MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1556 Phantom across time

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Listening to the voice that descended from the sky with some inexplicable majesty and a sense of laziness, Gawain was not affected by this ancient god's imposing manner - he even talked and laughed with the dragon **** who was the stitched body of the gods. , Compared with the chaotic dragon that covered the sky, the oppressive force that this lady in front of him brought him was really nothing.

Therefore, after Ms. Ye's voice fell, Gawain did not continue following the other party's words, but asked immediately: "Tell me first, where are Amber and Modier?"

The voice in the sky seemed to think for a moment, and then it came again: "Don't worry about their situation - they are all safe and have their own things to do, until they come back here, we can still have a good time. talk."

Gao Wen's heart was a little more settled, although it seemed that Ms. Ye didn't plan to tell herself where Amber and Modier were and what they were doing, at least for now, it was certain that the two of them were safe and sound, which made his face a little bit. The tense expression relaxed: "Okay, it just so happens that I am also curious about the plans of an ancient **** like you. Since you also know my 'identity', the conversation between us can also be a little more open... You Which part do you want to start with first? From the instructions left by the voyagers? Or from the imminent wave of magic and disaster? Or…”

"Let's start with yourself. In addition to working so hard, you should also pay attention to yourself occasionally, neighbor," Lady Ye interrupted Gawain with a smile, "I have left some here that belong to me. It seems that it is time for your belongings to be returned to their original owners."

"What belongs to me?" Gao Wen frowned. Although he was curious about the meaning of "old..." that Ms. Ye almost said just now, he suddenly recalled the "data" that the other party mentioned to him just now. Streaming" situation, I vaguely guessed something in my heart, "Could it be from my side..."

"Memories, some memories that should belong to you, and a ray of consciousness that has been waiting to meet you for hundreds of years," Ms. Ye said slowly, "These things have been in the sky for centuries Wandering in those dark and old data links, they were supposed to be with you, but the contamination of the adverse tide caused several subsystems to go offline abnormally, and some data was wrongly stripped and stuck in the hall of shadows, luckily the anchor generator The most basic operations were maintained throughout, and the data was automatically recorded - after the Battle of Tarash, I fixed the contamination problem and waited for it to be returned to its original owner."

Ms. Ye used a lot of "professional vocabulary" that only those who knew about the Legacy of the Navigator could understand. If it was an outsider here, I might be confused, but Gawain immediately understood the meaning of the other party—his memory of those blank snippets!

The real Gawain Cecil in history once climbed the Voyager Tower and made a deal with "Gawain" who was still trapped in a satellite at the time, and this transaction most likely facilitated Gawain descended to the earth seven hundred years later and "raised the coffin" - there is no record of this event in history, but in the past few years, Gawain has pieced together some truth through various fragmented clues, but he always Failed to find the most crucial link: his own memory.

He doesn't know anything about it himself!

Now he finally knows why - this part of the memory was intercepted in the sky station due to the interference of the tide, and mistakenly flowed into the database of Ms. Ye! No wonder he couldn't find them anyway!

Gawain's eyes widened. The dawn of a problem that had plagued him for many years made him excited. He looked up at the amber eyes in the sky: "This part of the memory..."

His words came to an abrupt end, because I didn't know when, the majestic figure standing in the center of the city had disappeared... Not only the majestic figure, but even the surrounding towers and walls, houses and roads far and near, At this moment, it also disappeared cleanly in an instant, Gawain blinked in amazement, and in a flash, he found himself standing in the middle of darkness.

"...I really want to come out and come out, everything is so sudden..." He couldn't help muttering, even though he knew that the situation in front of him might be that Ms. Ye had begun to "return things to their original owners", he still wanted to complain A few words, and at the moment when his voice fell, there was a sudden change in the boundless darkness around him - a faint light and some vague outlines began to emerge from the darkness.

