MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 64

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"Let's talk about this when my brother arrives..."

Fang Ziyang was too tired to continue chatting with Xie Zheng.

He suddenly found that he really didn't know Xie Zheng at all, he couldn't get Xie Zheng's brain circuit, and Xie Zheng couldn't get the meaning he wanted to express.

Talking about relationships with someone like Xie Zheng who has no emotional experience is like talking with ducks!

He is also stupid, why does he bother with Xie Zheng about where he lives, just wait until his brother arrives and then reject it? I believe that his brother will definitely not agree to this matter, which is really inconvenient.

Sheng Wu Lian ignored Xie Zheng's inexplicably happy look.

Fang Ziyang put his bag on his back, and was no longer pretentious. He was the first to walk into the low-key and luxurious manor villa in front of him.

I have to say, if it wasn't for Xie Zheng's family and Xie Zheng was alone, he would actually be very willing to live here. This small manor is really very good in terms of location and environment. Beijing is so expensive that it is not easy to have such a property.

Walk into the villa with Xie Zheng.

Immediately, a middle-aged woman and a middle-aged man stepped forward. Both of them looked very honest and greeted them with beaming smiles.

"The eldest young master is back..."

Seeing the two, Xie Zheng's expression softened.

He nodded, and immediately introduced, "Aunt Wang Shufen, this is Fang Ziyang, Tang Xun's younger brother, as I told you. Ziyang, this is Aunt Wang Shufen, the housekeeper and nanny of the villa, they all It's the old man in the family, you need to tell them directly, you're welcome."

Xie Zheng's character is not actually cold. His serious and aggressive aura is just an image to the outside world. Xie Zheng is actually very close to people he knows and trusts around him.

In the car, I heard Xie Zheng mention the two old servants in the villa, which shows that Xie Zheng has feelings and trust in the two.

Fang Ziyang greeted obediently, "Hello Aunt Wang Shufen."

"Hey, good boy. Is this Mr. Tang's younger brother? Sure enough, he is as good-looking as Mr. Tang. Are you tired of flying? Go in and take a bath and have a rest. Mr. Rick is here, we'll have dinner right away..."

Auntie Fen has a warm temperament, she is very happy to see Fang Ziyang, and her eyes have a particularly bright light.

She said she was the nanny of the Xie family, but she actually regarded Xie Zheng as her own child. She had no children of her own, so when Xie Zheng was born, she helped her wife to take care of her. Later, her wife and her husband died in an accident at the same time, and she took care of Xie Zheng's daily life.

To a certain extent, she can be regarded as Xie Zheng's half-mother role, and she also knows Xie Zheng's character very well.

When Xie Zheng greeted her that an outsider was about to live at home, Aunt Fen was keenly aware of the secret thoughts of her eldest young master. Xie Zheng is now 28 and has no partner yet. It is rare to meet someone she likes. She is very happy.

Of course, the premise is that this object is not that kind of ulterior motive. Judging from the investigation information and the identity of Tang Xun's younger brother, the eldest young master's vision is still as good as ever.

"Does Young Master Fang have anything else he likes to eat or avoid?

Uncle Wang also greeted him with a smile and kind eyes.

He and Aunt Fen are husband and wife, what kind of feelings Aunt Fen has for Xie Zheng, he is the same.

Both were very welcoming.

Fang Ziyang was not pretentious, and ordered food with a smile, "Okay, did Uncle Wang buy fish today? I also want to eat sweet and sour fish, spicy shrimp, and other meat dishes. No bitter gourd for vegetarian dishes. , I like to eat sweet and spicy."

"Okay, Aunt Fen will do it later, Young Master Fang and our eldest Young Master taste really similar..."

Aunt Wang Shufen was very satisfied with his direct and calm appearance. They saw many men and women who were contrived and contrived, and they liked Fang Ziyang's generosity the most.

Xie Zheng also raised the corners of his lips and added, "I don't like bitter gourd either."

It turns out that the young man and him have common interests and are a little happy.

Aunt Fen smiled even more when she saw this, her eldest young master finally got enlightened!

Fang Ziyang has nothing to do. Before his brother came over, he decided not to chat with Xie Zheng, otherwise he would definitely be led astray by Xie Zheng's brain circuit.

Simply greeted.

Aunt Wang Shufen warmly led them into the villa.

Fang Ziyang was really tired from the plane, so he didn't reject Aunt Fen's enthusiasm, so he took this place as his own for the time being, gave his luggage to Uncle Wang, and went straight to take a bath to soothe his nerves.

Xie Zheng finally couldn't keep up.

Xie Zheng felt a little inexplicable regret, so he could only look away, took out his mobile phone and called Tang Xun.

