MTL - Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven-Chapter 107 Accelerating Star Vortex (3/3)

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Zhou Heng and the black donkey, Xiaohuo began the Xinghai shuttle.

With the black donkey present, the cosmic shuttle becomes very convenient. The teleportation runes start infinitely, and they can shuttle tens of thousands of miles at once. The only limitation is the spiritual power of the cheap donkey. After all, it is impossible to teleport continuously. At most, it can only shuttle for one day continuously. You must stop to recover the spiritual power.

But when the black donkey recovered, Zhou Heng was able to hurry, but the speed was far less than that of the black donkey.

Along the way, they also encountered the Xinghai robbers, but it was just that people saw them too shabby and did not mean to come up and rob.

Of course, if it was the black donkey's turn to rush, the Xinghai robbers would not even be able to react before they had moved away.

From Eternal Dragon to Bailong, even the red moon has to travel for two months, how far away is visible! Even if the black donkey has mastered the teleportation rune, it is still far behind Red Moon, and it may take a year to reach the road with all its strength.

Moreover, the black donkey does not have the powerful consciousness and rich experience of Red Moon. It does not know whether it is in the right direction. After a few days, it will fall to a nearby planet and compare the star map. And see if you have run in the wrong direction.

As a result, this speed is naturally even slower.

Zhou Heng didn't care, and hurry up. Maybe they can meet any chance on the road, and the birth of any holy medicine!

What a pity, the Holy Medicine is so easy to encounter. The black hole-level strong man may not encounter a strain for ten thousand years. He can run into it as soon as possible. What luck?

Because the black donkey ate a chaos-level heaven and earth fruit, its practice speed became faster the later it was, which completely violated the martial arts theory, that is, it hurried away in the starry sea. Its practice speed has not stagnated at all, and it has been steadily moving forward. .

Zhou Heng is also the same. His star vortex can draw aura from the void and quickly and steadily increase the accumulation of spiritual power. Similarly, he enters the country fiercely. Only the small fire can go the path of physical training. It can only grow by eating.

Fortunately, Zhou Heng has a large share in Xuantian Camp. When others are outside, his benefits should be allocated at least. There is a lot of black hole-level animal meat, which is enough for them to shuttle the universe. food.

While the black donkey was on his way, Zhou Heng began to study how to speed up his practice.

The first is the holy medicine, but the holy medicine is too rare, and even if he is sent to the black hole with the holy medicine, how can he go from the black hole to the chaos?

I ca n’t rely on holy medicine, right?

I am so confused, it is difficult to get so many top holy medicine!

The second is the star core, comet star, black hole-level star core! But such things are scarce than holy medicine, they are more difficult to come by than to be expected, and even more hopeless.

The third is the black sword, which can be used to kill the strong, but as his cultivation becomes higher and higher, the number of strong who needs to be killed every further step is also increasing. It's still an old problem. It's not difficult to rush into the black hole realm, but after the black hole realm, where can I go to find so many black hole-level strongmen to kill him?

There are indeed countless such existences in the Demon Sea, but that is the undead, but the black sword draws the essence of life, and it will be wrong!

Finally, it is the Star Vortex!

This 冇 can draw the aura directly from the void, why can it be so, Zhou Heng does not understand at all, but he does not need to understand, as long as he knows that he can.

The most reliable method is to increase the speed at which the vortex of the stars absorbs spiritual power!

之后 After strengthening the amethyst, Zhou Heng gave a hint.

Star vortex can really accelerate!

In the past, when he practiced, he used his body to absorb nearby heaven and earth aura, and then transformed it into his own spiritual accumulation. This was limited by his physical qualifications. Some people were fast and some were slow, which was born.

No matter how much the gap is, in the face of the terrifying accumulation of spiritual power in the comet world, this is even thousands of years!

Zhou Heng can't wait that long!

But what if you accelerate the vortex of stars again?

In theory, he only needs thirty years to achieve the great consummation of the comet, and if the rotation of the vortex of the stars is increased ten times, wouldn't it only take three years?

In the next three years, this was within his acceptable range.

He is now studying how to promote the speed of the vortex of the stars. When the black donkey was responsible for driving, he was thinking hard. Even when he was driving, he was dual-purpose, and he almost ran in the wrong direction several times. He was bitten by Xiaohuo's heels before waking up.

The time passed by Xinghai crossing, one month, two months, half a year!

Zhou Heng completely lost the consciousness of time, constantly trying to influence the vortex of stars. For the first month, he had no clue, and the next month, he went the other way, focusing on how to slow down.

By the third month, he finally had a clue. In the fourth month, he could surely reduce the speed of the vortex of the stars. From the fifth month, he tried to accelerate the vortex of the stars again.

