MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1570 "Double Spring"

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The Sword of Dawn Text Chapter 1570 "Double Reed" Cecil 5 years, in the early spring, with the constellation Frostbite leaving the highest point in the night sky, the constellation Ryder gradually rose from the horizon, and the cold and cold winter entrenched in the northern kingdom finally Gradually leave, an atmosphere of eagerly looking forward to the spring flowers begins to gradually brew between the city and the countryside. The recovery festival is approaching. For most countries on this continent, this will be the most important time of the year. festival.

For the citizens of Cecil City, this year's Recovery Festival is even more special.

This is the first festival of recovery since the victory of the Great Battle of Tarash, and the first major festival that the Alliance has ushered in since celebrating the victory day. It is also the day when His Majesty Gawain Cecil ended his tour and returned to his loyal imperial capital. In order to celebrate this special day, the imperial family and the Theocratic Council even came forward to authorize a grand religious celebration to hold a "fertility prayer and sacrifice ceremony" in the largest pioneer square in Cecil City.

Since the Theocratic Council has vigorously rectified the sects across the country and the authority of the church has been completely weakened, the priests and believers of various sects have not held rituals of this scale for a long time.

For this day, half of the city has been decorated with lights, and the Pioneer Square has been prepared a few days ago, and now it has been completely arranged as a sacred ceremony venue in line with the teachings of the Three Gods of Harvest, symbolizing Gaia, the mother of the earth, and Eve, the goddess of harvest. As well as the various herbs and minerals of the three sisters, the goddess of spring, Flora, are dotted all over the square, and the street lights are tied with dried wheat ears and straw poles that were specially reserved last year, extending from Pioneer Square to the church area.

The crowd in costumes started from their homes in the early hours of the morning, walked along the main road from the church area to the main square, and arrived at the altar area on time before the sun filled the square. Pray and pour the dew collected from the previous day into the jar in front of the altar. With the last drop of water falling into the jar, the ceremony of praying to the gods begins.

Then the horn sounded, and the bells and drums rang in unison, symbolizing the joy of the harvest. The ascetic monks wearing garlands walked to the high platform. They stepped on the thorny road specially paved in front of the high platform with their bare feet. The goddess of spring intends to melt the winter snow, and the virgin maiden wearing a simple long dress and holding wheat ears also stepped onto the high platform. She will preside over the sacrificial ceremony in the next session, as a representative of the devout believers, on the high platform Hear the will of the gods directly...

And when it all started, Gawain stood on the tallest tower at the end of Pioneer Square, quietly overlooking the crowded pomp on the square, as well as the solemn and cumbersome sacred ceremonies on the altar.

Behind him, there is a large-scale machine in the not spacious room. This machine occupies almost half of the room. The crystal matrix and the rune substrate, along with the crystal emitting a faint light, a low humming sound also came from the depths of the machine, echoing slightly throughout the room.

In addition to this room, in the entire tower, there are various protective devices, and there are fully armed and determined judge monks guarding everywhere.

This layer of protection is not to ensure Gawain's own safety. The safety of a legendary powerhouse does not require the protection of these things. The real purpose of these protections is to maintain an unprecedentedly powerful anti-divine barrier to ensure the theocratic director in the tower. The researchers of the conference can safely record various parameters of the ceremony site, maintain communication with the courtyard of disobedience, and in the process not be noticed by the divine half-body of the three gods of abundance.

Gawain's eyes passed through the window and landed on the altar. He saw that the "Holy Maiden" had placed the ear of wheat in front of the three icons. It was the gestures of the three sisters Gaia, Eve, and Flora who were kindly watching the world, and with the solemn and devout prayers from the Holy Maiden's mouth, the surface of the three icons immediately showed a dense brilliance, followed by the already dry wheat. Sui regained her vigor.

Seeing the icon glowing and the wheat ears turning green, the saint seemed relieved. She smiled and nodded. This "miracle image" indicates that the connection between the gods and the world has been established, and the three goddesses have already turned their attention. At this sacred sacrifice site, the sacrifice ceremony that is about to take place a "right way" recognized by the gods.

A familiar breath emerged from the air, and Gawain heard Amber's voice coming from beside him: "It looks really troublesome... I started preparing a few days ago, and now it's finally officially started, and there is still so much more. The 'symbolic rituals' that go round and round, like walking around the streets before the sun shines, ascetic monks pricking their feet with thorns, putting ears of wheat in front of statues... Isn't this all a toss?"

"The cumbersome religious ceremonies are to demonstrate the divinity of the gods and establish a clear distance between the gods and mortals. At the same time, the process of formulating complex rules and strictly implementing them, and gradually evolving them into iron laws is also a manifestation of the authority of the church. Gao Wen smiled and said casually, "And in the early stage of society, the cultural level and logical ability of ordinary people are generally not strong. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that large-scale activities are carried out in an orderly manner, and some seem strange but mandatory. Sexual 'rules' are essential things that not only inspire awe, but also ensure that the sacred ritual scene doesn't get out of hand."

