MTL - The Aloof Prince Pampers His Wild First Rate Consort-Chapter 509 clue

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After Chu said, several people in the hall dispersed themselves to do things.

Hua Yu first went to the courtyard, took the little Muer from the hustle, and used the invisible space to go to the Guoning Palace in the West.


When Mu Yunqi woke up, it was only four days later. The sky outside was already slightly bright, and she was partial and found that she was the only one in the room.

Get up and light the candlelight in the house, Mu Yun draped a piece of clothes, went to the door, opened the door, and the yard was empty.

Seeing this, Mu Yunzhen screwed his eyebrows and estimated that when she was asleep, she had already gone to Nanting.

Just thinking, there was a ray of light in the room, and then the figure of the flower bud appeared in the room of Mu Yun, and the baby was still holding a sleeping baby.

"The master..." The flower buds saw Mu Yunyi standing at the door, shouting and shouting at her.

Mu Yun took a trip and went back.

"His Royal Highness and Huang Yan went to the East and North Mingguo respectively to see if there was any clue to buy Heshanlian. Anguo went to Zhangzhou City and went to find his white brother to see Heshan. Outside the lotus, there are no other drugs to replace." Hua Yan will Chu Li their whereabouts, tell Mu Yun to listen.

When Mu Yunqi approached and heard the flowers, he would rather know what to do. He hugged Xiao Muer on the bed and said, "This plague of Gushan City is afraid of a long time."

"Yeah, I heard that the master was injured last night?" Hua Yan looked at Mu Yun's left arm.

"I don't get in the way, it's a little hurt." Mu Yunxiao shook his left hand gently and found that it didn't matter.

The flower sensation heard and nodded. "Before I set off, I asked the Ning Wang to send me a message, so that the master and the child should stay in the house for two days, so as not to break the wound."

"He just looked at me as a child. Did I have to worry about him so much?" Mu Yun licked his mouth.

The flower smirked, "Before the Ning Wang Temple, the master is indeed more confused than usual."

"Oh?" Mu Yunqi raised his eyebrows.

"The main thing is to trust each other too much, so when there is another person, it will always remove a few defenses, so it is easy to get hurt." The flower buds checked the wounds of Mu Yun, and saw the wounds wrapped outside very well. Also let go.

Mu Yun licked his lips and couldn't help but groan. "So in front of Huang Yan, are you like this?"

The flower face was red, and he lowered his eyes. "The master is going to make me joke."

"I will wash it first, and then go and eat something together." Mu Yun snorted and said that he went to the closet and chose a dress to change.


In the early morning, Shen Yu was busy in the middle of the house. Although Chu Li and Mu Yun were not at home, she still had to follow the rules. Every day, she would have to clean up the inside and outside of the house.

When she was cleaning the Glass Spring Court, she either cleaned it herself or stared at it. In the end, she wouldn’t put any prostitute alone to clean it up.

At this moment, I just took the broom to the Glass Spring Court, and I saw Mu Yunqi and Hua Yan push the door out of the room, and it scared her.

"Hey, when did you come back? Why didn't you know the slaves?" Shen Yu was a little confused, put down the broom in his hand and walked close to Mu Yun.

Mu Yunxiao smiled and smiled, and raised his lips. "I came back in the middle of the night."

"It turned out to be the case, then the Highness and the Little Son, have you come back together?" Shen Yan asked again.

"Little Muer fell asleep inside, and His Royal Highness has not come back." Mu Yun said.

Shen Yan will nod his head. "When you are Wang Hao, you will sit here for a while, and the slaves will let the kitchen get some food."

After that, Shen Yan ran out of the Glass Spring Court.

Mu Yunxiao and Hua Yu were waiting in the yard, remembering the Feng Shou Mountain last night, Mu Yun squatted toward the flower buds. "When I have finished using the breakfast, I want to go to Feng Shou Mountain to have a look."

The flower nodded nodded. "The sneak attacker stayed in the mountains last night, and may leave any clues."

"I think so too, mainly want to see, in addition to the normal mountain route, there is no other way to go up the mountain, and can escape the eyes and ears of the guards on the mountain." Mu Yunyu long way.

When the two chatted, Shen Yan soon came to the breakfast, and after putting the meal on the table, Shen Shen stood aside.

Mu Yun took a bowl of red bean porridge, ate it slowly, ate a few mouthfuls, and looked at it as he sank next to him. "Hey, what interesting things happened in the last few days?"

"Fun?" Shen Yan heard the words, carefully thought about it, "there is nothing interesting, but when I went out yesterday, I met a proprietress of a drugstore, chatted a few words, and listened to something that was quite interesting. ”

"What did you talk about?" Hearing the word pharmacy, Mu Yun’s light flashed and he was interested.

Sinking and chuckling, "I was a slave when I was hanging out. I saw her coming out of a jewelry shop yesterday. The slaves went up and asked her what happened, so happy."

"The proprietress said that the most expensive medicine she sold in the store was rarely bought by someone. A buyer appeared yesterday and bought all the medicines in one go. She was only one day yesterday and nearly 200. Silver, happy her, go out to buy jewelry, buy rouge."