Those shadows gradually became clearer and were finally discernible to the naked eye. Gawain saw a hall, a hall full of various equipment, which looked like a cabin in the Sky Station, and he saw this cabin again. The edge was hidden into the depths of darkness, and only a shimmer of light illuminated the center of the room—Gao Wen, who had been in touch with the knowledge of the Eternal Sleeper, quickly judged that the darkness and the shimmering light represented different "impressions" in his memory. In the light is a picture with clear memory, and in the darkness is a space that memory cannot describe. . .

A figure suddenly emerged from the edge of the darkness, walking slowly towards the place lit by the dim light.

Gawain opened his eyes subconsciously. He stared at the figure emerging from the darkness in astonishment, until the burly figure and familiar face of the other party were completely illuminated by the dim light, and he saw a picture that he had seen countless times before. Face - that's what he himself looks like now.

Gao Wen felt something, he guessed who this figure was - he thought of the "wisp of consciousness" that Ms. Ye mentioned.

He looked at the phantom that emerged from the darkness with a calm expression, and the other party also looked at this side with a calm expression. After two seconds of silence, it was the phantom who spoke first: "Hello, I'm Gawain Cecil. ."

"I'm Gawain," Gawain said slowly. For some reason, he was exceptionally calm at this moment when he should have been in a turbulent mood. This kind of calmness was as if what was happening in front of him should have happened long ago, and he was already waiting in the dark. Years later, "It's not the first time we've met, right?"

"I don't know how long time has passed, but this is indeed not the first time we met," Gawain Cecil said with a smile, this human hero who left a glorious footprint in history but suddenly fell like a When talking to old friends, say to Gawain, "When I first knew of your existence, you were just a voice. At that time, I thought you were some kind of prophet, the Holy Spirit. When I first talked to you face-to-face, you were a Machines, cold and powerful, communicated with me through steel, and now, I am glad I saw a human being... You fulfilled your promise to me, stranger."

"But I can't remember the specific content of the agreement with you," Gawain frowned slightly. He felt very strange. After using this body for many years, he had already become accustomed to his identity, which led him to have a relationship with a friend at this moment. It feels especially weird when talking to a "phantom" that looks exactly like him. He doesn't know whether this phantom-like "wisp of consciousness" in front of him can also produce such complex emotions, but he knows that the other party's time is precious, so he temporarily puts this The weird feeling was put aside, "Part of my memory is missing."

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "But I think I should have fulfilled the agreement - if our agreement is that I will take over your body a few years after your death, come out from the grave and continue to lead and defend words of the people."

A smile appeared on the face of "Gawain Cecil" in front of him, the phantom nodded lightly, and then sat down directly: "This is indeed the content of the agreement, at least part of it."

Gao Wen was stunned for a moment, and sat on the ground on the other side. At the same time, he remembered what the other side said just now, and some yellowish fragments seemed to be looming in his mind: "You just said that when you first knew of my existence, I was just a voice. ...that's after you got that piece of the space station? Uh...I mean the 'foreign object' that was made into a shield."

"Yes, just after I got it," Gawain Cecil nodded, "through it, I established a communication with a voice, and that voice was just some vague noise at first, and at one point I thought I was being attacked by an evil spirit. Haunted, but soon it became clear and seemed happy to talk to me...that voice was you. At first, you used your voice to tell me what was happening on the earth, but then the connection between us increased and you even started to Some pictures are thrown into my mind, so that I can know things from thousands of miles away, I call you a 'prophet', but you say you are just an ordinary person..."

Gawain recalled a corresponding description in history—after Gawain Cecil obtained the "Guardian Shield of the Kingdom", he seemed to gradually awaken to a special power, and could understand the world thousands of miles away like a prophet. The movement of the enemy forces can plan the battlefield and command thousands of troops as if overlooking the earth from a high altitude...

And at the moment when these memories surfaced, some memory fragments that had been dissipated for a long time in his mind suddenly appeared!

He recalled that when he was floating in space, a voice from the ground suddenly connected to the data link of the sky station. He recalled that he established a communication with the "human hero" who was looking up at the sky on the surface, and discussed things on the earth. , discussing the stars in space, he recalls opening visitor access to this "friend on the surface", giving him a glimpse into the wider side of the world...