Then talk nonsense without changing face,

"Hello, Tang Xun? Well, I have already told him about your brother living on my side... He is still very satisfied with my side... Just a little embarrassed... Yes, he Just say you agree..."

"No inconvenience, I have Aunt Wang Shufen on my side... He was hurt too much by Fang's side before, and he lives by himself without hiring a servant, which is very bad for him... You can rest assured that I'm watching him... Well, that's how it's decided..."

Successfully achieved.

Xie Zheng hangs up satisfied.

It's too dangerous for the young man to live alone outside, it's better to have him watch.

So an hour later.

Fang Ziyang, who deliberately dawdled and washed in the bathroom for more than half an hour, put on comfortable home clothes and came out. What he saw was Xie Zheng and Tang Xunruike sitting on the sofa and chatting very harmoniously .

Seeing Fang Ziyang coming out, wearing home clothes casually and generously, there is no discomfort at all in a stranger's house.

Tang Xun was still a little worried and suddenly disappeared, showing a smile, very pleased,

"Ziyang, my brother was worried that you would not be used to living here with the boss, but now it seems that you like it here, then my brother can rest assured."

Fang Ziyang was struck by lightning.

hurriedly ran over with a horrified voice, "Brother, what do you mean by that!"

Tang Xun was a little surprised by his excited performance.

Then after a pause, she smiled again, "You don't have to be so excited, my brother agrees that you live with the boss, and I will listen to the boss's words carefully in the future. I often don't have time to take care of you in the laboratory. Xie Zheng takes care of you and helps me watch you, I'm still at ease..."

"Yes, dear classmate Yangyang, aren't you studying computer science? Xie Zheng is also a master in this field. If you have any homework problems during your vacation, Xie Zheng can help you. Now Xie Zheng Don't worry about the Xie Group anymore, there's a lot of time."

Rick agrees very much, Fang Ziyang is a big light bulb, let's throw it to Xie Zheng, the single dog, the best of both worlds!

Xie Zheng hurriedly sat up straight and solemnly assured that,

"Don't worry, Tang Xun, I will take good care of your brother, you can stay in the laboratory with peace of mind."

"Okay, I'm relieved to have the boss with you."

Tang Xun was very moved and relieved.

Fang Ziyang wanted to cry, "It's not brother, I don't think it's good! How can I live here with Brother Xie? Brother Xie is the only one at home, it's really inconvenient …”

Tang Xun thought it was inconvenient at first, but he was brainwashed by someone just now, and the safety of his own brother was more important.

"It doesn't matter, isn't there Uncle Wang and Aunt Fen here? The boss is right, it's not safe for you to live alone, and there is no reliable nanny and housekeeper around, and I don't go back often. , or the boss is better here."

Tang Xun cared about patting his younger brother's head, and he spoke earnestly,

"Okay, brother, that's the decision. Anyway, you will come to live on weekends, and you will be at school on weekdays, so it won't be too disturbing. And I don't worry about handing you over to other brothers. During this time, brother You have to hurry up and research the identity chip, you are more at ease when you stay with Xie Zheng..."

Fang Ziyang: Brother, wouldn't it hurt your conscience if you just sold your brother like this!

Take a deep breath.

Knowing that there is no hope of vetoing the matter, Fang Ziyang can only nod his head tiredly, "Okay brother, it's okay to live here, but I have a request."

"What are the requirements?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I'm an adult and I have my own social circle, so you can't let Brother Xie set up a door for me and control me too strictly."

Fang Ziyang insisted, and Xie Zheng let him sleep every day before reporting to him is really fresh in his memory.

Xie Zheng pursed his lips when he heard this.

He seems to feel that the young man dislikes him a little? But how is this possible, doesn't the young man love him so much? Oh, by the way, it seems that the young man has forgotten his identity... So, is the other party trying to keep his innocence and avoid suspicion for him?

Suddenly someone jumped again.

Tang Xun thought about his younger brother's words and thought it made sense. His younger brother is so old that he can't really take care of him as a child.

"Okay, I promise you, but I can't play like crazy."

Tang Xun nodded, and then finally remembered that his younger brother's beautiful appearance and sexual orientation were male, so he couldn't be too indulgent.

Fang Ziyang breathed a sigh of relief.

This is fine, as long as you don't take it too seriously.

It was settled.

The corners of Xie Zheng's lips couldn't help twitching, and he was very much looking forward to the day of "cohabitation" with the young man.

Wait to get along with him again, and when the young man gets used to him, he will tell him that he is the owner of the ring, and then tell the young man that he is willing to associate with him, or it is for the purpose of marriage …

The young man will be very surprised and moved by then, right? After all, he loves him so much.