Speaking of this, he paused and shook his head: "Of course, with the development of society, the purpose and form of many religious ceremonies will be 'deformed' to a certain extent. On the one hand, the church must strictly implement its 'core' to show its orthodoxy Status, on the one hand, will add a lot of 'private goods' due to human factors, anyway, as long as it does not violate the basic dogma of the gods, as long as things like sacrificial ceremonies can be executed, it will be a success."

"That's right, I suspect that Gaia and the other three directly participated in the last part of the icon lighting," Amber leaned beside Gawain and muttered while looking at the square with his head, "The tossing of the ascetic monks in front of them is just for the ceremony. In the middle of the process, go to the square to collect donations for soup and medicine..."

Gao Wen: "…"

Although he really wanted to remind the Shadow Assault Goose that what was going on in front of him was a very serious large-scale experiment that directly affected whether the Ragnarok plan could be carried out smoothly, there was another voice in his heart telling him what this guy said. right.

The feeling of not being able to spit out was extremely uncomfortable, so Gawain quickly turned his attention to other places. He looked away from the ceremony scene in the square, turned around and came to the large equipment in the center of the room, which was buzzing. The rattling device is essentially a high-power anti-divine barrier generator, but for this special application scenario, it has integrated a set of encrypted communication equipment inside. Gao Wen reached out and activated the crystal located in front of the device. There was a clicking sound of the rune substrate switching, the crystal surface gradually lit up, and then a clear holographic projection appeared in front of him and Amber.

The most striking thing in the center of the holographic projection is the golden oak tree in the back of the courtyard, and next to the golden oak tree, Flora, the goddess of spring who was talking with Amorn, heard the movement from the communication device and immediately got up and left. come over.

In the background behind Flora, in the dark depths that are still some distance away from the golden oak tree, other tall and majestic figures can be vaguely seen. They are gathered in the "meeting ground", ready to witness this sacrifice ceremony. of other gods.

"The ceremony in Cecil City has begun," Gawain nodded slightly to the goddess of spring that appeared in the communicator. "As planned, the ceremony scene on Typhon and Baiyin should also start at the same time."

"Yes, we have already felt the strong prayer of the believers just now," Flora nodded immediately, and raised her finger to the darkness in the distance of the disobedient courtyard, "My two sisters have returned to the kingdom of God to monitor the sacrificial passage. situation, I stay here to pay attention to the changes in the world."

"Well," Gawain replied simply, then he seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked again, "Is there any problem with the sacrifice and the calibration of the ceremony site? Don't make a mistake with such a large-scale sacrifice passage. , for the first time since ancient times."

"Don't worry!" The goddess of spring had a bright smile on her face, her front hooves tapped lightly on the ground, "Take away the things in the house, don't need the house, the words 'Wude Express, the mission must be achieved' is printed on the box. Take away the things that are not marked, don’t take the things that are not marked, you can take the things when no one is watching, and once someone sees them, you can’t take them. !"

Gawain nodded as he listened, and his heart relaxed a little. To be honest, he didn't doubt that the three goddesses would not be able to remember such a simple thing. He was mainly worried that the three sisters would go wrong because they were too excited. It is biased towards "people", and human beings... will significantly reduce their intelligence when they are about to get off work.

But he nodded his head here, but Amber next to him seemed to suddenly remember something, and hurriedly came over: "Hey wait! Don't forget to take the things on the altar!"

The goddess of spring in the communication screen was stunned for a moment: "Altar? What altar?"

"The platform where your saint is standing!" Amber's eyes widened immediately, "That's the focus of this sacrificial ceremony! Don't forget to take away the sacrificial offerings in the end... I went and you really forgot, did you?"

The goddess of spring fell silent for a while, and then turned her face away while digging hard with her hoof: "I didn't forget."

Gao Wen: "…"

At the same time, on the large altar in the center of Pioneer Square, the Holy Maiden of Harvest has completed the prayers and blessings before the sacrificial ceremony, and this sacred ceremony is about to usher in a critical stage.

Under the focus of thousands of believers and many priests, the saint with brilliant golden curly hair came to the statue of the three goddesses with a very serious expression. She ignited the incense that had been prepared before the icon, and The dew collected in the early morning was sprinkled on the edge of the incense plate, and then in the unison of the priests, the holy thing handed over by the deacon was taken and placed in front of the icon.

It was the first sprout to sprout in the temple garden before the Resurrection Festival, the snow water collected during the last snowfall in the cold winter, and the highest-quality lapis lazuli amulet representing the "Holy Nature" of the three goddesses.