He heard Gawain Cecil speak calmly in front of him: "...In the knowledge you have opened up to me, I have seen the truth that the world is perishing in reincarnation, and the dark cloud shrouded in the realm of gods, the doomsday is coming. The pressure made me make the most daring decision of my life...I think, if mere mortal power is not enough to save the world, then we need a stronger power, a more immortal, wiser, with a bird's eye view The vision of the earth is concerned with the existence of the fate of all beings on the earth..."

Gawain raised his head and saw a slightly apologetic look on the other party's face: "I found the wisest person to give advice, and I went through all the ancient books, I discussed with you, and persuaded you to accept this deal, I My elf friends found clues in ancient books, and under their guidance, I began to transform my body into a 'container' that met the requirements, so as to bypass the ban in the Tower of Babel. The barbarians who have dealt with the demons learned that there is another land in the southeast of the mainland, and there is a high tower that can reach the end of the sky. I set out that summer and drifted on the sea for a long, long time...

"But anyway, after some twists and turns, I finally completed this bold and almost whimsical plan.

"I saw a landscape that no human being could have imagined, and I saw you, an... incredible ancient soul, you inhabited a massive machine, and honestly, I was terrified."

The memories in Gawain's mind were finally completely assembled.

He took a light breath, looked at "Gawain Cecil" in front of him, and shook his head with a smile: "And all of this started when you put a handle on that piece of space debris."

"Yeah, it started with putting a handle on that thing," Gawain Cecil also said with a smile, "Charlie has to tell me that that thing suits my temperament best..."

"His aesthetics has always been a little ill," Gao Wen spread out his hands, "The other few are actually not much different."

"Yeah, not many of them have read books," Gawain Cecil sighed, but then shook his head again, "but judging from the results, it was fortunate that we gave that thing a set..."

Gawain didn't say a word for a while, he just quietly stared at the ancient phantom in front of him, even though he knew that the other party was just a residual consciousness, he suddenly had a lot of ideas and wanted to communicate with the other party, but after a while. After the silence of time, the first thing that came out of him was a sigh: "Although the results are not bad, I still want to say something... The idea that you hoped for a savior from the sky back then was not very reliable. If it was me, I would be more accustomed to solving problems down-to-earth. You used your soul as a bargaining chip for me to come down, but after I came down, I still got to this day step by step - I told you, I just An ordinary person, I don't have the talent to save the world with a wave of my hand."

"You told me these words at the beginning," Gawain Cecil shook his head, "but I also told you that I'm just a warrior—by the way, I'm a bit more lucky than others. I can't think of any other way, nor You can't see through the changes in the world. You told me that social development has its own laws. Instead of expecting someone to save the world, it is better to believe in the power of all beings in this world. But I was frightened by the 'observation records' you showed me. I only know, The process of saving the world must be accelerated...

"My friend, maybe you are right, even without you, even if no miracle happens, as long as the earthly civilization works hard from generation to generation, as long as the time is long enough, there will be a certain season of civilization that will survive successfully one day. Come down, they will be wiser, more united, and more fortunate than the previous losers, their future will be more brilliant, and there will be heroes and heroes, but selfishly tell me, we can't wait - I don't care how brilliant civilization can be next season , I don't care if they have four hands and four feet or two wings and four eyes... Their glory is just an assumption, but we must survive this season."

Looking at the chattering phantom in front of him, Gawain did not speak for a while.

What should he evaluate? He knew that Gawain Cecil's decision was still not the most sensible and sensible decision. A spectator could pick out the countless faults behind his stupidity and give countless better suggestions, while a condescending Critics can even leave a sentence "limitation of the times" to evaluate each other's life, but Gawain can't say anything.

Not just because he himself was part of the deal, but because the times are always pushed forward by those who are trapped in the "limitations of the times."

(End of this chapter)

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