Xie Zheng sat silently beside him, very excited.

Rick, who had been secretly paying attention to his expression, grinned as if he had discovered some big gossip. Tossed out two lightbulbs at once, perfect!

The inner drama of two men secretly poking...

Fang Ziyang didn't notice, and after confirming the housing matter, his attention was attracted by the identity chip mentioned by Tang Xun.

"Brother, what kind of identity chip did you just say to study, is it the one I know?"

Fang Ziyang asked curiously.

The identity chip he asked about was a piece of information in Goldfinger. As the name suggests, it is a chip like an ID card.

According to the records, this kind of chip is the ID card of the interstellar era. Compared with the ordinary ID cards they have here today, this kind of chip ID card directly implanted in the body has too many advantages.

Not only is it safe and convenient, but the most important thing is that this chip can be used directly with the optical brain. It has a wide range of uses in the later period. It has been used in the interstellar era for hundreds of years, and the benefits of things can be seen.

Of course, with the current earth technology and resources, it is impossible to produce the magical optical brain of the stars.

However, if they work hard, they can still produce a brain that is higher than the computer, which directly promotes the technology era of the entire earth.

Tang Xun nodded,

"It's the identity chip you think. I have carefully studied the information you gave me. If we want to launch those technological products, then we must do a good job of laying the groundwork. And this foreshadowing is the identity chip..."

“This way we can not only avoid the problem of switching configurations every time we research a new product, but also ensure that technology leaks and those technology products we launch later run more smoothly.”

The information in the space button, the Lu family's several generations of researchers didn't want to take out too much.

However, it is a pity that each generation of the Lu family only had one descendant who met the research data.

But now both Tang Xun and Fang Ziyang are lucky to inherit the scientific research IQ of the Lu family, and Fang Ziyang has already had ten years of research experience. It's not a problem if you take out more of the technology in it.

Fang Ziyang smiled happily,

"Brother, in fact, I also think so, the identity chip must be implemented first. I originally planned to come back and tell you about it, but I didn't expect your research speed to be so fast, my brother is faster than me Better than imagined…”

"Of course, your brother is a genius."

Rick did not hesitate to echo and praise, "But dear Yangyang, is the source of these materials really guaranteed? We can contact the government to work together, if there is a problem, the consequences will be disastrous. ."

Although I am more curious about the origin of the information, Rick is very knowledgeable and does not get to the bottom of it, but only cares about the guarantee of the origin.

The information given by Fang Ziyang is too terrifying. New World Technology cannot swallow all of it. It must properly cooperate with the government, especially the research and development of identity chips. This can not be done without the government.

Fang Ziyang understands the seriousness and nods his head seriously,

"There is no problem with the source of the data, you can rest assured."

"That's OK."

Rick smiled and was excited, he could already imagine the picture of the new world technology taking off in the future.

Now that Xie Zheng is free from the burden of the family, he will no longer need to fear the brothers of the family in the future. He will create an empire of their own with his lover and brothers!

Tang Xun and Xie Zheng showed the same smile.


A secret meeting room in Beijing.

Huaguo digital executives were attentively watching the content of the PPT on the screen, while listening to the excited explanation of the gray-haired old professor on the stage.

“…We have formed a team to study the information submitted by New World Technology several times, and the final conclusion is very safe, there is no problem at all, and the feasibility is very high.”

"This identity chip is a trans-generational existence! If it is released successfully, it will not only be convenient and safe, but also our country's network will no longer suffer from foreign threats and constraints!"

"I believe everyone here should understand that because of the advanced computer level in foreign countries and the original technology blockade, the actual operation of the network that we think is safe is very difficult. Market attacks of various high-quality software, unscrupulous monitoring and invasion of our country’s information security…”

"But if the ID chip is released successfully, we will get rid of these problems completely!"

"And with this identity chip, we can enter the real era of big data management, better control all kinds of criminal activities, and the leakage of various information secrets, Huaguo Information Network this The blocks will become iron buckets."

"Even if foreign countries also introduce our identity chips, then we can still hold back, and those who worry about network information security all day long have to be replaced by them hahaha."

"Of course, these are the little things."

"The most important thing is that New World Technology revealed that their follow-up products will be launched. If they really research the intellectual brain, it is imperative to issue the identity chip. And how important is the intellectual brain? , what does it represent, I believe I don’t need to emphasize it, everyone should know…”

"So I hope the identity chip program can be passed."

The gray-haired old professor flushed with excitement.

He couldn't imagine the level of the research team of New World Technology is so high, if it is as revealed by the other party, then Huaguo Technology will definitely take off at an incredible speed!

The middle and senior management in the conference room were also very excited.

But they dare not take it too lightly.