The saint put these sacrifices at the feet of the icon. This is not the first time she has performed the sacrifice ceremony to the three goddesses, but it is definitely the most respectful, solemn, and solemn in her life.

Not only was this ceremony supported by the royal family and the Theocratic Council, but also because on the eve of the royal family's order, she was actually enlightened by the three goddesses in her sleep, and the goddesses directly heralded the arrival of this grand ceremony.

Getting "omens" from the gods before the royal and theocratic orders were given, what else could these prophetic things not be true divine graces and miracles? It can't be because the gods held a meeting with His Majesty the Emperor two months in advance, right?

With a grateful heart inspired by the gods and full of confidence in the support of the royal family, the Holy Maiden of Harvest took a deep breath. She felt that this might be the most successful sacrificial ceremony she could hold in her life, because... she had already I felt the gaze of the gods descend on this earth.

There was joy and anticipation in his eyes.

On the edge of Pioneer Square, a large warehouse facility was standing quietly in the depths of the streets and alleys that the believers who participated in the ceremony had not noticed.

This is an inconspicuous warehouse, which is no different from the common civilian storage facilities in this urban area, but at this time, there are more than a dozen sentries openly or secretly around this inconspicuous warehouse, and the trial knights in civilian clothes and The Arbitration Tribunal nuns are vigilantly monitoring all the bells and whistles at all the gates of the warehouse and the intersections of every nearby street, and even on the roofs of every building around the warehouse, there is at least one monitor who is responsible for guarding.

At the front gate of the heavily guarded warehouse, in an inconspicuous corner, a small badge with wheat ears as the main body was printed.

That is the emblem of the three gods of abundance.

The place with the sacred emblem is the sacrificial ground.

Veronica, holding a platinum scepter, came to the warehouse. After a brief handover with the sentry at the main entrance, she pushed open the warehouse door and stepped into it.

The rich artistic atmosphere in the warehouse is blowing towards the face with tons of charging units, cannonball boxes that are almost piled up neatly, crystal bombs that can’t be seen at a glance, and other dazzling “crystals of modern art”.

What they have in common is that they are easy to use, durable to storage, easy to maintain and easy to maintain, and do not need to consider the launch environment.

Of course, for security reasons, only part of the bombs were stacked in this warehouse. They were all defused. The fuzes were all placed in another warehouse opposite the square, which had the same arrangement as here.

Veronica's eyes swept across the entire warehouse. After confirming for the last time that this "sacred ceremony ground" was as usual, she took out a piece of paper from her arms, shook it away, and read the words on it expressionlessly. Text: "Symbol of the Earth, Lord of the Harvest, Messenger of Spring and Recovery..."

On the square, the saint in the center of the altar raised her hands to the icon with devotion and awe, and her voice echoed in the ears of thousands of believers: "The devout believers pray to the three gods, we are like lambs, crawling on the ground. In this world, we have received the grace of God, and sincere sacrifices..."

In the warehouse, Veronica had put away the paper with the prayers recorded in her hands. According to memory, her unwavering voice reading the manuscript ended at the same time as the prayers of the saints in the square.

"...With this humble attitude, I offer the treasures of this world. May God be gracious and accept this sacrifice."

The next second, a distorted light curtain filled Veronica's sight!

All perceptions are useless at this moment, the opening of the large-scale sacrifice channel directly and briefly distorts the order of time and space in the warehouse, and the tons of "art collections" are turned into something between the material and the virtual image. things, and was sucked into the depths of the twisted light curtain like a storm!

In the square, thousands of believers looked up at the same time, and the Holy Maiden of Harvest also stared at the three offerings at the feet of the icon. This is the most critical stage of the whole ceremony. Whether the gods are happy because of the piety of mortals, the harvest of a year Whether Yu Shunsui can be guaranteed depends on whether the sacrifice will be taken away by invisible forces. The girl with curly blond hair didn't dare to blink. She stared at it for a long time, and she felt uneasy about to emerge in her heart. At that time, the vision she had been waiting for finally appeared.

An invisible light curtain suddenly descended from above, and wherever the light curtain passed, the sacrifices disappeared out of thin air.

Even the trays with the offerings seem to be gone...

The saint blinked. She looked at the deacon next to her and found that the deacon was also a little flustered.

I have never seen this. jpg.

But after all, it is a high-level priest, and the most basic requirement for standing in this position is to be calm enough. The saintess quickly woke up from the astonishment of "How come the three goddesses even took away the plate?", and thought within a second. Well, the reason to convince herself and all the believers, she turned to look at the square, facing the splendid scene of thousands of people, and announced loudly

"Rejoice! God is very pleased with our piety!"

The next second, there was thunderous applause in the square.

At the same time, around the golden oak tree that disobeyed the courtyard, the gods who came to watch the lively also burst into applause.

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