MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3799 :Sorcerer defeated

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The three supreme heaven and earth were suppressed and killed by Mu Feng alone. This scene frightened the great Taichu supreme with fear and horror.

"The marshal was killed by the town, how can this, this, be possible? The three marshals can't beat a Mu Feng!"


At this moment, in the predecessor army, the mood of the dominant powers collapsed, and there was no hope of fighting in their hearts. Once the coach died, how could this war be fought?

After all, this is a god. In a war with a super **** level, top combat power is extremely important, and top combat power can completely change the war situation.

Ordinary soldiers can only obliterate the opponent's future talent pool and cut off the role of the foundation. Of course, the unity of strength is also terrible.

"Our Majesty has taken part in good luck, not only your marshal will be killed, you, go to death!"

Ji Wuming laughed, four eyes shrouded in divine light, restraining a primordial spirit of the wind witch.

The fourth soul light directly engulfed and swallowed the Dao Yin of Taichu that suppressed the opponent.

"It's only been more than a thousand years, but Mu Feng Zhizun is also terrifying to this point!"

Not to mention the enemy, the suppressed Tianyi Supreme, Huangquan Supreme and others were also shocked and shocked.

Huangquan Supreme, who had been right with Mu Feng, also had a chill in his heart. Fortunately, he was not an enemy now, but an ally.

"Mu Feng..."

The Saint Emperor Pan Cang, who was still being suppressed by the seal, was also shocked in his heart, but after more than a thousand years, Mu Feng's strength was so terrifying.

"Tianmu, you really didn't look at the wrong person in your eyes. I have Luozu and Mu Feng in my chaotic system, and the foot will protect the future generations."

Sage Emperor Pan Cang sighed.

"How is it possible that the appearance of a strong like Luo Yu is enough to shock the emperor, there is still such a strong!"

Saint Thunder Witch's heart was also extremely shocked.

"Hahahaha, well done, Holy Emperor Thunder Witch, it's your turn, Burning Sky Flame Phoenix, kill!"

Luo Yu laughed and transformed into an ancestor of Burning Heaven Flame, condensing the fire of heaven and earth, and smashed out with one punch.


The horror was so terrible that the sea of ​​fire condensed into a crit of the colored Divine Phoenix and departed. The Thunder Witch Saint Emperor slashed out of Jiulong, but was exploded by this blow, and Jiulong collapsed.


"Ah..." the Holy Emperor Thunder Witch screamed, and the Holy Thunder Body of Heaven and Earth was exploded and burned by a single blow.

Afterwards, his heaven and earth imprints immediately burned and reunited with the flesh, and the whole person released a terrifying thunder light, tearing the space apart.

"Withdraw, Thunder Witch Dynasty, withdraw!"

The Thunder Witch Saint emperor roared and ordered the army of men and horses that echoed him.

The army of the Thunder Witch Saint Dynasty who had no intention of fighting began to withdraw and fled to the cosmic passage, the prehistoric passage.


"Escape! We have no hope!" Feng Witch Saint Dynasty, Yan Witch Saint Dynasty's people are also fighting to flee, they dare not fight again!

"Brothers, fight back!"

"Haha, Luozu Muzu mighty, counterattack!"

The chaos army has fought for thousands of years. At this moment, it has never been so excited, one by one, burning divine power frantically, fighting back and chasing the enemy.

The prehistoric army has begun to flee in an all-round way!

Mu Feng came to the seal space of the Holy Emperor Pan Cang, slashed out with a sword, and a terrifying sacred force directly smashed the seal.


The Holy Emperor Pancang also burst out an astonishing pressure from heaven and earth, breaking through the seal and reuniting the Holy Body.

"Thank you Mu Feng Daoist friend." The Holy Emperor Pan Cang clasped his fist to Mu Feng, feeling a bit complicated in his heart.

"You're welcome." Mu Feng nodded calmly, then looked at the already turned battlefield.

The prehistoric army has already begun to flee, fleeing in the prehistoric universe, over a hundred million yuan in chaos, Mu Feng's Tianfeng combined army is chasing and killing.

"This battle is finally won. Fortunately, there are two people. The two people's grace to Chaos will be remembered forever by all circles of Chaos."

Holy Emperor Pan Cang said to Luo Yu and Mu Feng who came in the sky.

"It's the same as the master of the world, and it's our business." Luo Yu smiled faintly.

"Luo Yu, you save me the Pangu clan, save me the Pangu Continent, you should be respected by me, from now on, the Pangu Continent is willing to establish an alliance with the heavens and gods forever."

Holy Emperor Pangu saluted Luo Yu deeply.

"You are polite, fellow Daoist, haven't you also won for thousands of years for Chaos." Luo Yu helped up Pancang Saint Emperor.

"Hahahaha, my chaos world, with you three guardians, I am finally relieved." Pangu's will on the Pangu continent smiled.

Mu Feng was surprised, feeling this amazing willpower, and said: "Are you Pangu?"

"That's right, it is, Mu Feng, the powerhouse rising in the new era, I heard Tianmu talk about you." Pangu consciousness smiled.

"Why did you become like this?" Mu Feng asked in surprise.

"I'll explain this." Pan Cang Shenghuang said: "Actually, my father was cultivated to Heaven and Earth Supreme, and he was still the first Heaven and Earth Supreme in this world, but because of prehistoric things, my father sacrificed his Heaven and Earth Taoist seal. The origin of the Dao Soul, all the powers are condensed into a seal to make up for the cosmic cracks between the prehistoric and the chaos. Sealing countless eras of the prehistoric passage, and also creating the seal of the Pangu clan to keep the peace for the chaos."

Mu Feng was also in awe when he heard the words, and his expression on the holy emperor Pancang became softer, saying, "Pangu predecessor has a heart for the common people, Mu Feng admires him, please accept me."

Mu Feng gave a gift to the younger generation to the entire Pangu Continent.

"You don’t have to be polite, sacrificing my way of being alone can buy time for the entire chaos and all the chaotic universes, and give birth to a glorious and prosperous future generation. That sacrifice is nothing. Now there are three of you. I can protect future generations from chaos. Immortal." Pangu smiled lightly in consciousness.

"It's a pity, let the Thunder Witch Saint Emperor escape, otherwise the Primordial Witch Clan will be missing a top Saint Emperor."

Luo Yu felt a little regretful.

"The kind of powerhouse, unless you and I join forces, it will not be easy for me to seal it, don't worry, I have already sealed the four supreme heavens and earth, enough for the Wu Clan to suffer."

Mu Feng smiled.

"Four heaven and earth supreme? One more?" Luo Yu asked in surprise.

"Well, there is another person who is the Prince of the Wind Witch Saint Dynasty whom I suppressed in the wilderness." Mu Feng nodded.

"Haha, good skill, I really sigh. When I first met you, you were so weak and small. Now the waves behind the Yangtze River are pushing the waves forward, and they took me on the beach." Luo Yu laughed.

"Hahahaha, at the beginning, you uttered a ray of spirit to kill the 100,000 army of evil gods, which shocked me." Mu Feng laughed and talked about the past, both of them were filled with infinite emotion.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, I want to give you a gift." At this moment, Luo Yu said suddenly.

"It just so happens that I also have a gift for Senior Luo." Mu Feng also said.

"Is there mine? You two." Saint Emperor Pan Cang leaned over and laughed.

"You, next time."

The two of them almost spoke in unison, and then looked at each other and laughed, tacitly silent.

Suddenly, the air was filled with the rotten smell of Wang Nianji friendship, quack quack...