The old chief said,

"This identity chip is indeed very good, but it is very important, and it needs to be considered and reviewed again. The main question now is whether New World Technology is really willing to cooperate with the government, or... After all, Rick James, one of the shareholders of New World Technology, is of M nationality."

The words are not very clear, but everyone understands.

If this is a sincere cooperation, then it is indeed a huge opportunity for China. But if this is a conspiracy, the results can be disastrous.

Everyone heard the words and all looked at a middle-aged man at the conference table.

The middle-aged man, the Minister of National Security of Liu Aidang, smiled slightly, did not speak immediately, but tapped a few times on the laptop in front of him and passed a document to everyone before speaking. .

“I think we can accept the cooperation application of New World Technology.”

"Although Mr. Rick James is of M nationality, he is not a pure M nationality. The James family he belongs to is very mixed, so their family's concept of the country is not strong, and they only care about Family interests, the foundation of the family is also scattered in various countries.”

"Rick is a strong competitor for the heirs of the James family. According to their family's competition rules, the competition is personal entrepreneurial achievements. New World Technology is Rick's competitive capital. When Hua Guo establishes a company, it will not do stupid things."

"And Rick's lover is Tang Xun. Tang Xun has a great influence on him. With Tang Xun's constraints, Rick's threat will be reduced by a few points."

"But most importantly..."

Here, Security Minister Li Aidang smiled.

"Although we have not found direct evidence, according to the analysis, the reason why the R&D level of the New World Technology team has suddenly skyrocketed is likely to be related to Fang Ziyang."

"Fang Ziyang?"

"That's right, it's him. Although the specific situation cannot be investigated, we guess that Fang Ziyang should have some secrets, and his scientific research talent may be higher than Tang Xun. Although Tang Xun used to be powerful, But it’s definitely not up to the level that is revealed now.”

"The research level disclosed by the New World Technology R&D team is too far from the technology of the products they released before. If it was concealed before, why should it suddenly be exposed now?"

"Through our department's analysis and investigation, all changes in New World Technology began after Tang Xun and Fang Ziyang met."

"So... we make a bold guess, is the technological leap of New World Technology all brought by Fang Ziyang?"

"We have carefully investigated Fang Ziyang, but we haven't found any problems. But because there are no problems, maybe the biggest problem."

"Do you still remember the Lu family? The Lu family has successively produced several generations of researchers. If the Lu family kept some of their previous research materials and did not publish them, these materials were inherited by Fang Ziyang, and After researching it in private, many things can be explained…”

"You know, Fang Ziyang is not really a waste, he has always been in the state of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in the Fang family."

Security Minister Liu Aidang shrugged.

"So to sum up, the main technology of New World Technology is probably in the hands of the brothers Tang Xun and Fang Ziyang. As long as they are not harmful, then the cooperation with New World Technology will be not a problem."

Everyone did not speak, shocked by such news.

See you.

Liu Aidang continued,

"So, if such a guess is true, I suggest that the investigation stop here. There is no need to be too transparent about other people's secrets, after all, who doesn't have a secret that they don't want to tell? "

"The Lu family has worked for the country for several generations. As a descendant of the Lu family, and grew up in China, I believe Fang Ziyang should not let us down. Accidentally, we are now prepared, and it shouldn't be a big problem."

Everyone nodded and felt reasonable.

The old chief pondered, "Then the investigation will stop here, do the necessary precautions and attention, and conduct careful inspection and auditing of relevant cooperation."

Liu Aidang nodded,

"Relax your head, our department understands. In addition, during the investigation of Fang Ziyang, I found something special. After careful analysis and research by our department, we feel that we need more than Fang Ziyang. It's the other person who pays attention."


"Yan Tong."

"We guess that Yan Tong may also have obtained some of the scientific research materials left by the Lu family, because Fang Qianhao also inherited some of the Lu family's heritage before."

" And this time, the second room of Xie's family broke up with Xie Zheng in advance. According to the news, it was because the second room of Xie's family contacted the developer of Sleep World software, a very powerful independent researcher. Among them... it is Yan Tong's thread."

"At present, the Xie Group has suffered huge losses due to the departure of Xie Zheng. They are ready to put all their energy into technology companies, but the funds are very tight. They are looking for joint venture partners, and their eyes are on foreign."

"According to our investigation, the reason why the second room of Xie's family will look abroad for the joint venture object is likely to be instigated by Yan Tong..."

Speak here.

Liu Aidang's voice was a little cold, "Yan Tong has a very low moral outlook and a very low limit."

Everyone looked solemn.

After the old chief was silent for a minute,

"Include Yan Tong in the special attention file, red alert."

Read The Duke's Passion