wife. Dating, busy with my wife for dinner and shopping after work, and busy buying skirts for my wife ...

Like now.

Sun Tiantian stood in the clothes counter, holding two skirts in his hands, and asked Shen Nianshen in a difficult way, "Husband, which one do you think is more beautiful?"

Sun Tiantian just tried on both skirts, and she thought they were quite pretty, and she was a little confused.

Who knew that she had just finished speaking, and Shen Nianshen didn't say anything, raising her hand and taking both skirts in her hand. "Both are beautiful, buy both."

As he said, he removed another sky blue from the clothes rail. "This one is also beautiful."

After a while, I took another one, "This one is also good."

Sun Tiantian saw that he already had four skirts in his hand, and when he saw that he still wanted to keep picking, he hurriedly held him down, pressed his voice, and whispered, "Enough is enough for my husband, I will never finish wearing it."

Shen Nianshen said, "Isn't summer changing every day?"

"Yeah, yeah, now the weather is hot, I need to change clothes every day, buy a few more for a week without heavy samples." The guide smiled so quickly that his eyes narrowed, and his deep eyes looked like gold. I wish he could buy a few more, but he could not meet such a big customer.

Shen Niansen felt that the shopping guide made a lot of sense, without heavy samples for a week.

But in this shop, he also picked four. After coming out, he took Sun Tiantian to other stores to buy a few more, and made up seven skirts with different colors.

On the way home, Sun Tiantian sat in the car to make her own skirts. Although it seemed too much when I bought them, each skirt was so beautiful.

She narrowed her eyes with joy.

As soon as I got home, I hurried to the bathroom to take a shower, and then came out to change the new dress she just bought.

Seven skirts, each replaced, and then run for a long time in front of the mirror.

When Shen Nianshen took a bath, Sun Tiantian wore a water-pink tulle skirt, with her skirt a little above her knees, her long black hair on her back, and a tulle-like skirt. She stood in front of a mirror and looked like a little girl. fairy.

Shen Nian walked forward and hugged her from behind.

A refreshing mint smell came, Sun Tiantian turned his head, his eyes bent, "You are so fragrant, hey--"

As soon as the words were finished, Shen Nianshen bowed her head and kissed her.

He had just taken a bath, no clothes on his upper body, and a thin layer of tulle, Sun Tiantian could feel Shen Nian's deep and wide chest.

As he kissed her, he didn't rest his hands. He followed her skirt all the way up, so that he could look inside badly ...

Sun Tiantian became weak after a while, and Shen Nianchen hugged her back to the bedroom.

Under the strong attack of Shen Nianshen, Sun Tiantian was tortured and turned dizzy, his mind was blank, and his consciousness had no idea where to fly. However, he still kept a strong sense of reason, holding Shen Nianshen's hands, and using dumb ones The voice said, "No ... don't tear my skirt."

She mumbled, "It's expensive."

The atmosphere that was very emotional was destroyed halfway by Sun Tiantian's "expensive" moment.

Shen Nianshen couldn't help laughing, when did this girl become a small fan?

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