With the experience of deceleration, you have the clue to speed up again. Finally, in the seventh month, he is completely clear!

Speed ​​up success!

But it's only accelerated by a thousandths!

Don't worry, the abbot rises flat on the ground and being able to speed up shows that this road is workable, as long as he persists.

Two thousandths, three thousandths of a week, Zhou Heng's perception is unmatched. At this time, he showed the evil spirits. When the time came to the eighth month, he had increased the speed of the vortex of the stars. 10%!

But this is not enough. Zhou Heng's goal is to increase ten times, not one tenth!

The ninth, tenth, and eleventh months!

他们 When they were close to Bailong, Zhou Heng also doubled the speed of the vortex of the stars!

He smiled, he was far from reaching the limit, and he could continue to improve!

After another month, the Bailong Emperor is already in sight!

The black donkey cheered, 咻, his body flashed, and he had entered Bailongxing.

I will!

A powerful, terrible will soon came, scaring the black donkey suddenly with soft legs and a buttocks sitting on the ground.

"Are you back?" This is Hongyue.

Zhou Heng smiled and said, "I am back!"

"Yes, Qiandao Tianhe has formed, and it is not far from the top of the comet's realm!" Hongyue was very satisfied. "Come on first! Let's talk about it!" It has been Zhou Hengsan who came to Wuyang Academy.

Twenty-five years later, this school has also resumed the former bustling past, but the area where they lived has become a forbidden area, and no one dares to set foot.

"Fu Jun!" Seeing Zhou Heng suddenly appear, all the girls in Yingmengfan moved and rushed over.

Zhou Heng opened his arms and hugged the girls one by one. When it was Feng Qingqing's turn, the barbarous girl looked at him with vigilance and said, "I don't want to be held by you, I will be pregnant!"


Zhou Heng sprayed out, who taught this, Hug will become pregnant? If this is the case, why does the old Zhou family not have a new generation?

When Xun learned that he was back, Zhao Luoyan, Liu Yun'er, and Liu Shishi also came. For advanced martial arts, five years is nothing, no one will grow old because of this, but Liu Yun'er is more beautiful, and has a little charming and tempting mother.

周 When the mother and daughter stood side by side, Zhou Heng was a little bit embarrassed, as if she saw a pair of sisters.

Now Liu Yuner has been crowned emperor, but the girl is not the emperor's temperament, and chaos is as usual.

At the feast, the girls took turns winking at Zhou Heng, naturally they signaled to him that some fields had been barren for four or five years, and it was time to work hard! And Zhao Luoyan was even more tempting. When he came to toast, he pretended to be unstable and fell into Zhou Heng's arms. A jade leg was gently slumped between his legs, which made him almost annoyed. Pressed on the table to give Fa-rectification in place!

Tamarix poems were as bold and hot as ever. When it was her turn to toast, she said, "When will you marry me?"

Zhou Heng rolled his eyes: 什么 "When did I say I want to marry you?"

"You have run away my fiance, now everyone thinks I am your woman, who else dares to marry me? Do you want to be irresponsible?"

Be a good person! Be good!

Good man is this end! Zhou Heng sighed.

This is going to be known by others, and it will definitely be angry! There are beauties embracing each other, and yours must be arrogant, too pretentious, totally unbearable!

From the standpoint of Zhou Heng, there are enough women around him, and he really does not want to reclaim new land. Honestly, he will cultivate the current one-acre three-point land to produce a result!

I was night, and he naturally fulfilled a man's duty.

Fortunately, fortunately, he now has a perfect dragon body, and his physical strength is very good, which is why he resisted these long-time grieving women! But even so ~ ~ After three days and nights, he only had to fall asleep.

After a while, he began to study the acceleration of the vortex of stars.

This reached a bottleneck after reaching a three-fold increase. The reason was that Zhou Heng's power was insufficient to push the vortex of stars to a higher speed.

He has no way to accelerate the vortex of stars, but it does not mean that there is no way.

He went to Hongyue. The opponent has more power than he doesn't know, which will definitely help him to promote the vortex of stars.

But first, he has to ask one more thing.

"I saw confusing heaven!" After seeing Zi Hongyue, Zhou Heng opened the door to see the mountain tunnel.

"Then you know, it's mine ..."

"Master!" Zhou Heng nodded.

"Do you want to know why I want to betray Master?" Hongyue smiled, "Maybe you won't believe it, but Tianjun Zhenjun has a strange ability, people can't help but believe him and be influenced by him!"

"He magnified my thirst for strength a hundred times, and finally made me choose to shoot against Master!"

"And this kind of thing happened to my disciples too!"

"This person, I trust everything, but I still betray me!" Tickets, clicks, and your support are my biggest motivation.)