Wen Yan, Mu Yunxiao and Hua Yu looked at each other, put down the spoon in his hand, and looked at Shen Shen. "That is a strange thing. The proprietress said that the buyer is a kind of person?"

"Coincident, the slave was also curious at the time, who is so lavish, one shot is two hundred and two silver, asked the proprietress, the proprietress said that it is a tall man, but listening to the accent, it seems not a local." Road.

The words fell and sighed. "It seems that this person is coming from a foreign country and is eager to seek medicine. If not, it will not cost so much."

Mu Yunyan squinted and his thoughts were slightly emptied. As of now, two conclusions have been drawn.

Men, not locals.

After thinking about it, Mu Yun thought of a key point again. "Hey, what is the drugstore owner you said?"

"The Wang Sheng drug shop in the city." Shen Hao replied.

After that, I saw Mu Yunqi and Hua Yan stand up and throw a sentence, "Let's go out."

Then there was no two people.

Walking on the way out of the house, Mu Yun licked his lips, his hands were together, and his footsteps were in a hurry. "Two hundred and two silvers are not a small number. Maybe from the silver, you can find some key."


After a cup of tea, the two appeared in Wang Sheng's drug shop.

The proprietress was sitting in the shop and licking the melon seeds. When she looked up at the door of Mu Yun, she was shocked and quickly stood up and greeted her.

"Ning Wang, how come you?" The proprietress was eager.

Mu Yunxuan looked at the proprietress, hooked her lips, pulled her to the corner and lowered her voice. "I heard that someone spent two hundred and two yesterday. Did you buy Heshan Lotus?"

"Yeah, this Heshanlian, didn't you have asked about the Ning Wang's next night? Or my Royal Family received the Ning Wang." The proprietress thought that Mu Yunyi also came to buy Heshanlian, some strange.

"I just have some details and I want to ask, there is nothing else." Mu Yunxiao smiled.

The proprietress would like to know, "What does Nanning Wang want to ask?"

"When the man came to buy Heshanlian yesterday, the two hundred and two gave silver, or silver tickets?" Mu Yun asked.

"It's all silver, and it's all silver, a big bag of broken silver. I can order it for a long time yesterday." The boss said that she had the size of the bag of broken silver. After that, she still licked it. Some sore arms.

Mu Yunxiao heard this reply, slightly twisting his eyebrows, thinking that the mind was too meticulous, and even the silver was replaced with broken silver in advance.

"Can you show me the broken silver?" Mu Yunyi looked at the boss.

The boss wife snorted a little, and her face was a bit embarrassing. "There is too much silver. I went to the bank in the evening to change into a silver ticket, but I still have a little bit of broken silver. I threw it in the money box. , mixed with other broken silver, I don't know which one is given by that person."

After that, the boss took the sleeves of Lamu Yunyun and asked, "Ning Wang, you are so careful about the questioning, isn’t it a big deal? Or is it that the money given by the person is not clean?"

The boss wants to be more and more afraid, and does not wait for Mu Yun to open the money box, go directly to the back of the counter, and pull the box with money. "Ning Wang Yu, are here."

Mu Yunqi approached and turned over the broken silver inside. Most of the broken silver was long. Where can I tell the difference? After a few turns, Mu Yunyu closed the money box.

"Listen to you, the buyer is not a local accent?" Mu Yun looked at the boss.

"Yeah, it's not like a local, but I can't say where it is. I have a silk hat on my head. I don't even see his appearance." The boss said honestly.

Mu Yunzhen saw no clues here, and he did not intend to continue to ask. After thanking the boss, he and the flower buds went outside the medicine shop.

"Ning Wang Hao, shouldn't something happen?" The proprietress only felt flustered.

"No, I just heard that he bought Heshan Lotus and wanted to buy something from him." Mu Yunyi Hu Yu an excuse.

When the proprietress heard this, she finally relaxed her mind. Thinking about Chu Li and Mu Yunyan came to ask He Shanlian, she must urgently need this medicine, and comforted her mouth. "Heshanlian is a rare and precious medicine, but it is rare and precious. Most of the places are still there. I heard from my family some time ago that when he went to play near Qingzhou, he had seen a large wild Heshanlian. At that time, he wanted to steal some of his backs. Unfortunately, he grew up on the cliffs. He didn’t. That courage to pick."

"Qingzhou?" Mu Yun's face flashed a trace of surprise.

"Yeah, that is the bitter place in Qingzhou. My family said that the good thing about Heshanlian is a long and wrong place. It was all wasted." The boss sighed and thought that she had lost a lot of money. Silver two.

Mu Yunyi finally felt that this was not a white one. When he left, he asked the boss about the last question. "There is a case of Heshan Lotus in Qingzhou. Did you disclose it to the buyer yesterday?"

"Nature is not, or I will do business in the future." The boss smiled.

"Well, remember to keep this thing." When Mu Yun’s words fell, a string of pearls was pulled from the sleeves and handed to the boss’s hand.

The proprietress saw the pearl's fineness and brightened her eyes. She quickly put the chain away, and thanked her heart. She thought about it. She was really lucky in the past two days...